Show ASSASSIN SHOT TO DEATH WITH and Utah Idaho And WATERSHED Wyoming Mourn Accident Victims FIRES OGDEN Lindberghs Ready for Long Long Trail IN OWN PISTOL BY Bj FRANK FRANCIS Daredevils make up a percentage of human kind They climb the Himalayas as did the English pedition of a few years ago which - trying to reach the top of one of the great peaks met with disaster On Saturday in Zion National park Don Orcutt who had con- quered the Great White Throne DANGER FROM UNION LEADER t ex-Pofr- :rT I BRUSH : i Marked ragan RIVER i For Murder Turn — 7 ’ D I ables Season GUNMAN IS LUpAKMED fell to his death from Cathedral L I mountain Killing Declared Result of Coal Mine Trouble Men who invite those extreme must be constidangers peculiarly In East tuted They get their thrills by facing death and fighting to esPITTSBURG Pa July 27— CUP) cape the monster —An attempt to murder Patrick T There is no real good to comeSSSleaJ?r- ?f thte Unlted Mine America ended in from challenging death in that would-b- e manner and yet men have done fu assassin ear- when Fagan took his gun those acts of daring wherever a Ehot was to risk be taken 7? i great The manmfJ£a5d killed was Patrick: Mur- Run Temple Tex police One admires the courage of the h’ adventurers but questions their A companion of wisdom waiting “i a taxi in frontMurphy of the Fagan drew a revolver and forced Let us hope that Senator Smoot J5£ awayJbut police captured and Senator Borah finding common v1?® ewminutes after he left the ground to work on will help iolve the silver problem at their meeting cu T7oHNiC0nd mai said he was Fred in Boise today of the late Sid Hat- feud fame The west is fortunate in having il® KtVirgii?ia as Edward Snyder two men so powerful in national af- I39? FJem!n?' Ky fairs TURNS RADICAL Senator Smoot representing the According to police Snyder and regulars of the Republican party Murphy were sent to Pittsburg and Sentaor Borah leader of the “°m JelUco Tenn headquarters or 19 United Mine Workers o independents make a combination district that would strengthen any cause America coal miners union L Detectives said district 19 had national legislation calling for ' been taken oyer by radical or left If they bring relief to silver min- - pving members of the United organ! -Ing and find a way to make silver Ration and that they believed swept to new heat by the of the load of interna-tre- d part weeks’ strike in the western commerce now placed solely on gold they shall have added to Pennsylvania eastern Ohio anc West Virginia fields was responsible their fame W M action by sheriff i l n Two Evanston Youths Drowned: Brigham Loses Two In Motor Accident Californ- ian Falls To Death In Zion Park IAKE CITY July 27 — (AP) — Eight persons are dead Systematic Effort Urged To QALT Utah southern Idaho and western Wyoming today as ln Prevent Loss To a result of accidents over the week-en- d Community Four persons were killed in automobile accidents three Although some 50 small fires burn- were drowned and one lost his life in a 1000-fofall from5 ing on the Magpie flat area are not a mountain in Zion National park yet doing much damage the entire The body of Don Orcott 24 Los Angeles was found by Government watershed of the Ogden river reprerangers yesterday at the bottom of sents a serious fire hazard SuperCathedral mountain in Zion park visor J C Olsen of the forest service after a search had been when he did not return fromstarted reported this morning a trip THIS map shows the trail that Colonel Charles A Lindbergh to the mountain top started SaturHis report to Sheriff A M Ham-mo- n and his wife will follow on their day who under the law is responflight from New The veteran mountain climber York to Japan via Canada Alaskaforthcoming Siberia and the Kurile sible for fighting mountain and hill who was the first to ascend the islands Some of the principal refueling points and the dis-Ne- w fires will be carried out almost to Great White Throne in the park Yorkto Ottawa 550 miles Ottawa to Church-l- ll the letter the sheriff announced aftsaid to be the largest monolith in 1230 miles Churchill to Baker Lake 390 er presenting it to the county comBaker Lake the world set out to ascend Cato Aklavik 1100 miles Aklavik to Point Barrowmiles mission'1 550 miles Point thedral mountain in preparation for The fire Barrow to Nome 550 miles Nome to which has been burning a climb to the summit Siberia 900 of West several weeks back miles Karaginsk to Petropavlosk 370 Karaginsk of Be Lomond miles and down the Temple mountain which has never is spreading Sheriff Hammon said Kuriles to Tokio 1120 miles No definite schedule been scaled by humans will be A crew