Show ITEMS IN OAT CULTURE Sous of besot to obtained at the th KB us 5 u X P 11 nt Bt atlon at the kansas station in four nicee rive live year years the beet beat yield yields of oats have been obtained on spring plowed lind lend while when the feed wed is drilled in there bat ha been practically no difference in the be yield in fit these jean years between fall plowed land and land not plowed at all the oat land ha had dInal in all case been in coin corn the and the corn bad had been wen well cultivated the pact put meacon the tho ee ne edinge edings made the first and second week in mercle gave the best yield yields whilo the time of seed ing must depend upon the weather tr as a rule it is best to row test oat cats as early in march an a tho the ground can be put iu in order light inferior aeed it certain to produce less man seed of fair quality bat but beti between veen a fair quality of wed oats and heavy gifted sifted seed there if is oot not very much difference tho the best yields during seven years having sometime sometimes been produced by ono cue and sometimes i br bv the other the average tor for wen seven year years is I 1 however la fit favor of the heavy seed in an average of eix six year years no otiler method has ban produced so good result results ai as ceding seeding with a shoe shoo drill with ra wheel wheels next follow in order shoe shoo drill d 11 without press wheel wheels hoe boo drill and broad carting casting the average of fix six year years indicates that it li is not advisably advie advis aUd abla to tow low ices less than 3 2 5 bangela per acre acm heavier bare have in some year years yielded more in othere others leea less than has that amount amounts but the increase in creaso in yield by heavier seeding doea does not appear to more than cover tho the additional amount ot of wed used over 2 0 5 bushels per acre acm smutted eced seed oate oata produce smut in the crop even though the oil soil is changed of the eight varieties of smutted oat cats obtained from the ohio station for this taftt t the he per cent of smut waa was inar increased ad above that contained in the feed in 1 1 varieties the theory that a change in soila will clear the oats of smut is i thero there foro fare falee falm the average yield for fix six year years post place places the lert yielding I 1 aj i varieties ot of outs tented tested here in thu following lowins tol order belgian crown brown winter board of trade bed red georgia pedigree lied rubt proof golden sheaf white side northwest rth TO eru white whit bed red boit rust proof yankee prolific welch and black american |