Show FROM WE 11 VALID Z his hafty by HITS tit aiu it a airs th lm it t till it J 11 59 froam car era 1 boring tame ilow lafr they are I 1 ri tk log t K CAST LEDALE As A an instas ties of the ilia of cumy auery county ull full and nd tte to Iv peculiar cullar adaptability to the cultivation of ot sugar ieta I 1 eta cu it ft way be dotel that in two iwo row rows but drea eleven rods in jjr mr john Ik elerson raised five bushels of the sac c chorine ix aring vegetable table if icorn duj been planted and the mirits ratio bd had held out it boull t L i yell I of bushels bati cl to tile acro cr T t IN ben lieu cartle valley gds a rall ral rallia rond lra li ii will rival be the famous bouthern bout bern california wit ih lt as the louie houis of ogar sugar beet factories fac torIM E I Jorgensen of at mexico I 1 is paying a visit to LU lits father in I 1 iw im nil christenson Uh ruten BU an I 1 oilier other trim rier f 1 is mr jorgen en raided la bo state of ChiLa uLuA fiolo ui elu lei Ls an axt ara fa tusi la teven tel yere years is 1 one 0 F the rl cicat mining district districts in the luthern Rt publio 11 mr jorgena Jorg eua tata states that dillile the in the price of silver effected thew gunts ally speaking ipe alting tile people of we mexico aw arc are 1 10 a most 9 con oo 00 tuesday lv wt two of CA popular young aoi ie Is were olund la in load tho contracting parties were V L olson rind mb ube anria llalon of their 1 from front San liete cimity and other otier place places were present at abe cerenio ny the brideie bride 1 one arts of our fairest and nd favorite daughters mr or vick as hie his bot hosts of friends tal ie Is a genial sell cd roter cater arling 1 iba all Caell ft dale loin join in wishing a happy and unit prosperous voyage on the pleasant plea nt ui of matrimony ole olsen 0 has been visiting friends in mt pleasant the put week on friday eyes ing aa last iut john giddings and bride nee mable roller gare gave a wedding danai dance at social smiel HIM 1111 which was at attended tendel from far and near all went merry as a marriage bell and the young thoroughly ajl ed ahcin delvos ix law till Joc jocund tind mora morn tood stood the misty mountain term 11 genial boren hansen will in itric a student at IJ T academy provo oa on the opening at of the fall term seymour olsea olsen li agals a happy heppy rather there ie is a ditch tao chloee 16 P U barren son eona a hop which the road supervisor c ct the precinct pie should ere am to it itis Is a inEl soca to life kiil pro pirty p arty and to or by any ally eave save the stoutest ton test ton wu mie taice not mot there ts s o 0 an ordinance ordina oco a all 11 jerins taking water treed streets lo 10 oil 9 0 fr f r roc rock k tile ditch so it ft will be pa wible it if so ito iton boull lj ba be enforced the fildi referred tots to la a standing tandi ag in for a law suit alt on tuesday tattle or arrested rested aad and into custody Cae tody edw ol 01 ft arron on a charge of grand larceny alligee that oleen ran off uie the range a cow boti belonging sos to loyman S beach of 0 calru and old sold ama santa to part pirt I 1 I 1 castins ing ti through rough the country exam a 1 is ata tor for wednesday august 29 23 a J p ui the telephone company should take cognizance of the he condition ot of thin telephone rim ire between CAst C leisle and orangeville Orne Orang rille eville two pole poles are down in lue the bod of cottonwood creek anil and the vv wire ire ba has boen town tagging sagging lower forks for all day until at prevent it nearly fo aches the I 1 MOAB 10 v abe merchante mer chanto a busin tsi la is good goed but the for abo trait crop u a complete failure mr carliell Carll Carl tle iele of carlisle ranch 60 mile miles south of 0 this place arrived from kong kansas city anil ana left banday I 1 for or ibe the ulo mountain monsita in country ca mr me arlisle Uirl Lle stated that bo hog we would 11 id boon soon pot put in a largo number of sheep on ui ids old cattle reng henry goodman pursued 60 50 R thell at pleasant valley junction Jun ellou nd nit will troll tonito to the bind ulna mountains monn taina for grazing frad hall r and min miss ada ails 13 Blia ilai kweK arl I 1 la in marriage merrt aee saturday evening by crapo the boy baby of 0 mr and arv lr frank g all died saturday night of pneumonia mr aim ada 31 axwell awell has into her now toro store and ani will have a flae fine display of elegant millinery mili nery to exhibit to her mum arous customer customers its 1 4 few day days NN hat bat ba has become vl of the advocat m wake a e up chris taylor 14 agda ag da on tbt rA rree ts but bowing showing up a little thin after his creetle ere