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Show Valley View News. December 13. 1979, Page 6 Oquirrh Hills, t PTA Sponsored book fair thru Saturday OF THE Kearns Youth Aquatic Team climb out of the pool just long enough to have their picture taken. This group is hard at work getting ready to compete in the upcoming Holiday Open Swim Meet. MEMBERS Holiday open swim meet hard-backe- draws near KEARNS-T- he largest swimming meet in Utah will on begin Thursday, December 27 and continue through Saturday the 29th at the Kearns Swimming Pool. Its the only meet in the United States at this time of the year, said Gayha with VUntney, her husband, Steven, of this famous annual event. For three years this ambitious couple have coordinated and carried off an event that involves over 500 young leople from the ages of three through 17. Gay ha says that they have received replies from as far away as Iowa and Missouri this year Other swim clubs from Nevada, California, Colorado, Montana, Arizona, and Utah will also be represented Last year we had over 500 swimmers representing 40 teams and we expect more this year, enthused Gaylia. Events and Judging Tliere will be 160 events which includes freestyle, buck stroke, breast stroke, individual medley, and relay This is the only all trophy meet in the state, informed Gaylia. There will be a large trophy for the first through sixth place winners in each age group. Plaques will be for individual presented events. The Whitneys started to prepare for this meet in July and by August had all of the trophies lined up. The businessmen in Kearns can be thanked for donating from $2,000 to $4,000 in trophies this year, stated Gaylia. There will be an trophy, Proportionate trophy, and a High Point trophy for each age group. The judges are members of the Intermountain Association. They must take tests in order to be allowed to judge a swimming meet. They come from various valley locations. All of the events will be watched by electronic timers to assure maximum accuracy. Comments I think the way they are treated up there is the key to our success, Gaylia stated. It is considered a fast meet, she continues, and they know that the competition is hard and stiff. The Kearns people open up their homes and house ' Library and looking over the selection. They could write down three books that they would like to buy. The child then was to take home that list and consult with his parents. Later in the week he was to bring his money and actually purchase the book. The Book Fair opened at 8:30 a.m. Monday morning and will continue through Saturday. Tuesday through Friday it will be open till 4 p.m. Saturday children as well as parents may attend and make their purchases between the hours of 11 a m. and 3 p.m. KEARNS For the third year the Oquirrh Hills PTA is sponsoring a Book Fair. It is ably chaired by Karen Magann and helpers. This event gives the children of Oquirrh Hills the opportunity to choose gifts they might like to give to others as well as the possibility of obtaining' something for themselves. The children may select from hundreds of books. There are paperbacks for all d ages, coloring books, books, picture books, Golden Books, records, song books, crayons, and games such as Checkers, Bingo and Chess. Another interesting item is a puzzle of the United States. Each class had the op- -, portunity of coming into the hundreds of te inspect books at the the 5th at the school. 1 Oquirrh Hills: Service club opens store This is an excellant way for the children to buy their The Oquirrh Hills Elementary School 6th grade Service Club has been getting a taste of the real business world lately! Christmas presents. The prices range from $.59 up to for a set of books. $16.95 swimmers during the three-da- y event. The people say it is the nicest meet and the way they are treated keeps them coming back, Gaylia informed. Kearns Swim Team A large Kearns Youth has a AquaticTeam parents association to help run the activities of the team. Some of their functions include taking the kids to other events so that their rigorous training schedule is given some diversification. Under the direction of head coach, Bert Hagbloom, portfolios, notebooks, , 1 I 1 i (I. to r.) Tina Pacheco, Leslie Boren, Jeff ChicJester? Qdd Mills, $21.95 m 95 T?IB. L 'W.v W.V Rf.f, 7.7,"."., 7. r.","." " r, , I VttMiHifeta -- J INDIAN BLANKETS 9 BUCKET SEAT COVERS INDIAN BLANKET MOST PASSENGER CARS 2 & 4 DOORS CHROME TAIL TR3 AUTO GATE PROTECTORS CLEANER & GLAZE A A A A A A A A A A 49 and they choose careers. their own and Kelly Erickson. : i . ri ! ii over r Nokes ir t $ Mall school schedule r VALLEY FAIR MALL Various local schools will lend a of Christmas to shoppers at Valley Fair Mall true spirit sour It during this holiday season. Enjoy these groups as you shop. Wednesday, December . a birth of the familys third son. 'Just a' baby is near one expects to .ten minutes after Arriving at be able to arrive at the Ther sisters Reginh sgave j hospital and have time for all f birth to an alert and healthy ' of , the , ozs. baby-.bonecessary 7 lb.