Show NEWS J R sharp AIA wife wro down dowis front late libl boult mic mir A J 1 lee left price on oil for Spring springville ville to visit her pt wll leonard rf of 14 I 1 pay ply log the highest cards price for wheat bant tark lc 1361 wr froll 11 n ot irico tn monday connaty if loidia loi lei dir thIs beg at 1 un on manddy next J dativa huurre of tue tle 1 daha ar U fru altor on oil gearard it huntington Is 1 parin in iho the biggest Ligi iett cah M it price for ehst wb al 11 g at tv V la 18 cur ear tit of provo WM was atlen I 1 lug ng court tho latter latt of the week pator lloyd WAI dr cir cu culafic latic hining price 1 friends curly in ill 1 week hobert mckune return returns 41 lo 10 price after it weeks airence lit the talky win AVID K held of mauti in bun n lir and leit monday fur for 0 dald where be he attend nt d court ons decant atit price en on train a busin tsi rip trip to baker city oron to be absent a or ten lay II 11 LT Ca came in front ruin the I 1 lie poat thursday truing evening noil and left the 11 for Clif cago on oil a it TW ti leave or 0 ft of itsuo neveda amz in the vicinity of price prim mel nelv tuesday 1 reloaded and lib his jolmer aci to the batern luarks luar kf ban bain king mine cattle in from vernal sun stir silly ana left immediately for CiMin to tale be in bonit conye contenul con Teul tild nato nate kulin kuhn came cattle in 1 and iric for a rip trip by wagon through emly ty connly county into the sevela AV W kanrr ir hand bandlow lett ibo tho hibon are lonait go ing 1 to kywe tn in thie this valley the i rim itt ili nit wit justify shipping an e and ani cannery to li it emo oo 00 of bead bo to lh ill lastrico las trici cf cl the volley 11 wn Lr nl abu a locille lo lille hf Is bokirk wheat emery and paying pitying cae will be greatly ly ty it ie e t amery conaty people mr leauard if I 1 i 1 l cash for catu r OI 01 1 b by r bishop Ilo ilroy K roy GH gil ecra to adivi 1 ajr u 11 doti mr glisson ami asid I 1 IU U ac ne 4 irile aro are avell in anc air biating bf bli i far t of 0 reens air wit glunn alion ali on M school tit t T inq I 1 nor o 0 r ago ito alo att aremo Arr Mo fri tai ti tn in glitus mali tah and 1 ancevic life lt amk ihu thu I 1 joti aget were i driven tiri vento to the agency a lart pf t I 1 IU lid I 1 W baroli brugh the folco roand aronna ti i S of or fanic bi to na on guillin I 1 BUB nm ot of alpas so brayt i its stat ho he bea in tn abool log had LL iwa lulina two bloo 11 1 1 con cou i f locy n nia 1 l to A C au agemy beu aly irod A 1 08 ing 1 to 11 hery cry bartis the namcy r C apt C cl I 1 the 11 and bs wl wil al 1 l V t uy b kled ly by civil action i L 0 cyoung C young brieff our ewt r mw no OB on irrigation with lor lorremer reter he pleasant coil cuil coull w bulso rB elneer were la ia price on friday fart log over the th country alyin no north rth of price river as tar far east vi glaras 1 pirk irk aw fill a VI W at of fae lull tf pf ln lan I 1 alia nl the i evist of mr I 1 ir or leliter stati 4 flat in ill cla claa j I 1 ji 1 irk V 4 al cixto w 4 17 14 7 at a 1 e or t S 1 v ill I 1 hith itic glut letwin 1 W ip 6 wp enily lon ilar d a o 0 fruit culture and yer very 4 tHou the tho cen atti jephy Jeu hy I 1 for so a sm ail to look x t ito an immense jr tal inspector general barton button U B F at aricy to y now cowitt sit port fort douglas that bijl blia price banday axt en route to ft rt duct nc ito I 1 e i grow was wa loter rod lu its the cemetery on liny day list abarge targe ron con conre conroe cf friend friends nn an I 1 paying their loit last respects to tho the 11 II OW elob oar oaf genial county rt from butt salt lao amt week boen taking lh hil urn aud mu huinh resume inh tiMs Art arthurf lurf clev Ci croland elands pioneer tc her hoine on saturday lu mrs arthur Arthurs has ben b en visit ing I 1 la ft the ali other valley since tho the jubilee in lake on ou july 31 24 athe atha rait fruit crop in ashley valley Is I 1 the bet this is amson t iti valloy T lafy lim ever wo aitto fact that ul ba b a ahli in the btttle vt anul EX E the friends of 0 major 0 C leWy commanding at t fort rort will be pleased thai that ho he le s gradually aint brought about by a sur nr ical opera oper ilea tHon for gracel la in the be the little C G reanold son on of G W ito call fill hit from at lii li no rito tn on Thur islay last and bit arin sire sirs called n I 1 with chine a of air mccall the i wu WA own set et tbt afa little f raw will suffer very little from the injury do D la Is back bock with us 1 11 i aboard the iterlee t 11 lw 00 oo tit of pro ore from froin knoot kit bli dincov rl ri a that was wonderfully in boll bolls gol gul 1 and alio aleci ol 01 oro WM the ix i ora of A man 4 ban band d ail I 1 wail alcoa anut burts metal when khodr dr inalee known the loi ion of lil the blondke region will rill sing nt ba ball I 1 i it nu nul I 1 th thi ot tr t ar r at t louses mill a I 1 oin oi n far ir uth tho tl we vre to at tv t V I IK atou tou vernal express and 1 I 1 opt 11 willia ylla badr bear near ili gilr Ii l lr r crak IP lie o 1 from llort tn li iStir tir jck it is imlig fittig lih IM hinal ln ni A wh Is ito bollo 1 I the tacil 11 are little stil tull atit with his lil whip t biuk ont en ans 4 eyre tes the first track ri 1 v doolity don lity UK u izer a then ma ui ie to a fl fitce ace ats tits ta tat i mr palm palmar palmr r an 1 was coran rc ral aly n cral inid fight jck jack says y be he ait lul tou sethe abe w taj I 1 rely ia n UNI I 1 it ka new hilll billj ln asi bands arl ar l tomorrow bonday alft ulft C IA U a danaro da niro r af nr cr old frim 1 williim Vil liim im cowley of and sroni IS j e araw mua farm farmr fir nr r af 6 willow cre tk he will be n re debie 6 firem colira near Veri V nillon ani ant the nit of the tb r osivill 6 will ill alag a aig bill b ill njg b a looked for night tho the pro hlebda COD cons i silina PAM an ei the 11 loew of the gertral lan 11 I 1 i hg boo lunski han l a it to oil till united im 1 I 1 an A diL inac 0 o fiorot firm the law i ro to 6 11 ux 6 a malty 1 as hah o 0 as KJ fine a and amb for nl y on qu fire 11 apon the public damaia id 4 ft of 1 l ani aull one yan eay imprisonment if camping a 1117 pirtie tIt extinguish their firta on br a aking king a P camp it itta Is istl the tb lav law be tor vi brasly or asly to tout forejt nn |