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Show Open House - Viet? Necos KEARNStCOMMUNITY (USPS 656-38- Continued from NEWSPAPER LLL 0) Issued each Thursday at 9124 W 2700 S Magna, Utah 84404 Second class postage paid at Magna, Utah. Mail subscription Payable in advance $6 per year in Utah $7 All advertising must be in our office by noon Monday for Thursday publication and preferably by 5 p m Friday Area businesses vs ishing information about our rates may contact our office at 250-, i ' i 1 5656 J. Howard Stahle Publisher Managing Editor Editor Office Manager Advertising Manager J. Howard Stahle Lois S. Knutsen Marilyn Goble .... Afton Cameron Photographer Lois S. Knutsen Reporters Susan Mawhinney David West George Starks, Suzanne Hansen, 967-680- 6 969-241- 7 ', $ As See IT I 15 v CHAD TERRY wmm receives the recognition as Mr. Kearns Booster from Governor Scott Matheson. Luis Knutsen fir People who are not afraid to get involved have earned my respect and admiration. Four such people have recently received recognition for their involvement and I feel its high time. As I have interviewed them preparatory to writing their profiles, Ive been impressed over and over again with the unselfish way they have gone about living their lives. They dont make a big show of it, they certainly havent deliberately sought awards, they just want to be considered regular neighbors. But because they care about their community, their friends, their property, they get involved. Because they have a dream that the world can be a better place and that people are inherently good if given the chance, they get involved. I heard about hours and hours of quiet work so that something can get done. This is time that could have been spent doing something else but they didnt mind, because they cared about what they were doing. They really arent terribly much different from any of us. They are your neighbors, your friends, the lady at the PTA meeting, or the man who helps his neighbor fix a car. These four people represent so many others that live in the Kearns community. There are hundreds who live lives very much like theirs. Thank God for them all. Thats what makes a community grow close, what gives one a neighborhood identity, what makes you feel that your roots are sinking deeper into your chosen spot on earth. Kearns has a beautiful yearly tradition in naming a Mr. and Mrs. Kearns and Mr. and Mrs. Kearns Booster. Once a year four people can be recognized, honored and tribute paid. Their examples can give each one of us renewed courage to continue with our lives doing all we can to improve ourselves and make the world just a bit better because we are here. Letter to the editor street Kearns lights. Commissioner Salter said, Kearns has more street lights per area than anywhere in the nation. He also added that to avoid a tax increase someone had to lights) off. We have a high crime rate in Kearns now. We dont have the police manpower to adequately handle the current crime problems. There seems to be a great misuse of bureaucratic . have never been in any area, in any state, in the East that was as poor lighted as.Ujah. Perhaps a lot of that Was waited energy,.', I grew., up with a street light every six houses in the suburban area and about every ten houses in the city. Kearns has so few street lights as it is, I can not see any reason to cut them off now. In many of the new developments there are no street lights at all. GR AN G 969-5- 1 02 FR pickle power when the tax paying citizens have no voice. Now we are faced with Commissioner Salter throwing gasoline on the fire. If our strets are darkened we are amking our area a red flag for added vandalism, robbery and rape. I 3555 West 3500 South rt have their lights (street SAVENOW; BUILDERS MART meeting you will find that the fair county is paying for street lights along Redwood Road in the West and South Jordan districts. They were NOT reimbursed by that incorporated area. So to my knowledge, Kearns is paying for West and South Jordan lights and not having lights of their own. Yes, those lights are still wired up to the County of Salt Lake. William Finney, new owner of the skating rink, was the finance director for some time. He seems amazed as I that in all this time nothing has been done. Mr. Salter should get the Dear Editor, Today on the news I heard that, Commissioner Salter will flip the switch on It seems Commissioner Salter is on the side of the criminal and not the tax payer who pays his salary. The 1974 minutes of the Commissioners County f award for mis- representing the people. The next step is to get rid of the district paramedics. Well, other cities and states are having funding problems too. Some tied to work them out to the advntage of the people not against the people. The city of Pittsburg has asked its residence to pay a $20 a year family membership for paramedic and ambulance service. This keeps the services in local areas to assure ' prompt service. We all know in serious cases an extra 5 or qo minutes can mean life or death. A city back East was tired of spending a large amount on welfare and food stamps to freeloaders. They said some folks honestly needed help and looked for a way to sift the freeloaders out. Any able body person without tiny children were still kept on the rolls, however they had to take employment for . their checks and stamps. After two months of welfare a man may have to work on road crews or a woman may have to work in an office. After five months 85 percent of the freeloaders went off of welfare and found gainful employment. Some people were hired full time by the local governments at high pay because their work was good. Some welcomed the chance for a good job. Those who loafed on the job, did poor work etc were both taken off job and welfare after a trial run. In the end the tax payer was not paying double for jobs and welfare. The elderly, handicapped and mothers with babies were all that was left on the rolls. In this area even the abled elderly came to find a part-tim- e job to fill their hours and make them feel productive again (they had a choice). It seems our country is and has been falling over their feet with our money. If they can not come up with new and better ways t? spend our money perhaps.Lheyr should,, look to the people; mother governments, other countries for ideas to better spend our monies and run our government. Id also suggest they not run again for office. ' , lC' 1 nilDIMft.TUB1 IN Jh V'k AS ,' fav-'v- i 4 tsssmt GOVERNOR SCOTT MATHESON presents Carmela Thomas with which designates her as Mrs. Kearns. the plaque I suggest we as voters should make it mandatory that all elected officials should read the Constitution of the United States and answer to the public for its moves. Jackie Thayne Kearns, Utah REPRESENTING THE Lions Club, Bob Huntington presents the Outstanding Student Award to Janet Dawn McElprang during the recent Open House held in the Family Life Center. r EXTRA '7- EXTRA Aildilional copies of !he iew News are alley a va liable a: a cos! of $.20 each. Home of ormer society writer. Barliara Bird. 4. .77 Badelille Street. Acadeim I ark subdivision 4.510 A' :he presen: lime you may obiain copies a! Ihe Inllowing locations: 169.) S ). Ecoii-o-Ccnie- 4067 W .Tll.T S Home of Lois Knulsen. Editor. 4ii:i) Carnegie Tech. No 4 Academy Park area, I Home V a h i Susan ol nney columnist. Kearns. . 4196 V. society ."i:57.T S., cilice location. Copper T'in mg Co., 9124 I Y. 2700 S., Magna. i K'ltl.'i EXTRA W. I. 067-664- may be anv of :he above mdi '(Inals no: businesses. ' cost is SO per year lor a ml delivered issue every Subscriptions .lio n Home of columnist, Suzanne Hansen, 4190 W. Status (6100 S.), Kearns, i ' week Substantial interest penalty required for early withdrawal Federal regulations prohibit compounding of interest on money market certificates l |