Show the bert SM polls ima babe fa to the haft anent oa an write writes 14 ft puller of alln oa ga this fa Is his tb tor of all who IL it for instill la lame back pralo well owell tee lop aai ai I till numerous slight all ailments ll menti ments C aa of eleIs to every house hon behl tak lial moist bat no equal with it ie in tas houn a art dl dead ot at pain find ad 1 for ule 1 I by aln 1 I eri feet it my duty to give gl you a truthful statement tat ement ot of what hit Chomber lAud gaic cholera aull diarrhoea remedy did write J collins of moor moore S V C 1 I had bad a child about two year years old that bad the diarrhoea fur for two 1 tried all the amt known remedies but non none give the leat least relief when this mifody came to hand I 1 gave it as u directed mid kud la in two dy days the child wa wait completely cured sold by all medicine dealema the two yar year old 04 aoa son ot of W L 1 forga OB son of bolton miss 1 had cough atter after several physicians he h prescribed for or him without relief r write writes mr iou 1 I persuaded ded my wife to try a 1 6 cent of 0 chem berlaga ber lala cough remedy Ret nedy the fint first dm bad had the desired effect and la lit orty tiebe honn hours he be wan was entirely free from all congh I 1 consider your remedy the beet beat in the market cop ep epailly cIlly bally for children abd it stall at all times the 23 stal cj 60 cout six 3 for eale Is by all medicine deela effective feb 2 23 stat bound and feb ary eat at bound A new now tourist car cat will be run ran between st SL lonia louis and portland 1 pacific D A R P G 0 I 1 U W 0 EL 8 L and 0 IL A N thia this car will leare leave st loul louis every tuesday n night ight arriving ring at salt lake uty city on n train no I 1 ei try friday and leare leave unit lae laef la e city itsou on train no 1 every friday a arriving at portland every sunday morn mom ing ia which will give gr passengers paw nger a lay over in salt lake city of about twelve hours east boond bound thu this weekly tourist car will leare leave every monday night might arriving arriT log at salt lake okyon on train no 4 f t ery vry wednesday arriving arri Ting at st louie fery itry saturday morning E IL mcdonald agent S mott one of americas p h cyst 14 ora uli ula is bonsu a 1 I scrofulous c beautiful children al 41 uck nave force sart lv i stout muscles and bewer te to resist disease ase sc r dalkas 1 C children M adren th there aa 1 afif C io to f e 7 scoff 9 S ko 1 m p i I 1 of cod lw 0 X cwi derpo of saif a 1 cju it MIS ik good i ad tl c chil chida n fed 4 W bynium byN b Iua nir rich bk bloody ik appetite for oed ad ifrey if rex te the bod body 7 power ia digest it be c s sure you get SCOTTS emul a 1 I 1 lon 0 lav 3 v ciu and lioa 1 ca 4 jr 1 W 1 a mi aw vea IT 1111 1 g f jn ita 2 x I 1 A oai baking I to r a t 1 ate MAW ft he w at n t t 1 0 it le WE i ar I 1 er al V ell C 11 THE CHILDREN ENJOY BAKING DAY I 1 A 9 ir COR AND TO MAKE THESE NICK LIGHT CAKES AND BISCUITS IllS CUlTS THE COOK t US LS S BAK BAKING ING POWDER consumers note the price prices 5 oz cans bioc 8 oz cans 16 oz cans asit A your one t for or s e re s 1 1 you will HI aun ko bo pleaded 1 hat that y you or u w III ill u s e u orbr I 1 MIF 11 m CO too the er ot I 1 ibis paper will be too to lorm that there lj Is at lent least on arc awl illi case bat that science hi joeen able 1 lo 10 care la in all 11 II itt ili stag alp and nil bit that Is I 1 catarrh halls 1111 catan U cor cars I 1 Is the only 1 flait cur cut known in tb the In edical fraternity lananh win a alro ft a treatment lalli cikra acting ily aloo s the ali and luttin ons Fut facts 0 thi fry turn destroying 11 the tb oth illi time and DI giving thi strength liy by wit 1111 up tu con COR an nl I 1 lri lo 10 it its tl work the hara ej J tunch ablith la in it its curativo cuta tivo powers that they off r one oa Ha Haalie tilted il dollan dollars for say oy cw cas 9 that it f ah to baj I 1 for list ot of tal tea I 1 montilla A allm I 1 ir mi F J ft CO IV TOW to 0 suu sull br by 11 all II 7 71 hall I 1 family nj fj wit at the beet klarl Kl trl bitters ina la a medicine mullett for any season abio hat but perhaps more atner nuy silly needed when brn the languid lao alil es bausted feeling prevails tre vails when the tb liver Is lofell I 1 and ciui lh L end and the need of a toula and alterative altera tire in U frit felt A ne of we th macia mt cia b ofton areah luu anil per bim bapa distal balaoas fevers tir M no cioe will act mor more