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Show Valley View News. March 13, 1980, Page fc r u 1 Part 5: Editor's note: is Getting That Job The Interview The following in a series the fifth article about finding the right employment for you. They are written by Susan Tanner Holmes, a Farmington resident and former editor of a weekly newspaper. 1 hope to find these articles interesting and informative. By Susan Tanner Holmes exactly correct. A person who hasnt been through an interview, and some who have, wonder just what an interview is. It is an oppportunity for the employer to make a snap judgement about you, your character, and your ability to handle the proposed job. Unfortunately, you will be working and what general such as qualifications, management skills, ability to sell or meet the public, you will need. Once you understand the company and their needs, prepare some possible interview questions. Get tne questions firmly in mind, then make up answers stressing your good points, talents and abilities. For example, answers for the If it looks as though getting a job is a job in itself ; thats interviews are very short, from five wno with to minutes. How you handle yourself and the questions asked will be crucial in obtaining the desired employment. 20 develop 4. Emotional maturity such as stability, your attitude toward responsibility, reaction to difficulties, and a realistic self-conce- Your human relations skills such as your manner of 5. relating, naturalness, of warmth, understanding others, tolerance and sense of humor. following What are your e goals? Why did you choose our company? Why did you choose to apply for this particular job? What job would you choose if you were free to choose? What do you know about our company? Are you interested in expanding your education and increase your learning? What are your major weaknesses and strengths? Tell me about yourself. Answers to specific questions give the interviewer information about your communicative ability, leadership skills and personality in addition to the information you mention. questions: long-rang- As you begin your preparation, take a close look at the company. Get a and a job summary specification sheet. The specification sheet is a detailed work sheet including information about good judgement, creativity, aptitude and interest. 3. Motivation such as initiative, drive, enthusiasm, perserverance, and energy. Most questions analyze these five main areas: 1. Your background such as academic, work, social, experience, and goals. 2. Intellectual ability such as alertness, When the answering questions, be conversational. Answer the questions by accenting your experience, and interests, your strengths. Look the interviewer in the eye and make him feel like you are willing to talk with him about yourself. Above all, be honest. But be selective. Although you have prejudices, problems at home and financial worries, dont sob out the entire story. Gear your remarks to your performance on the job. Even when you are prepared, it is still natural to feel apprehension, ner- vousness, and a tinge of selfdoubt, as you dress for the interview. Dressing con- servatively will help aleviate some of the problem. Other hints include being on time. Give yourself a few moments to gather your -- thoughts, look at your surroundings and relax. As you enter the interview, to watch your handshake. Make it firm and pleasant. Be sure to control remember nervousness. Avoid blushing or constantly changing your seating your position. Keep your unusual mannerisms at home. the Remember terviewers name. Use it or three times during the conversation. This shows him you are interested in people and also gives his ego likes to a hear his own name. As the you answer questions, be positive. If he asks about your previous employer and you didnt like the man, be positive anyway. When talking be confident, specific, interested and by all means, smile. In addition, dont ramble. Youve finished the interview! Now, dont just sit back and wait for that letter of acceptance or rejection, prepare for your next interview. But when that letter Better comes, if it says, luck next time, dont be discouraged-- it isnt failure, its just a learning experience. But if its a job offer-wh- at should you do? The next article in our series will give some pointers on accepting or rejecting a job offer. boost--everyo- Pat yoar electricity budget on a diet. COFFEE 100-WAT- T ICECREAM in- two TOASTER, month's Good Citizens at Arcadia Front row left to right, Clint School. Elementary Karrie Davis, Jay Morris, and Brandon Neve. Second row; Brenda Adams, Danette Brower, Cindy Williams, and Steven Watson. Third row; Ian Cavin, Greg Colby, Michelle Durrant, Belinda Birrell, Shariyu Patwardhen, Valerie Oberman, and Nick Zupo. Fourth row; Gilbert Vigil, Terry Furden, and Ronnie Patterson, Jodi Harris, Trent Worthin, Tina Price, Mary Stannard, and R.J. Aiclo. THESE ARE THE Har-dcastl- e, Arcadia Names Good Citizens KEARNS-T- he Citizens Good at Arcadia Elementary School have been announced. These students were chosen by their teachers to represent ' theiF class. ',i Sixth Grades Sixth grade students are Gilbert and Terry Furden. Fifth Grades Third Grades Representing the third grades are Ian Cavin, Greg Colby, Michelle Durrant, From the fifth grades come Ronni Patterson, Jodi Harris, and Trent Worthin. and Belinda Birrell. lA Fourth Grades In the fourth 'it, t i econ(j Grades Second graders are Shaiyu grades are Tina Prince, Mary Stannard, and R. J. Aielo. Patwardhen, Oberman, Valerie and Nick Zupo. First Grades Brenda Adams, Danette Brower, Cindy Williams, and Steven Watson represent the first grades. Y ' - Kindergarten kindergarteners are Clint'"'' Hardcastle, Karrie Davis, Jay Morris, and Brandon Neve. & Arcadia PTA Plans Busy Month KEARNS Arcadia PTA be busy during the month of March with various interesting upcoming events. Meeting A regular PTA meeting will be held at the school on Thursday, March 13 beginning at 7 p.m. The first graders will present a special St. Patricks Day program. They will be under the direction of Miss Sterling and Mrs. Harris. will Hunter PTA to Organize HUNTER The first organization meeting for Hunter Elementary school PTA will be held Thursday, March 13, at 7 p.m., in West Kearns Elementary School, 4901 S. 4720 W. Just count kilowatts instead of calories. Estimate your energy costs with the new UP&L publication, Your Energy Budget Guide, available free at any Utah Power and Light office. Find out how much it costs to use all your electrical appliances by job or by the month. Skinny up your budget by cutting down on the kilowatts. The booklet that helps you decide where to save! Come in or write for your free copy. Hunter Elementary will open its doors for students this coming school year and this is an opportunity for residents of this school area to get in on the ground floor of their PTA. Nominations will be taken to form nominating and bylaws committees. The present principal of Magna Elementary, Owen Cluff , will be on hand to greet all of those present. He will assume his new duties at Hunter Elementary over the summer months. inadditional Should formation be needed contact Harold Armstrong at 966-254- ZOO ANIMAL During the week beginning March 10, the students at the school will be voting on which animal they want to adopt at the Hoggle Zoo. They will provide the money to feed the chosen animal for a year. The following week the winning animal will be SPRING REUPHOSTERING" SAVINGS! 20-5- 0 OFF ON VELVETS, VELVET PRINTS, NYLON PRINTS, ETC. Quality Workmanship 100 Guaranteed CUSTOM AUTO & VAN INTERIORS - TRUCK, BOAT FREE ESTIMATES - PICKUP h & CAMPER SEATS. & DELIVERY 4643 W. 3500 S Granger (East section of Sevan Marine Bldg.) T77T,'V. 968-906- 3 revealed. Pictures of the type of food that particular animal eats will be made up and sold prior to the beginning of classes each day. Every time a child brings money for the animal he may place a picture up on the wall beside the animals portrait. Kindergarten Survey house in the Arcadia School area should be contacted in order to determine how many new kindergarteners will be attending school the following fall. If any are missed and have a kindergarten age child, please contact the school and report. In charge of this survey is Iola Richens. Should there be any questions call her at Every |