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Show ' - i At Open Mouse By George Starks What it means to be an integral Kearns was clearly defined riuntly as an estimated 200 local cui" leaders, early town residents, community workers, and public sir, ants congregated at the Family L .. Center for the annual Kearns Boo.ter Awards Ceremony. pa t of Governor Scott Matheson and his w'fe Norma, were guests of honor at tl Kearns Town event as a host of local civic workers v i e singled out and commended for oi landing community endeavors r.mitted to making Kearns the d ..reable area that it remains today Council-sponsore- FOUR CIVIC individuals received special recognition at the recent Open House in Kearns. Governor Scott Matheson presented plaques to: (I. to r.) Chad Terry, Mr. Kearns Booster; Carmela Thomas, Mrs. Kearns; Olga Milius, Mrs. Kearns Booster; and Arlo James Mr. Kearns. MINDED d Issued each Thursday at 9124 W. 2700 S., Magna. Utah 84044. second Class postage paid at Magna, Utah. (USr 3 656-380) establishing Kearns March KEARNS, UTAH 1 3, 1 980 Town Council Light Shut Off Continues to be Sore Spot for Community KERS The Kearns Town met the first and third Tuesday nights in the month of February. The main items on the agendas were the planning for the Open House to be held on Wednesday evening, March 5, and the continuing problem created by the countys removal of many street lights. John Fabert, council member, received a copy of a letter directed to Commissioner Robert G Salter from Josninaru Kano, Director of the Salt Lake County Public Works Department, Traffic Engineering Division. In this letter Mr. Kano stated, reasons for the removal of the lights Funding is the big problem. The for street 1980, budget allocation 1979 mill the on based was lighting levy of .44. A projected deficit of approximately $39,000 would have resulted if the full compliment of lights had been kept on. Because fluids cannot be transferred from one department to another or from the general fund for street lighting, the cut back had to be in the lighting area. There was a light concentration of 300 per square mile in Kearns. Now that lights have been disconnected, and in fact some actually taken off the poles, there are presently 130 lights per square mile. It was pointed out that other areas such as Holladay, Magna and Evergreen had a much lower light concentration per square mile Council Mr Fabert said that he did obtain a moratorium on no more lights being removed until the completion of a study of the allocation of funds as pertaining to the new West Valley City situation may affect the lighting budget Those that are off now are off for Fabert said The Council voiced concern as to the legitimacy of using a light concentration persquaremile as the right yardstick for judging coverage. It was suggested that population density would be a much fairer way to determine lighting needs-- . The Council feels that what has transpired up to this point is by no means the end of the dialogue on the subject. Miscellaneous A letter was received from the White House in which President Carter felt deep appreciation and thanked the Kearns Town Council for their support in the Iranian crisis Mr Keith Wall from the United Way was present and explained the necessity of a review panel for the 1980 budget The Kearns Town Council will request that they be appointed as disbursement agent for United Way funds in the Kearns area. Bill Erskine reported on a meeting he had with the ASSIST people. This program would assist senior citizens in making minor repairs to their homes. Should additional information 3 be wanted contact Mr. Erskine at good, 968-362- All plans had been successfully completed for the Open House to be held at the Family Life Center on Wednesday evening, March 5, 1980. Governor Scott Matheson will be the guest of honor. Editor's Note: The following letter from Commissioner Robert G. Salter was received by the Valley View News. It is printed in its entirety for the information of Kearns residents. Editorial Department Valley View Times 9124 West 2700 South Magna, Utah 84044 Gentlemen: Regarding the controversy, and some misunderstandings, about the a number of decision to shutt-of- f street lights within the County, the following information may prove helpful The 1980 budget approved by the Board of County Commissioners sought to hold spending to a level where a mill levy property tax increase would not be necessary. As part of that process, the mill levy for the Street Lighting budget was set at .44 mills - the same as for 1979 The -- Public Service Commission has, however, approved increases in Street Lighting utility rates which exceed the growth in the Countys assessed valuation, with the result that it has become necessary to either raise the mill levy for Street Lighting or reduce the number of lights by 415 to cover a projected $39,000 1980 operating deficit But why, you may ask, can't money be transferred from some less important service or program to the Street Lighting budget? Under present law, Street Lighting can be funded only through a property tax imposed on residents of the unincorporated sections of the County Therefore, funding cannot be transferred from the General Fund (to which residents of cities also contribute) to the Street Lighting budget The only two services also funded from property tax collected soley from within the unincorporated County are the Fire Department (4 0 mills) and Planning and Zoning i 68 mills) The 1980 budget of both were set at the bare-bone- s level The question has also been raised as to why so many lights were scheduled for shut-of- f in Kearns in eompauson to the rest of the unincorporated County It is because the concentration of lights in Kearns was so high to begin with. The in the Holladay area, for instance, stood at 110 prior to the shutoff decision In the Evergreen area, the figure was 65 In Magna, it was 86. And in Kearns, 300. Even after