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Show Magna Times, December 'VMSllfflIIIIilIIII L 13, 1 979, Page 10 Obituari j Douglas Donaldson DRYWALL, HANGING, taping, painting and supplies. We'll do it or help you. CAMCO Color Cen-tetfn Magna 250-519- ALOE VERA Why pay more when you can buy the best? FDA approved, stabilized 100 percent Aloe Vera gel; $8.75 per quart; $32.50 per gal. Call Roben Harvey 250-26. 1 TFN A OF CUSS Engine This includes all new and machine work. 1 2 TOUCH rebuilding, parts thousand TULL TIME Part time earn up to $6 an hour. The Fuller FOR RENT: Available December 20th, two bdrm. apt $210 per mo., water paid. Magna area Call Brush Co. needs qualified people to work in Magna-Huntarea. Phone Ed at er 266-754- Transmission Rust proofing 5 year guarantee, Astroshielding 3 year guarantee. 8824 West 2700 South 250 1835. rebuilding, TFN TREE REMOVAL tree trimming any job can be done. Free estimates. Call 250-559- COMMERCIAL OR TIAL snow removal. THREE BDRM two baths carport, fenced yard with view or city and mountains.1 W est Kearns. Call 9684064 or HAVING A and hors d'oeuvre. Reasonable or pnces. Micky, 262-378- 9 467-332- 6 home owners and businessmen: Learn a simple secret on how you can save a guaranteed 20 to 30 percent on your heating bills. Its new, proven, inexpensive, and effective. Call Monte Bnoadhead 250-761- 1 VENTURE CAPITAL $50,000 up. Start up, buy out, expension, any worthwhile project. Mr. Donald 368-547- FOR EXPERT in home sewing machine repair. Call Dave 250-69- FOR RENT in Kearns. Three bedroom, air cond, stove fridge, car port, fenced back yard, comer lot on a dead end after 2 street. Call 969-033- p.m. Asking io on 7g 'm1 V, .n- -,-., ASSUME Jj Mil. percent $5,900 down. Lovely three bdrm. Hunter home. Four years old. Carport, dishwasher, refrigerator, range, very nice inside. Low payment, no qualifying Call Tim, 9V asms Bob Wamick, 486-375- seven eighth inch slate bed pool table in good cond, like new. $500, Fredenck Wyllis best felt 100 percent FOR SALE wool. 968-241- accident. Born November 27, 1931, Benson, Ulah to Eli and Ella Belle Tuck Clark. Married Emma Garrett, Mary December 19, 1953. Dothan, Ala. Later solemnized in the Logan LDS Temple. Worked as a maintenance supervisor. Member of the LDS Church. Graduated from Norlh Cache High, served in Margaret Finnegan 22, 524-4959 966 Buick mid size wagon, body good, runs excellent, extras. Only $400 or best offer. 1 250-266- 1926 TnERE was a lamny named Kiser. They had a son named Joe. If anyone can remember this family or knew any of them, can remember their names, please contact Vera Giles, Box 215 Delta, Utah 84624 or call 1 IN TUNE UP JOBS on cars. Brake jobs and minor repairs at my home. 7781 W est 3100 South, 250-040- am 864-2288. Kearns bishopric for Sandy; AC3 infant Swenson, Panl Lawrence of daughter and Vicki Kay Swenson, died Dec. 6, 1979. Bom Dec. 5, Salt Lake City. Survivors: Parents, brothers and sister, Daren, Barry, Lara, Polly, all of Hunter; grandparents, Mrs. and and one-ha- lf Former resident of Magna until one year ago. Funeral Mass was held Tuesday at the Blessed Sacrament Church. Burial, Valley View Cemetery. MAGNA George LeRoy Romrell, 78, 2818 So. 8700 W., died Dec. 6, 1979 in a Salt Lake City hospital. Born March 2, 1901, Wilford, Idaho to Joseph E. and Esther Burbank Romrell. Married Sadie LaRue Miller, Sept. 10, 1926 