-17 VAi.s.d! w preparations. That is the usual way of having a baby, It was kind Of scary but it wasnt quite so for one giving birth in of Kearns area family last strangers but they Were so November 29. assuring and comforting I Regina Nokes of 4689 W. quickly lost my apCaplan was due to have her prehension, Regina said. I third child at any time. She cant thank thosq men was uncomfortable the night enough, they were just of the 28th but sent her .wonderful. husband, J., on to work the . She remembers asking if next morning. Shortly the baby was alright and she thereafter she felt the first was assured that he was fine. contractions and felt that They wrapped him up in a this would be the day of her sanitary plastic wrap that babys birth. She called her contains air bubbles and a husband, he came home, and blanket. The ambulance they drove out to Magna. came and they took both of LaVelle Conner, Reginas them to the hospital. sister, was to keep the two Dr,. Pan Henry' was older boys, Christopher waiting in for them Joseph age 3 and 1,1 month emergency." Regina was old Patrick Henry while taken to a room in the mommy was in the hospital. - delivery ' area and af- On the way out there terwards to the recovery Regina asked her husband if I room. Baby Anthony Robert he could deliver a baby. He was placed in isolation for 24 seemed to think that he could hours to be checked out for but said, we dont have a - any possible infection. He blanket. was found to be just fine By the time the ' family following culture tests. arrived in Magna it was iThe baby was born on 10:50 a.m. and Regina knew Thursday and by Saturday that this baby wasnt going 1 morning Regina and the to wait for a trip into the baby were pronounced ready hospital. Her brother-in-lato go home. ' , ran down the street to the firehouse to get some The doctor said that I - - looked better and more alert assistance. Two Ron 0 than if Id been in hours of firemen, Sorenson and Victor Dancer, labor, informed Regina. ran to the home and got there !. I dont know that I would just in time. In the meantime . want to go through it again Reginas husband had the t because I wasnt sure how it doctor on the phone and from was going to turn out,, the description of what was Regina continued, but Im happening the doctor didnt -- glad its over, and hes think the baby was coming 'alright. As . far as how she felt yet. I told them the baby was having toe baby in a home, coming but they didnt listen 7 Regina concluded by saying, to me, stated Regina. it was nice to be with family and be in A place that Im By then the firemen were there and ready to deliver familiar with. Thursday, December Friday, December m mmmmm b'id VVA'i long math, salesmanship will be a big help to them in the future as Read and use the want ads III in U, ; ' . i Elementary has an active Service ClubThe 5 members hove established a store 2i the school grounds which they operate ; ' ti 4U ll r.i If (lit) during lunch time. Here they are helping a ycng customer make a purchase. ' THE OQUIRRH HILLS ' Valued at valuable lesson about our world ot work. The experience they are getting in are pencils, sharpeners, rulers, protracters, paper ap- KEARNS-W- hen SPECIAL Not only are these ambitious students making money for their activities, they are alsoAearning an in- economics, s WITH POCKETS & GUN SCABBARDS AVAILABLE. tinez, Secretary, and Kerly Erickson is Treasurer. Todd Mills manages the Service Club store, and Tina Pacheco helps with sales. Among the items offered , Af President, Leslie Boren, President, Monica Mar- comparable to those of the local merchants and the profits go for any school activities that the children might desire. , MOST TRUCKS, MODEL T3 WITHOUT POCKETS OR GUN SCABBARD. MODELS Vice are n, proximately 60 young people make up the Kearns team. They range from four to 16 years m age. It has to be their whole life, states Mrs. Whitney. She speaks about practices that last for two hours a day, five days a week that leaves them time for little else Its a great program if you want to keep your child off of the streets, concluded Gaylia. By the time they come home they dont have much energy to get into mischief, she has observed. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Thursday, November 29, the last few days have been themselves, and pocket pouchess. These items are sold at prices and assisted by Randy making a great success of it in their own retail store! Manager of the store, Todd Mills, who is in Mr. Gunn's 6th grade class, says that since they have opened on pencils, colored paper pads, pens, novelty erasers, and pencil top erasers. Each Friday, special items are on sale for the students. The Service Club includes 15 members from the 6th grades. Jeff Chidester is They are in business for especially good!. The store hours are from 12:15 until 1:10 p.m. on times, students and teachers alike may shop for anything from ABC tablets to zippered : g kindergarten class at Oquirrh Hills Elementary Book Fair. The event will continue through Satur day SOME OF 12 13 2:00 p.m. Kearns Junior High Orchestra 6:00 p.m. " David Gourley Elementary combined string group Arcadia Elementary Arcadia Elementary 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p m. 14 , Monday, December 17 1:00 p.m. David Gourley Third Grade Choir Monday, December 17 3:00p.m. Kearns Junior High Chorus 10:00 a m, Harry S. Truman Elementary Thursday, December 20 10.00 a.m. David Gourley Second Grade Choir Friday, December 10:00 a.m. David Gourley Elementary Wednesday, December 21 19 . , 1 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 A s mm ?mt! 5318 SOUTH 4015 A A A WEST 3 SOUTH OF KEARNS JR. HIGH At At At At At At 9 9 9 9 9 9 LOW BALL DISCOUNTS ON ALL OTHER PARTS 3 At OPEN MON. SAT. 8 8:00 AM TO 6:00 PM$ -- - s , 1 "MY THREE SONS" is what Regina Nokes calls her trio of beautiful childien. Baby Anthony had the distinction of being assisted into the world by two Mogna firemen. (I. to r.) Patrick Henry, Regina holding Anthony Robert while Christopher Joseph looks on happily. |