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Show Page 2 1 Magna Times, March BenvDvt.es Jansen Beloved wife, mother and nonnie, Betty Mae Dykes Jensen, 49, passed away March 4,.' 1980, Salt Lake City. Born Dec. 2, 1930, Salt Lake City, to Frank Robert and Lida Caldwell Dykes. Married Reed C. Jansen, Nov. 5, 1948, Elko, Nev. Owner and manager of y (SEZHD V PIANO IN STORAGE: need enterprising boys and girls to sell subscriptions to the Valley View News in Kearns and surrounding areas. Commission pa o tor or every sub Call and ask for tens BYlPLOt'MENT EXPERT SEWING machine repair call Glades Mobile Repair I TFN Kesler Graduate Beautiful Apartments. of a business college. Former business manager stored locally. Reported like new. Responsible party can take at big saving on tow payment balance. Write Joplin Piano, PO Box 419, Lake Havasu City, Az. 86403. Spinet-consol- 967-664- 250-565- 485-084- J II e Hansen Planetarium. Talented and creative of person and writer. Active in ( TULL TIME Part time earn up to $6 an hour. The Fuller Brush Co. needs qualified people to work in Magna-Hunte- r TREE REMOVAL tree trimming any job can be done. Free estimates. Call 250-5596- , area. Phone ttn COMMERCIAL OR RESIDENTIAL snow removal. Call 250-5584- . EASY FHA ASSUMPTION Charming older home, two bedrooms, basement, spacious country kitchen, main floor laundry, covered patio, garage. Asking 37,900 loan balance, 30,693 Payments $320. Karla Stay, Avery and Nielsen Realtors, Ed at TFN The Magna needs teens or adults interested in earning extra spending money. Sell subssnptions to the paper and receive a com- ALOE VERA Why pay more when you can buy the best? FDA approved, stabilised tOO percent Aloe Vera gel, $875 per quart. $32 50 per gal Call Rohen Harvey mission. Call Becky at or 250-542.- 561-036- 266-778- 2627 S. 7200 TFN taping, parking, zoning. Asking $56,900, assume loan of 37,996 Payment $412. Will deal Karla Stay Avery and Nielsen Realtors, painting and supplies. We ll do it or help you. CAMCO Color Centfr ter Ntegna 250-5199- . INCOME prepared, 250-244- TAX reas. or 561-036- social affairs. Survivors: husband; two sons, four daughters, Mrs. Alfred (Sandra) Lublin, Mrs Michael Sandy; (Karen) Johnson, Bountiful; Mark Reed, Kearns; Mrs. Alan (Rebecca) Johnson, or inquire office, 9008 West 2700 South, 5-- 9 pm. weekdays and 1 0-- 8 p m. Saturdays R.R. Barker. Hunter; Christopher Michael, Leslie Kirsten, both Salt Lake City; foster son, Gregory Allen Mori, Salt Lake City; six grandchildren; brother, Caldwell J. Dykes, Mountain View, Wyo. ; sister, Mrs. Bonnie R. Jorgensen, Bountiful. Private services. BRIGHAM CITY Mary Esther Wixom Nuttall, 69, 360 N. Main, died Saturday morning in a local hospital. Born Oct. 10, 1910, in Sharon, Idaho. The daughter of Frank Solomon and Esther Thorsen Wixom. Married Dennis Don Nuttall in December of 1930 in Salt Lake City. He died April 24, 1976. She and her husband were owners and managers of the Ringside Cafe from 1946 to 1976. Karl ' Maurice sister, Johnson, of Logan; Jay Johnson, of Farmington; Eugene Johnson, of North Salt Lake; Frank Wixom, of Brigham City; Jess Wixom, of Reeds Port, Ore.; Mrs. Thilda Reese of Salt Lake Funeral 250-241- HOUSE bdrm. REWARD: Lost in Magna area, 6 mo. old male Brittany Spaniel AT LAW: FOR $300 per basement, call white with rusty orange spots wearing black collar, answers to Jake." Call 486-375- later Marriage Hem- - Andreas Heming Kristen Survivors: Son, Gilbert G. Williams, Salt Lake City; one grandaughter, Mrs. Michael (Jane) Baggaley, one and Michelle Bagaley, both Kearns, brothers and sisters, LeRoy Griffin, American Fork; Mrs. Winfield (Jerry) Scott