purely la in counteracting and nj freeing ibo the atin system from froin the th malarial aown II conti po bostion tot stion lon dizzini biell to hectric bit tr tao wo nr nril l 41 t IJ I s J per bottle at emery BREAD POTATOES and MILK 1 A dyspeptics daily diet 11 16 one of file most arvn prevo pr lift of f 3 nor from it I 1 at aim raw dif th irl I 1 ideal or r rot leave for r Tr T brkl hix kl to their etreo OB isa chimil life IH ad 1 hp happi ie wb wl t ill dr dy pt 1 e tool I 1 noi kocl t arr 1 ra I 1 leilh its gas is 1 I 1 the i iov allf i 1 ty lh th a A ficia ps d 1 t II 11 irell 1 d ir ow A KM 11 12 1 2 1 c sod romilly elect say 1 tro led th he I 1 macceo of or ile ayr ayer hr la in curing is di I 1 d dyuro is 1 ll 11 doe d to I 1 ft abl ally i ly it ol 01 r newlan the vital lore force ii g the was w a aaa lods lo 10 of 1 I lh th le b body 44 to the d air tr frestone estone t balga bricf I 1 a oil avro to the h level 1 I 1 lh ill afa wak bow h or ili aloes Ser patilla an fn pats tw into tote ll 11 of tile troug food lit fit lot man II 11 dots do thit by tog the entire system tilt stomach case cot ry stay rak weak ches all 11 II the tb illif glaug tri orth I 1 r ayr ayer will do tor for d lott ms lt is iet ie t itle la is c set like ll kho he M hafid hl fid meridian Mtr ldla ml laos mr me sh tilde bid ad lot dow down lot to th atit level I 1 ol 01 dyspepsia at rat 1 him bim tell tell bid cows for foryan years t wall emitted with ill all ll 11 hith ddlly rd lly or o ord r u tit I 1 cow could ecat t alth log but ige read and potatoes KEEPIN KEEP MONEY ONEY AT HOME by insuring in the HOME we FIRE OF UTAH CAPITAL HEBER J GRANT CO beoo gen abts salt lake THE SCIENCE OF irrigation I 1 master it by reading wilcox s 11 irrigation farming A book of 3 50 pages and illustrations bound in cloth price 2 by mail mall prepaid pre paid we wc print the best agricultural journal on earth try I 1 it and keep posted k address FIELD AND FARM DENVER COL will wit a little lilt belt driB dris kAily komir a little milk I 1 0 I 1 iiii I 1 loo mack cb at e firm teo these tt ibl suffering alif rl if in 1 the h riale of 1 I th the at lonich fortia pals back ol 01 I 1 ih he eye 1 1 with dl dirlan asia sad 4 poi filat lo 10 lots of 1 ight I 1 cold max etli hia ins fl ly I 1 bad ach severe attack hl ihl tbt the tattle if 1 side 14 ol 01 mr my t wv fast numb end turl lilly se p laird aa an this I 1 was ia lakan on ta ny my tom room auto kil th tl failed to help in ad ol 01 lb ili amy remelle 11 1 I look did M iry y 4 A at I 1 lot last a tilted td m r rie oi alf A era na 4 wore I 1 hd had add d haril el of it I 1 co 14 to used d decided choose chrt for or tbt the bailor 1 I filter bottles WAG 06 Cilo olIt fly cures tt kl to lv lour j year I 1 be ht flot board t arty and ad able to lo 10 1 rt I 1 bt 1 to clr lf as to it wold be bc isaae j a to say y go much in to praise pr of 0 tr dr A ayt yet at bap devit till III and nd 1 I oud id sot give foat on ol 01 lor do doff u ef t oar any that klad kled 34 16 B sol fares L US M edisis ml M try lr vr ayr pavilla 1 II 11 ton at f it arees ll 11 I 1 you mort more teallia troll AV V lo 10 the a in of of 1 I the ib a diela di elc set dr A adf C jtb 61 II 11 Is I 1 1 tat I im lots 04 0 toque by the J Q ayer co lowell J WONDERS OF SCIENCE lung trouble troubles and consumption can be cured an end Is to t ve ar r I 1 lerk ork and ad act lilt list r a I 1 ff too offer to oat 0 andr the distinguished new york T A demonstrating his ht dis cobery of a reliable and ab cure tor for pulmonary taber tuberculosis cu losis and ell all bronchial throat inn lung and chest client din diseases am cough coughs catarrhal catan hal affections general decline and weakness lom of flesh and all con ditlove of wasting away will end send tn akes 11 all II different of 0 big new discoveries to any afflicted reader of the advocate writing for them his new scientific treatment hae has cured thousands permanently by its it timely use and he con consider it a simple 11 pro fess ional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible cure care science daily develops deT elope dew now wonder wonders and this ibis great chemist r gently expert men ting for year years hae ba produced ae as beneficial to tu marilty as can bt b claimed by any modern genlue ilia ills assertion that lung troubles tron blee and con gumption are curable in a any dim climate te I 1 Is proven by heartfelt letter letters of gratitude tude filed in hie big american and