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Show ( tfZTLS December Valley View News., ; tw-r' v;. ', f'' v c KI ; , - ; i L I "3 V. 1V .VL i. iALv 8V$ U L f ff - ,1 e..w ' '.. Cw if ' , rA S - i ' 'v ' 1 V ;.' . ? M - ts Ifr V' - "' ,. v ... ir:'-.r'4- ,v J e r 'X mr v rf trar? 41 f i .' O 4 was donated by S and W and the Hunter 6th Ward Y.W. decorated it ii h silver bells, red bows, and red bead chains. It was chased by Wasatch Electric. M'nISTMAS BELLES" n f(!..t ' f - Cr . "BOOTS 'N BOWS" was donot! it, id djfoiated by the Hunter West 12th Wuid VWAS!.-- . Dixon Paper Company purchased this white and j ink creation. BoWs.i CHRISTMAS Festival of Trees, traditional Lakes tr'rivis season opener, ki'hi from Wednesday t h !n Saturday, at .the- Salt - the most unique mas events anywhere in the country, the ninth annual Christmas benefit for the Primary Childrens Medical, Center was open from 10 to 10 each day with over 200 trees creating a enchanted forest virtual for visitors. Besides the lighted trees the Festival a featured original, r, ? :;Xm organizations, . designed drill, with 130 den a tole-pamie- d the Ward Priests and MIA Main Classes. The i.e group decorated it with gingerbread men and and white bows. Uicne 4 r 0 f l.enore II .a;, uai olvii ks, IjeeAlu) Brown. Nora ( rcer, Lvtlda C.!iP4.susisen, llielma k Fran Fish, Stephani' Froisland, Norma Gepharl,, Siiaron Goodrich, Laura, llayis. Janice Irwin, Pat: Jackson, Jolley,' Mary Maureen Kinsman. Shannon' Faye Layton. .Jeanne Martin, M c Ar thur. a nd Kahvije, BeNee MeLelland. Susan-Liidlyw- Additional members were: ; Marsha McNeil, small fi nil Ardij.hj Hasintissen, Judy lliley,. Ka i h y R i n gge r , Lor a i n e Spier scsMory Taylor, An- - : , Xfi c ; V; V throughout. chased by It was pur- W.S. Hatch' Company. A while flocked tree with red rose sprays, red velvet ribbons, and red balls around the center stem was Boots n .Bows" wa "title given tola gorgoou. donated by the llnnVi 12!h chased Ihxnn Dennis purchased V ( T',1 , iisut . . A V hi : i ' O&C A Kearns L.D.S. Ins white tree was decorated i.: blue and white dressed d ais.; wrapped packages, ii.st colorwi balls, white la'!, - and hi ue fabric bows :1a . 'J : : die top.. u-r-- t V fl 1 0 V D 0 u r; i i. i a M -, a i l' y. ' e i.r J i Jf 4 f ; , a , o o 0 0 0 0 r. W- 1979 Fere & T-B- Velvet" ii bw miles. All voll equipped, air cored, Will Trade & AFinance with Approve rc.J.'it. - , ' '"'Swggffi, Y m TO was V.l! Ci t, OkA'JkAX ilW i ; S. n i , Jgi - - 'r svs j.dt'atol ,3 7. ooeooooooooottGio rv ,na p ?, ft a i li t Vi it lj V. fr ' Hi "1 'PH;. a.1- - JU "NS i x10 3x5 j 4 Large Wallets ; Jl 'Huh :: Ay $795 H Plus Tax ' ArA, , i 1-8- 1-5- !! 5x7 x10 3x5 :4- - x7 3x5 8 Large 2- - Wallets :.t $795 tax 99 : 'V,- Plus Plus Tax: . Still in time for Christmas! kfv t ... DOUBLE EXPOSURE Wallets aFNky Va. ff Natural Color 1-8- wtjfiit t OPEN "A NATURAL FANTASY" was donated by Jack's Truck and Alignment. The Jack Hillier Family decoraled it with Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls, gaily wrapped packages, and rust colored balls. It was purchased by the Kearns LDS Seminary, WUtt . Uodok popw... Call Now toroyood loo, MawgweBBWwT3Ei;jE.a-:ti!g3BaiMHuaraif- For Appl - 969-683- 2 0 e $tc W.r Only. . . this donated by Kearns High School. It was decorated by the Student Body Officers. Their theme was carried out by using a white tree and placing blue balls, lights, and blue and silver garland if rS rvrj-.- r ifti . 't Natural liad been n,,eii!iv Jacks Truck and ' i e. at. It was purchased i unique tree. 1 A 'v l i A which In.iitasy ; f f and in VALLEY FAIR MALL WS Kearns High by the High Co. The blue lights livd up v, P'i Vy Faniasy tret V a was decorated by te vouc.l Student Body Officers. Donated v it was purchased by W.S. Hatch blue and silver garland along with name. i,, a. pink angel. The .lack Hillier Family Company tins trki: white flocked er, same group contir.o called Everything's decorative tbetni K: Coming Cp Roses. It was pink and while piu. l c donated Norwood by the branches,' pm!, .i.,j and Transportation felt stockings lilies i f t decorated bv Hunter 23rd those branches, and pie, Ward MI a. Dale Kehl this lovely.F Kills iipd red .lights id-purchased more interest, li wms a J! if creation. - AVasatch