Show ry MILK CAN WASHER words oaty only I 1 ile II 11 sal to 0 o flotto II 11 its it velma VI here Is be the picture of a newly invent oil so arrangement to wash milk cans the wiy way tt it works I 1 li plain from rora the he il ill uMra uon tion the can is I 1 put into the wooden framo frama end the th brabb is I 1 lot at into the I 1 11 milk can the stiff broma ii is whirled by the revolving handle rapidly around be ran can the oil old rotten and mad dried milk in to the tb scams of bo the ran the stuff ahi which ch make makes 0 o much trouble tro oble li is apparently thoroughly reeled off by till this pro pr oes lor Itic cream Ifo ardle dairyman mom commends mends the following remedies for creem that foam and swells ANT site vp p and will not churn a t L lacu at all um ot ut year ii 11 I 1 Is lu to churn at t a higher temperature pera ture li IN quiren qu ired in summer ili e would suggest trying tu to charu nt lit 63 65 or ten 70 degrees at the sums time potting putting in a handful ct cf sallil alt with th the cream when r this w III help though it may not remove the trouble lelot but if in addition addi tiou the cow cows could be fed led some soc cohut food such cs its roof r or silage we feel inre sure that after a few day days the trouble would wane if L food cuenot tie be bad had the feed log ing of ouo buo or two to pound pounds of oil a day to esch cow would tend to have the same effect there Is i another bins thing that can be done which wd wil feel fedl sure would bring relief from the trouble though the reform ia in feeding would be of advantage to the cow cows by keeping them in better health hith and condition aud also or at least better keep up the flow of milk than their prefect present feed hero here li to the thing to do billin off the cream sweet or nearly eo am then dilute it with about three times if its own bulk of og water at a temperature temper ture of I 1 icide GO do greet green then bord it to 70 degma deg reee put it in a can with a faucet at the bottom and actor it bai has stood I 1 U J hour hours draw off 02 the water aud milk and leave the cream errant thil this will remove a it great part put of tho the rubita rob stavert oce whatever it if Is that causell the the cream can now non le ripened by holding at but temperature tempera tore for a sufficient levith nt of time or what would be much belter better by putting la in a tarter starter made hm fr kiu milk from front a fresh mil lEing drw w it a farm li Is used ased in creaming the milk edme would bo be no loca loss by doing this but it emm is i raised by gravity the dilating and second betting will canse cause some ion loss but one will bo be pretty sire to get conio sonic butter which ought to be of a fairly good quality about bakia too rauh rau h wito lhing of tho the butter will certainly deprive it of the very I 1 nef 9 debate bat but fugitive aroma we assuredly condemn leaving the butter granules to cook for bonn hours in la water as we have men seen beauy maker makers do but a quick riming of thet tb butta ia in equalar form will not destroy MI 11 ve we fail towe of wash ing and batter better worker as the lafter may be for either washed or butler and aurely yno no one would claim a bif superior cu flavor davor ou on account of asit g a ladle in anstad stad of a butter worker if you drain tho the and ijen replace it with goodwater good water preferably embly deep well ater and give a few turn turns to the churn and drain the water at once you need not fear being docked bt at any butter how show on OU account ot of having washed wi tho the butter we may add that the danes who used amt to advocate and practice ties no washing now DOW their butter a am becom rn eudell by u us or have a tub of cold water vater near the churn lake tale out a sieve sieva full of granules and just immerse lin meree it in the tab tub for a mci neut in washing butter it is well to re member that the water must most neither be too t warm sor too cold depending on the emperato t empera tn of tho buttermilk we have bays aund that tram from 62 to BS 68 degrees is about the range only yesterday we had a a churning chu ruing with the buttermilk drawing at 69 60 degrees and we a 0 wash water at bt 54 B t de rei aeilt lt countrymen country gen beman ff rr alz cam dim than cow caw these cowl cows aro are small and very kind tempered tapered are free fron from tuberculosis i and ia in color ar are black or dark they are am the best in canada tor for the average farmer they da do not give the great yield of holsteins or onie some ayr but tle milk yield continued conti nuen from calf t calf and tho annual juro rm duct mn so assally igual ly greater than even ake or ax A french cans dian than clow that doe does not GITO pounds ut iciak ilk la in a year is not a good cow the average percentage of fat tat by the boock in te is from 4 1 to a sa s1 Is per cent they an endowed with a and bever never have trib ercul 3 ia 1 they get pt it froni from come some other breed this thin breed ba bu until recently ly been neglected but now flow ia in canada they are coming to realize abat aba preach canadian cow is not excelled by any of the imported bawd the canadian corn bazes ile good of the jersey md the Ayrshire 0 colburn Col buru here is an excellent soll ug crop rota tion for write cowpea eow pea bosit c t zwein t w rw crove art NA UA gow t caw s M so ha inar bal an was |