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Show Volley View News, December 13, I VV. Editors Note: Childrens The Valley View News and Magna Times would like to see our little people receive for their recognition Crtaiviy Corner creativity. Any or elementary school age er child is urged to draw a picture or write a short poem or story and mail it to our Education tub buUr or vat--d ianst (e2 Vi! "2 I. tUp crm UrvtoTfO'pAk- - tufis UMV 4Ur "Plowr leofrtc bu-lU- r U.AL 1 columnist, Suzanne Hansen. She will arrange all entries and they be printed as space permits. He sure to include the childs name, address, school (if in school), and age. Drawings should he done in bold black on white paper, lose any size. Colors something in the printing process. Mail entries to: Suzanne Hansen, 4190 W. Stratus, Kearns, Utah 84118. Thank you. will . tv V'e wur cr cpoot Intend aufe. 4. 6 tAwy. bi"J StyMlrdMay ciqzg. 8 UhO. JkWln'l44, VnvH ' TUv CAtfO PWcl ACl e&d loec Christopher Burton ShPUJ 5UAr... Ar (. Ctflertng .... 0-- ? Chrishph er Burtc y , Age 9 Arcadia Elementary b, , Quw OkH wfeed Room 24 Mrs. Cottam 1 Wendy Anne Wilson Age 8 Arcadia Elementary Room 21 Mrs. Cottam ctholiolay or'naMwrfr HefcEb so auccA. Poa doJt 4-- -- 6Ud SO Vo Letters To Santa kvuike. fiASty. You. wiLL neeJ b U.o4 COldced croAhtb flo44on or Dweattic. O 0 o s Lujuiof uccM, round t&.ULoor f lalrK Advyiwfi .4 Vaoujli The Valley View News will be happy to be a messenger for Santa this Christmas. If there are any boys and girls who would like to write a letter to Santa they are welcome to do so. The paper will print those letters in the next few issues. -- o,rdt ribbffvu. uo buLlccm to a.bcu. 4W s ftc BJouo o4-a.-n ecora-flv- t yr5ficur.ly Le,a.vt ' fK 4tu for 11 .. . - a.pp &. . UJihal balloffvi... o-- f Pour liiucf s4turflA letter to: Copper Printing Co. Valley View News P.O. Box 248 Magna, UT 84044. Mail your otined bAllocM iai( ... Use spocryx 4VorouXly nexss4ry. Upo dry... Per 0 Vmts. pu rvo bouol S clip sVrfAj P 4 bcovo bMloa stircA f wi(A Kfiep re.W0u4 h 3MP. - s-HP- a.r4 IoaUjOOVn Ti- excess C4.4cA s4rinj Xels COVvftrt .Dear Santa Claus, ..My name is Jeremy and I am 4 years old. I have been kinda good this year. I helped my mommy with my new sister and little brother. Thank you for the fire truck you brought me last year. All I want this year is a choo choo train and a bicycle. Please bring some new kids to my grandma and grandpa in California because we moved to Utah. . .Love, . .Jeremy Wachter . toA.(jUory nick ribbow. o4 ... orru wv Mofe? radios SCOTCHBREAD (Colleen Walter of Kearns from her husbands grandmother!) These are a delicious cookie butter scotch for baked raditionally rhristmas and New Years Day. I i lb. butter rounded cup sugar cups flour Run hands under hot water o warm them. Preheat oven :o 350 degrees. Using warm lands, work flour and sugar into butter. Roll out dough. Dut into Christmas shapes. Sprinkle sugar on top. Bake mi ungreased cookie sheets 10 minutes or until just lightly browned. If you have Ihe will power, these cookies are extra mellow and yummy if allowed to age in an airtight container. Y GINGERBREAD MEN Mary Straile of Granger) one half cup shortening one half cup sugar one half cup dark molasses one fourth cup water 2 and a half cups flour three fourth teaspoon salt one half teaspoon baking soda three fourth teaspoon ginger one fourth teaspoon nutmeg one eighth teaspoon allspice ( raisins candied cherries or red gumdrops citron, string, decorators icing licorice, Cream shortening and sugar. Blend in molasses and flour, water salt, soda, ginger, and nutmeg, allspice. Cover and chill 3 hours. Heat oven to 375 degrees. Roll dough one fourth inch thick on lightly d floured board. Cut with gingerbread boy cutter. Place on ungreased baking sheet. Press raisins into dough for eyes, nose, and buttons. Use bits of cherries and strips of citron and licorice for other trims. Bake for minutes. Immediately remove from baking sheet. Cool. Trim with decorators icing. Makes about 15 cookies. cloth-covere- 10-1- 2 CHRISTMAS FUDGE (Beverley Meade of Kearns) This recipe makes 5 pounds of fudge perfect for gift giving and holiday indulging! Use your cold pack canner youll need the space! pounds sugar (4 and a half cups) marone half pound shmallows 2 2 ounches unsweetened chocolate 1 12 oz. package semi-swechocolate pieces 3 bars sweet chocolate (4 oz. each) 1 tablespoon vanilla 2 cups chopped walnuts. et Stir butter together canned milk, and sugar in large kettle. Cook over moderate heat. Bring to a boil. Cover. Boil 5 minutes. Turn off heat. Add marshmallows and stir until melted. Add chocolate, one kind at a time, until melted. Add vanilla and nuts. Blend. 2-- one half cup butter and a half oz. can evaporated milk 1 14 Pour into buttered pan, 10x15 inches. Let stand until firm. Cut into 1 inch squares. you can cut your heating costs in half or eliminate them entirely, depending on the design of your home 1 j and wood or coal available ' ty. You can heat your home1 with only a fraction ast much fuel as would be needed in a conventional HtX King Free-standi- ng Stoves EvfWQ dlout in Y0? toaster oven-as- m save power If you have only two potatoes to bake, use your toaster oven and save power! Baking two potatoes in the electric range oven will take about an hour and use 1 kilowatt hour (kwh) of electricity. (The average residential rate per kwh is approximately 5C . ) Baking those potatoes in a toaster oven will use only half that much. Toaster ovens are also convenient for baking cookies and small cakes, heating TV dinners and rolls, or for toasting sandwiches. Some models can also broil steaks, chops and hamburgers. Unless youre going to bake several loaves of bread or cook a Beat High Fuel Prices! Bum Wood or Coal! By burning wood or coal, Bake 2 potatoes fireplace. In fact, your Heat King fireplace will continue to heat your home through- out the night without refueling. Revolutionary new Heat King Fireplace Inserts ta HmI complete oven dinner, it will probably pay you to use a toaster oven whenever possible. Youll save electricity . . . andmoneY! FlftCeCACCSlINC FREE 6 months interest Free with approved ifltiDDl& PODUUDSIP i A j |