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Show Valley View News, December 1 3, 1 979, Page 2 Continued from page Ueo-Vteco-Nec- os KEARNSCOMMUNIIY' NEWSPAPER (USPS 656-38- 0) Issued each Thursday at 9124 W. 2700 S., Magna, Utah 84404 Second class postage paid at Magna, Utah. Mail subscription Payable in advance $4 per year in Utah $5 All advertising must be in our office by noon Monday for Thursday publication and preferably by 5 p.m. Fnday. Area businesses wishing information about our rates may contact our office at J. Howard Stahle Publisher J. Howard Stahle Managing Editor Editor Lois S. Knutsen Office Manager . . . . Marilyn Goble Afton Cameron Advertising Manager Lois S. Knutsen Photographer Susan Mawhinney Reporters David West I Town Council Humane Society e 250-565- George Starfcs, Suzanne Hansen, As! See 967-680- 6 969-241- 7 IT LOIS KNUTSEN I've really been thinking hard about this column. So far no flashes of inspiration have hit me. It's getting closer to deadline and I cant think of anything to get on my soap box about. The only thing that comes to my mind are the many and varied events that crowd this holiday season. I think Ive got my Christmas shopping done, but I snould know better, there is inevitably someone else to buy for at the time draws near. There are more and more events to be covered for the newspaper and my calendar book can hardly contain all of the appointments. Its exciting, exhilirating, and stimulating. I can hardly think of any other job that is guaranteed to give even the most jaded person that Christmas Spirit. (But Im not one of those.) Now I ve never had much of a problem getting that spirit, I think I was born to love Christmas. Practically speaking though, I think it was handed down to me from my parents, and I'm so glad. But this year has been something else. Ive never quite experienced a Christmas quite like it. This whole Salt Lake City area has gone bananas and I think it's WONDERFUL! Homes are decorated, streets are decorated, stores are decorated, everything looks like Christmas. Every school is planning a special program and the kids can hardly contain their excitement. Another famous landmark that this city holds and no other does, is Temple Square. I heard about what at Christmas it was like clear back in Ohio. I thought their descriptions were a bit exaggerated, time and distance was altering their memories. But oh how wrong I was. It is gorgeous, breathtaking, and all of the other adjectives one can remember to describe it. My friends were not wrong. Another tradition I had heard about was the annual Festival of Trees. Again I thought it had been overplayed. But wrong again, their descriptions didn't do it justice. I was enthralled as I meandered past all of those unique creations. I thought of the hundreds of hours it must have taken to make some of the ornaments, of the patience and perhaps stubborn determination it must have taken to complete the project. Do you know how lucky you are to live in such a place? Does it inspire you to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas? I feel like a child again and Im thoroughly enjoying every minute of it, are you? The office on 4000 W. has 35 kennels for dogs and 42 cages for cats. They will keep them as long as possible for adoption. An adoptable animal has been given a physical, has its shots, and is in good condition. If one is interested in adopting an animal he may come into the office EXTRA EXTRA i letter te tCie editor the home the pet is going to is suitable, also whether the pet obtained would fit into the family household. An attractive poster is prominently displayed that asks several questions. Think Before You It is entitled Adopt. Some of the considerations one should give prior to adopting a pet is: how big will it get? ; who will take care of it? ; how much will it cost? ; how much time will it take?; and finally, where will it live? The adoption rates for an animal are: $30 for a female cat and $20 for a male ; and $35 for a female dog and $25 for a male. This fee includes the first distemper shot and spaying or neutering. An animal should have two shots when it is under a year old and then a yearly booster. When it is about four months old it must have a rabies shot. The responsibility for purchasing a license is left up to the individual and that may be done from the Animal Control Agency. GifU We have all seen cute posters of a puppy or kitty poking its head out of a gaily Christmas wrapped box. It makes for a pretty picture but the reality isnt always that pretty. The Society advises that if a gift of an animal is being considered that all angles of pet ownership be discussed and weighed. If it is decided that a pet would be a welcome addition to a household then it would be wise to purchase a collar, leash, toy pet or similar object. Wrap up the object and present that to the child. Thai when the excited child opens the gift it can be explained to him that a trip to the Humane Society will be made and he can pick out his own pet. This would save the pet much trauma and make it a truly memorable experience for the owner, the Society assures. This is a good place to pick up a good dog or cat, Jepko concluded. animals. EXTRA Wrote and fill out a general questionnaire. The Society tries to assertain whether People who have sympathy for animals are our supporters, said Jepko. We are not in the veterinary informed Jepko. They business, work very closely with veterinarians to assure proper pet service. If one has a pet they recommend that the pet be taken to a vet, if at all possible. However, if the pet needs to be spayed or neutered the Humane Societys clinic can perform the service. Charges for this service depends somewhat on the weight of the pet. To spay a female dog the charge will be from $33 to $55. A female cat may have the same operation for $27.50. It will cost from $25 to $40 to neuter a dog and $15 to perform the same service on a male cat. An animal is a 100 per cent better pet if they are spayed or neutered, the office manager stated. She stressed the problem of a pet straying more when it has not had the operation. It calms them down, she said. Its an old wives tale, she said when asked if it was better for the female animal to have at least one litter before having surgery. If one sees an animal that has been hurt and its owner can