Christmas in a Nutshell" was dggorated by the Hunter l7thj AVard Young Women. Tibs' white Hocked tree featured nut dusters on a bed of red Small bows. ceramic animals in a half walnut shell dangled from the branches and a teddv bear graced the top. Cleaning by 2- - vUE VELVET" : eC i Ward'-YWMF- a lovely ; - t "lft ,' . , iWft? ' f iLS aptly describes .orated by the Hunter ,t iorwoqd Transportation t i tS ff&H A, - COMit.'w a ' , . f:Vj a; i, j t this white flocke i , . n, J' 23rd Ward MIA L,n-jI .e was ,it purchase bons, and ball co., V in t sf, ',.' "EVERYTHING'S Donated . Electric Co., Blue Vickie Miller, Morgan, ' Susan Palmer,. Meliks Phillips, Norma decorated trees that sold for approximately $50 and up. The most expensive tree was sold for $5,000 and purchased by the Jeep company. irttfirrT,i , describes this intricately ri'-.j.-. $1(15. liavis, and Sharon Day. The Committee continued; wit!) the following: Margaret-- . EUv hard:, Chris., Findlay," their fancy. The highest bid for any particular tree was accepted. Many of the trees had been sold by the time the doors opened to the general public. Variety had to be the word to descrilie the hundreds of trees on exhibition. There Oth Carol Best, jremnen u oOa n t At uv businessmen were able to look at each tree. They were then asked to submit a secret bid for the tree that caught Kear-- i ry v individuals, and organizations, was donated by the i n t in, i ,t "rt''z&5?:rrz?r donated by the Kearns Kith Ward Priests and MIA Main classes. It was also decorated by Ibis ambitious group with baked gmger-breamen, and red and white bows. The purchase price on this creation vsas Jen I interested nGERBREAD FANTASY" year 8j i yv,GiiiqtAtbread Ualj,. i aptly described ,!) - also many Loealtnterest :he F s Ar se h, lis ..d, ; . Christmas bells' and.jiyi., blown glass ornaments Especially for chilaren there was a Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Mr. and Mrs. Santa, gingerhre i houses, Gnomes, 200and enough animals in various shapes and sizes to fill several Arks. Sale Prior to the first dav. were raised are used for . v(-'-L-.- i i Vi s i Sandra (1 Festival." Inusual trees this year featured 1001 golden origami ciams. glittering machine gears, ice cream cones, turkey (j,g , a! , t rf.: I purchased this creation. Nut in a half walnut shell ad- There were' a number of i either1 trees donated, jM.yxides specialized medical decorated, or 'purchased by !( ,;;n men! local organizktibnA. qr thousands of ki , civ year coining Decorated' by' 'the Hunter ti:C Intermountain (1th Ward Yobng Women, a ( lovely white flocked tree, Mflprdhin of trimmed with silver bells, i;e Glnz. with red lxnvs and bead chains md Barbara was purchased by Wasatch iiai mien., ibe ' Electric, This creation was comm Ht$e, donated by S and W Conv, o r k Cad' i r es! ruction.,' churches, and schools and were for sale at t he W ' IN A NUTSHELL Uhrhqn, treatment .of ;.!,. In". ciiMron at. Primary hmin iis This hospital They were created and decorated by generous individuals, service and S kt r Wilkins, and Sharon Severe. Board members of the ' W omens E nj d o w m out Committee include women from as far north as Hun! svi lie and as far south as Spanish Fork. Primary ens Medical Center. 'i.ikii Fond- a business nette . (iiii.ticn V Cleaning by Dennis , entertainment performing onstage. Each tree donated was an s .r v S' clusters and ceramic animals ded a unique touch. ;;i 'ioj'gaiiizatiori .sponsored by the Womens Endowment Committee, ' the t as originally nvnecpi and organized as a "(N't of Love for the brimming Sweet Shoppe, and continuous musical 'f' - fashioned tree. Donated by Wasatch Electric Co.dt was decorated by the Hunter 17th Ward Young Women, stockings, balls, lights, and a pink angel on the top graced this lovely tree. Gift Boutique with thousands a of handmade items, , - fAn i 'Tv 1 .- ij - , i skis ,j Uk' . t 'J v t . i h k T;ie 'Jc ' jr ' Kr T s'jftf-- 'i )! ti-'?- ' s -- i.-i- - ? V : ' 4-- r ' 'V . ''fev,.f,..M.rr. ';'-- 'V V if i n .CX-'C- g ik i) '''' s'J j Xt.v fc 9 : fe'-.J- 8 S &$ ,Zs - ..,,r - :v V . te-fV,!- . ASfJtA - 1979, Page X? IV ., ; A ' ' !&F i t vV- .,? F .3V 1 . ,,V' ?Vt,' & 'UXig , r; s bV '. v.. v ; o nu.,;.' i H i T'p '5per? 13, . 10-- 6 10-- 9 MON.-FR- I. SATURDAY o o o o o o o o |