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. She died Jan. 25, 1956. Married Mrs. Chris Swenson, sister, Daren, Barry, Iara, Polly, all of Hunter, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Swenson, Iona, Idaho; Mr. and Mrss Jesse Kay, Kearns. Funeral services were held Saturday at the McDougal Funeral Home. Interment, Valiev View Memorial Park. i. James Walter, preceded him in death; brothers and sisters, Jack, Lake Point; Warren, Riverton, Calvin, Salt Lake City, Mrs LeRoy (Ila) Iverson, Sandy, Mrs Sherman (Belva) Henson, Hunter; ten grandchildren. it Funeral services were SPECIALS THIS WEEK Saturday noon, at the Spencer 3rd Ward Chapel. Interment View Valley Memorial Park. $42,950 worker. Survivors: wife, Magna, two duaghters, Darlene, Mrs. Connie Newman, Grager, three Mrs. John (Allison) Patterson, Mrss Kenneth (June) Larsen, Mrs. Dean (Patricia) Hep-wort- 11 grandchildren, Phene 966-670- MOVE IN NOW!! FHA FINANCING m Prices from 57,500 4400 So. 9900 West Phone 0 eney Realty Division :o ROX 966-960- 1 VILLAGE Markclinj tHapPY" B. Good Selection of homes "READY FOR m minutes away 4100 So. 9700 West Green First Wardd Magna, Intement, Valley View Memorial Park: ex- tras elsewhere. Great location major mall just Funeral services were Monday noon, Pleasant .. upgrades that arc bedroom IVt bath Pool, Clubhouse, Tennis, common areas Variety of Styles three brothers and one sister, Mark, Salt Lake City; Rollo, Magna; Rueben, Lehi; Mrs. Bowman, St. Anthony, Idaho. nli 9, 3 & 4 Bedrooms Loads of standard features aad custom townhousc Lower interest rates h; DJJ-- 7 Unique Models 45,250 3 Q An Exciting NEW Concept in Living Spacious 9 bedroom single level patio home. ctfoliiMi 487-061- 6 4400 S Planned Unit Developments MODELS OPEN DAILY NOON TIL DARK Bogenschutz Beloved mother, grand- Junior F., South Jordan; Salt Lake City; mother and great- - Franklin D., Mrs. (Frieda) Dahl, Boyd grandmother, Sophie B. Darrell Mrs. (Bertha) died 'Bogenschutz, 84, December 9, 1979 in a Salt Petersen, both Kearns;; Lake Hospital of natural Mrs. Jack (Genevieve) causes. Irvine, El Monte; Califor29 nia; 37 grandchildren; two tsorn January 2, 1895, Germany. Married Felix brothers and one sister in Bogenschutz in the Salt Lake Germany. Preceded in death LDS Temple. He died May, by a daughter, Mrs. Elvin 1951. She was a member of (Tena) Atkinson. the LDS Church, Kearns 18th Funeral services were Ward. Wednesday Jenkins Soffee Survivors: sons and Mortuary. Interment: South daughters, George J., Jordan Cemetery. Holladay ; Donald B., Sandv: 610 acre, many special features; greenhouse, separate food storage building, 2,000 sq. ft. of workshop and garage, your own gasoline tank, (2,000 gallons) and pump. CHECK THIS ONE - YOULL LOVE IT, $165,000. GRANGER basement, fireplace, 3 bdrms., double Full r OiS Iksy (ML Gftanf soil MAGNA DUPLEXES 4501 SO. W00DGR0VE DR. (4415 So. Hunter) New 2 bedroom split entry. Large kitchen with built-instone fireplace, basement walkout, large single carport. Will sell FHA, 245, VA. Several to choose from. s, c 54&,980 561-303- QzxriE Minneapolis, Minn.; and Mr. James Eldon d For appointment FHA, VA BUYERS WELCOME LARGE FAMILY HOME. Brick rambler, 5 bdrm., 2'j baths, 2 fireplaces. Good Granger location, 3699 S. 4265 W. V.A. appraised at $60,000. Quick sale priced at $57,500. Paris Insurance Agency 9061 W. 2700 South, Magna Phone 