dug some trenches there Satmaintained according to Colonel Lindbergh who is shown BODY MANGLED i was at but urday unable to go back the right in his most recent picture His found near the west body or Sunday today He said he exrim trail was mangled almost bepected the men would return to the yond recognition and the rangers fire Tuesday morning estimated he fell 1000 feet over the While fighting the Ben Lomond fire one of the workers had his jagged cliffs He had climbed many of the highest mountains on the saddle bridle and chaps burned up continent without serious and another lost part of his sadHis ascent of the Great mishap dle Had not the workmen returnWhite Throne was accomplished June 30 ed when they did it was reported their horses which were tied to trees Ralph Ross 34 died ln a hosaf also would have been burned While pital here yesterday from injuries f suffered in an automobile accident they were fighting the blaze some distance away sparks jumpeq a Saturday night His car struck a three block gap and ignited brush telephone pole and he received : a for the attempt on Fagan’s life Fa- fractured skull A woman companhorses around their is and of tolsan rare the have a local equipment president district They opportunity ion was injured CREW LEAVES TODAY United Mine Workers display leadership BRIGHAM VICTIMS Arthur Grow of Huntsville will The United Mine Workers of Am- leave 4 Heber this o’clock afternoon at for George Bott 23 Brigham the coal miners’ “Seth Parker” has arrived In union the Magpie flats fire with a ten-mand Oland Oline - Sorenson City to make a movie called iated with the American Federation For the eighth consecutive day 28 were killed when the car ln crew which will fight the blaze unof Labor “Other People’s Business” til it is extinguished the sheriff said the thermometer registered over 100 which they were' riding overturned I ‘Uncle Pat was sitting on the The' crew will make the trip in a degrees in Ogden this afternoon ac- on a curve In Sardine canyon near about midnight” Helen With plain philosophy and a Porch Is " truck arranged for by Su- cording to Katherine Van de Graaf f Logan early Sunday county D Brien told the Fagan’s niece strong appeal to the spiritual side United Press government' weather observperintendent Don Wall of the county official Eugene Bott 19 driver of the of me Phillips Lord has made ' er who is also men car is in! a hospital in Logan in a the shops A man equipping came to the himself famous up and with fire fighting tools Members of At 2:45 o’clock this afternoon the critical condition By JOHN P CHESTER asked- Uncle Pat if thisporch from a was 822 the crew beside Mr Grow include official themometer stood at 102 de- broken back Two suffering others in the car He felt the people would like Woodbine street and if he were Fa- WASHINGTON July 27 — CAP)— -- The Wickershaia law en no with C S Thurston Huntsville of relief in sight received cuts and bruises grees sign Earl Uncle ‘Yes said gan I’m at Parker’s Seth Evening Fagan’ "Sunday commission today condemned the nation's Stoker Ogden Walter GreenWell man said he was from Lynn Eastman 18 and Herschel diswith its atmosphere pf spirituality and the SALT LAKE CITY July 27— Smuin H T Rich18 both of Evanston orison Ogden Ogden as 19 Murray trict ‘Well and said: system antiquated inefficient f and they £id you’re gone’ fnWy-th- e ard Smuin' Ogden H P Bolander TAP) — Weather officials have de- were drowned in Bear river Wya near and drew a revolver criminal or protect society and as using1&iligio¥ clined to predict the end of the heat Evanston brutal diiciplinary Ogden M S Wilson Ogden O A wave Smuin Saturday night He expressed the religious fervor THEY WRESTLE has held that Utah and southHulse Ogden J M Meadows Ogto have suffered 'measures without justification which possessed him and found ern Idaho in its grip for more than was reported “Fagan’s son Gerald 17 was den and Ed K Tanner Ogden went to his Eastman and cramps who souls of kindred two weeks and has resulted in three r6SCU6 thousands Submitting Its seventh report to standing in the doorway and he Mr Smuin will do the cooking Pair To President Hoover dealing with Sail deaths Over from Flying eagerly received his soothing mes screamed the man had a gun Then prostration in Utah in BUFFALO BILL SIAN DEAD Supervisor Olsen’s report on the nal institutions probation and "peUncle Pat wrestled with him and sage every Sunday evening ranges drying up and river and irpawatershed follows: situation Seldom AirUsed James McPike 21 Rupert Ida role” the commission advocated they fell off the porch Uncle Pat rigation reservoirs falling to the was TEXT OF