Show t 'tekrfemfrcer MONDAY EVENING JULY 27 1931 JAMES WOTHERSPOON Ogden resident whose CALLS DEATH INCREASE death occurred in California BUSINESS AND Seeks Legion Post IN PRESSURE OF CHURCH LEADER WATER NOTED James Wotherspoon Body - Will Be Returned To Ogden Drilling Wells To Supply North Part of City Suggested — James Wotherspoon 72 former Although the level of water in the WeL D of S the North president Ogden city reservoir stood at only 17 feet this morning Commissionber stake and an active business and church worfer In Ogden for er Fred E Williams reported that many years died Saturday evening readjusted sprinkling hours have after a long illness at his home in materially bettered pressure conditions Hollywood He was bom in Paisley Scotland June 14 1856 son of John The reservoir level has dropped from 21 feet 10 inches on July 10 and Agnes Wotherspoon With his although it has fluctuated in the parents he came to Utah at the age meantime The lowest point it of 18 and lived in Ogden until eight reached according to tabulations in years ago when he retired from the engineer’s office was on July 15 when it fell to 15 feet four church and business affairs and inches moved to California On the morning of the 25th it LABORED ABROAD Associated Press Photo Mr Wotherspoon was manager of jwas 17 feet 10 inches Sunday the Equitable p dry goods store W Malone Nevada state morning it was 9 17 feet even George here in the early days and --for a dropped to 16 feet inches at noon engineer and secretary of the Colo!and rose to 17 feet 2 inches at 4 rado river commission number of years was with the John has ano’clock in the afternoon Scowcroft and Sons company and nounced his candidacy for the post the The day of the disastrous lumber of national commander of the AmerCandy company He was bishop of the Third wara level ican yard fire July 20 the watermornLegion for a considerable period and when was 18 feet five inches in the the North Weber stake was organ- PUBLIC ASKED ing 18 feet 6 inches at noon and ized in August 1908 he was made had dropped only three inches to He served in this capac18 feet 3 inches at 4 o’clock in the president 1921 TO WATCH FOR to went when he until afternoon despite the heavy drain ity While in on the system to fight the fire England on a mission of STOLEN GOODS England he served as secretary STREAMS DIMINISH the European mission He was a Side canyon streams Wheeler a member of the Dee hospital board Cold and Warm Water Springs member of the Weber college board Theft of a black briefcase from creeks are continuing to shrink Mr Weber a member of the and also his office Sunday is reported by the Williams said although the city club wells are still holding up Trial Date Is Set In One He was married here to Miss Elea- Rev Arthur J Hansen pastor of artesian weir at the reservoir intake The the First church cash In Mrs Mr and of Baptist nor Farr daughter show's a Action Before Ogden gradual decrease in the Lorin Farr who with the following value the loss was not heavy Mr flow of water into the system C Mrs him: survive children Ruby City Court Miss Hansen said but to him it was a A crew of workmen has been Fremond of Phoenix Ariz severe as blow case the contained busy several days in repairing a Grenna Wotherspoon Miss Teddy Wotherspoon Bryan Wotherspoon manuscripts of some of the best ser leak in the wood stave pipe line in In city court today Chester Brown and VictorWotherspoon two sisters mons he had prepared during his Ogden canyon the commissioner and Bud Burrows pleaded not guilty Mrs Agnes White of Ogden Mrs career in the pulpit also pictures said He added that an extra crew to the charge of wrater theft July 22 of St Anthony Ida- of his old home and parents’ graves spent all Sunday checking up on and their trial was set for Joseph Jenkins August ho and one grandson William H and similar cherished articles The minor system leaks in all parts of 5 men as The accused of unlawful a on now in Germany Reeder III pastor said it is probable the con- the city tents will be thrown aside by the A mission taking irrigation water from the that the city might ly Huntsville Mountain Canal IrrigaSERVICES ARRANGED thief and he made an appeal to strikesuggestion wells in the northern association tion The body will be borught to Og- local residents that the goods be part offlowing the county to supply the S Anesaki den for burial arriving at 6:30 preserved if so found alleged to have stolen or northern portion of Third ward be water will from the Wilson Iro’clock Tuesday morning It The theft occurred while Mr and the city is to be investigated irrigation Mr taken to Larkin and Sons’ drawing Mrs Hansen the latter’s mother Williams declared In the vicinity rigation company July 14 was given room where it may be viewed Tues- Mrs L R Miller and Mr Han of the Potter ranch he averred sev- until Tuesday morning to enter his Miss Lydia Hansen of eral day evening and Wednesday until sen’s sister wells have been struck plea Jim Ballard charged with liquor Urbana 111 were preparing for a latelygood 130 o’clock possession a quantity