Show VISUAL Arri C 0 if GM word n ardic alf Is I 1 ra r aap A p ploton iv hi iff orila lov arll rk arlt o 14 am bublis as sad J bublie abe comaty d oa 09 M to 1 fr for the tb cowles 1 ahl I toe to e the county met in nga rega kisr session on mondy moodily mond y all members were present th the first business bat ne tr transacts 4 by tbt board wi was itis appointment of a county gain game warden there wro were two bandl calro mr ur mclean and nd J W metcalf bath of As mr metcalf wu wits fal faul lilier liar with the th dalle of th tbt ofil offelo co ad od we WAS recently deputy state game wred it was bought thought abot the best inte risto of the county would be by his bl mapp r ointments mr met wi rr Aletter letter from tto late gains warden cb rp recommended broom mended hie his re A from state gains warda ward a chirp the cloning ot of fish crek creek for the propagation of nih ars d s d the ct ef tha by br atall county t 4 to will be inoperative 11 by reon reason of carlou carbou a f failure allure to cloe cloea I 1 bat hat dortlon of the tream stream in this county the resignation of J 8 Patti tison con stowe tau for winter wa was read and accepted and andrew gilbert was appointed to complete the term L al M olion olson iu in a communication to the colmia comm wooer withdrew r froin from the bm of county attorney warf who we 9 giam I 1 ten until june I 1 lu in which to file new now benj badt webb la in his report to the coin min mim alonen lonen stated that the money aparo printed for the school year eoon soon to close h bad no d pot put the schools of the county on a annd 11 financial aspa thus ec ablIng 1 a them to run ran in mos instances three term terms following is 11 the superintendents and mate mates for the wining school year ap portion mente to be the varion various districts liw office expenses enla miary salary 30 examiners P 5 lusti pr ining stationery etc U H p F tendered bla his loo as road for wellington precinct which was accepted emery county attorney win howard appeared before the 1 aop a port of claim og 0 emery county beriro f ier ili for medicine and medical attend attendance tor for goo hot shot wound t received ived in the attempt to joe walker the board appropriated t 9 80 60 on an condition that em ery err county pay a like amount the salary of county waa was raised to iwo toa the sheriff wai was ordered to work all county on public building buildings and public highway highways the lullo license will be intas in ibe future hotels 13 A board boarding ng and lodging bons bolsec alpi howa shows and put i circus 10 jr it ard to a cato bertal amounts presenting enting need eee od d were remitted on norve do tt commissioner hood MM mra gro go dairl been w e U V thomas rese E by st 40 year report rt from the various pre eed wed wellington spring in I 1 scofield were audited and ana ao me melbo h of heldor which unith gedid 12 ned for or correction with wheels flemate gate wagon bridge occupied broad au 11 if alma me of the board MI on an tap hadica n and wednesday tow saw lecias aren to repair the after the season of high a substantial bridge would that at ach by xa o 0 h were re duade ua W more t ox of ito oc amu 6 goo do caria 2 00 aw allred 0 Is 15 eito W s J vr walt XU putman 1040 J D smith n to skelton ft co ca w I 1 richman oooo ir arthur arthurj J lee V gait lake hardan Ilar dware oo 00 iso it IL 40 emery countr Merca nUle co CAL 32 hotel barke i oo 00 V 83 ir S thomas aso fred W Mel ito town so 00 Q II 11 cook a on J r f 00 W U tidwell 00 A AJ J lee le 1 olt frank IL EMo mcgurrin GurrIa A r bayley aey ju M 1400 st SL mark a bos I n 33 mrs IL draper 0 ar enrin S go Q IL Taylor a so jam jaakim yonn 1250 J E eierle ingle 1140 henry duerden 1120 It lebard steart ste art I 1 30 jj J A Hirr teon I 1 so wm win gogarty 1 I 50 gamao jamao jam young 3 50 J BT reTter ts so Psul 4 P r I 1 own 1310 it H I 1 0 1600 it U 0 aafka f I 1 40 1 dwarf an ao 00 11 jobs i ua sal ja 1 I balf im aff J turrth 0 I 1 it H 0 web 9 1 1 a r filer 4 ao ty hii W mj m 4 j W M A it 11 od 1 4 is 4 I 1 1 A ud tell 40 U 1 if 5 1 10 01 albe albart rt I 1 d so W I 1 II 11 ahk 16 1 I 1 W metcalf 1 4 H I 1 ts jog jo jone jones j I 1 li 1280 is I 1 be 61 t MB I 1 i I 1 oil Iett lerew 6 I 1 CO A J lea te I 1 d i a 00 n II 11 C baynor I 1 20 i a 1 john joba allak S U ahm keiser if M J N M lynch 1 mr me we was mil III IL I I 1 30 M it unum Il raffet f I 1 CO 00 wm S 20 R 11 D dobur re 0 I 1 ad 0 1 I 1 19 M jap J A arba igo I 1 charles fr f r icso 0 W Is Lar lisl M j ph all are w I 1 hellit ka an wagner A I 1 M N a 1 M CLAIMS 0 WOT O J II 11 N satta tv s W r illson 4 6 11 JO X J 11 go W ita II 11 0 4 birke Is e I 1 oa ce K M Sant it 4 U sao W 1 11 n evans JL I 1 IW hobert williams br 4 A S 10 wade J ki 10 anam louner i i m a X it 10 |