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Show lii Volley View News, March 13, 1980, Page 9 , H s Basketball Champions betermined For iWestside Youth KEARNS It was a busy week for the youth basketball program as final games were played in the A as well as B tournament and the final championship games held. Pee Wee The final winners of the Pee Wee division were the Little Bucks. Coached by Warren Brown the team consisted of Teal Brown, Steve Hannorer, Billy Riser, Cory Tophan, Paul Marsh, Danny Simmons, Cody Beagley, Troy Halloway, Bruce Mondor, and David Marsh. Midgets At half time on Saturday, March 8, the Suns were down 9 22 against the Lakers for the Championship. The Lakers clearly were all over the Suns who had thus far gone undefeated in their league play. Finally with 55 seconds left in the third period the Suns pulled ahead with a score of 30 28. They got their second wind and it was no stopping them for the rest of the game. The Suns won by a final score of 51 - 37. John Prentice was high scorer for the Suns with 16 points followed by Matt Sorensens 11 and Brent U t, f- -- -- K Rabys Both teams were presented with trophies signifying their league standings. The Lynn Jackson Memorial Trophy was presented to Brent Raby of the Suns for outstanding season achievement. A new memorial trophy was presented for the first time this year. Bill Robb was a coach for the Cavaliers before his tragic death in a n accident recently. His widow, Mary Robb, Robb the presented Memorial Trophy to the Coach of the Year. That car-trai- was Frank individual Prentice, coach of the Suns. Juniors It was a battle between the Sonics for the Junior Championship. At the end of the first period it was close in with the score being favor of the Rebels. The Sonics were never quite able to catch up throughout the remainder of the of the game. The Rebels finally took it with a score of 52- - 7 after a press from the Sonics. Members of the Rebels 11-1- 3. last-minu- te were John Gust, Steve Brown, Mike Keil, Dale Kendale, Darren Peterson, Chad Sheppide, Cory Gust, Greg Robert 10. Steve Warner made 15 of the Lakers total points and performed well on the court. The Suns were coached by Fran Prentice and Glen Sorensen. The team members were David Berriochoa, John Prentice, Brent Raby, Matt Rowely, Craig Sorensen, Jason Jones, Mike Nunley, Mike Rowely, Todd Brienholt, and Kirt Kent. The Lakers were coached The by Delos Hathaway. team was comprised of Devin Hathaway, Robert Peterson, Terry Sidewell, Tommy Ahlquist, Russell Jeff Geoll, Josh Steve Warner, Duck Hathoway, and Dave Galloway. Orchard, Peterson, Merrill, Henson, Craig Rydalch, Steve Swensen, and Toff Mitchell. Their coach was Neil Peterson. Helping to add those 52 points to their side were Steve Brown with 11, Robert Merrills 10, and Cory Gust with 14. The Sonics had Gerry Holman who made 13 of their total points. A presentation was made following the game when each member of both teams received trophies. Robert Schelin then presented the Billy Okurra and Bobby Schelin Memorial Trophy to Gerry Holman of the Sonics for outstanding season play. The Sonics were coached by Glenn Sorensen and Ron Ruston. Members of the team were Brian Brienholt, Todd Christiansen, Gerry Holman, Greg Jones, Todd Rushton, Paul Brienholt, Kelly Greg Campbell, Goodfellow, Tim Cook and Shannon Bearden. B Tournament B The Tournament games were played Monday, March 3, for both Junior and Midgets. The Rams were victorious over the Baldys by a score of The Rams had Brent Dickie who scored a number of his teams points. The Nuggetts took it from the Celtics with a score of Scott Pollack made 10 of the winning points while Todd McKee made 13 points for the Celtics. In an overtime game the Hunter Lions made it 38 over the Chargers with 34. Bret Falks made 13 of the Chargers winning points. It was the Pros over the Raiders with a score of For the Pros Mark Brey made nine points and the Raiders Travis Olsen made 12 of their points. The Midget Championship in the B Tournament had 25-2- 35-2- 33-2- the Rams the playing Nuggetts. It was a 29 point victory for the Rams against 16 made by the Nuggetts. Darren Kendall made 11 of the Rams points while Scott Pollock scored 12 rjr the Nuggetts. The final Junior Championship was played between the Hunter Lions and the Pros. The Lions came out ahead with a score of Steve Bryant made 10 of the winning points. A Tournament was The tournament at High Granger played School on Monday, March 3. Eight Midget teams and four Junior teams vied to see who would advance to the 38-1- championships. The Flyers made it look easy as they took the game against the Bucks Terry Suschill made 12 winning points, Erik George 43-3- 3. added another nine, and Brian Moore made it eight more. For the Bucks Adam Bangerter made 13 big ones and Jay Packer another 10. The Steelers did steal it from the Vikings with a final Wade count of Slaughter made 12 points for the Steelers. The Suns made it another undefeated game when they took on the Stars. They won John by a score of Prentice made 10 winning points and Chris Gigliotti made 14 of the Starpoints. It was a clear win for the Lakers as they defeated the Colts Steven Warner 34-2- 27-2- 35-2- made 13 points for the Lakers. This advanced them to the final Midget Cham- pionship game played Saturday. A Junior match between the Sonics and Rockets saw the Sonics come out clear victors with a final count of Greg Jones made 20 and Todd Christiansen another 12 for the winners. Jeff Willandson made 19 and Todd