of beer July Funeral services will take place at motor trip to Portland and down GREATER SUPPLY 23 entered a plea of not guilty 2 o’clock Wednesday in the Third the coast to Berkeley Mr Hansen be a good thing for The trial was set for August 6 ward chapel under the direction of will register for the summer school the“Meters will Williams said “but L Mr) InterRichard Bonta Mrs city” Richardson B for pastors August at the after all what Ogden needs is more Charles Miller otherwise and Bishop Myron known as ment will be made in the Ogden city Berkeley Baptist Divinity school water No matter who is over here Martha Cook asked for preliminary cemetery They will leave Tuesday in charge of the city during the hearing on a charge of adultery next administration they will have 24 The hearing was set for July July to get more water 28 at 2 p m The parties are each Mrs E M Conroy Mrs E D under bail of $1500 cash or $2000 property bond in default of which they will be held in the city Jail Dies I ! Co-o- Shupe-Willia- ms WATER THEFT GASES CALLED -- 3-- Mrs E M Conroy 2525 Adams avenue was reported to be resting easily at the Dee hospital this afternoon following a serious operation she underwent during the morning Her five sons joined her daughter Miss Helen Conroy here V P the Conroy who is connected with New aviation industry flew from York E E Conroy of the federal came from department of justice Louis N ConOklahoma City Okla roy came from Washington D C and M R Conroy arrived from southern Utah Dr Francis R Conroy is a resident of Ogden Repossession of Mrs E D Snyder 58 formerly of Salt Lake City died at her home at 9:40 in Bakersfield Calif o’clock Sunday night Mrs Snyder was the mother of Mrs O A Tor geson of Ogden of Louis Foster of Salt Lake City William A Foster of Pocatello Charles Foster of Provo and other sons and daughters in California: Mrs Irvin Hatch and Mrs Blanche Goodfellow of Oakland Roy Foster Lester Foster of Bakersfield and Mrs Ruth Johnson She is also survived of Glendale by her sister Mrs Sam Bullough of Ogden and a brother in Salt Lake City The body is being shipped to Salt Lake City for funeral services which will be announced later Furniture Sought Suit to repossess household furniture said to be worth $170250 and for judgment of $235 under an alleged written agreement was filed this morning in Second district court by Robert H and Mrs Etta Marie Reeves against Thomas J and Juanita Wiley 14 Snyder In California CRBVSPUTOUT Undergoes Operation 44 SMALL BLAZES TREES BURNING tLLljHSU lit - Make YOUR WILL Christian S Greaves Made Successor To James H Platt Light Fall Is Helpful In Contest Against Christian S Greaves was appointed bishop of the Wilson ward of the L D S North Weber stake Sunday evening when the bishopric was reorganized under the direction of Thomas M Irvine and Wilmer J Maw of the stake presidency Bishop Greaves who was formerly first assistant superintendent of the Wilson ward Sunday schools succeeds James H Platt who was released several months ago George E Stratford former sup erintendent of the ward Sunday school was appointed first counselor to Bishop Greaves ESllis Hipwell formerly second assistant superintendent of the Sunday school was appointed second counselor in the bishopric John Holmes was retained as ward clerk Since the resignation of Bishop Platt the affairs of the ward have been in charge of Henry O Stripkler and Ezekiah Close who were counselors to Bishop Platt T V Pearson assistant regional forester in the operations department reported today that rains fell on the Teton forest in Wyoming and the Challis forest In Idaho since Saturday materially aiding in subduing timber fires in those localities He said the rain swept over the two forests in comparatively light form but that it was enough to check the fires to an appreciable extent Progress is being made he said in fighting fires in other sections of the national forest reserves and that the situation generally speaking 1$ : under control k if ANY people seriously intend making a will some day but procrastination often prevents their fulfilling this obligation CHICAGO July 27— (AP)— The Grain Market Analyst club numbering the leading grain statisticians and crop experts as Its members blamed steadily increasing supplies and efforts to withhold the surplus from the market for the present world world wheat situation The analysis released yesterday said that wheat had very little value except for human food and “a surplus beyond human consumptive capacity means a cumulative unwanted surplus that forces price concessions” Continuing the analysis said: “Efforts to attribute responsibility for present low wheat prices to market manipulation short selling or Russian dumping break down entirely in the face of a tremendous and growing world surplus of wheat in comparison with world requirements This surplus represents the patriotic effort to stimulate wheat production in North America Argentina and Australia during the World war to fill the void left by the withdrawal of Russia from the field of world supply “The acreage added