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Show j Pa n KEARNS The final esults have been received of the Jumoi Olympics that were held on Thursday, and Frida), h Saturday, ebruary 28, 29, and March 1 at the Kearns Swimming Pool As Jack Edwards, tour nament director said, these are the cream of Utahs swimmers, you have to be good to even make it this far Those events in which a membei of the Kearns outh Aquatic Team participated will be listed (.iris 200 Ki 0 ee Relay Event No 83 saw the Kearns number one team place third with a final time of 2 17 62 The second team was ninth with a time of (ii Is 11 and 12 Free Relay Event No 85 The Kearns team was again fifth in this event with a time of 2 07 52 Bovs 11 and 12 200 F ree Relay Event No 86 The boys placed fifth with a time of 200 2 09 01 (.iris 13 and 14 Free Relay Event No 87 Again it was a fifth place The time was 200 2 03 67 Boys and 17 400 Free Relay Event No 90 The Kearns team an performed exhibition only and were able to do it in 3 58 65 15 Event No 84 The Kearns team was fifth with a time of Girls 9 and 10 Backstroke Event No 91 Charmaine Olsen had a 1 27 94 which gave her a ninth place Sher Whitney had 1 30 27 placing her 13th and in 20th place was Michelle Henderson 2 14 55 with 2 45 17 10 200 and Under Free Relay 100 1 37 27 10 and 11 Backstroke Event No 92 Ty Neuman had a time of 1 28 17 which placed him 15th Danny Quale was 18th with a time of Boys with Boys 10 and 1 29 60 Girls and 12 100 Backstroke Event No 93 Barbara Graham had a time of 1 19 53 which placed her 10th Alicia Garcia was 18th with a time 1 of 1 23 47 Girls 13 and 14 Backstroke Event No 95 Merridith Tmnin had a time of 2 43 49 which placed her ninth Boys 13 and 14 200 Backstroke Event No 96 Todd Walton had a time of 2 45 95 which placed him 14th Girls 10 and U 200 200 Freestyle Event No 99 Charmaine Olsen had the fastest time earning her a first place position Her time was 2 23 17 T J Barnes was 13th 200 F Event t i ? , V i nt i No 111 Meredith mid was eighth with a 100 i. e or ' 11 and 12 reesty le Event No 101 Barbara Graham was eighth with , time of 2 22 60 Alicia Gaici was 16th with 2 11 75 96 58 odei I 50 1 rtestvle 0 No 1)3 Charmaine . s fu st in this event s o i is lo and n t r ime a i'n of nears the end of an event Shei 30 57 at lac cd loth y WORKING HARD Charmaine Olsen 34 53 3''' 200 1 1 i 5 am! s 200 13 le and T v 4. 14 n wj ' Freestyle Event No 101 Keith L)a 19 06 had a tune ot plac him 2Dt 15 am! 'S . i 17 No ml i 1 i third with placed ,r- - c time of 2 53 32 Shtr Whitn was eighth with a time 31 55 I f j was was ' land I 1 (u M lory i.il I a 1st Hid 12 I 0 2 a Is 10 and I nder 200 1 ml Med Event No 107 CTnrman 2 i 'in Do,ntSean vein l at 2 00 33 Olson 1 estv 14 I SHER WHITNEY Meredith n i' t lght w ih a time ' s km ''U ell was Ji 3t Pc'ge Barnes 5. d w uh a time of 55 45 No 110 petition of ii, i a L.ii F if of a i No t Kle 120 's Hand 1 30 1 1 i i 2 17 et stvle i.vent No ice was nimh I 2 54 95 id 11 l.tstvle Green i s enth wi'h a time of LtjlO Wes 21st at 28 33 ii Wilton xvas 34th at and I ndt r Boys 200 Ind Med. Event No 108 TyNewnm vas 10th with a tmie 2 58 49 Danny Quale Wc 13th at 3 01 93 (.iris and 12 201) Ind Med Event No 100 Barba-- a Graham was 17th wi h a tnr 10 122 George ith a time ClavtonP was 36th 5i v 17 : TIi. 'm'JLo-- i I v 1 i'S r SLrJl - r- it; . . s&A$CrX t L r: f I, A- f . 7 has ust finished one of her swimming events djrmq com the Junior Olympics . 3 03 83 i $ 1 e'st Event No 105 Kare Stowell was 13th with a tim of 2 16 32 Bovs Jt 1 Event No 10 5 Karm Stowell was 1 5th with a tim. of 2 lb 32 Boys , fc 2001 i east It Event No 106 Geor Pace was 27th with a time takes that last breath and is ready to plunge into the pool one of her events. She placed well in the events. - Gi is land 14 160 Ind Med 200 I Boys CHARMAINE OLSEN for the beginning of X, I U 13 and reestv le , J (.ills 200 F I ., iM Dann Quale placed 12th with time of 2 39 03 Ty Neuma was 18th with 2 41 57 Steve Wagstaff placed 19th with time of 2 41 90 (iris , if' reestyle No 1 $ &. 2 44 16 100 ,w r. t ,, 4 Kearns Youth Aquatic C! Participates in Jr. Olymp 1 n , rv Mr ?.. r 4 j LIMITED TIME OFFER yf - LI '' X v , V" LUXURY SOFA & LOVE SEAT WITH 4 PILLOWS, RECLINER, LOUNGE CHAIR & OTTOMAN! Who soys you can't afford a fabulous new living room group7 Right now s499 will buy everything you see here! Bold modern pieces with deep, reversible cushions covered in easy-car- e Herculon" P.i xixW . TRY (Ills Try outs for the Kearns 5 outh quatic Team are n0w being conducted One may come to the pool any Monday or Wednesday from 4 00 6 00 pm Contact swim coach Burt VanDerHeiden upon arrival All one needs to do is swim one lap of the pool The team is offering a two week free trial to see if the swimmer likes it before having to join |