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Show Valley View News, March 1 3, 1 980, Paye 7 o Carmela Thomas James KEARNS A lady who welcomes involvement has been named Mrs. Kearns. This well deserved honor and tribute has been paid to Carmela d woman Thomas, a who has given much to Kearns down through the years. Kearns is a long ways from Rio Claro, Brazil where Carmela was born. How she ended up in Utah is an interesting story in itself. Bynon Thomas was a young LDS missionary in Brazil, he was also engaged to a young lady back home. Carmela was engaged to a young man in her hometown. But an obvious attraction was there and after Bynon left many letters traveled back and forth between the young couple. He broke his engagement first and then about six months later she did the same. Bynon was a student at BYU when they decided it was time for Carmela to travel to the States. Marriage plans were made and the couple were married in the Manti Temple. I was lost, remembered Carmela as she talked about the fact that none of her family were here to witness her marriage. Her husband graduated and taught school for one year at Duchesne. Then a 10 year teaching position followed at Santaquin. A move to Salt Lake City and then Kearns followed and this is where they have stayed. Carmela had worked in Brazil as a legal secretary and then after moving to Salt Lake City she was a doctors assista it for a time. Presently she is an Intake Counselor for CETA and loves her work. Much of her time is spent conducting interviews in Spanish, a language similar to her native Portuguese. She KEARNS - I was really shocked, said Arlo James, newly named Mr. Kearns and nominated by area residents for this distinctive honor. I dont feel as though I need to have rewards or recognition, James modestly stated. Regardless of his feelings on the subiect, his peers stated, Arlo is always there to help, and that is fitting enough for this public spirited citizen. Arlo says that he comes from pioneer stock and was born in Union, Utah. In fact, he states, that the old James homestead still stands as a testimony to this family. He attended Union Elementary school and went on to graduate from Jordan High School. This was followed by a stint in the Air Force where he became a flight engineer. He recounts how certain circumstances kept him on the ground when it might have been possible for him to be a pilot. Mr. James married Helen and in February of 1956 they moved into their present home in Kearns. Immediately Arlo got involved in the community. He assisted in the purchase of the property for the super-organize- studied behavioral science American and Spanish in college and earned her degree from Westminster College in 1978. One of her projects has been to organize a Brazilian Club which she accomplished about five years ago with the help of Lana Johnson. The 0 group of about people gather once a month and just have fun. They are presently working on setting up a Brazilian garden at the Peace Garden 15-2- . r Park. Carmela and Bynon have raised five children. They range in age from Grace to Debra who still I lives at home and is studying to be a barber at Utah Tech. George is married and has given Carmela two grandchildren. Grace also has one child as does Jeff. Ronnie is still single and attending U. of U. Working with her hands, Carmela has chosen hobbies where her manual dexterity helps. She loves to work with rocks and fashions them into interesting pieces of jewelry. She also likes to read a lot, she says. Community Involvement For 15 years Carnr ela has worked in the Boy Scout program. She has spent another four years with the Girl Scouts. Church activities have occupied much of her spare time too down through the years. At one time she found out that Youth, Inc. needed a place to set up a counseling center. This is a branch of the Juvenile Court, she explained. She went door to door getting signatures on a petition in order to obtain a house on the boulevard for this purpose. Special training in alcohol and drug abuse has been taken by this concerned lady. She has worked with the Alcohol Foundation in lecturing to many school, civic and church groups. She has also been a member of the Family Life Center board as well as a board member for the Granite Mental Health. At the present time Carmela is the of the Kearns secretary-treasure- r Town Council, a group she has served faithfully for over three years. Among her many accomplishments she can add her chairmanship of last years Home Town Days, 30th Anniversary. She has been chairman of the parade for two years. Youve got to organize it all in advance, stated Carmela as she talked about the hundreds of hours that go into getting the parade ready. Beginning in January she sets the wheels in motion so that the event comes off without a hitch. She states with a certain amount of relief in her voice that she has passed the torch and this year another member of the Council will be assuming that duty. Truly a woman who has given much to the community, Carmela Thomas can be proud to be called Mrs. Kearns. 