Show LOCAL NEWS borwer 1 trip forward ob old ta lu lot thy nimbi lire mt me a spell at 0 worst diw weather tonight 1 weare W r i larl of boic 4 skillet weary so weary of dael bills till thin wt nr weather is I 1 tasking ir bick lck dorward ward bop forward end and doll quick rk 14 and I 1 aria or dr fotr inta m wa ww op rip from county wit tat 9 vim bolday dr 11 II A caaso of arron was wa calling colling open price friend friends late lit last wk week L glair the int vi was a county fl oral visitor on toi tat bilay the first clip of wool lo 10 trall price rrie ibis 1 grown canto la in on friday from Orang iville bonn born hansen who has b been attending the tb 11 Y academy it at provo was a price visitor last week J U mulden through price on a route to on ta on a visit to hill tit family tally II 11 U G webb ebbot of J it met call of scofield and ad wn win bit miller of oaring glen wire wore la in attendance naon county court emit on monday N U V baur in fn froni from big bl sheep bard oa on saturday to mo aks 9 preparations 11 for cbearing at t ul hit alerd crowed crossed the tb G reen dan lay the grounds around the th town ball hall ir bays acon lorried leveled nicely adding adlo greatly to so the th amorante of the ib building the comly clerk and nd attorney a room isto r to be b papered pip ered girt fred Mel melvernon verton WM called to price saturday Ba lit last oo 00 court ua returned wednesday iw nu isi traction lot or tte its in or be boult not return so oon emu mrs it P milan of lake with it bea little son on left on an monday atae stage for or the trite reseat fou to join hr her hatband husband who tc 14 one of the allotting bo I 1 I 1 bully in tasking bomea tor for lo 10 autice duerden wife and little eon son wm down from costlo gate or monday X feared pe ared before the mm com support of a claim which wu to down at the request of amly attoway warf war V pyramid miss mary who haa boa resided at price tor for about a year canto homo home monday me wae was by new conveying 1 of the any serious illness ot of bw iclet birter er sims abo to in bedfast and un able to move an a result of an attack of ferer anft clerk Donal donaldean Don aldeon ilson is U baring having roil coelen ices ported the county sol Kylee doctor doctors and 0 oien aers tak the tb briske for the registering rioe of urslie aw ad deaths are art now ready and caa cats be WA 17 17 applying at the clerke office wbk to Is a new feature which went toto saw jhb the sew new code ut clemant J W beely ay BUM over from isal aa ciaio m la emery olav friday by ili big bl matter mn mrs wellington sly who bo hai ban feet tao the gr greater olater portion of the winter twig in castle valley mr seely will noon to neol ahk week roll to attend an leung ot the th utah wool to company la in which concern lie Is a lerf owl T anil 1 a director the compy to tu we esry effort to been bust blint fiese ahw season cef welby of the tb western some ake year years ago no at ible ex P be companell compan itye at t talky wh rainbow boot it WM the desire of mr welty to aith cra with these fiah vba wheat thear bail bad ln crawl elefthr to do 0 complaint bu reached chanty game ward warden tn metcalf from the be company that fish wre were bo boo teg sag talim from fora the lake mr metcalf will took tato the matter aua arrests may follow la in OR company played at taft texa ball hall last thumby night tinder under tm t ot of our local K X ot of P jodais ose to a crowded bonu house toe teo piece u a anda find a fine ploy of if its due clan a played by mr franci francis joee jow aad aa his company ot of aary 1 we to any ay the audi encle enjoyed the eky ley would wow be putting It mildly wk hs beat bor show that haa has zt town and the airm them by bf ibe tm people would 1 in a credit to any otty the P F boy boys were very zealous ie in and making ur the for the performance and did thema the eire proud the receipt were ot eren evem one hundred dol tee kra of which a mall smal I 1 per cent went to te as lodges it baag more especially desired to low beef it the 9 ducom of the bow show I 1 lather U to make profit it ia Is hoped that fatias pod e can bo to do mm berr here it Is i oafs to aker aven the tame same re faue toB dered mr me jon jou and hia big A D dictou was up from Ct Cast ledale on bunda handay r toia tom darton la is handling freight at inn that warehouse war relieving arthur llant en on who resigned J 11 edg and nl lee leemont of hant am afa ps zal ft 41 lw 4 ivul lu IQ bu ball like lake to attend conference comity attorney howard wee waa up from emery on Tn cneely eely anil and continued big bl trip to salt like lake to be L in at lonce on cour confer creace toce A local wag is U blunted aa as having 1 aard 14 that beer beler in n far ar load lota lots voad would be cheaper cheap for or irrigating thau water from the town u ditch mn mrs niron left on no nth V yesterday yn tenly for hr her ak ceorge she ab was baiao no companion coin panion as a far an a salt laic lake br b hr bar daughter lira urn bodle when where she ha will attend A Effect liv a at ance round trip tickets via 1 it 0 W will tw be alj from frow price west bouhl only limited for ten ton days at rata rate ot of oae one fare and a half halt for the round trip IX IL mcdonald agent royal johneton Joh nion niton aon sea of mr and un mrs G C bIlson Jo Job luon died very a denly at their hoin homo lit at nin mil the cause of bla big death to I 1 not flat known it Is U thought that he the bly will reach here today for or burial ff grundvig of willington hal wl a hone bores taen taken from djs bl corral on eight right by an unknown party ano an 04 san sun day the returned boie lt bowing agni of having 1 been ridden ana an waa was greatly fatigued the K X P lodge bae has the lot jot just east art of fitzgerald A wa co build log og and contemplate the erection er ecton of at a larce large two story hall beside a horn horns for the lodge then there will be a large hall ball for pu anu atiq gathering il office and tore store room |