the proposed shut-ofthe Kearns density would remain 130 We are confronted here with the classic dilemma which occurs when demands to hold the line on (or with reduce) taxes run head-odemands to maintain (or increase) services We are studying this problem intensely, in the hope of coming up with a solution (perhaps a restructing of the tax system! which will make it possible to meet the demand for lights without increasing the property tax burden One possibility, for example, would be to abolish all (or part) of the 5 12 mills which presently fund Fire, Planning and Zoning, and Street Lighting, and instead finance those three services with a franchise tax on utilities The point for the present, is that either the mill levy must be raised to a level sufficient to keep the lights on, or to enough lights must be shut-of- f balance the existing budget of the Street Lighting Division three-year-ol- d BRYCE DAY " participation and assistant commitments included volunteer f( in work with the local Humane Society assistance at Gourky Elementary School, and servue with the Kearns High School Credit 1 nion While reaching this level ol com mitment, she had continued to maintain a 40 average m school studies A special thanks was given to Professor Jack McDonald, of tin University of Utah's Information and Public Affairs Office, and Rosalee Webb for their consultant work on Rosa Vida Black s triumph Proud of Kearns. According to Town Council r ember Carmela Thomas an ap proximate 23 original lesidents of Kearns, out of the first loo families appeared for the event with several traveling from distant states They each received a copy of the book Wednesday night was truiv a triumphant victory for those who believe in Kearns as a very wor thwhile way of life It was clearly a reflection of the dedication and responsibility with which many Kearns residents are willing to work for the community's good teacher lV . VV e making this westside communitv work and function as a town united The annual Kearns Outstanding outh Award went to Kearns S mor High s.udent Janet Dawn MiElpiang for her many involvements in everyday community life These sdme A? f .p - ' i v :H Ilgfil J ' vrA f, n KEARNS TOWN COUNCIL members presented copies of the book Proud of Keorns, to the approximately 23 original Kearns residents who attended the Open House. One lady is seen receiving her copy from John Fabert as Bill Erskinelooks on. Sincerely , Robert G. Salter Commissioner Ten Year Old Is Neighborhood Hero KEARNS Ten year-ol- d is hero in a real Bryce Day every sense of the word Without giving it a second thought he put his own life on the line to save two others Bryce, the son of Sandy and Michael G. Day of 4207 Stratus, was playing in a yard across the street from his home. At that time Ixiraine Bourne pulled up into the driveway to visit with her friend, Suzanne Hansen, for a few minutes She set the brake but left the car running, expecting to be right back out of the d house Her child was asleep on the back seat and a one year-olwas in the front seat. That child seemed to be having a lot of fun honking the horn. Suddenly the baby pulled the gear shift and the car started to roll backwards down the drive and out into Mini-park,- complete with cannon The awards were presented by Commander Wayne Boatman of Post 132 The evenings entertainment was provided by Norma Tanner, Soprano singer and one of Kearns many claims to fame She was especially thanked for appearing in under an hours notice after the Kearns High School Madrigals cancelled just prior to the program Chad Terry and Olga Millius were chosen Mr and Mrs Kearns Booster for their commitment and dedication to the loan of Kearns Additional awards were presented to residents Arlo James and Carmela Thomas, as Mr and Mrs Kearns, for their active ISMWilM WotMlWItuV Volume 26 Number 10 He was presented with an autographed copy of the book Proud of Kearns. Highlights of the evenings events included the introduction, and accompanying awards ceremony, for Mr and Mrs Kearns Booster, Mr and Mrs Kearns, the public book presentation and sale of Proud of both an early and conKearns, temporary accounting the historical Kearns with a special introduction and commendation to its authoress, Mrs Rosa Vida Black, and Robert Huntington's Lions Club presentation of the annual Kearns Outstanding Youth Award Additional items on the Agenda included the brief introduction of the Kearns Town Council members and the presentation of American Legion awards to local residents designated as having been instrumental in VIDA BLACK received commendation from Governor Scott Matheson for her efforts in writing and compiling the book Proud of ROSA street Bryce was playing only about two yards away, he looked up and started running towards the car. He managed to open the door while the car continued to move, jumped in, and slammed down on the brake the pedal I Yes Votes Still More didn't know which one the brake, stated, but lucky was Bryce for all concerned, he hit the right one on the first try. The car stopped against the far curb opposite the drive and then a very shaken Bryce climbed out of the car The car owner was on the scene and a small crowd . gathered 1 hardly knew what was like a dream, Bryce explained He said that after he thought about it a bit he exclaimed, I could have got happened, killed!" it Than Nos for City Incorporation recount of the West Valley City votes showed incorporation proponents of the new city coming out ahead with 5,185 yes votes against 5.113 no votes. The count was made Friday afternoon, March 7 for two and one half hours, according to Kay Llewellyn, Salt Lake County Elections Deputy. A Everyone is now satisfied the vote is correct, Mrs Llewellyn said She said there were four witnesses each at the recount from the opponents and the proponents' side The elections deputy added Bart Barker, a Hunter resident who requested the recount, will be billed $137 23 for the procedure |