tie with tbs 6 n 1 fit I ltha tab jr 9 baa halt cited a atno ano ecar call to the lou held of bezim its Is makin linking pre ration to tog rh j the cry Monty wat at westwater Ww bae has alry filgas if moab waists to leold the conny county feat seat abs must pet get 14 beetle abat 9 apen a pea walmort froin row the groaned op up good road out to the 7 s m s a I 1 f r i W lt I 1 f 1 r filwar woi wo i a tell heui I 1 to check the ilie tho the ennd atop of loo in li Is in the lurk stack irit not a thorough drench ing willed which will loaa town its it value 1 as pro dindor at lu a rt r dr I 1 ati a to town a wu dally canoes arthur bu has a fine new Larri alte air mr boy 1 lift him entirely recovered cred tie biou it bli his lt lost mishap but with bo the lows loss of a I 1 me ute u te eto HELPER mr HI an I 1 it mr ris ot of wv pee an anian I 1 aliv I 1 elmr r of till this ainoo to it ll eltron fir several 1 days alny dullni lethern 11 V junction ant 01 ol where aboy tb y till will camp anil end i ow wa f the thoulow thus fish fishlow log 3 james aloon y ind qa his hi popular iopu lr young bruu brido have occupied hi dir resi 1 lenco aws are re I iff ig tile building ban recently buru born trailed to A ri new mew coat of faint which add adds lunch to the once of the building Lull JIng bon tin tha pannier did tho the work ezilla Exit vin sonley from A trip to kolkin 1 D W dilly will teach conr school llo like year connly watt of price unit 1 11 1 F catley caller of Cast berc on ou on on monday the it U bays jat jost painting the tile rating house loth both in fn and on to I 1 Is an 4 are not nim work on the deput I 1 we ve that nil all other company I 1 lail bildin nil dings din here will rewire rem lycia n ali coat of 0 point valt att the newly bu illings anil ana the beautiful thi the colip mys properly property berel here Is Aia arbor wiro vi netting etting baa has just been built from fron tho the track to to the aUng botu pad nil when coverd with will aej dj to ilia beautiful property J tom fitch la Is culling cutting his second crop of lucern mr fitch pitch has put much work on hie his property and when completed will bava have an el gant home arent parrott and family will leave in ili the near f future for an extended exten dod visit iowa wisconsin and minneota Mine liline eota soia voting old time acenas thy they will wlllie bono gone about month mouth watchman ketchum took a roa mn down to price ou on monday ORANO EVILLE abro tb re cju nn an unique at beardi dam on iino abl top of the wasatch fullway between matti aud sud orangeville Orang eville recently oar our hn aling little tawa li is largely ly pec pled by natira native son to of the aud and the meeting which lutcs two or three day days massole woe was ole sole ly for sabal communion 1 exchange of re ro ant in I 1 geri gerneral eral I 1 beatry le leu antry Atry u throdere were allty persons present trams mauti and fitly fifty fira ara from front orange ville among tho the latter iwick J K held and family JJ 11 M and family fau 11 U M cox CON an and family ELU cox still ad family 11 G U failson and family A C van dabreu sad family A A van baren and family aud many oth othora cris 1 foma tome talk among the titu ne n of changing the nun i of our to rn thoro there la is no particular choice for an another ther baino me and for thil reason we wo suppose ebore is little in interest terest it might lie be julit aa as well to let the matter rest work 0 on tho new chool school hoage house goes steadily on v dear ear 11 all 11 II the onildo work being finished finie hed rind lie the bull a ling will be ready when school oin when the building bail Jing Is i completed comple tod we will ill bare have the laige and lt building boll buil dlug diug in the county the flood which apt swept through town last week did little damages in town to wit but did considerable cousH consi erable lerable dabag 6 to ton tom gales crop jolt below town it I 1 M or bw bushels ot of wheat wn was loel boet loet all this might hays boon been avoided bat but the flood sailed the controversy and 1110 thep opla U tat tj t j woric work as will toc lo 10 the ditch along the track of the flood stud ull bi 11 completed no forthal dannage to t wu twit property te in expected od I 1 mrs thayn wai was quit quito ill bat but if is now wu 11 ll tj to I 1 le ju altia the n was tnt lot ani joked two or stireo ack W 1 I aej it BI afta ble bleaching bl abing athing for souls tin tius hw till just jost bow ewt in to ill stack 1 happen exit iwo gite it ed a tha the f fanneral of f J ha an martin tho the young tili inri wao ins tb blow ug currell cairn d on of last w wk k service wre were held hold