Show CLAY AS ROAD METAL TAL TAT J POT ROT DESIRABLE DESI EXCEPT PT IN SMALL quantities S less ass a s knit mutt ik its an fn to T tf I 1 4 J of W M st tr t on the totis 1 3 1 NI mr f arrs ikid llda 94 the rait part played by water cu 01 crushed store while rolling is I 1 per eral fold la in pr practice artice otome coin plemely irea down is I 1 thoroughly tolled will wilh a toiler weighing tell ir tr snore t toil cue th 0 we t surface Teof of ibo the annular rock rack a crr chuto algas c a la br ricart icart ol lowling the tonti t to i up lip ty cne one c ne ihor levith greater freche freedom ns man would le tile case were tho the fragments city at the nuie souie ahr Ibm water to bailis tho rol rock from alra of the ard tj lolae it eu ilia he rabun luts tills I 1 Is i ant town dative for the pretence of the of att to take itske up and retain hlll still greater quitu titles of tv ater until the he bacr Lc lilt l lt aln fic ried fi ri ed c of drolen tle alc tlc r ti 1 jc part r art ff tf ti th road lw I m e efm ef m 1 lay ua alt toil nt ct a little of tho the cr lending of a land H lolling la IS lii in rel lilly lap of capillarity existing tle grain cf of rendered rock aud bud chood lie adjoining walli this to way lo 10 firs cur nud and faud loud while let tt the leach or roud road may lo 10 firm and unyielding allowing lowing at heavily loalles trams to raw posts over them lait when birj ruch places for beury trams and ard of fer all kinds of vehicles lu ili this OEO case no cut rut lug ing ae as till den tend play plays part iu in adLe siou between be tLe grains upon drying the ws i entirely entirety fire free to ginev t over cue another having lest the water witter which peeved to bind them to jether 1 N MIU lieu a mac adara road ii Is thoroughly compacted a ft will bow that the stone are cloffy ic bufil a the ipach between or cited will with a CLO powdered row dered cd rock wb h it if deri fed croul fro u I 1 a evitable eai of table roa ran martial carrias a percentage of clay play any of cur cow mouly tired rend stout it contain contains nn an op all proc lable quantity of clay in little I 1 lar articles in the whence it baa ham lacu derived by tile he weathering ct rf the rock prier to if its removal from the quarry tile that the feld apar cf our tr i grant ten and other road 14 1 javer entirely tree free front from a considerable aucutt of or alteration to clay thie this change be ben taken place iu ill the crust of tho the earth to a great 1 no material tont crial can felders free from mere C iw lets ct of abi mineral depending lapors tle character of bourk nud the be amount cf of to alich ithan lical by I 1 bo ilia gradual weal wearing 1 of the fel bf ly by the abrasive action of tho the roller the vircle of carriages di sal still the frea ret of a fili forill ill but import tut quantity quo ulily ct of clay in aud and abs tbs b in n ci allou wih with any clayey ma berfal bat that may aco acu to tle road beurce to the isicc quantity cf jf to luit knit the itolo firmly leget ber it ig is i ot ct to to be thab an of lay act lieu lien objection ably when need la in As A ario ii is mere were llian lo 10 cuy clay cletu tut iu in highway con a true flun eyet yet little with eckre rf cf our southern lim serves to boiu in chew e their atil upon drying 1 abo bo rock much after bo the ct of a baudy and ott arves net only to ti bind D 4 the pieces ed rock gether tir bus thus giving ripi dily dudlo id abo way let to retard the wear ear doe c any differential motion of tle the fragment fragments ever ove the tile iced ii Is niong tho the road A of the portion of a roadway thuds liy he rz cf the to enit the ear aur free cc together and analo it to the paim cesae aie of water prow a it ft slem bable that a cutuly con didon cf of moisture cf of ling cb e to a it roadway undergoing constant rae is than otherwise A of MOisI tIcEN to rie joe cf of material wall fine fiu ly by the notion of the he wind and arid the be potice pe pc tice cf of a min t uin fill i of wet duct dust act as a cosbi oss to protect the cf of rock from front he the rode rude touch a aad nd impact of t I Imi tiD Ir traffic allic thoi thus lets en enius ing the vw wear and tr t r at 01 the surface arfa cc in the tle the cement fi to dietra bate the brar flig ear sur faces cf of the brunten stone tod end stud la to reduce be the lr if i 1 intensity u of tile friction bo tv reu one ical cc and anckner Alti Jugh in till his condition coLdi tion will trod fetid to allow a it greater freedom of among the bechlen stouts and 1 belles iu in ibie ray make nien yielding tact the jofs through Ivere arril of from rom moh t utown the rock fragments if is inal final to tile saying doe due to I 1 abe he of a emall quanta ij ly vt or ino leture ou on the there still a efting to the road by the albord afforded ril tx riito loss be action of the 6 atod ind m jt it is the cu ao 10 to plant heilker awis laade U road roads in orear to a burld drying of 11 e ma roa 2 after 11 rr a 8 I 1 rain by the roua iron 1 in 11 my ji it bai ban beau the practice to atrit inea particularly the tb cliar tj ty vt lal title ia in francs the be mulberry tree tuny ledru le arc u along the err sery ing the dout lo 10 firpo of food fur ilk silk worms and aulde in thin no precedent bai has atess rn in the matter the tatu et i deciding this must of cit cam irso mander latitude and longitude as affecting ali the cf of tile trees that will vill flou floutin tio 1 I ill lluhi trin their ie le lotion to climatic L 41 C L JL whittle Vh ittle k I 1 11 Is r t HU s I 1 A A |