I.L. Mrs. Riverton; (Elizabeth) Walton, Salt RENT new two mo. No pets, full 250-213- June Parks, Oroville, California; two sons, L. FOR RENT: Magna 2 bdrm. duplex $185 newly remodeled stove, fridge, garage, no pets, 250-516- ' Emma L. Christensen, age died at a Reno, Nevada hospital March 2, 1980. Born in Salt Lake City, May 23, 1895. She has been a resident of Reno for five She a was years. homemaker. Survived by: daughter, 84, George Christensen, Bountiful, Utah; Merrill J. extehor: Quality work, reasonable rates, party, independent good references. Call Survivors: parents; sister, Bryce Darrell Scott, Wayne, Tousley LAS VEGAS, Nev Kristen Denise Tousley, 3, died March 1, 1980, in Las Vegas, Nev. Born Aug. 14, 1976, Las Vegas. Nev., to Wayne and Kathleen Anderson Tousley. in the Tuesday Brigham 8th Ward chapel., Interment Brigham City Cemetery. Ray L. Born Christensen, Magna, Utah; eight grandchildren; 10 sev- eral nieces and nephews. was Rosary recited Tuesday, March 4, at Ross, Burke and Knobel Mortuary, Reno, Nevada. Mass was held Wednesday, March 5, at St. Therese the Little Flower Church. Burial, Mountain View Cemetery. 7679 West 3100 South. , $235 mo. Cal! 250-6026- 250-276- Jordan. 1920, Retired from Kennecott. Survivors: wife, Kearns; son, Craig C. Kendall, Hunter; Mrs. mother, FOR RENT: New two bdrm. duplex with washer and dryer room 7679 West 3100. Call FREE TO GOOD home, Calico-colore- d mix puppy. Call 250-0704- . Byron Clair Miller Byron Clair Miller, March 5, 1980. 36, died California; mother Mrs. Eva Bowen, Eugene, Ore.; two Born Feb. 2, 1944, Utah, to Vernal H. and Eva Turner Miller. Truck driver. Veteran U.S. LDS Member, Navy. Church. Survivors: son, daughter, Sun-nysid- e, LaPreals Free ads for free pets! both Loretta, Jerry brothers, Robert Miller, Robert Bruse, (Joan) Granger; Mrs. V. (Louise) Derrick, Salt Lake City; Mrs. H. (Lillian) Elmer, Centerville; Wayne Griffin, American Ronald Fork; Griffin, California. Funeral services were Wednesday in the Eldredge Ward Chapel. Interment Spanish Fork Cemetery. AdaG. Elizabeth Anderson, Salt Love Michelle, all Las Vegas, Nev.; grandparents, Ruth and Walter Tousley, Kearns; Lake City. Funeral services were Saturday Millcreek 5th Ward. Interment, Elysian Burial Gardens. Ada G. Love, 81, of Salt Lake City, died March 7, in a Salt Lake hospital of a cardiac arrest. Born Tooele, Agnes Married 24, 1898, in July to Brigham J. and Gillespie Gillette. Louis O. Love June in the Salt Lake LDS She was a Temple. housewife, member LDS church. Served 35 years in Primary in McKinley and 18, 1924, Myrtle B. Kendall, Salt Lake 4 City; 2 grandchildren; brothers, 1 sister, Dr. Wayne Kendall, Murray; Loyal Kendall, Rock Springs, Wyo.; Glen Kendall; Ogden; Tea R. Kendall, Kearns; 'Mrs. Wendall (Lola) Olsen, Kearns. Funeral Tuesday, services were at McDougal Funeral Home. Interment, Valley View Memorial Park. Ivins Member wards. Utah Pioneers. Survived by husband, Louis, Salt Lake City; Daughters daughter, Mrs. Royal (Beverly) Fulton, Kearns; 7 grandchildren; son, Gerald preceded her in death. Funeral services were held Tuesday at the Ivins LDS Interment ward. Redwood Memorial Estates. Donald Weisman Jackson Born March 250-602- 3eauty Saion, 2990 South 8900 West. FREE hair brush with any permanent wave. Enjoy the services of Georgene McQuivey, JoAnne Justesen and LaPreal. 28, Lake City. 561-855- BABYSITTING Magna area, $5.50 per day, per child. Fee includes hot lunch and snacks. If interested, call Carolyn at J uly Cleveland, Idaho, to Levi Noel and Myrtle Bevins Kendall. Married Vyonne Kummer, Oct. 23, 1947, West Donald Weisman Jackson, INTERIOR, Lake City; Derlin Griffin, Salt Lake City; Mrs. C. (Helen) Hatch, Magna; Mrs. Randall Blake, Kimberly Kendall 62,' died March 5, 1980, Salt FOR RENT: New 2 bdrm. duplex with washer and dryer room. J brothers, noon 262-863- SPECIAL at 1937. solemnized in the Salt Lake Married LDS Temple. 