Show FIELD A great change took plane bre here last week can caus 4 by tho the central company canceling their order for or coal en in consequence of which the mine min es are reduced to hall halt time and he the people bare have got the bine blues the for the lummer summer look very gloomy the office of co cou rAtable table at winter ten tore preau ct in i now DOW taunt vacant mr patter son on harl baring ag resigned and gone away T two wo bare hare been sent ia in asking the county court to fill the vac ra cancy ency asking for the appointment of robert farish the other andrew gilbert quite a number of our citizens bare have gone to salt lake thia this week to attend the general conference cou ference there Is 1 considerable sickness among the children here F merriwether ber baa has gone to the ral val leya lays to buy bey up beef cattle mra mrs harriet walton bai bu gone to mor gan county on business and plea iuie 0 jamee james 8 robertson Rober fon hu has bought a borne home from mr lorlee ingles jnet just north of hi his iture store whre wh re un mrs robertson will keep a lonch lunch Count counter fr |