In these countries for that purpose has been retained even after Russia returned to the position of the greatest wheat producer in the world and it is this excessive acreage coupled with acre yields in the last few years that has produced the world surplus of wheat” old j ' -- FINES IMPOSED Forefitures Also Made As Many Minor Cases Disposed of ‘ Riv-erda- $12 le 44 9 16 - rf Totals f WRIGHT’S MEN’S STORE -- 5 2 5 2 3 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 39 11 9 5 5 5 4 4 i EMe tifee Stoeetf " - 2 0 2 (San5c - WEEKLY PASSES $1—SUNDAY PASSES 25o - UTAH RAPID TRANSIT CO 1 1 4 A sedan belonging to Lloyd Herrick of West Weber was’ wrecked Sunday night at Wilson in a collision with a machine driven by Thomas Hadley of Taylor according to a sheriffs office report the maker of which was not given Heavy dust caused by other automobiles made it impossible for the two drivers to see each other approach the report stated Why run the risk of losing all your capital iii an effort to gain fabulous returns ? Federal Building and Loan Association offers you safety and security and a guaranteed return of six per cent A payment of $10 a month will mature $100000 in 82 months with SAFETY Let us give you full particulars - Letters Issued In Two Estate Cases Letters of administration were issued In two estates this morning by District Judge Eugene E Pratt Edward W Pearce was named administrator of the estate of Janie Nicholas Pearce deceased and Jane Williams Rouse was appointed administrator of the estate of Samuel J Rouse i Buy a Pass and Save 0 Dust Cloud Leads ToMotor Collision u j WHY 1 : ' 7 1 ! You can ride up the canyon every evening at no additional cost if you have a street car pass It's economy and good business to ABRHE 2 1 0 N Waldron 2b : - TREMONTON B Waldron SEE THIS OVERALL LABEL? THIS LABEL MEANS that the wearer has contributed his mite to keep Ogden money in Ogden Wearight Overalls are just a little better than the foreign product —and sells for $110 — made at Scowcroft s by Ogden workers “Let’s stick Eye Specialist At Wright’s 1 McDowell rf Men in Overalls— Dr W R Doiey Ogden Canyon 3b A MARK OF QUALITY i i TREMONTON July 26— By tak ing advantage of a few breaks the local Rough Riders were able to score 11 runs on 9 hits and down the Logan team by a 9 to 11 count The losers hit two Tremonton pitchers at will but failed to make them count Larry Evans brilliant catch Watkins p-Cropley cf R Waldron If ss Haight 2 Green 2b-l- b Johnson lb-- p See Tomorrow’s Paper and ! It9s Gool In - - Guard It faithfully carefully Tremonton Takes Close Decision Conger 2b-3- b Evans o The Blue Birds Are Coming! Next to life and health good vision is perhaps your most precious possession ¥4 Totals invariably means injustice and misery for them Fred Aeschllmann farmer of Uintah died at an Ogden hospital this morning of peritonitis He was born April 9 1864 in Switzerland and came to Utah as an L D S convert at the age of 19 He settled in Uintah and while the greater part of his life was spent there he lived in Ogden for some years He mar Judge Simon Bailow in city court this morning again exacted fines and forfeitures for traffic violations in sums ranging from $1 to $3 Those accused of not observing stop Von Cortez Henry ried Marie Beus at Ogden in 1908 signs were: Jabbs H W Peery (Mr Peery was Surviving are his widow and the also charged with overnight parkchildren: William R Mat-ti- e following ing) Carl Stoker H Farr George W Barnes Elmer Kiel O Waldron Minnie and Margaret one brothFred Arnold J A Parry Albert er Edward and two sisters Lena Swenson B C Merrutt H C and Marie all three of Switzerland Woods and W Beveridge The ofFuneral services will be held on fenses were alleged to have been Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock in committed July 25 and 26 the Uintah ward meeting house with For having only one light each on Bishop Adolph Femelius their cars F A Bingham and Pau The body may be viewed atpresiding the famBrown were assessed $2 each Cecil ily residence in Uintah Tuesday aftWardleigh confessed that he had ernoon and Wednesday until time of only one license plate on his car service Interment under the direcand he Was fined $2' C W Stag-ma- n tion of Lindquist and Sons will be was fined only one dollar for made in the Uintah cemetery a similar offense H Charley Goodseil was fined $1 for AL’S MONKEY ILL running his car past a red light signal For using only one light on NEW YORK July 27— (AP)— his car C Carstenson was fined $1 Joe friend of former Governor A1 For speeding in Ogden canyon is very ill He Is suffering July 26 Ogden Kissel forfeited bail Smith in the sum of $10 He did not ap- from rheumatism and all his friends have stopped chattering and pear in court Joe is the monkey the more car his jumping with driving Charged governor presented to the Central than 30 miles an hour on the road July 26 Russell Mar- park zoo riott pleaded guilty and was fined p-- cf Neglect to provide for your loved ones almost chapel with Bishop Rulon Peterson presiding Friends may call at the family home 136 