not be located it can be brought to the Society or a call be made so it can be picked up. A stray animal, however, should be reported to the County Animal Control center and they will take care of it. We are not a dog catcher, reminded Jepko. He further stated that their services are just what the name implies, being humane to Additional copies of the Valley View News are available at a cost of $.15 each. Efforts are being made to pjace them in mpxe locations so that they may be' readily., accessible in the Kearns community. At the present time you may obtain copies at the . Custom Lighting, 4175 W. S., behind the Post Office and north of Dees. The Valley View News is beginning to receive brightly colored pictures in our Christmas coloring contest. We 4067 W. r, 5415 S. Home of Susan Steenblick, society writer, 4496 W. 5375 S., Kearns, appreciate the enthusiastic response. Continue to color and send in your posters. A copy of the pictures may be found on page 4. The completed posters will soon be r. displayed in the window of The week before Christmas they will be taken down and judged. The age categories will be: up to 3 years; 4 and 5; 6 and 7; 8 and9, 10 and 11. Each group will receive a first place prize. Music Man Electronics, Twin Cinema. near 966-749- 5. A limited number of reference copies are located at the Kearns Library. Office location, Copper Home of George Starks, 5028 columnist, Drive off of Jeremiah 5600 W., Kearns, Printing, Magna, 967-680- EXTRA , 4345 Econ-o-Cente- following locations: , 9124 W. 2700 S., Subscriptions may be taken by any of the above Radcliffe Street, named individuals. The cost is $4.00 per yeatibr a mall' delivered issue every week. 4695 S.), Academy (4310 968-810- JO W. Econ-o-Cente- 250-565- 6. Home of former society writer, Barbara Bird, 4677 Park subdivision Commissioner Dunn says that the County will not discontinue any ambulance services. However, Fire Chief Barrett says that they are going to discontinue services out of certain fire stations. It was pointed out that at the present time the response time for an ambulance call is six minutes. It was felt that this is a very good record and that a reduction of any type would only ultimately hurt the one needing ambulance services. Deadline Arlo James reported that the date has been extended for receipt of nominations for Mr. and Mrs. Kearns and Mr. and Mrs. Kearns Booster. The Green Sheet erred in reporting the deadline. They printed December 8, therefore the Council agreed to use that as a final date. The Council will meet on Tuesday evening, December 11, to make a selection. An awards banquet or reception will bee planned for January to announce the chosen individuals. It is also hoped that the book Proud of Kearns will be available for sale at that time. County. continues 967-664- i, conflicting reports regarding the ambulance service for Salt Lake Coloring contest Home of Lois Knutsen, Editor, 4634 Carnegie Tech, No. 4 (Academy Park area 4685 W.), Kearns, Skateland, Kearns, The Council was asked that they be aware of the services provided and find guide people to them who may help. professional benefit through Safety Report She Sandy Mamales reported that had contacted the proper officials in the County Commissioners office and was assured that a barricade would be installed across the walk by the Kennecott Canal. She wanted the office to know that the Town Council was happy to have this performed, however, a final solution to the construct a problem would be to at that canal the over footbridge location. A chain link barricade is no in place. Ambulance Service Bill Erskine said that there are 0 Please return completed your- poster to: Suzanne Hansen, 4199 W. Stratus (6100 S.), Kearns, UT. or: Lois Knutsen, 4634 Carnegie Tech, No. 4, Hunter, UT. or: Copper Printing Co., 9124 W. 2700 S. Mangna, Ut. DO NOT TAKE THEM TO THE DRUG STORE! poster on page 4 0 fapses by Pat Rick This year, let First Security HandiBank help you shop for the good girls and boys on your Christmas list. HandiBank teller machine is the that helps you avoid the busy times in the bank lobby. It lets you get to your Christmas cash (up to $150 a day instead of the usual $25 or $50 amounts) anytime, including evenings and weekends. Gives you your account balances so you know just how generous you can be, or have been. It lets you transfer funds, or makes you a VISA cash advance if you run a little short. Never have you needed banking like now. 24-ho- ur 24-ho- ur Tis the season for HandilDamfcSP HandiBank at these locations: Salt Lake City 79 South Main Street 2301 East 13th South 995 East 70th South 3601 South 2700 West (Valley Fair Mall) 6135 South State Street (Fashion Place Mall) 3885 Wasatch Blvd. Orem: 1175 South State (University Mall) Provo: 92 North University Ave. Ogden: 3800 Washington Blvd. Logan: 1300 North Main (Cache Valley Mall) More than a cash machine its a teller I need a job, the sullen young man stated flatly to the school counselor. I thought you got a new after-schojob just a couple of weeks ago? Oh, I quit. They were always on my back to work harder then they blew up when I came in a half hour late one afternoon. Too much pressure no freedom. I quit! And the job before that the one near your home? Oh, my girl friend worked there, too. When we broke up, I didnt stick around. "What hours do you have free? Any time Im going lo drop out of school anyway, I want a fulltime job so I can get a car. What kind of a job do you want?" Any kind but not in a fast food place. 1 hate cooking and cleaning up. And I dont want to work outside-t- oo cold! And 1 dont want to be on the night shift they always get made when I take off for a party. I see. Well, heres one as a stock clerk from 7 a.m. to 3. That wouldnt be too bad except Id up about six have to get Id never make it. How about unloading trucks at a warehouse 9 a.m. to 6? Nope. I tried that once just about broke my back. They dont care what they ask you to lift. They need a janitor in a day care center Cant stand brats!" "Sorry. Thats all the leads I have right now for unskilled labor. Good luck." "Yeah- - thanks. Im not worried. Maybe I'll just float around for a while. My old man will help me out lie complains a lot. but just make him feel guilty ami he 1 kicks through lies a crr workaholic he doesnt play. Dont know how he stands it! Well, see .i later " |