27 year-ol- Chad Terry Arlo d Baseball League and continued working in Little League for years as a coach, manager, vice president, and then president. Even though at the time all he had were girls, he still worked with the program. He was on the original committee organized to set up the youth football conference and became an insurance agent for the group. The children came and they now have four, three of whom are now living away from home. Sandy is married, lives in Kearns with her husband ' and two sons. She will present him with another grandchild this summer. Georgia lives in Granger and is Arlo my independent daughter, proudly states. Another daughter Mary, is married and a Kearns resident. David is 14 years old and the only child home. Arlos wife, Helen, has always been invoked in school and civic affairs. She is currently serving as treaurer for the Womans Democratic Club. Arlo has been involved in politics for many years. He was a member of the first mass meeting for Democrates in the area and was elected vice chairman of the group. He has held the position of voting district chairman ever since. His political activities included serving a term representing the 27th Legislative District at the State Legislative session, 1977-7His civic involvement also includes being a director of both the Service District No.l and the Kearns Crime Council. Arlo has been an employee of Kennecott for 29 years and two months. He has held many positions down through the years but it has always been something to do with machines. Im mechanically inclined in the first place, he proudly stated. His work has been in the machine shop, heavy equipment operation for 13 years, and he has held many supervisory and management positions out in the field. Until just recently he was the shop support general foreman at the mine. His duties included being in charge of the locomotive repair shop, machine, boiler, blacksmith, car, and diesel shops. Another promotion came his way and how he is field repair general foreman for the entire mine operation. He works at the mine and makes sure those 41 shovels and many drills are kept repaired and operating, properly. To relax Arlo likes to do something with his hands and get out in the great outdoors. He hunts and fishes and says that he loves to dune buggy too. I enjoy being on the go, being active, concluded Mr. Kearns, Arlo OlgaMilius KEARNS A quiet and peace loving man got ripped off one day. That was the wrong thing to have happen to this man. He was quiet no longer, in fact, he got downright irate at the injustice of it all. Chad Terry decided to see if there was something he could do in order to protect his and his neighbors property. He walked door to door and asked for support in organizing their neighborhood against crime. They held a couple of meetings and discussed ways they could help each other fight this problem. Mr. Terry found out that the Salt Lake County Sheriffs office had a Crime Watch program set up in valley high schools but there was none in Kearns. The group elected Terry chairman in 1976 and went about a number of projects. The first one was to get a permanent sheriff for the county. They invited each candidate to a meeting and asked him if he would support the Crime Watch. They got a positive response from every one of them. Since then weve had Sheriff Haywards 100 percent support, Terry stated. The group has continued to meet every month to discuss methods of carrying out their objective in the Kearns area. They ask each resident to contribute two dollars which is used to prepare printed informational materials and also get signs and stickers erected in : S !;: sister, younger Karen, is a sophomore. Olga has been involved with the schools for years. She began as a room mother when the boys were little and now is very active with the PTSA at Kearns High. Her children attended Kennedy Junior High and for two years she served as their PTA president. Ill probably be president of Kearns PTSA next year unless someone else comes along and wants the job, Olga interjected with a trace of humor in her voice. She is vice president this year therefore figures she hasnt much chance of getting out of the job. Its fun, Ive enjoyed working with the schools, this active lady stated. I think Kennedy and Kearns are both excellent schools and you can quote me on that. I enjoy working with the kids and die staff. I wish more people would get involved at the secondary level, parents dont know what they are missing. This energetic lady who has well represented Kearns via the printed word sums up her feelings by saying, I feel that Im in great company. There are many in the community who have received