I 1 in ilia scold I 1 w ara cju the e of abu dilno for aire ars the sop 11 wo was it aist confined t w IT br ald when nw u ar a r insina gAtis 09 to il 1 and attento 1 the fa eral the fuu audrid kral wa was largay Mt eadd th the fais have the tile of or th tha entire ton tonal r lu in their abe P V cil are re moving S stoN I 1 anine 1 oa 01 gommall of ali the oregon hiort line w re examining he U P dalnes it it week with a view to 0 o lobular them it appears the uch figure it t which ibe ili holda holds the ician mines ie is the only ta liar to the asi eal the Tho people here anxious I 1 for wine reliable compilli com a pilly lo 10 ja I 1 11 A 4 I 1 1 if ari I 1 I 1 W uk 11 I 1 1 11 I 1 I 1 1 1 f t lease or liasse the luin and work it S 1 I peddlers are making ui biln ln tripi will from nuil utah balloy with atu 1 does aul ud the lh atau count lers load lick with coil 1 the I 1 bulan who are at t work at ott the winter quati re mines havi petitioned le the it 0 western to ran is train to carry them thew to it U I 1 hoped that the ho will run the it the report of alio Allt loui of affairs 4 1 1 0 of o luibry county schools for tho ilia fiscal ascal year ending jun june go B 1497 tilly given 1 the comity county cornut sita Bil joer nets by bupt JH illace an n showing liters inure enrolled la ili uio the county 1133 leill iran ot of school stiv the atteo loc wu wass eublio choul private schools IV total 1 I or aa no oa at tenda noo at 0 VO per cant mutt most of ali the liberate w v ere outside ou lilile of chelli the 1 thila limit 1117 of the r ven were v abito bile anil arid thre Iii lans tb the financial statement lain allows 1 and exi 0 of api 6 there it Is la IQ the stat 1 or locast re fuad s aad a balino 1 ef ofa IN till annl I 1 N I 1 this school boot faud tend for at for any I 1 purpose st tit total of school Iro ro porty perty la in the bo alren district districts ni A appraised by th the fir trait ece Is 1901 01 while the total la in I 1 is lut but 50 1 several yonn inea men of linro jars a llon Syke of their own it Is nt a gold or silver mine bat in Imus euto deault ol 01 litho alone the property pro pirty lies about twenty cullee aou hat of hire wit 11 ll was dia covered agule iuie thus ago by of CAStled S noo 1100 coining late 1 hi poM Meloa of the present owners the stone to neba has been swayed by ex la to salt anko anil new now york city abd pro the ilia very beet quality of bithis graph tone when the of thi this it winz tonal ln only 03 ty oai oad otine alaor face la in the count country ry ii Is taken into con Ider atlon with the ilia vaino valno for use rise la ili the arts rt it will bj sion thit lae kao owners sio of illva tends is not nok aa an dromm in lai leeJ overtures ture to purchase A hatnot have not ben been cornU ered the owners harin haylo decided ile diled to work the property a thein selves aud and men have bea engaged for the tb purpose the company controlling 0 this valuable aa dis discovery overy 1 Is comi pd P d of I 1 hyta lorelei loveless win wui floya alo abo al o hausman Uror 0 nao AU AX smith 11 mr win floyd und gas Auder sou of atit a tit lake complaint ComplaIn ti bat 4 been wilh with chanty attorney At torny 11 hows 3 aa W vt 1 henry ani nl john I 1 0 of ferro 1 i foi tot letting waste wet water the be roads these compla loti w it bi its prosecuted vigorously aa as the roads la in averal M vera settle merits are in a from this cani caulis and un thi ai a i dr detar to pat put a top stop to the evil 1 I hyte loveless Lore lesi and william willin its floyd are an owners ot at a prospect bajt e ut of here that promises to be a it asli agiya ays 40 49 muaia ia silver and ani carries aul xul boll I 1 and ana I 1 copper they bavo tiyo daan 1 on at catl C asle a 1 L gerry rieal entity to tho the C learge of at 1 battery preferred gagiu gai iu hetu himly ly jok Jod Ivey boe county woon suffer 4 ing from a an all I 1 painful foot Is 4 14 ing stopped upon by a coar 0 if wa mr and mr mrs anbrew ift a it wedding lin dance to their legion of friend friends at smil sod MAI I 1 lut it wa was a avery very aw 1 ha genial IW 0 dorton the popular company was calling an big lle lit till week wa 11 1 1 br by bb hu cousin 1 dt D 1 17 of in 1144 1 4 the letter later is snaking a RM tour t f wals tai ad Is A ch ck 1 Z I valentel tal entel an I 1 lad laa r M q S As A the AdvocAt is i the fertility u conn boll latha Product lott 1 of aa boots it not 11 th abi unprecedented ao ana yaw of at a few seeli own sown by JW litt Q toU wt IL had three row rows a TO ris I 1 I 1 long ion last year which i six iz tro bus I 11 I 1 beli beh abu yield jronin iva 0 an ot of over aw bushels bu ib to abi |