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Show Pace Valley View News March 13 1980 a. Safeway: t S&. CV , tuifc. C -- - J-,- f 11 a " .aof -i Xi. 1 jS 5. it. ,r - Westside Store Mas ' grocery chain began as Skaggs Cash and Carry Stores Magna has the distinction of being the location of one of those very first Skaggs stores In the early 1920s the grocery store opened in the building next to where Dyches Drug Store is now located on 2700 S m the heart of Magna It operated in that location until 1956 when the store moved to another Magna location on the corner of 2700 S and 8400 W where the present Food Village does business While Daris D Taylor was from downtown to the corner location He was with the store until 1960 At that time Gus Patrokes managed the store and he was followed by C Leroy Gull Ernest Holt was a manager for a year and then Larry Morgan took over for about two years until 1967 Another two year term was served by Joe Ferro Dennis Harley had it in 1969 and that is where the record stops The store was permanently closed on July 17, 1976 The head meat cutters were Leland T Richards from 1943 to 1950 At that time Victor Peterson took over and worked for eleven till I Company records reveal a number of managers and head meat cutters that worked at the store The earliest recorded date is May 3, 1943 when Elmond assumed E Apgood He rfianagerial duties stayed with the store for a little over four years E Ladrue Holman followed and worked for three years He was succeeded by Jex Lott who was manager for a year Steve Harrillo came and worked in that capacity for another two years Two more years were directed by Carmon Perry then William S Johnson followed for a year Leland years Richards came back and was heat meat cutter and held that position fo four more years Kenneth Davis followed for three years 1961 when Douglas Kirkpatrick assumed the position Ernest Davies came next for a year and then Dallin Roberts The record ends there New Store The Safeway corporation determined that more growth was being made in the Kearns area so decided to open a store about eight miles southeast of Magna On February 25, 1973 the new store was officially opened and is located at 4739 S 4000 W in a small center on the corner i .. T" S. frM ?' " - t. - r. , , , - , 'h , i , ; f tft s A modern dairy at 1820 S. 3730 W. provides all of valleys milk needs for their many stores Along with the usual grocery items the store provides a large magazine and book section for shoppers convenience. Variety items are also available and i i 1 lr( StK4x AVS p vt'mjr- - XAVrAAA, Jg a" ij, s T" s I St 1 8. I I X ' N 4 0-'- i f Jf Jf - cw' v n 1 St fe1 x ' - A 5 anv t A. i J - v JK I iii r . 1 I ii ;v -- rv -- , j f 8 M. , l i , i - y S k V?r rv J "ss" i, t i - t "? jff Vlitv5l T 9. AX :.y V t f j 5 i ' S & i !' A The merchandise doesnt have to be hand loaded and it western states, proudly said Mr Anderson - - Si Stock As Terry explains it, most of their inventory comes from the central distribution warehouse in Salt Lake City Most items are completely palletized thereby reducing labor costs and breakage comes all together. Most produce, meat, and grocery items come in this manner. There are some local jobbers who make sure certain shelves are well stocked such as the potato chips Safeway has one of the finest milk plants in the t C rf "i 1 W A Safeway emnow Anderson ployee, Terry manages this busy store with the help of assistance manager, Ruben Martinez He also has two grocery managers, Dale Olson and Larry Campos. The head meat cutter is Mike Lark and the produce department is handled by Peggy Carson Presently there are a total of 31 employees at the store V c- & M feriy Beginnings manager the store moved ,' y i fcjf. rr tf . , KEARNS Back before Safeway was called Safeway it all started in American Falls, Idaho in 1915 The -- i " ? I 8V;, y. c Wtm ya r $ - x A THE FIRST SAFEWAY store 4 s Magna was actually called Skaggs in Cash and Carry. This picture was taken circu 1921 and was in the heart of town. Located next door to where Dyches Pharuntil its move macy is now, the store continued to do business is. Foods to the eastern edge of town where Village one may purchase anything from motor oils to greeting cards Safeway has its own plant warehouse and the stores well stocked plant section is quite popular with customrs Services The store also provides other vital services for their customers convenience may purchase postage stamps at the office UTA are also bus passes One available Film may also he developed by filling out an envelope and appropriate depositing it at the store The film processing prices die competitive with what is available elsewhere Caipet cleaners are also available on a rental basis to Mr According he believes Anderson, Safeway can provide more services and merchandise to its customers than many of lus competitors Convenient parking and a good location are certainly assets for this busy store He certainly doesnt want to overlook good service and the need to establish a friendly relationship with each customer The employees at this Safeway are continually striving towards this goal, Anderson states The store is open Monday through Saturday from 8 am till 11 pm They are open two hours less on Sundays, 9am 10pm The store may be reached by dialing 1, 51 6- , t as. r&ttZ'tT .ft,J r -, - ? , x V A PROMINENT 4700 966-066- 2 W., the shopping center ct the corner of 4000 serve its cjstome s seven cov s a week LANDMARK in Safeway is open to ar W ? t z N .&& '$togp eswi v WSk x v n & t y A- 4 manager, Mike Lark and store manager Terry Moore see that this departmet is kept well supplied. MEAT DEPARTMENT II h Cats have no ability to taste sweets IF YOU ,'vl DRIVE IT IN, c A LET US rv counter at the Safeway store at the check-ou- t fficient and friendly service is stressed throughout. SHERRIE WIMMER works f PIES& the new produce manager at Safeway. Attractive displays draw many a customer to this corner of the store. extra money If you would like to earn some extra spending money the Valley View News has a way you can do just that For every subscription to the V alley iew News that you are able to obtain you will be paid a coninnsion of $1 50 Thei e are a couple of ways you can do this, one being that of working from vour home Voung people as well as adults are most welcomed to put their ambition to work Contact Lois Knutsen, Editor of the alloc View News by calling either 7 6644 Thank you 250 5656 or i - & sandwiches FRESH DAILY - SPECIAL THIS WEEK: Fri. & Sat., Mar. 14 & iC Hard Rolls Have you tried our sourdough? Come in & get acquainted. 250-175- 6 8963 W. 2700 S. (Formerly Amsterdam Bakery) DBA vi'w k ARSCT $ $ J BBKIK1 7103 W. 2450 S. (Gates Ave.) 3 1 or Tel. 250-182- 255-522- HOURS: 9 1 1 15 69cdoz. Dinner Rolls rnD E- $ bring a full line of bakery products TOW IT IN! JJL PASTRIES We -- Midvde Auto Wrecking OUR MOMS PEGGY CARSON is CAN'T a.m.-5:3- a.m.-- 5 0 p.m. Mon.-Sop.m. Sundays t. to $70 for junk cars & trucks Wili Pay $40 - WE PICK UP - We buy scrap iron & farm equipment. |