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Show E Volley View News, December 13, 1979. Poge 7 Zion's Bank W. Kearns Decorate Large Tree It was no ordinary day at the Kearns Branch of Zions First National Bank! Wednesday, November 28, the normally still and sedate office took on the magical air West Kearns upper grades principal lends a helping hand to decorate the Zion's Bank Christmas tree. DR' CUSHING, Santas Workshop! The lobby of the bank, usually filled with quiet customers and efficient bank officers, was turned into a scene of merriment and festivity as the children of West Kearns Elementary School filled the with bank Christmas of Jones, Miss Sharp, Mrs. Johnsonn, Miss Huff, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Dockery, Mr. Cline, and Mr. Clark. The students were encouraged to use their imaginations in the making of their decorations. - and indeed they did! Plaster of paris ornaments were painted into gaily colored elves and snowmen, and Santas were fashioned out of construction paper with beards made of styrofoam. Even a paper chain was draped around the lower branches of the tall tree! The students decorated the laughter! Students from (he fourth, fifth, and sixth grade had gathered at Zions for the annual tree trimming. Armed with boxes full of Christmas ornaments - all handmade and just beautiful - the children went to work decorating the ten foot tall tree which races the bank. Under the watchful eyes of they returned with their parents for the tree lighting ceremony. Bank Manager Merrill Riggs conducted the ceremony, which drew many oohs" and aahs from adults and children alike. Bank customers and tellers were all impressed with the lovely tree, which sparkled Christmas cookies, ribbons, and ornaments made of every imaginable material! The tradition of having a school decorate the banks Christmas tree started in 1973. Back then, just one branch of Zions Bank took part in the tree trimming. This year, over fifty branches of the bank offer this wonderful opportunity to its own communitys children. Every branch of Zions Bank from Kearns to St. George plays a special part in the making of Christmas joy for the school children. Taking part in the festivities were the students from the classes of Miss Jones, Miss Sharp, one of the West Kearns students who helped decorate the tree at Zion's First National Bank. with colored many lights. After the lighting of the tree, cookies and punch were served to everyone in the Bank lobby. It was a time of enjoyment for all especially for the children, who had worked so hard to create such a wonderful Christmas tree. Each ornament that the children had made earned the school 25 cents credit, and, for their efforts, the Bank presented West Kearns Elementary School with a check in the' -- in the festivities were the students from the classes of Miss part Taking Zion's Bank tree on Wednesday afternoon during daylight hours. Later, at 5.30 pm., Merrill Bank Riggs, Manager, and Principal Dr. Cushing, the students bedecked the tree with SHANNON JOHNSON is just 'amount of $75. It's Christmas . KIMBERLEY KENT ; in Zion! Kearns High School Happenings Christmas Program Set i handmade ornament on the giant tree JODY RUSHTON reaches high to place a in the lobby of Zion's Bank. Trinity Christmas Contata, Love Transcending by John W. Peterson, will be presented at the 11 oclock worship Service, Sunday, December 16. The contata will be presented by the Chancel Choir under the direction of Mrs. Karen Mazar, Director presented in the evening of the 16th, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Theme of the evening will be The Right Side of youth, adults, and families will be involved in the presentation. Both choirs, Childrens and Chancel, will share in the musical selections of Christmas. Directing the program are Nedra Erekson, Connie Mountain Florence and Fuller, assisted by the teachers and assistants Christian Education. 3380 W. 5780 So. Kearns Ford, Soprano; Lorna Rees, Alto; Joe Lopez, Tenor; Bob Clapp, Baritone. Following the presentation will be a period of refreshment and togetherness in Fellowship Hall. Friends of the community, visitors and newcomers, are invited to share in this Advent and seasonal presentation. There will be no 8:30 service of worship on the 16th. All members and friends are encouraged to and come at 11 support the musicians of the COPPER PRINTING COMPANY 9 1 24 W. 2700 So. Magna, Utah (EXPIRES DEC. 17, 1979 Christmas Program 5 p.m.) COUPON AD-CU- j Still time for j OTCMSfDAS 1 2-- I 4 6-- 4x5 4x5 4 orig. On '(j! I j Christmas songs; Advanced WEDDING PHOTOS J I Void after Feb 29 I j cent J $15 , j GENEALOGY PHOTOS Cash value 120 ol cent 2" $29 of M i The new date is TAKE ADVANTAGE! We will not only help you pick out those special gifts but we will also wrap them and mail them anywhere in the U.S. We take care of the fuss & worry sb you can enjoy the holiday. High School. , (of ' member of ProfesActive Assn sional Photographers Photographers Wedding . States largest animated display. 80 STORES TO SERVE YOU! coupon Christmas lot (SHED mammwE BIDS) 20981E cirarm $2.99 Plenty of easy FREE parking FAMILY Intermounfam Pro Assn , Rocky less. Photog Mountain Prof. Photog Assn BEAUTIFUL COLOR PRINTS minute. W,TH OFF 2 til 8 daily Ready in a GIB3TO G&ngflBEE now December 18, during an Assembly at the Tuesday, SANTAS lEBBEWD .49 1 5lSouthi32001Wisf per- - forming a special version M a Christmas Carol. HOURS. MON , TUES , WED, FRI., SAT 10 4. THURS NOW TO CHRISTMAS OPEN THURS.-FRI- . 10 t. j J 7 News, December 6, the Kearns High School PTSA wrote of scheduled events. A change has been made and the Drama-- Expires 12 - 23 -79 ! over KEARNS On page the Valley View CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS! orig. off orders 9G9 2288 other and Water, COUPON COUPON cash value 170 of CCOO 5x7 d HERE! 10 OR 5x7 for the awarding of the hand-tiequilts to PTSA members. It was previously reported to occur on Friday, December 14. 250-540- Walk forming the beautiful, CAPSULES Needed Location-Appointme- For more information 8 contact Dick Pearce at or Nancy Witbeck at Orchestra each playing Christmas selections, the Dajice Department per- -' ALL HERB TEAS & pi3rainr Studio the proceeds will be donated to Animal Injured thj at the Kearns Program Humane Society. We would like to ask the community to please support this very special program as well as all of the students per- -' . forming in this years show.-The program will include the following: The Band and Wdl & SAVE P per- Expires 09 The annual Sunday School Christmas program will be 2-- 8x10 MG. he brings this ad and identifies himself to office personel at: church. i in It will be performed on Thursday, December 20th at 9:15 a.m. for the student body, and again that evening at 7:30 p.m. for the parents and community. The next morning, Friday, December 21st, at 9:30 a.m. several local elementary schools will bring their students to the production, i, Tickets will cost 50 cents per person or $2 per family Alumni Madrigal party to be held at the home of Dick Pearce, 3863 S 7040 W. in Hunter. It vwll be on Wednesday, December 19 at 7:30 p m The cost will be $1 per person. There will be a dinner and music. High &OAUON. 3 lb. RAW HONEY $5.00 CASH if superb Kearns KM Howard Vincent will be Elayne Soloists Children, The name of: of Music, with Mrs. Dixie Mackay at the Organ. to be a , will lie a KEARNS-Th- ere for the evening formance. All of program.' Christmas. The The Performing Arts of Kearns Department Junior High is busily making preparations for the annual Christmas program. All areas are involved and holds a carefully crafted Santa used to decorate Zion's tree. ' KJH: i of the fourth, fifth, and sixth grade youngsters who helped trim the tree this year from West Kearns Elementary. THIS IS A FEW Happens at IIAVnllliWIifrllillii 3601 SOUTH 2700 WEST T |