REPORT drowned ln the Snake river His big claim on his radio audi- - got the gun and the man ran down lowest creation of a new system in which “On July 25 I accompanied Deputy points in history northeast ways of Rupert yesterday aftence was the man pouring out his the street I heard three shots and iron bars would play but a small Sheriff Lee Clausse of Ogden and Salt Lake City and Utah have ex ernoon He was caught ln the finer nature in song and homely the man was killed instantly” record and temper-latureducation would be upper part Arthur Grow of Huntsville on a trip perienced breaking NEW YORK — 27— swift current (UP) July most Nine persons have been killed in since July 13 when the pres- water while and drawn into deep ideals to the small fires in the ent wave swimming with severthe district during the present Much of the report was a' denun Colonel Charles A Lindbergh anc head of the south burning fork of Ogden weather started and yesterday the al companions' Us wife will are start bureau other strike Seth there elation marked by bitter battles beof prison conditions charac announced after today the first river in the Skull Crack country Perhaps George Mullisen 48 former perterized as “almost incredible” under eg of their ‘great circle” trip which Parkers” in the land — men who tween the National Miners’ union “We left Ogden about 1 p m and compilations - that there have been former in Buffalo Bill’s Wild West which men were imprisoned in over- is planned to take them across sel- went to Higly’s ranch in the south more hours- of have a real message But they wil the radical avowedly communist tempera- show and of the House tures ‘Since here remain unknown if they do not element and the more conservative Plans Secret Until After crowded cells without sufficient light dom traversed air trails of Canada :'ork and from there we went to the July 21 than In the Creek ranchforeman of the Utah Construc25 entire or fresh air or benefit of modem Alaska Siberia and to United Mine Workers the years seek expression in a big way on horseback begin- tion prior to Tokyo fire company of Ogden was killed “We were delayed about two hours ning of the heat wave Submitted plumbing To Fagan 43 for years has been a Their Lockheed-Siriu- s Japanmonoplane Hoover when his l automobile got' out of RECORD FOR WEATHER To simply dream great things leader of the United As president It lashed out also at the system s ready at North Beach airport while giving first aid to the near the Rogerson branch control 13 Since Utahn to of allow maxithe is of the local district he largely was average July and not broadcast them Says baby of Mr and Mrs Cur-i-s mum prison discipline described as b I and will soar for Washington of the Short Line railroad Oregon in Salt temperature Lake "traditional of the dreams to vanish Huntsville which responsible for the agreement enCity this had has been afternoon There they will Hislop unintel antiquated in the of Twin Falls last with 987 the vicinity readtered into by the union and the T E?SE: 27— (AP)—Two hgent and not JulY highest “a 3ay or two” Lindbergh told taken sheep dip and returned to Og-cruel 1053 last night a ing record for States senators whose names and Inhuman” infrequently den One of the big thinks in seeking Pittsburg Terminal Coal company about Friday the United Press today and then midnight these DOUBLE FUNERAL the weather bureau which was es- to that have been prominent in interna- methods “contributeAsserting “The conclusions follow: 44 to the Increase start northward perhaps recognition is to give voice a making EVANSTON 27—A cloud Of 1 tional beliftve affairs for more than a dec- of crime by hardening the prisoner” stop here over night and The entire watershed of Ogden which you sincerely (Continued on Page Two) was cast July over Evanston Satgloom ade a and indus-trilis- ts the river unusuan of this at feel time case In qurtet commission presents any deeply be after Washington mining urged they when word was reurday went into conference evening tobecause barred by law the will stop at North Haven Me ally high fire hazard here they ceived here to that Standard-Examinseek a solution of the silver 1931 Lynn Eastman 18 day summer residence of Senator Dwight whole area is pretty well covered The TORTURE METHODS 18 were drownand Hershel Smuin 40 to and of discuss as with question cheat Morrow well dense and the classified booster directory Mrs Lindbergh’s father other Among the grass dry 7 m ed about at Chalk Creek world-widrevealed most p e punishments questions Involved in Thence and weeds are pages just off the press is a itinerary calls for a stand of brush grass Bear-riveon