Washington avenue Tuesday afternoon and evening and Wednesday until time of services Interment will be made In the Ogden city cemetery under the' direction of Lindquist & Sons AUTO TRAFFIC Lewis c together” i - Mrs Annie Rasmussen Boyer '49 wife of Neils Boyer 136 Washington -avenue died Sunday afternoon of heart trouble Mrs Boyer had Just left the: dinner table and gone into the next room where she expired before help could reach her Mrs Boyer was bom in Mantua November 27 1882 coming to Ogden nine years ago when she was married She is survived by her hus- -' band and five brothers Peter Rasmussen San Diego Calif Henry r i OGDEN UTAH : Former Resident of Mantua Expires ' er starred for the winners both at bat and on the field Haight and conger also played sweet ball Hook Johnson struck out 9 collegians in the final five innings Next Saturday evening Tremonton meets the California Owls in a game and he went with them and the night Score: on automobile an ride in the girls LOGAN course of which' liquor was pur ABRHE chased and drunk The attack was Westover If 1 4 declared to have occurred at a lone-- y H&le 2b 6 2 3 spot on the military reservation 6 ss where the drive ended early Sunday Martin 3b 4 Nayman morning 5 Evans rf-- p The girls who were treated at the Holden 4 c emergency hospital for hysteria Sorensen lb 5 confirmed the identification of their Brown cf 4 assailant 5 Dailey tion of your property is yours Member Federal Reserve System ¥4 Martin and John Rasmussen 4of Unwanted Grain Surplus Is Rasmussen of into enter sake to the For goodness Henry try spmtf££a£$cniristian Criticised By Market ) urignam viiy ii of the thing Services will be held Wednesday Analyst Club at 2 o’clock in the Eighth ward cally- Then the mature and deliberate judgment so necessary in making a proper distribu- SECURITY BAUM ' i IS GIVEN BLAME Your will should be drawn while you are in sound and vigorous health mentally and physi- As a matter of sound business name the Commercial Security Bank as corporate executor of your will Blazes heaWacreage BEING CHECKED LOS ANGELES July 27— (AP)— An explosion believed caused by the ignition of accumulated gas wrecked the engine room of the Los Angeles Paper Manufacturing company early today and killed H W Scott an engineer who was buried beneath tons of brick SWEEPS TWO FORESTS ATTACK STORY Explosion Wrecks Paper Plant Room By George Clark BISHOP NAMED Two small fires brought the Og- - IN above-norm- al den fire department into action this morning One was at the home of A Thackerary 1973 Ecclesrrwo Hundred Men Needed avenue The hides of the were scorched and a small portion For Month Or More of the roof destroyed The damage In Park was slight The other fire was a vacant lot blaze at Doxey avenue between Wall and Lincoln avenues CHEYENNE Wyo July 27 — (AP) —Fire broke out anew in Yellowin which no damage was done On Sunday morning firemen were stone National park today after all called to a vacant store building other flames in Wyoming forests 3731 had been placed under control owned by Andrew Child new fire-waon Basin creek A lean-t- o Adams avenue at the The rear had caught fire in an -- un in a remote section and was discov- Salt Lake Youth Shot In known way The lean-t- o was prac- ered yesterday It was 25 miles from Thigh Companion the Lewis lake camp of fire fight tically destroyed and the rear of ers and it required more than a day the main building scorched The Also Held to reach it damage was estimated at about $75 for a crew A defective chimney caused a fire With favorable weather Roger W SALT LAKE CITY July 27— on the roof of the F E Morgan Toll superintendent of the park (AP) —Police today were looking for said he believed the flames could a man described apartment house on Twenty-eight- it as a former citi A few be placed under control within two zens’ military street and Grant avenue camp officer training or three dam-age days shingles were burned but the of accused a and atshooting youth rewas of little consequence Nearly all sections of the park two an assault upon tempting ceived yesterday except the fire girls on the Fort Douglas area Superintendent Toll did not reservation nearly Sunday expect to increase fire fighting military forces but said it will be neces- morning Carlson 20 was shot in the sary to improve control trenches leftHarry thigh he told the officers when and patrol the fire area with be refused the demand of the man tween 100 and 200 men for a month he to tie his two cousins Ada and or more depending on weather con- Alta Carlson Carlson and L E ditions Lamont 21 were held for question¥4 ing in the city Jail The youths told police they met the former officer at Liberty park I LI - SIDE GLANCES WILSON WARD s DOCTOR’S HOME HIT ROCHESTER N Y July 27— (AP) — Mrs Elizabeth Pfaudler 61 knows every spot of the uptsate highways near hri- home When an oncoming car caused her to swerve off the road she crashed into Dr W F Frasch’s house The doctor was in too O J BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION " i — a: j 2374 Washington Avenua i u j — Ogden Utah v- - |