Show J afta naturist mj the terr ilmy entla aced la in the th matila of carbon emery minth abd tbd kod and granil are scarcely ism ailed 14 a th tha broad chui coui of utah coat bat copper the preci prec to cn metal and many other minerals are re found within the borders of thee these countie lf while pio and valoyd 11 with an a of water at hand in vitel too hlll r of n the owl all thin territory commonly known a as eastern utah it of late attracting mah attention in the and eastern batola tt WT its more tolly 0 I 1 li known by th the ca capillas and home maor re should ere this have wit vesse d an u luliah influx ol 01 immigration ud 1 crotsl would bere have wonderfully aided in oar in the dif of this knowledge ithe Ado cats jabur in the izeer future a lent ellal edition of the res cummi of eastern utah and a the it ul lenall ollor opi or toul ties it offer offers to the investor In and bou bouie seeker it will bo be an edition of 0 not lew low than copies profusely illustrated and experienced new paper men hare have been engaged to att assist ID in coun ting data 1 and in editing this work la in d pitting our many DO no exaggeration is weary nor will any be tolerated tol orated orsted we ahall aall aim to make abi edition an authority MI on utah and iti its Macha nIAll llly it will be a matter waster work of the printer printers and engravers graven en art thatis that it will be of incalculable benefit to this at stion we assert rates or soar it to ahli edition cia can c ia bo be obtained trout from the editor tt unusually fair and impartial paper the salt lake herald has been grossly imposed upon by its correspondent at huntington the person of blUt lee that would came annanis Ann aniu anlas to blich arre be in the alib fl tb tnt cut his paper the following ft dispatch diz patch which appeared in tb segui issue of 0 august X huntington Hanti Dnton utah adf aaa aaz 7 at list bahe 1 h hf ha A appointed a to w s abber the me money appropriated by the tile 1 I 0 1461 sture for a brijon nud and the repair of tace a highway 0 cuyos and ahe people 0 O of a alog on A aa 1 ti vicinity y t aud d FR W 2 guardian dian i for anu la tb hap of a att of f fire fir persons who ho are til ta overtook overlook be the location of the roa it to 1 currently reported the agent it Is averse to building a bridge its was wa the intent of the legle latare aad saw taio thelah law tends to build a bt blidge idge would nut not gin el re the special agent a ace to around and while away the time vilh with ten tan or 13 12 men at VA 0 per day while ho b e fa 3 this kind of work is i anz acting the of the people who ais anxious that the bond bd expended ai its it wae was fu intended tended the above la is not a perversion of aruti or it distortion of fl tad it ia a it calumny ma without a adu titia of troth truth to reet rest on an prostitution tit ution of the columns of a great paper by an correspondent to gra ratify illy pin vonal the no advocate takes cognisance of tala this matter because the influence of the herald ait and the wide of ita its circulation warrant warrants the ampro beaston that the fair tanie fame of emery county may be injured and the ic squib of the huntington anaw humen faed pint her to defeat future ampro to which ae may be justly emaid A are AN a fullor tbt tua road of huntington pre cl lt was appointed by governor wella wells on july it 0 o do the work in to quest len on the of tho county nil his compensation being fixed at ta and that of bas employee employees at elt it 50 per diem clo verner well wells in a a reta by an advocate nl rn n l tad U W appointee to do the wol L at hie his pleasure apte and convenience TIMS tim ef in nillon wa ia its Hou june 29 19 work was w corn COM augot august S and the job is now salt rl couil lew with lib only about abere never waa any ny lutfu ion a bridge or any t alk tib in this hi regard it will be built J ol JI 01 o I l ln gilr ri lr in its about U 11 dejl boero bat awn aLso lately no of labor or of fond funds rt nully use standing of ot the governor appe intes for honesty and integrity ia 14 utile and the I 1 optical aspect ought not au 4 so gava democrat demi crat as a be the U t Ut atril rIl al i abero JA M aea ou 44 twill un ws political pro delicti ml and of c all of them oa das i is a loo popi poll two are r itY 1 0 and oi twenty are r ool democrats auw 11 with the of the know we ruline incline to tota totaling Liag tb to their ton tm warmed 1 but we are re dot hide bid bound to kick at t this division of me tb lunan fee aa a I 1 floa A of cities kd I 1 fasl frn la in utah flat 0 ins fill fall coining coming to tho front out with tickets tb the object being to ecat it the boat nea for office of party amlia tion an n I 1 thus enhance thin cause of municipal l antom uoti a movement 1 14 BOW now being Ita toJ in bulk lake city and other places and already gire evidence of far braue jeaa men are wanted for office who aro ate abot above and elf telf a dixe di zemen meat sua who will borve be the public luithly Luitt ly and bd lowly who will ew ever work harmoniously lirmon oaly willa fellow for tb the interests Inte of a city or town A ud who will lore above petty animosities jad and work land band in haul with ell all ad etty evey ett eve y cluzen for his town towns advancement drance meat wo we hope the this cities and towne towns agtual this atter day succeed in makim making a clean sweep aad and the late state will be mt t for it ft tilka at t ment in this line tu us forcibly that a few would not dot be auda in price and ud everyone knows our town would loom boom under abe uta nago meni citizens Cit lien i there it is every indication that the fanner of U tile valley will thil this year receive for their beat wheat from front 11 1 to it 1 A lan bushel taj quotation at chicago te Is 81 cents when it i is taken in n to con coo iteration sider ide atlon ration that this Is I 1 before harvesting harr etlo haa has fairly begun began it means a great deal heretofore manipulator manipulators bar bare generally managed to old buck back any harp sharp ad banoo until the farmer former and ha its wheat bad parted this season con dictions prevail which even the cannot control the present advance Is dw due to the je laur law of 0 supply ant an I 1 demand the worda sort ly of wheat by reason ot of the famine la a ardia and other causes being many millions of bushels abort the advocate Adro cate cato will keep its readers advised as a to the ten tendency deacy of the ilir ket and cautions thia at thia this time to praden lly weigh nil all offers for their crops before accepting fame rame carboa aad and emery county ari excel a bee culture and this I 1 I 1 aernt and profitable calling should b be more exten extensively sivel lo 10 eastern utah if it is easily marketed and always a way imm command mands a food good prices in recently liaw we have noticed a practicum that ie Is not commend able it is that of bowing visitors working biow tub detaube de abo bofo n and anti interferes with the worker the queen Is bya aggi in 21 11 hours boars and should not be mol lusted neltha should the tb baby workers bo be intel later furred tarred with for a moment their worl worling ing life L id but from au to 40 4 days and elir time thue should be carefully caret nily |