many of them visited upon prison-er- s ight to their about economic conditions crossings Upper in the creditable production containing the Ottawa for an overnight rapidly drying up extremely 20 miles south of Evanston They for slight offenses were the stop and then lot were No names addresses and telephone weather instruments Senator Smoot of Utah and Senforth a for launching were on an outing in company with of men to doors for 12 journey northwestward ator Borah of Idaho headed the con- shackling numbers of representative manufacacross Can- available but none were necessary to VIrs William Eastman mother Of a hours inus convince them day business to and was ference ada the Alaska whipping placing that while others in the group in professional turing humidity Vlurder of James Eugene were W Mont Ferry Of Salt Lake Lynn Mr: and Mrs Reuel Walton straight jackets lashing them -f terests and institutions of Ogden very low If a fire should get startdown Under and streams of ed cold water in family and Alvin Feara The lower the of the Ogpart president of the American Silver Bassett May Be were in bathing and went in them in den confining so a basin small joys Over 500 different institutions are river Producers’ association lot of cages In Face ‘of W damage Nation Divorce George that movement was could not be done would to and listed in the directory depth and being unbeyondfthelr and impossible of the George W Synder president only Solved to went able swim down before help them Decrease in keeping watershed values and grazing State Shows but complete darkness Snyder and Sons Mining company for was available Mr Walton and Mr also to ranches and stock It Is our days at a time on a ration of The first directory of the kind was EVERETT Wash B Cook of Salt Lake memFrank Increase earn was about 200 yards away at July 27— (UP) ber of the international silver com- four ounces of bread every 24 hours issued In 1921 at which time the —A sack of opinion that too much stress cannot human bones infound in After the time: as in the be bank deposits fact the mission the fire that given that the and Elton upon asserting placed J Of flatly he waters off Edmunds today led of the Salt Lake branch manager soon as word reached here the As CALCUTTA American WASHINGTON India troduction to the book were is 27— hazard and 27— had as a apfailed that very (AP)— Inprison great of the July July (AP) to believe they possibly had ternational “business enterprise” and as an Ralph Reynolds Garlick senior In 1926 they were $19209-00- 0 officers showed should be de- sheriff and a large number of people to a action taken marked Marriages propriate company Smelting discovered the remains of James 1930 $23500000 institution since men district judge at Alipore was sho prevent new fires as well as to ex- - crease in both Idaho and Utah dur- motored to the spot to render asAs they went into conference both educational Eugene Bassett naval war flier who Senator were released no better than when dead in court today ing 1930 4t is revealed by a report sistance The bodies were recov( Continued on Page Two) Borah and Senator Smoot committed the commission Police Now they are $29490000 indicat- disappeared here in September 1928 officers of ’the census bureau made public ered from 20 feet of water about shot added: immediately 44expressed the view it would bs “The while en route his from home killed and in a his of financial proassailant has disas a failed large growth ing today Compared with 1929 mar- seven feet apart at 10 p m artifiprison unwise to announce their proposals Maryland to Manila 44' in Idaho dropped 59 per cial resuscitation was resorted to institution the portions ciplinary riages riots the for solution y of silver the deflation fire the use of cruel Numerous searches have been concent while in Utah the decrease without avail They were brought and brutal problem Both recognize it as one measures DRINK TEXT TABOO was 101 per cent in the ambulance to Evanston tar The population as given in the ducted for Bassett’s body and sev- of of the perthe punishment factors in the presen sistent recurrence of major FRANKLIN Pa July 27 — (AP) first directory was 32804 Now It is eral times when bodies have been depression At same the time divorces in murder within but it has been agreed the (Continued on Page Two) ound authorities have hopedthat drinking proclivities of early placed at 46000 which Includes the she Idaho decreased 38 per cent as prison the presence of narcotics —The Senator to Smoot said submit their Americans endedif will had been not be mystery But environs of Ogden frequent atmosphere of hatred history textbooks used