Show TOWN HOARD BOARD the th session vas v rather bet but meek mack work dw none at the tb meeting lot f the town board of Irti on monday moulay toning evening the ball promptly started a rolling by bt the ming reading of an and communication ni from clarence marsh b town clrk rk Hoff hoffmann maun the affidavit redles that in the hearing of mr marsh at the the town hall alpha ballinger Bal liner used offensive offe nelT and threatening language langi uge lab lub ly as a follow follows I 1 go and tell that a cf of a b of a Cla clarence renoe nc marsh that I 1 will punch III M in 1 the neck reciting farther further that at the same time other tile vile epithets were need used toward ur mr marsby and ani mr olemon mr lh in the affa avit tato states that his hi peace wai Was disturbed by the nee use of thu this and that thus tbt facto were laid before the town attorney L 0 coffmann Boff noff mann and a to r cluett made for prosecution for a breach public peace this declined to do tating stating tbt that ai as mr bal linger waa was not in the immediate pree ence of mr marsh and that air jr marsh laraby erra ca A LAI locci aces on the und ershal no pan acron on ball ahall bare hare in his 1 for f or sale ie or buy any ct of the aforesaid M alib I 1 b daring during the tb elwed closed season georgo george another large dealer who bai has a pound containing between cad terrapin uyi says the bill will abo S neicy nd oncy to destroy our business and throw the trade of Muy laud dealer into the bands of virginians Virgi ulam while at the same time it will retard instead of prot ing lug the propagation of terrapin the terrapin terrapins will wyl i I wight causti jutt the lamp name and instead of bf 1 being cold sold to legitimate dealers who would them in pounds when they might grow and fatten they t will be kept in barcalo barrel and bozea until f the open opens when then they will be cion tion placed upon the market ia in a bad condl there ii IS a great eat misapprehension giong among the of people as to the melbal BS ago of a terrapin which mease 4 ace to me citizens and tax I 1 yen at of P wee town T 0 w u a and 0 d ere greater mome moment n t amir h 9 ea r h 1 a body aa a soon eer serva a in arnots teta of f inch such couzens ciU zens in an n accompanying ACCO Manying affidavit I 1 have detailed xay my epen engo la in seeking an n enforcement of the tb ord fd teano hUnce of price plies town ajalat loud and unusual noise of tumultuous 1 cc jact of threatening to fight etc air at a citizen and tax payer I 1 am deeply concerned med iq in the ot of the ordinance the contention of the town attorney atto att roey orcier ie is too Kid lotto to tie quire and I 1 desire to cay say that if his hi should be con meted correct then a competent attorney b atla be at once employed to draffan draft aa ordinance 1 JI conduct aa thai of while I 1 half if mr so fawn ak Y te Is ins ing to alpha ballinger BalU oger when complaint III U ado lade against bun him of a breach of tee mw public place ahrn aa As a citizen and A taxpayer tax sol payer and in behalf of many other rt of price town I 1 demand I 1 but be lie be resi retooled oved and aad aa an on mr I 1 be v basea who is 1 not dot afraid from to dit dl chai ilk duties amused by a 11 town attorney aaman a man can tand stand twenty arv clr feet froik me and ia in my hearing hd sid dress och such alle vile epithets to any person we and threaten to 4 do 0 me ina violence alq me remedy be open t to 0 me 10 to purlah him fori fora breach oppi orny pece 1 I then I 1 ask cpr lioard br if it t the aae genoa tand stand in front t of a dia dwell ifie awl ha he likes call the vileor the ju deahm jo 40 intuit whatever ise b gleasen aed and no redrew be opeo open to tee the public bir to the offended party it enoe Is t to be a pre I 1 conid a 14 suggest that the tb 0 attorney somer woo ww Coci it is in acob light b be rera removed ored froia from the imme mate jwo of the tb public whose protection in 1 h haade fa so protection at all Y cum aery al I 1 1 flaw ii in view oc tb the food good grounds for an action it VOIN bera to the people A 4 4 n I 1 X J of price whose servants eer ranta the board li is to am that it non nimo voted to an a tain fain the action of the b altol at tumey oty commissioner and aj county Attora attorney rr wait W art appeared beffe the inboard board for the be purpose of at renewing loue of ball hall for or ire use of be the county it WM was agreed t I 1 for a peria of one on yo beir ir with the istl of at a t f P soft quarter quart tr which Is 1 the tb same term M ex leu lea with OM use of the tb lown town clerk clerks ace for chamber of the distria ja j a ig igo la in addition W W dwell 11 and J L willson la to behalf of the K X P lodge asad for a reduction of the rent of the town hall for the bow show given tinder under the auspices of lb the lodge on ott lest thursday Th arly the board reduced the rent to ia 6 the two north room occupied b by the county office offices are to be papered the quarterly report of the town manbas of the peace clerk and manager of the town hall waa was read bul accepted justice ulen olsen tamed turned la III to the treasury over 70 the manager nia nager of the bait ball collected 49 the tre report bowel showed receipt of U di Lanoi barso neota ments 41 aj 0 ls a balance on hand ito 81 men for the lelling of the bl hat were redact d to 4 for dance dances an to I 1 local how shown traveling shows and exhibition exhibitions 10 fur lecture lectures etc the manager wa was in tt recta to mala rato rata I 1 the clerk ak waa zan to prepare an ordinance creating a bord of L alth the following appropriation were made J D smith ajl 2 erosion 01 new en i 5 go 0 joe jone jane dij 14 00 emery r cu v mercantile company SS 3 it P ander eon too III t |