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Show alley Vnwliiv's Det embei 13 1979, Page 10 Lauber's add twin girls to family M- i IK 1 A, & xi Vv&r fev i ) V- - ye out in grand style. Bill and Tina welcomed identical lidding Richard while Tina cuddles Russell. i oegins with 18 and a half l.iil and Tula live at .5771 ("imoie Circle in Kearns ..i'h 'lieir matched set of m.- Both bins have just a 1' el brown hair topping off heir bur skin and those big, Hugh: blue green eyes They , io both good natured little telhms, enjoying all of the ie .aid attention showered ion 'hem b their excited l.- i i iiuiiud i lw ms aie not uncommon i, a s famil- y- both of her 'b m and Dad hae twins on a sides i.i the lamily m '1 on they were un-- i both T ina and Bill ee quite accustomed to C.ving plen'y of cluldien oiiiid them I a ii.ioii Bill himself is the first of ten childien and Tina came from a family of six Because of his large family, Bill has been very relaxed around his twin sons, and, says Tina, hes a great help at nigh!1 As for the rest of the family well they are all just as pleased as can be are especially proud grandparents Richard T. and Fontell Rossi of Midvale and Evan and Helen Rowell m Wlute City It will be a doubly Merry Christmas this year in the home of Bill and Tina Rowell with a brand new, matching, pair of stockings to fill1 GREENHOUSE! 5507 West 3500 So. Tel. 966-224- 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 WHOLESALE CHRISTMAS. Greenhouse fresh Rasied locally in Hunter xtra nice r r 1K3 & never will it quite happen to The Laubers discovered that the precious pair were on their way on October just about six weeks before they arrived. Needless to say, they were 3KS 3 used 3KS t tsa I 3 3KS that important their daughters grow up realizing ha! they are individuals, and not carbon copies of one family recently grew from three to five children with the birth of twin daughters. (I. to r.) Rochelle, Christopher, John Lauber holding Tami Jo and Brenda holding Aimee, with Tracy next to her mother. THE JOHN another. LAUBER After are bound unique young ladies! They have a wonderful family, complete with a big brother, two big sisters (all, by the way, are awfully big helpers to their Mom and Dad), a smart Mom and a Dad who just loves kids! attitudes concerned What more could a set of such beautiful twin girls wish for on this their very first Christmas? How about a matched pair of hugs and kisses from their loving and proud grandparents Mrs. Reba J. Wright of Hunter and John and Josephine Iauber of Hunter! to grow up into two very happy, secure, and all, Christopher, Rochelle, and Tracy all have their own identity why should Amiee and Tami Jo be any different7 With those kind of loving, surrounding them, Amiee Beth and Tami Jo Lauber Hansen Planetarium: Meteor shower set for 1 3, 1 A meteor shower will of occur the nights December 13 and 14. All through both nights brief streaks of light will add special interest to the sky as the annual Geminid Meteor Shower creates one of the years best meteor displays. Observers away from city lights should be able to count up to 50 falling stars per hour. More properly known as meteors, these shooting stars or falling stars are actually tiny bits of rock traveling so fast they they burn up when they strike the Earths atmosphere. The typical Geminid meteor is about the size of a grain of sand and travels about 35 kilometers per second (22 miles per second). Although some meteors should be visible soon after dark, the best time for viewing will be after midnight. The best place to look is high in the eastern sky. A comfortable lawn chair and Showtimes for The Star am , 2 4 and 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 2 and 4 p m on Sunday. Tickets are $2 for adults, $1 50 tor students and senior citizens, and $1 for children 11 and under. The Laserium laser light show Light Years: 25 Years of Gold Rock in a New Light of Bethlehem also are continues 11 at Planetarium through the Friday and quiet the Saturday. retreat sight-and-soun- programs, consisting of traditional holiday music accompanied by special planetarium visual effects, will be presented in the CONCERTS THfctiaisMM lunchtime weekdays, from December 17 through 28, as we offer d free Christmas The concerts. Tickets are $3 50 (Children under 5 cannot be admittted to the Laserium presentation ) FREE LUNCHTIME Fnetarium star theatre Monday through Friday from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m. Shoppers, browsers, and, of course, Brown Baggers are invited to join us for this free program - a Hansen Planetarium holiday gift to the community. Contact: Sheri Thompson, Assistant to the Director, 535-700- in nnD(B w am2 ' With ms, people useful than a telescope or binoculars for watching the shower. n Contact: Dr. Mark or Patrick Wiggins i The Hansen Planetarium will afford Salt Lakers a holidays with shows Monday through Saturday at 6:45 and 9 15 pm. and additional shows at 10:30 pm. on blanket are much more very beautiful plants. Wew & i side of the like Brenda you'" Twins' IKES l Brendas fathers family Yet you says, 1 ti (I was has long - mothers and her Ix'lieve us mi The Twins! Laubers always knew that there was the possibility that they might be the parents of twins There are twins on Ixilh Christopher Rochelle, and Tracy were just as excited as could be, and as for Daddy John, well according to Brenda, hes in seventh heaven' Annee Beth, who was born at 8 44 p m weighing 6 lbs 3 and and a half os measuring 19 and a half inches long, and Tami Jo, following close behind at 8 45 p m , weighing 6 lbs 13 and a half ozs , and measuring 21 inches long, aie fraternal, not identical twins They resemble each other with their dark hair and olive colored skin Amiee Beth is However, 'limner and feistier than her een tempered, pudgy faced ' younger" sister' The twins are beginning to assert their independence and differences and Bienda and John encourage that They both feel that it is scales in favor of the females in the home of parents John and Brenda Lauber! The twin girls were born into the Lauber family on November 17, much to the delight of their big sisters Rochelle, 6, and Tracy 2 and a half. Poor big brother Christopher, 7, however, has too many women to handle these days. He loves it! I- t, thrilled! Ainiee Beth and Tami Jo Lauber have tipped the commit. Litt-man- That's why we concentrate on people in our newspaper People who lead the community, people who have special abilities, people who have something to say We like to tell you what the people of our area are doing, because we think fOu would like to know. The Star of Bethlehem will open on Thursday, November 29 and continue until Monday, December 31. There will be no shows on Christmas or New Years Day and the Planetarium will close following the 4 p m show on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve. Foreign Car $ Wheels for ijVi . 2 Years r , ' Effective January Get it all in your. . , VfeLO FOR ALL OF YOUR FOREIGN CAR PARTS CALL 531-940- FOREIGN OAR PARTS 2401 N REDWOOD RD. S.L.C. 0 Nears EARNSICOMMUNITiYINEWSRARER Subscription Form to: 't 531-940- 1980 0 ) ' 1, rTIIE I I I NEW""" VALLEY VIEW 9124 West 2700 South Utah 84044 Magna, Year $6 00 2 Years - $10 00 New Subscription 1 Address. City. u. btato. .Zip. -- Renewal Telephone. Amt. Paid. Date J |