250-674- 3 Our policy is saving you money. ARCADIA HEIGHTS, 2700 E. 2200 S. Lovely Spanish Style home on quiest Large patio with unsurpassed view. 4 bdrms., 3 baths, 2 fireplaces, 2 rec. rooms. This home has St2 it Call 969-743- 3 968-901- 4 Nemo Cwnert Warrant Magna $39,900 brick side by side duplexes. Good rental history. Only 9 years old. GOOD GREAT TAX SHELTER, ASSUMPTION, $39,000 each. hand-in-han- cul-de-sa- c. Do'Vf Peggy Szugye, Emery; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Axel William Johnson, On the night of April 10, 1979, parts of the Texas cities of Vernon and Wichita Falls were devastated by killer tornadoes. Within hours the local Farmers Insurance Group Agents were in the disaster area in force, locating policyholder victims. A few hours later they were joined by a team of claims adjusters who immediately organized an emergency storm center. With radio announcements advising policyholders how and where to file claims and receive emergency fun-The first claim was paid in full in less than 20 hours after the disaster. The final cost to Farmers in excess of $16,000,000 on claims for damages or total losses to businesses, private autos, mobile homes, houses and personal property. With a combined team of Agents and claims adjusters working Farmers was one of the leaders in the speedy and satisfactory settlement of claims. Isnt that a comforting thought? If you're insured with Farmers. Why not contact me today? d car- port with plenty of storage. VA appraised at $51 ,000. Owners anxious. Make offer. 4289 South 31 50 West. Greenhaigh Greenhaigh, Santaquin. Private family services were Tuesday at Santaquin. son, Lovely 4 bdrm. home on Johnson. Was a student at Bennion Elementary School. Survivors: parents; sister, Christene, Kearns; and Mrs. and Mrs. Hogue, SECLUDED HOLLADAY AREA Johnson Patsy Stringham, Salt Lake City; Mrs. Paul (Mary) Thurgood, Roy; and Mrs. Alfred (Joyce) Troth, Bountiful. Call George 466-702- 9 for additional details on following listings. Steven William and Pedersen brothers, Marvin LeRoy Roy, both Bountiful; Donald, Magna; three sisters, Mrs. Pat (Ilda) Elmer, ' Joseph, Orcutt,' Steven William Johnson, died Dec. 7, 1979 from accidental causes. Born Sept. 6, 1969, Salt Lake City, to David William (Ellen) Washington, Sophie 1949. 10, Ethel Brunson, Aug. 2, I960 in Salt Lake City. Retired in 1966 after 42 year service at the Katrina Larry Ray Survivors: Parents, brothers Fallon Clark, U.S. Navy, Nevada; three and Wesley Tacoma, three Bountiful; i George LeRoy Katrina Swenson 17 years, was on the High Council four years and bishop of the Kearns 18th ward for two years. He was a scoutmaster. He also taught the Project Temple class for Sandy 4th Ward. He was a successful swimming pool engineer. His early life was spent in Cache Valley, Utah. Survivors: wife; children; Mrs. Bruce (Ronda) Gray, Mary Lou; Joy Ann, all of Cor- Copper Corp. Active in senior citizens group. Former high priest group leader. Temple son-in-la- brother, Copper Utah Smelter, Kennecott FREE TO GOOD home: Christmas gerbils. Call Member of Knights Columbus and the Father Dominquez Assembly of the Knights of Columbus. Was a draftsman for the Utah State Read Commission. Member 49s club. Survivors: widow; sons and a daughter, Jeffrey Lynn, Gerald James and PattieGay, all Sandy; TTiree grandchildren; He was the of Mae and Robert Reid of Magna; a