Show FARMERS ealr A 4 bj by is wll known A m there professor macney of the be north am una linak state experiment write well on how illow institutes have Moca firm farm rn era in the farmer farmers bulletin OaUt tia Vol following lowing are ei extract tracts trout from hij paper I 1 among all the educational gencie of modern modem time times la in the line of abat li is known as university extension the firm farm ere era hare liars been most lu floen had the that bu hu beu made ta in the study of commercial fertilizers frill lien and their proper use daring during the lart lirt 16 15 years Is a surprise to those who a have not watched the coune course of aventi ago farmen as soon ni As they began to think at lah 1 I about the manorial fada of the tb oil soll jumped at once to the conchi loa aloa that tho the one thing laseer imil to be done wai was to get a chemist to analyze their oil for ibm and tell the it needed they bad had an ort sort of notion that there were certain things loaded to incle plant brow but jart what these th thing tugs were they imagined hat that only a chemist could tell opt t the chemists chem lita at the institutes explained to them juet jugs what hat things were far for the growth of plant plants and taught them that thioni ww not alwawi in state in tn the mil in which plant could tm them and that while ft A chemical might how show them that the needed element elements were in a oil soll they might be there in roch such a agape abas plants could not get them and end that fre it might be better to apply theve the things in a fertilizer than th to wit wait for the alow slow laes of nature to gito give them from the uil moil when of artificial fer tilbern tili fint first began begin to prepare special fertilizer liter for differ tut crup they were looked upon an quacks aad intelligent men called the practice loe awl caid said that a that WM roo rood good for one on crop was jort just as rood for all but tb tbt chemists ban s learned that these laker of special fertilizers were right and now we all alt pay more aten it alon to the 1 of the plant plants wo we aro are growing than to 90 the 1 oil I in which they grow farmer formers bare have learned too that while the three things to plant life nitrogen potash and to aad wh aru am generally deficient in old molln make anake a fertil lm they mrs aurnt t be in varying percentage percenta to mee meet tho demands of different crop crops and the recent discoveries concerning the way in which certain plant plants of the pea family get ul trogen for 1 and sod the succeeding crop too it if well with potash po ash and phosphoric acid have shown them that they need ato not in all an owe use the complete liter at all but that for the ordinary ordin arr farm fann crop crops they can g tt the nitrogen without money and without price if they use the mineral plant food to grow the the farmen are rapt rapidly adly leaming lear that they have been eften deft abed in the he purchase of ready made tied by paying tor for nitrogen that Is t of no nee use to the to plants bocane of its lt insoluble condi condition tio n ind for special camps ebzy hare cot got to have a higher percentage of come 60 of the element than any atly of the au auy fertilizers fertil iuri supply hence we find damte all over the country in electious ec tiou devoted to the be culture of market vegetable vegetables and botao oo 00 their own fertilizer fertilizers wd thus making ure ours that they have what they need they have havia learned to too that while a crop may need potash nearly they cannot expect the potash to hava the me desired effect if there is a deficiency fi fici ency of nitrogen ard borio acid eithur in fit the oil ur or in the fertilizer ad ard aud and that to git the best results from tha the nse use of any one cf of tho form forms of plant food there wait be either in tn the tie foil oil or supplied to it artificially artincia lly a doe due percentage allag of he be other alementa ele menta they rm re led mod that while a plant like to be bacco a a large percentage alge of potash ku iu a Is t want wants it lu tn tho the form of a aulph tte und ad they look ook particularly 1 into the form of ue steib pat sista iu in a blied I 1 and this general diff ision of lu in acro to fertilizers and taua accio i in tn bl 0 ni at life Is dae dze to the in I 1 N i L i e or hotel allows vua tan to toa any other agency |