15, 1951, were services at FOR RENT. Magna house, unfurnished, refrigerator and range, two bdrm., large lot, new carport, $250 month no pets. Phone Call after 4:30 p.m. Divorces Si 75 and filing (uncontested only). Personal injury; workmen's compensation. Mr. Wamick VIARCH Hem- mingsen, September he died April 3, 1979. Active LDS Church. member Primary teacher 20 years. City. Emma L Christensen TO 178. PAINTING Williams Griffin mingsen, age 71, died March 9, 1980 in a local hospital following a lingering illness. She was born July 8, 1908 to and Richard LeRoy Elizabeth Unck Griffin in Qgden, Utah. Married to Gilbert Pratt Williams, June 20, 1934. He died May 19, Ray L. Kendall, 59, 4171 W. South, died March 9, garage or miscellaneous cleaned up or trash hauled away? Reasonable prices, call 250-- TFN Wixom Nuttall Survived by one son and one daughter, William D., of Magna; Mrs. Robert (Mary Jean) Kotter, of North Powder, Ore.; 13 grandtwo children, greatgrandchildren; mother, Mrs. Esther Johnson, of Reeds Port, Ore. ; 5 brothers and 1 Beloved mother, grandmother and sister, Gertrude 5700 1980. TIRED OF LOOKING at that junk car or truck? Want your yard, ATTORNEY Mary ' Gertrude Williams Hemmingsen 266-778- OPPORTUNITIES Earn extra money at home. Good pay. Easy work. No experience. Send for application. Report to Box 109 Norlh Salt Lake City, Utah, 84054. RETURNS for appt. call 968-284- W. Attention Mechanics Assume 8 Percent Great home, three bdrm. fireplace, air conditioned, beautiful carpet, double attached garage, plus huge double garage with ' foot doors, lots of 250-565- $356 WEEKLY guaranteed work 2 hrs. daily at home ($1 78 for 1 hr daily) Free brochure. A Arnold, PO Box 109, North Salt Lake. Utah. 84054 250-26- HANGING, , 1 WANTED: HELP Times TFN DRYWALL, 466-668- 972-282- 91 50 W. I960 community, political and ttn 3004 S. ObitUgflSS 13, 29, 1917, Ogden, to Edward and Glendora Weisman Jackson. Married Rosa Henneberger, July 5, 1952. Erdling, Germany. Veteran, World War II, Korea and Vietnam. Master segeant, U.S. Army-Ai- r Force, where he served for 31 years. Elder in LDS Church. Received numerous medals of valor, including Bronze Star. Survivors: Park; four wife, Summit sons, two daughters, Edward K. San Diego, Calif.; Donald R., Richard W., both Salt Lake City; Michael G., Ogden; Glindora Breault, Hunter; Christine Kite, Pocatello, seven grandIdaho; children; three sisters, Evelyn Foote, Salt Lake City; Beverly Hall, Tooele; Yvonne Cross, Beverly Hills, Calif. Funeral services were at Redwood Friday Memorial Estates. Burial Redwood Memorial Estates. Downey, Calif.; K. Miller, Magna. Funeral services were Peel Funeral Monday. Home. Interment, Salt Lake City Cemetery. cna ntnasncamiEasGm The Magna Times and Valley View are initialing a new classified advertising policy this week. All classifieds of 25 words or less that advertise a free pet will be placed at no charge. Find your pet a good home with a classified ad. Call the Copper Printing to advertise your pet. office at News 6 HUNTER Don't miss these choice new Copper Hill homes in fastest growing area. Some of the features include: 3 bedrooms, 1 baths, Jennie L. Peterson WEST JORDAN Jennie Lundskog Peterson, 92, died March 1, 1980, in the home of a son in Moses Lake, Washington, of natural causes. Born Dec. 2, 1887, in Sweden to Carl W. and Anna Maria Johansson Lundskog. Married Carl A. Peterson on Feb. 23, 1916. in Murray, Anderson, Kearns, uian; a Junior Peterson, son, preceded her in death. Funeral services will be held Thursday, at 11 a.m. in the Goff Mortuary Chapel, 8090 So. State, where friends may call Wednesday, 6 to 8 p.m. and Thursday, one hour prior to services. Burial, South Jordan Cemetery. Utah. He died in April 1968. She was a member of the LDS Church and served in the Relief Society as a visiting teacher. Survivors: sons, Carl M., Midvale, Utah; Glen, Moses Lake, Washington; Roy, Clifton, Idaho; 17 grand33 children; greatgrandchildren; sister, Hulda double garage, fireplace. 