Show point dont waite much time crying to eure feather rating henl decapitation ii is the beat maledy give 01 fresh water dally daily and daring let them bays a anew new ap tup rl twice a day linio time ii dug erous to have al out the premise eliere cas of cuterith cute outer ills are tractably trac tract rabia ablo to fowls owl eafum in tl 0 from Is state tamo tame fowl fowls are alwy always the most profitable profi taLlu wild and excitable hens are mat cor cur 1 t it mt baky put pott the bo late ou on ilia 11 egg eggs akio cathar lent careful vork in that di mean your doclot dont torge that cleanliness Is 1 st it to godliness liean llean teri are always to ili m it requires filth fifth to make tia flourish and do doi of care fu u the of poultry is worth whole pint pluto of jurd irlue care I 1 sic ludes im rr ivr clela aud 11 acot clear water arit it and a ci bitant warfare wt wib winter and drumater gain dinst vermin hi we bick fowl fowls pho haild be put in a a place olt cit of sight aud and hearl sig of the rest of jb tin flock ami nud ibey they bolle ile I 1 given ko there ii Is no sense cud und halos lu in drugging n whole ita to care curt a fw few arx sick individuals medicines should neter never be 1 pitt n iu is lu its metallic hewl L in the timing as much P will bo bc cadru up tilean will greedily in dye in lnater v beat vats and baek f la in jitter litter tor for all dar cz erciso nud stud parree parr be whole deml in zu jot jost bufore going to a cocat for lot lots cf gf egas I 1 I 1 |