these great awards, its an honor to be up there with them. years. Born and raised in Lancashire, England, Olga came with her parents to Utah when she was in her early 20s. Her mothers family were all here so the move wasnt as traumatic as one might imagine. She worked at the Genealogical Society for about three years and then married Raymond who was in the Air Force at the time. They settled down and began raising a family. Six children were born to the couple. Raymond Edward is her eldest son and he is married to Sheran. The couple live in West Jordan and have presented Olga with two grandchildren. Gianina is four years old and Raymond Arik is an eight month old baby. Ronald is married to the former DeAnn Humphreys from Kearns and they live at Edwards Air Force Base in California. They have a three vear I feel that the definition of inflation is crime, inserted Terry. He went on to explain that in such a short period of time so many things have changed and much of it does lead to crime. Out of the original 11 Crime Councils in the valley Kearns has the only active one now. Family Terry and his wife, Lois, are the parents of three boys and one girl. The children are grown and gone now but some live close enough so that the family can get together often. Four grandchildren are enjoyed a great deal by this home-lovincouple. I golf a little, Terry mused, but that seems to be the extent of his active participation in sports. He says that he still enjoys watching athletic events, a pass-tim- e begun years ago when his sons played at Kearns High School and then later at the University. employee for Terry is a Mountain Bell. He is a CO Technician. He explained that what that means is that he maintains electronic and electrical equipment. He has also been active in his union, the Communication Workers of America, which represents telephone workers. He was president for seven years and has held other offices for a total of 11 years. Active in the Democratic party, Terry has been a delegate for the Kearns district for four years and a two-yedelegate in his present district in Bennion. Chad Terrys involvement in his neighborhood began a movement that still has momentum and good for the entire Kearns area. It is no wonder that he was nominated and chosen for the honor of being called Mr. Kearns Booster. Gold Bug Club to Hold Meeting KEARNS-T- he market today many people have asked for more in- Gold Bug Club will be holding a formation regarding this rare and precious resource. this coming meeting Thursday evening, beginning at 7 p.m. at the Kearns Library Auditorium. g How to mine for gold, what to do with it once youve found it, and other aspects of this fascinating hobby will be discussed. With all of the interest generated by the high gold The SOUTHWEST FOOT CLINIC in Kearns (the only full time foot clinic on the West Side of the Valley) announces with pleasure that it is now accepting patients. Dr. Brice N. Jenson a specialist in Podiatric Medicine and Foot Surgery will be available full time to treat family foot problems during the regular clinic hours of 9-- 5 Monday and Friday; 9-- T uesday and Thursday; and 9-- 1 on Saturday. 9 ar For appointments call 968-907- 0. SOUTHWEST FOOT CLINIC 5255 South 401 5 West Suite 1 40 - East Entrance Salt Lake City (Kearns), Utah 841 18 PROUD OF KEARNS' A History of Kearns 1949-- 1 979 Compiled by: Rosa Vida Black ; Pubished by: KEARNS TOWN COUNCIL ON SALE Beginning Mon., Jan. 21st Set & nominated and chosen to be Mrs. Kearns Booster. The reason she was writing was because she is the Kearns correspondent for the Green Sheet, a weekly, free publication. This enjoyable job takes her to many Kearns events as well as doing her best to cover all of the elementary schools in the West Valley. Her association with the paper has continued for nine places. Trustee Meeting KEARNS-T- he The other four children are still living at home. Steven works as a machinist and takes some classes. Gaylene is a nurse at Holy Cross Hospital. Kathleen is finishing up her high school career at Kearns and her her was Wednesday nights announcement that she had been appropriate James. r.V.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.VvXvXvIvXv:-:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::::;:;:;:- old son, Zacary. I was floored comKEARNS pletely and my pencil froze, Olga Milius stated in her charming English accent. What had flaberghasted from any Council member Kearns Improvement District will hold a regular Trustee Meeting on Wednesday, March 19. The meeting will convene at 7:30 p.m. at the District offices, 5401 S. 4220 $6.50 per copy Arlo James John Fabert Carmela Thomas Bill Erskine 968-138968-074- 8 3 969-022- 2 968-362- 3 Glenn Graham. Jerry Wang Sandy Mamales George Starks . 968-814- 8 967-103- 4 966-042- 0 967-734- 2 W. Anyone attend. is welcome to View News) (Advertising Courtesy of Valley I |