included in compared with the previous year plans to President Hoover in ad- the this time authorities believed the vance the Frankand by — bitterness are in Utah they increased 4 per 27 eviSINAIA Rumania sufficient of (AP) them July making public lin High school Directors of Schools —Prince Anton and Princess Ileana while A substantial increase is recorded sack of bones represented the redence cent Senator will Smoot leave this of aftmains Ambrose the man 7 which must Maryland faith in the fu“It is clear at present that the texts as Sheasley has tabooed such were on their wedding journey toThese figures compare with a na The bones had apparently been ernoon for Pocatello to join Mrs ture of this inspire constituting community tional decrease of 85 per cent in who and the peasants day thronged (Continued on Page Two) mmersed in acid or quick lime be- Smoot in a trip to Jackson hole propaganda were on and a national decrease Sinaia their marriages way yesterday of West YellowWyming by way Salt Lake City has a great oppor- fore being thrown in the water ac- stone cent ln divorces of ’ home back 49 bareback per and traveling After a few days’ fishing they AMERICAN to Dr H H Kretzler of Ed-- cart tunity to perpetuate the Covered cording a Idaho 4497 marox had total of will by return to Lake Salt At New York— munds First to In addition the bones game: Wagon days The Gypsy musicians who made riages in 1930 against 4779 in 1929 were a mysterious oval agate and a was The number last for dis108 the year per merry wedding have 8 13 2 But if all July 24ths are to be as small brass knob which may prove 1000 of population or 45 marriages Chicago appeared from the streets and gay to 7 8 New 2 York warm as yesterday the pageant to be identifying clues ' each divorce Divorces in 1930 costumes have been pqt away Sinshould be given in the evening and The bones were found off shore (Ten innings) 997 compared with 1036 in totaled — to back aia is or normal getting from a region that was carefully Batteries: not in the full heat of the day Lyons Frasier and will when it has caught up on its 1929 There were 18 annulments Tate searched for some trace of Bassett’s Rhodes Pipgras and Dickey 25 the before Divorces year against sleep Who wants to be president of a body and within a few miles of the numbered 224 to each 1000 of popubrilliant the After of pageantry R H E “Little Brown House” in which eviAt Boston: v f 5 r South American republic? -T INCOLN Neb 27 — (UP) — On the plains and in the the wedding the bride and bride- lation 3 4 9 dences of murder were found shortly MENDOTA 111 MD6troit July In Utah 5649 marriages were per Boston 27— (UP)— U for left Castle Bran groom in X3 5 0 The latest president to take flight after Bassett had dropped from How H J Hewins July in the air and on the ground fanners and Transylvania where they will1 spend formed compared with 6286 the Batteries: capitals 45 sat courageGrabow-s- ki and is Carlos Ibanez of Chile Bridges sight mid-west the cockpit of his tiny air- statesmen of the preceding year This was 111 per rallied their forces today for a several days Then they go to Lon- 1000 ConnolDecasto Earl Mayer is serving a ously in Macfayden and Berry as it tumbled from the of population or 56 marriages don a for plane and from : there skies spell bitter sentence state life in an anc the When he departed he took an horde of prison fight ly against invading which j one to to and tried divorce Divorces numbered write a note explaingrasshoppers they’ll fly— in their wedding gift 1016 ambulance in order to escape the his mother Mary Eleanor Smith is ing was sweeping the section bare of vegetation 1012 his was — fall death before tothe disclosed Carol from to against year their airplane King senR H E At Philadelphia serving a five to eight-yepeople in the streets were 14 comparec day after the finding of his body While political leaders took their castle The and annulments 4 7' 1 Germany tence as a result of the murder mys- and Louis St with 22 in 1929 There were two ship in a cornfield appeals for aid to the state and to fishermen for bait at 20 cents a prince is an expert aviator 17 5 0 Presidents are made and unmade tery They both denied knowledge A the wrecked Philadelphia divorces to each 1000 population of farmers found Hewins national pound r-- ' in South America not so much by of any murder but were (found who group (Ten innings) in— farmers battled capitals 44 Livestock was being robbed of from his home Batteries Blaeholder and Ben-gourobbing Bassett when his at set out Su day popular vote as by the roar of the guilty of food in and More dividually 3000 groups than to cat-calong