1200 sq.ft. All types of financing available. Priced from $58,900 to $60,900. GBri a ferns figsM J On the night of April 10, 1979, parts of the Texas cities of Vernon and Wichita Falls were devastated by killer tornadoes. Within hours the local Farmers Insurance Group Agents were in the disaster area in force, locating policyholder victims. A few hours later they were joined by a team of claims adjusters who immediately organized an emergency storm center. With radio announcements advising policyholders how and where to file claims and receive emergency fun-- d The first claim was paid in full in less than 20 hours after the disaster. The final cost to Farmers in excess of $16,000,000 on claims for damages or total losses to businesses, private autos, mobile homes, houses and personal property. With a combined team of Agents and claims adjusters working Farmers was one of the leaders in the speedy and satisfactoYy settlement of claims. Isnt that a comforting thought? If you're insured with Farmers. Why not contact me today? hand-in-han- Marie Rupp Snow Geneal Roberts died March; Malmgren, 6, 1980. Highway 28 south of acLevan in an auto-truc- k cident. Born Feb. 7, 1920, in Gunnison, to Howard and 60, Grace Velera Larsen Roberts. Married June 14, 1941, in Centerfield to F. DGAB.TTV Dwight Malmgren. LDS. Housewife and seamstress. Worked at Pacific Trails. Member and past president of the Cowbells. Survivors: husband; son, Soth Lee, Gunnison; daughter, Diane Malmgren, Granger; 3 grandchildren; brother, Brice, Gunnison; 5 sisters, Arde Ludigson, Mrs. Shirley (Vera) Bogh, Mrs. Lynn (Una) Lowe, all San Bernardino, Calif. ; Mrs. Ted (Grace Lambertson) Wilson, Salina; Mrs. Boyd (LaRue), Fieldsted, Kearns. Funeral was Monday, Gunnison Stake Center. Burial, Gunnison Cemetery. 9697238 9061 W. 2700 South, Magna Your Equitable Insurance Agent knows abqut life Life Nina Cullum Higginson later Nina Guymon Higginson, 78, passed away March 5, 1980, Salt Lake City. Jan. 11, 1902, Born a Utah, Hungtington, daughter of Orson Henry and Ellen Simpson Guymon. Married William Riley divorced. Married Jesse Ira Higginson, 1931, Salt Lake City; marriage later solemnized, Cullum; later Salt Lake LDS Temple; divorced. Active member, 12th LDS Ward. Talented vocalist, pianist and poetry writer. Nurses aide; Red Cross volunteer. Survivors ; three daughters, Mrs. Donald (Flora) Jones, Holladay; Mrs. Arlen (Lorraine) Kent, Wash.; Calvin (Janice) Blick-feld- t, Mrs. Ensign, Granger; 13 29 stepmother, Individuals Group Insurance Pension Plans GLADYS G. WILSON Kenneth Guymon, Mrs. Edward (Edna) Morgan, Cullum-Higginso- Health Insurance ...andfor business B. Guymon, Salt Lake City; three brothers, sister, Dr. O H. Guymon, Bountiful; Rex Guymon, Price; Dr. Salt Lake City; preceded in death by a son, Harold & . . Auto & Homeowners Insurance Annuities Mortgage Protection grandchildren; Crystal Paris Insurance Agency Bus; V Agent 364-775- 1 Res: 250-244- 9 The Equitable Lite Assurance Society of the United States. N Y N Y. and its subsidiary 6quitabie General Insurance Co Ft Worth. Te. Phone 250-674- 3 Our policy is saving you money. |