Show jt CREAMERY PATRONS 1 that ul oba tb at at f milk mill ellk i to lo 10 four blines it rek week lo 10 1 winter I it let aw 11 in except fund y on oil abo be 1 to the lilt tot mi m most lo 10 protected itow lent pj 1 but ir i f r and fritz log in winter ly coter coming lux ww blankets rat 1 irous birss nic ellza oi no 09 any kind of la I 1 artt prove sit inick from froin aring 96 0 4 all stilla delivered ith hall I 1 lo 10 antt owl find in rood good jf if uny may tx be found elb erwim tle the reject the he lain sains an As tc riding to this till end the um should lo 10 if are they should be kept as 4 clean as a roell Ll before nit the be aad link should lo 10 carefully ani t fully limbed aud and then ili a dalip cloth even if 1 tle the cow Is i al u For cutly cleats panteus I 1 should careful lout lionly I 1 sy or litter alidort ci ili y bay or that bits in ball dait dust which if it to ret get into lucatta or milk will baro hato a bed had effect cu oil ho the u agusty T or ill 11 ter cow should vever be allowed under mr any it at intili ling lima tl matL the air in tle debould bo be ax as c conr car aad it twit las possible As A aou won ni ilk li Is drawn 1 front abb cow it benid ba tta luid through wito ivita and nd it I mud goold wore it 49 up tip in can cans to 10 lo hauled d 11 drw PP new vew ili ilk should not I 1 bo pat put in it lie liet i oil Hii irilli tho milling that hue been beell lu its brhen li Is rot delly deml evary tiny day it should bo be stirred up jt at leapt owe in fit 13 12 hours to prevent the chento fit tn boull sc too thick nix to ridda will lu to ii u ai jiin t aai ie lor 1 lili 1 lor the aann ben befit milk should bo he promptly at the boina boor hour for each tacit radon patton As annoti booti na tho the como honn with they should liuni tied rinsed out with fold cold water vater mud uj carefully washed arith worm water containing a little lot al cod oda thru then scalded wilb willi boiling wr and lorita lori tJ up pp on o 0 racks lu in the t he iou af lint cupa copts oil off until the tol lulo c to scalding a the kllc eaux a with 11 bol collipi lipi itter should alclo aptly to the cilk rail laud cud strainer relur rn lur steam would le Is bebur lut ibro that ie I 1 e lad but a good largo cf lolling water cot vot a little dab of a few quarts quart L batrous should lo 10 exceed angly careful pot to will Is tow too near her 1 time of cal cahlan before or drift 1 tico of alie mie aleto to in ini h tho ald aird should I 1 uever lo 10 al 1114 aach d wf re T afre v 1 l r Dalr ymca |