many la head ? attend Dubuque links of an cuff other and watch articles mob air 'ronts Walberg and Cochrane last week from and snipped droned were discovered in their possession show in Chicago The farmers saw airplanes through I: Heath - parasol plane the air spraying poison over fields South Dakota counties to north NATIONAL : When the angry voices are heard Officials learned that they had oc- the little Nebraska In South Dakota i to the plunge Brown House” in R H E ground spiraling down where the hoppers were thickest a president inquires as to whether cupied the “Little At Pittsburg: from a great height but for several 6 14 3 New York to go out the front or the back which the murder evidence was ap hours d could not find the wreckage Devouring everything that 1 ' 8 10 door and then he makes a dash for parent Pittsburg to complete the destruction : WHITE RIVER Ariz “July 27-(in corn tall the as fibre Another M vegetable Mitchell Walker lo Batteries: they pilot Berly safety Within the last few days it has — One thousand Apache In cated it for them from the air marched the grasshopper hordes become Kremer : id Phillips and Hogan a common dians and federal with in ' tha fight — joined : Hewins’ body sat upright in the iad laid barren many counties 'in state to see Better to be a private citizen in families movinj county authorities today in searchwreckage In one hand was a pen- South Dakota and Nebraska caused northward in whole Ogden than a president in Latin covered wagons drivr of Henrietta ing for cil in the other a note which read merica pursued by real and imag-nar- y half-starvtheir stuing herds before Columbia much Echmsrler of the borders university along damage foes “Something wrong in rear them ' dent last found murdered der Think broken ring No cylinFriday com- Minnesota and Iowa and still was So sefious was the drouth and near the Fort Apache cemetery ” Blows pression on by Lately the international tin commarching SALT LAKE CITY July 27— The Apaches once a tribe that mittee has been meeting with a Bonfires dotted the plains of many f Mrs Florence Hanks Pyper Nebv that wife the famous terror throughout the southNEW YORK July 27— (AP)— spread of success in maintaining the of counties as farmers raked the dead Bioomfieid W scenario writer west George territorial days are stirred When an Albany to New York exin ALL Pyper plan CATS DOOMED irica of tin The committee is work-"- T died In them burned into and hoppers has piles been abandoned The practically Hollywood Calif Sunday of by the crime and volunteered their press of the New York Central railon much the same plan outlined pneumonia stories were told of town Many strange renational to gained CARDONE word attention services to the federal government road pulled 'Into Grand Central teraccording 27— Italy July (AP) y Chadbourne for sugar ceived by her father-in-la’hoppers eating wagon tongues three years ago all its residents and George A cat will need nine lives in this the They mingled among themselves minal early today few of the 300 fence Around and D Pyper residents posts of nearby farms agreed not clothing town The death of a little girl Buffalo to find a clue that passengers knew that Tom Galvin attempting Each one of the tin producing Mrs Pyper is survived by! Neb farmers made a jo transact any business on credit to the Identity of the the engineer had died of a heart lead might countries is given a monthly quota husbandya'daughteVjomi and ‘by”at£au?4eennborrifrbtyoahiaidlible effort to recoup some of their This year the farmers have been attack after bringing his train to tosses by scooping up the dead ’hop deprived of their incomes and the of curtailment in marketing two sisters and a brother an unscheduled stop at Beacon N fiued for ail cats to be killed pers packing them and selling them lias broken down ot - I F I I i I Torture Methods In Prisons Attacked By Wickersham Inquiry “ - ha-car- ry sev-tkn- I 'I affil-Hollywo- od I -- Since Confining Persons In Filthy Bastiles Fails to Turn Out Better Men Whole Termed Failure System MOTOR - an TUNED BY LINDBERGH -- FOR AD VENTURE j ! SMOOT CONFERS WITH BORAH ON es SILVER PRICES 100-degr- ee - -- re-ma- s’ in WATERS YIELD! : er UTAMNG SACK OF BONES r ‘ SLUMP NOTED -- - -f- Judge Shot Down In Court of India j vj $18-6350- 00 -- 5 j -- I Royal Couple Off On Wedding Journey anti-prohibiti- on Devour Grasshoppers Flier Writes Note Wagon Tongues Etc As Airplane Falls RIHE i - i i ar ' - O'- - gh 1000 Apaches Join Search For Slayer con-aine- ' UP) — Wife of Scenario Writer Succumbs de-T1-- the-slaye- ed ' I lail Engineer Dies After Halting Tram S3 pay-as-you-g- o” w l J plan Y !"' f |