enro labor to lee in thousands 1 anus from those cured in all parts of the world x medical edical experts concede that bronchi colial and lung troubles tron blee lead to co non which uninterrupted i means speedy and certain death simply write to T A blockum M C 91 pine street new now giving poet t office and express addren address and the free medicina medi cind will bo be promptly seul suffer buffer en era should take instant advantage of his generous Kene roua propos lion tion please tell aba doctor that you aw saw his offer in the advocate the tl field of deaver contains 32 pase pages including a in its page all reading story supplement malting making it the largest and what is con the tho best general genral farm and lire live stock journal published it is band bond homely illustrated each tacit week and should be read by every ranchman in 10 the country we can club field and farm with this paper at fa 50 a year 11 chieft a arnica salv solve TRY DOT BUT in lit the world for cuta bruises Bru isee bores ulcer vicere silt salt rheum fever bores tetter chipped chapped hands chilblains corns corm and all skin eruptions and positively Tely curea piles or no pay re luied it is guaranteed to gite give perfect or money refunded price 23 cents act pct box for sale al by emery county ua cou ills company uzzle rile 11 lotion cured car meic waite pile lotion louon a positive poel tle cure tor for piles stings fillip bums scalds painful awell ings invaluable in for sale at emery county I 1 mercantile stores magic pile lotion curee cures piles either external I 1 or internal in from 4 to 5 day days cure core bad breata bream IL 0 I 1 I 1 future comfort for present scheming economy but buy the I 1 sewing with an tab med that guar j antocs you long 1 and utis fac tory so vicc 0 it 0 4 j at j 4 j it e it so ITS PING MCI TENDON ALD INDICATOR E device C for and showing the exact tension are I 1 few of the features that the 11 hh I 1 h gra arade dep character of t the he white send for our clefant HT to 3 cata loor 3 WHITE CO 3 anual 0 marchass real estate loans insurance LIFE AND ACCIDENT tortilla to 0 o trade rid sell ell or votilie k tok Idell sit waldo well price nuh thab t MARK P BRAFFET ATTORNEY ariy PRICE UTAH 4 ON 1 BEING EQUIPPED work te in a rry iMporte Bt tote f or wo va aa ant work Is I 1 desired lne 1 the asper lesee am am wall for mf my work I 1 do 11 kind of TIN wol c cb b pir an dd d with 4 I 1 sacho t tir u facture at Us U duft can k V alty 4 as fol lowis I 1 S 5 gallon experience COUNTS FOR MUCH when it bolat a to lp liing I 1 bar mrs bad had error follow 11 in this line of work and oat guarantee maraat ua Aro 1 work at efty wy loir low pric o when yoa you are r ready to pter p ter aw r hw te let me ingbre r via rout I 1 caa can mean it an a obit THOMAS 1 berron cuk vials NURSERIES CO it established li i 60 acres of nurseries 40 V acres of orchard HIGH GRADE STOCK ONLY 46 1 i the largest grower growers of nursery stock in utah 1 twenty thousand elberta peach for fall 1897 and spring 1898 pioneer nurseries Nurs erics co SALT LAKE CITY UTAH ros box I 1 ift H C SMITH agent PRICE UTAH WC woo C RICHMAN MD PH PHYSICIAN YA ay and a n 8 UR G 9 OX PRICE 1 WU will fuer call from tattle lo vents THE CULLEN SALT LAKE CITY centrally located RATES 99 and a 2 50 per day 5 C EWING prop ATTENTION ATTEN PlON NW to call attention to tle tl very loir low prices I 1 am charging for repairing boota boots and shoe viz men Menil bollog and heeling 11 ladies soling and heeling celing 11 76 58 5 0 F J X N S E N baff a SENT freel to any guy pern interested in a hus saxe nutter matters or who loves animate we kill VM end nd it iree a copy the alliance AJ lIance the organ of this society la in addition to iti its inoway it a lift list of the valuable 1 and unusual premiums giran bj tb the paper address TUI tilt L halted cited nw saw rrt fork 1 says y go cadda aid 0 T 01 CaUm tle ur the moist wow wo delful diirr diT rr ff ur the bf 4 plana 1 ant at nd V to the ut to fact 16 1111 rouy sur ul and on oth kidney liver unit 4 bewis the sy strato dofa 1414 c ur a berda olie lover ew 4 d biliousness billous ness bur buy UT a bom alto doWe elit t fill cura ty vy all qt druggists dro RUte split suit books tw toor 11 lite alow to quit alt lu gobos lac ewo fily f clr ily UMI am forever to U we v belle all isa at lite alf bem d v free take uk no N tf to D 11 ac 11 tax ewert der warker alu akk me ali sued ati booklet mail d aal aroa fr u ce 4 chime or fr bow tork |