Foulks nine for the Rockets. The Allstars were pitted against the Rebels and lost out as the Rebels clinched their championship bid with Steven a score of Braun made 12 of the winning points and he was helped by another 13 that were made by Robert Merrill. Mike Littlewood added 13 points for the Allstars and Johnny Walker added another 10. ij i j i j J j Its not the enemy on the outside, but the one on the inside, we must recognize. This is true on countless fronts. In our country, corruption in government and apathy of the people weaken us far more than Communist infiltration. In our neighborhoods, jealousy and indifference nullify efforts toward community J improvement. In our own j lives, vacillation and lack of I confidence pose a greater 4 Ihreat to our achievement 3 than does lack of opportunity 4 or cooperation from others. I Thomas D. Murray, in ' : ; i ; reflecting essential on values, said that he would want a child to understand that if he believes in himself, he can use his energy to work toward what he wants to be or do, and not in wondering whether hes good enough to try. He said that worry will wear him as fast as work- - and worse, will tie him to the starting line. How many times are we exhausted by the civil war going on in our head, leaving no energy to fight the daily battle? One man told me, I have a son who can push my I lie guilt button--an- d d for wallowing in self-hatre- i Oquirrh Hills to Hold Dinner KEARNS The Oquirrh Hills PTA wdl sponsor an annual Dinner. mother-Daught- er event will Friday, March The convene on e 14, at 6:30 p m., in the room at the school. The dinner will cost $2 per person and be planned around a chicken entre. A program will follow which will consist of a solo Multi-Purpos- days. Work has to wait while I wander paths Ive gone countless This man is legion. administrator saw her confident and charismatic recounted: I before a group of adult students. She sold them on concepts, coaxed forth initial attempts, orchestrated efforts, and climaxed the afternoon with a success experience for each. But later, in a social group, the word divorce produced a visible change in her appearance and demeanor. That word negated her imShe personality. mediately withdrew into her own impenetrable world of suffering., The problem is sung by Jennifer Price accompanied by her mother, Marilyn Price. Jennifer is a first grade student at the school. A fashion show is to be highlighted and presented by the Young Generation. inadditional Any formation may be obtained from Karen Booth at times over before. An two-fol- of First, we must prevent, or at least stop, our own descent into ths abyss of depression. We must be up to life. We can give ourselves strokes; emphasize accomplishments, rather than failures. We can avoid people who delight in putting us down-- or confront them with, You and his teammate Brent Raby another 11. Ahlquist made 18 winning points and Steve Warner made it another 10 points The Lakers had an easy win against the Steelers with a final score of Tom The 40-2- s grade Wednesday - Utah Whirlpool Division Wildlife iislnng license fees, to Clair Huff, director for the ions iperal schedule will become effective on April 2, 1980. Licenses purchased before this date are good for the entire year. Scott Gilvary, Rob Pettit. Greg F'enn, Sean Johnson, and Matt Almound 4 AUTOMATIC CYCLES FOR WASHING FLEXIBILITY Pat Rick know, I dont like the way you make me feel. selfTennyson listed reverence as a prerequiste to soverign power. We can be more aware of our divine lineage and condiently follow our Father. Second, we can be more aware of the wounds others carry and seek to shield or heal them. We can observe the fleeting shadow of pain or the obvious withdrawal when we intrude on their privacy, preach our values at their expense, sneak in a retaliatory dig, or shine our own halo instead of theirs Love is the key. If we accept and respond to the love of others, attack our problems rather than defend our ego, act rather than react, we will not be y dominated by the child residual in each of us When we love and respect others, recognize their worth and appreciate what they do, we weaken their internal enemy. Only the stern can hold their peace amidst the clamor (Helene Mullins). LHA 6900 CO'-J- ' W JMI AND CHECK THESE ADDITIONAL VALUES not-oka- Model EET172PK model 17.2 cu. ft. 4 75 cu ft freezer Power-SavinHeater Control Switch Twin No-Fro- st with value of t, and matching dryer 499" Resources. The new fee were Mcder-mot- Limited Edition, large capacity washer humidity seals Adjustable meat pan and split shelves Optional ice maker i members evening, March 5, more play was seen at Kearns High School for the Midgets. The Suns were up against the Flyers and came out victorious with a score of John Prentice made 15 g License Fees to Increase g Team Randy Peck, Todd Sargjit Gill, VanOrden, Rick Clawson. David Pete Johnson, 50-4- cnspers The recent session of the tali Stale legislature voted 'o increase hunting and 9th Grade winning 9th team was Granger Coaching this fine team was Gene VanOrden 68-4- Glimpses By GRANGER TEAM ended the season as champ. Their coach is Gene VanOrden. Members of the team are Randy Peck, Todd McDermott, Sargjit Gill, Scott VanOrden, Rick Clawson, David Johnson, Pete Gilvary, Rob Pettit, Greg Fenn, Sean Johnson, and Matt Almound. THE TIME TIME TO Whirlpool microwave oven Fingertip controls Defrost cycle 2 cook cycles MEAL SENSOR " temperature probe1 signal End-of-cycl- e 49988 BU- Y- OFFER ENDS MAR. 29, 1980 X m |