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Show it.s r-'- n iro j r..y 8 SpoRtS REBELS came out triumphant as Junior Champions Their coaches are John Gust and Neil Peterson Team members are Steve Brown, Mike Neil Dale Kendale, Darren Peterson, Robert Merrill Chad Sheppide, Cory Gust, Greg Henson, Craig Rydalch, Steve Swensen, and Toff Mitchell THE GRANGER are the Little Bucks. Their coach Warren Brown Members of the team are Teal Brown, Steve Hannorer, Billy Riser, Cory Topham, Paul Marsh, Danny Simmons, Cody Beagley, Troy Halloway, Bruce Mondor, and David Marsh. PEE WEE CHAMPS is THIS IS THE CURRENT Midget Champs the Suns their coaches Fran Prentice an Glen Sorenssen the team is comprised of David Berriochoa, John With Prentice, Brent Raby, Craig Rowely, Matt Sorensen, Jason Jones, Mike Nunley, Mike Rowely, Todd Brienholt, and Kirt Kent M" t '' ??. f A? i $ r pmL 'V . n cH z a ( 14 CUT AND SAVE1 We Pay In Cash We Pay In Cash 7 OPEN TUES. THRU SAT. 11-- 6 CLOSED SUN. & MON Immediate cash will be paid for any and all coins listed below, also buying any form of gold or silver Look through your 14 K, 18 K, 22 K, 24 K, dentures with gold house for any discarded ewelry, rings, watches, ewelry marked 10 K, 12-DOLLAR TOP all gold coins We pay fillings silverware, any silver marked steding or 999, - PRECIOUS METALS OF UTAH No. State Shopping Center Plaza PROVO 2020 East 3300 So. 8 Phone 1700 No. State 9 Phone CEDAR CITY 415 So. Main OGDEN AREA 2958 Washington Blvd. Phone Phone 525 South Main 2 394-559- 5 375-214- 3 586-769- Phone HALF DOLLARS QUARTERS r tr i 4 2; f - - V WNt, . . !, h AAfUX'M , V, 'y m '-- J l 5- - 4 4 ? r fa & J;;-;?&?y 4 I L JJ4f; tr second in the Midget championship game Delos Hathaway is one of their Members of the team are Devin coaches Hathaway, Robert Peterson, Terry Sidwell, Tommy Ahlquist, Russel Orchard, Jeff Geoli, Josh Peterson, Steve Wa rner, Duck Hathaway, and Dave Galloway SALT LAKE 485-266- A'm. THE LAKERS PLACED Locations To Serve You! 5 '' a um it 4 I . Af'-k- f V J 'll . CUT AND SAVE i 4 St CUT AND SAVE Ir rK f !f c ' " '1 $&, 'AA Z ti 4w. 44 V.y J , A f 6 355-291- 9 DIMES PAYING- - VeA.-r- Per Each Coin Dated 892 Thru 1 Half Quarter 1000 ' 964 Dime $00 500 CANADIAN 1 1 Oc - 25c 1880 ttiru 196 50c - 1 , PAYING SIX TIMES FACE KENNEDY HALVES PAYING 1964 1965-197- 10.00 ea. 0 2.25 ea. and SELL COLLECTOR COINS, PROOF SET, INVESTMENTS GOLD, WE BUY TEA SERVICE SALT & PEPPER TRAYS CANDLE HOLDERS FLATWARE ETC. Paying Top Dollar For School Rings Marked 1 $1 5 to $1 00.00 EACH. 0-- K DONT BE I EFT OUT OF THE EXCITEMENT' TAlS PM OF UTAH NEEDS YOUR THE FACE VALUE ED BETWEEN Of 1892 NOTICE All PROS SUBJECT TO CHANGE DUE TO THE MARKET CALI FOR UP TO MINUTE QUOTES FORM ING TRAYS COULD BE a ME UTAH WILL PAY YOU 20 TIMES QUARTERS AND DIMES THAT WERE MINT FROM 15 to 100 DaiARS FOR YOUR GaD CLASS ONLY IN COINS & JEWELRY' IF YOU RE HOLDING STERLING SILVER 1964 YOU T II RECEIVE A TEA P M SERVICE OF aD LADIES RINGS f APR NGS MAKE BROOCHES fL MONEY BY SELLING YOUR UNWANTED BUT STILL VALUA OTHER JEWEIRY CONTAINING GOLD OR SILVER PAYING CASH ON THE BARRELHEAD SILVER DOLLARS liberty Head or Mor9n type f,NE ,Q UNC Paying $21.00 and Up Per Each CUT AND SAVE PM CANDLEHOLDERS SALT & PEPPER SHAKERS, FLATWARE, SERV UTAH HAS BIG BUCKS FOR YOU ANYTHING Of SILVER OR GOLD WORTH MONEY TO YOU CLEAN OUT THAT ATTIC DUST OFF THAT COIN COLLECTION BlE a IN AMERICA S OBSESSION WITH PRECIOUS SILVER ITEMS SILVER HALF DOLLARS & PING BUT THE ACTION ISN IN THE SHARE GaO & CUT AND SAVE came in second for the Junior Championship. Coaches were Glenn Sorensen and Ron Puston. The team was comprised of Brian Brienholt, Todd Christiansen, Gerry Holman Greg Jones, Todd Rushton, Paul Brienholt, Greg Campbell, Kelly Goodfellow, Tim Cook, and Shannon Bearden. THE SONICS Peace Type 1921-193- 5 Paying $21 .00 and Up Per Each CUT AND SAVE Action pictures will appear next week. ji |