Show THE PIGEON LOFT atess tt retime ess ie time to lire urla numa rike retea dag 4 Gov isral cam cr jl in 10 lo do rog snake es estraca trava laut A belech a few row pair patio from it lott loft that yoo you biow bass ani gift type at 0 bird of which yon approve ap prore iuppo who in red their hum good stock birds that can in be abt s lard at I 1 ara a figuni carefully Carf tully bread theme birdi birds for a few among without lot lut other stra lux and arid you will be uril md what can bo bi mado made lu its a very bort time should mig agu us of too cloe close lob siding appear RO go to tho the some me loft lofto nuil suit if reliable fanciers fund they will let yon you bays of we pains blood wide enough apart to roll suit your und and it in 18 only by this tum auy any fancier cuts helps to fix AIL A type in that or ili 10 breeding good stock and anil giov bitelo I 1 the baue of lie tile young fancier ii is tho the Ter lastic delpire to bay buy entry fresh ba be and fancies he who dw thin will never mal 1 r a name for him self or of fix a bill left loft that way as n tute tots cool coull 1 mol all fail to tt tn n if he ew saw them hundred t cf of sidles away lu in another iwert of the Tir the general 1 malt result iii lit a 1 cd ed I ht ift ft cf of andi ta dl re rr itar hini with lia nj more a 4 eulth chich be can do nothing lu in reproduction almy methodical al mau hp aular of action to making to hi loft to pacify the imparl nt action cf of the bird birds to first thein fresh food and lieu theu to and refill I 1 ibe be drinking fountains this doup dour a look cau call tie ba taken at as the ha neita to we how the sitters are mud null that the a in the nest lavo have jaily daftly pawed the slight and ain ANO to fee how tho 1110 paten pai cut stare caring curau for heir their young aft er the birds lure been kit frioud mull and the naw given 1 a chanco to feed tho ilia young a then liters the exits can bo be rix bcd which iu in every eacy well regulated left loft raould bo ba clofed at ut slight and the old binh birds be allo vied to tle take such open air exercise ai as they aro arc accustomed to while the loft soft in 1 vacant tho usual 1 cleaning can bo be river au all I 1 the tile loft net act to right grain that lini hits been reat terril from frota the paun paus or hoppers bo be gathen gathered d up aud bud if not kiloh can be win dried anti need used over again many pigeons bato a habit babit of throwing the grain from frons ido aide to lido side by this action much is in thrown en on tho the bloor if not gathered up every day tiny would be to wasted if the dar in Is blight bright aud anti after this has all been done a bat bath can be for the bird birds and when possible tha is atit riven out of boort aud and oil he the irmand aoud if it the of the lott ii tieh r not to admit of thin this then the bathing pair ran can be placed on the floor these kanj can CAU be of a alize wowe to bait the number of pigeons and the convenience ft tiro fancier aft er the anos work has been ten per formed I 1 he birds can be left to them acara 1 and tto me tt o owner can go about his ansin us a about 13 a little croall food cau call be placed in iu the hoppers or thin will bu be enjoyed by the heng hens which have now bt cu relieved from front their incubating by the ingless in aless 1 and stud it if ery iery marm fresh water toay may be placed iu ju ali tho fountains about 4 or 6 iu in the he a little hemp canary or rapo wed feed can be given lvin it js alwayn a treat and airdo to it will alway always lo 10 on oil hand at ski the allotted td receive it As the day and all have their places for the might the bif alif old bo be closed A it everything in I 1 fonua to lo 10 iu in proper condition tho loft in bo be closed and fattened to await the coming of another day poultry monthly |