Calif. Breeze poration. Served in the Army, World War II. Secretary of the elders quorum. Survivors; wife, Magna; son and daughters, Kenneth, O'Carroll. Married Anna Fae Reid, April 72, 3139 Mrs. James D. (Gayle) Rush, Granger, Mrss Bill (Shirley) Miller, Kingman, Arizona, Mrss John (Dorothy) Howar-th- , Roseville, California, Mrs. Reed Ed Seth Reed, 63, died berger Railroad and Union Was a stake Dec. 8, 1979, at home of a Pacific. heart attack. missionary and a counselor Born July 10, 1916, in the MIA. Bountiful, to Seth Elijah and Survivors: widow, Salt Edith Marie Putnam Reed. Married Norma Thomas, Lake, City; daughter, Mrs. Oct. 10, 1936, at Salt Lake Gary E. Reed; a son, Darrell r5ty. Employed 43 years as a T. Reed; grandchildren, railroad brakeman and Hayley and Marnie Wilson all of Salt Lake City; mother, switchman with the Bam Utah. Graveside services were held Tuesday at Redwood Memorial Estates. Romrell 1974 GMC pickup, FOR SALE: John Jay O'Carroll John Jay OCarroll, 53, died Dec. 7, 1979 in a Murray hospital. Born Nov. 11, 1926, Salt Lake City, to John J. and Kennecott 968-379- Ron Clark SANDY Ronald Clair died Clark, age 48, December 7, 1979 near Burley, Idaho in an aircraft Whiting Drive, died Dec. 4, 1979 in a Salt Lake hospital. Born Oct. 15, 1907, Alpine, Utah to Horace James and Marcia Ann Whiting Gillette. Married Rachel Perry. She died in 1952. Survived by two Married Iris Thomas Cowlishaw, June 8, 1953 in Saat Lake City. Later solemnized in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. Retired in 1969 as Ball Mill Grind foreman, 2 years old, excellent condition $350, center phone number make oiler, FOR SALE Ed S. BEAUTY SHOP EQUIPMENT, 250-542- 1. TEN ' Walter 9 9 UWS Divorces and other domestic legal work. $350 a monfh. 1 heatalator for wood or coal burning stove. Fits 5 a 8" pipe. Call after 5 p.m. anytime. ATTORNEY AT Gillette,, HOUSE HEAT 262-623- ATTENTION MAGNA 255-184- HELP WANTED: The Magna Times needs teens or adults interested in earning extra spending money. Sell subssriptions to the paper and receive a commission. Call Becky at or 2 MAGIC and Sandy; 11 grandchildren; brother and sisters, Allan, Salt Lake City; Mrs Wallace (Isabella) Chenoweth, Salt Lake City; Mrs. Parley (Agnes) Hurst, Blanding, Walter Whiting Gillette 968-866- 8 967-664- 4 250-565- sons Neil, Huntsville, ... tin RESIDENCall 250-558- IFN party? Greek pastnes 303. Two bedroom with fridge and stove, no children or pets no smokers, after 6 p.m. cali need enterprising boys and girls to sell subscriptions to the Valley View News in Kearns and surrounding areas. Commission paid for or every sub. Call and ask for Loi s. I 250-565- Survivors: daughters, Alabama; James, American Fork, Utah; Mrs. Dean (Carol) Buethe, Magna; Mrs. Rock (Helen) Schoenfeld, 9 967-789- tm 1 HOUSE FOR RENT miles or 12 month warranty or 2 50-- 6 TFN EMPLOlMJNT Douglas Donaldson, age 70, of Salt Lake City, died Dec. 7, 1979 at a Salt Lake nursing home of natural causes. Born Aug. 7, 1909, Salt Lake City, Utah to John and Isabella Nisbet Donaldson. Married Rose Boley, May 29, 1933, Saat Lake City LDS Temple. He was a clerk for Utah Lumber Company and member of the LDS Church. 6 zRzaty 17 3 (Qua t all. $145,000. BOYD F. BUTLER REALTORS 1025 East 2 100 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84105 Tel. 487-466- 'M;r 1 novtat OMimwrt ' CHICK ' PARIS JOHN PARIS |