Show r THE OGDEN STANDARD Senator Borah for some tlme has been displaying dissatisfaction with the declarations which have come out of Washington bearing on the silver problem and he has been expressing himself in no uncertain terms $ U BXotrt2r iuu Senator Bmoofc from a silver Newipaper Published evcrj evening and iundaj state has been aware that some-moralwithout a morale or a clob Uh!t1g had to be done if the fill Entered at were to be an independent - EXAMINER ” pictursg knick Rtaus PAXOfft Iclntyre I Bi OARIS — (By Mail) —In other days! tover mlnlng interests kept friendly and he now is wasa Part to a night out to the Halles Centrales around! 4 a m for a bowl of steaming! of Sen- seeking the onion soup But In these more subscription oaxes se- -l raisSi by sell? date years I had to be routed out ator ln formulating plans lneTot ren°nn mu°S£ Vdilo Ito night concierge to Join &thehotel be laid before the president Neeada and Wyoming tog bonds And giving causes a Willis Morgan on his daily visit to costs noth lt when gloyr Hit Plea5ant Whatever is decided on at the the markets six months ing one year Bolse meeting of two of the most But our financiers are naraDOu The great Central markets ai Ail other states' eoo a month fixoJ reached Re-je- d of and their influential along upper rue de Rivoli one year when it comes to risking powerful and have been the site of Paris'! institu own or their of that senators money Member oi Tb® Associated press united publican undoubtedly food for centuries Hie marsupply or elsewhere I Press Consolidated Press NEA SerTtcoUrHll he “)ns Germany are in huge warehouse-likkets e to I"111 accepted oy President What money failed have and A a a they halls Its rean has aaminismade early and the morning vigor withdraw from Germany in Tho 'Associated ’press is excinsiveiv enpoover a shrieking soaring blatancy that cent days of uncertainty will prob- t the um f or rebUcaUon oi I tration measure is almost deafening au news dispatches credited to tt or not aWy stay there since the president Boise conierence iuia should Asvdrl with blue blouses porters! otherwise credited in this paper and1 requests it But for some time to also the local news the fores des halles” (strong menj offer hope to all the silver min- - come Germany and Europe gener- of the markets) screaming viragos aUy will find it difficult to borrow OaU 252 for All Department! ing states early morning drunks and swearing in this market trackmen it offers a slice of Parisian NEAR THE END life that is the most stimulating in ar German industrial conditions all the town The tempo OF THE DROUTH is as red--1 bad Berlin fears that another mil corpuscled as the blood from the 'Standard-Examiner’- s ei1 Last year the Mississippi val- French whose memory goes back to The dripping beeves (READ THE STORY THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) i eastern Here are the buxum ruddy and of and the the 1870 ley Platform part and Bismarck’s five thousand drawwill million continue the francs United suffered 1935 of States drouth 75000 Population by to a point the shells wprpilaushingwho parchandes seem to be UP curled in an eter- A Place on the Transcontinental i and conditions were so bad the J?g ro?i 5?vlmany 811 that Ger" When suddenl isl can Air Route Sate?7 Scouty shouted “Srn’t ol110 5 lthout haggling After 'the help Control of a Pare Water Supply government of the United States This country would like to sums closes cone the pinch-face- d £?n and the Red Cross were called on if only to protect to Accommodate 150000 Peogigantic l0i JSHL owes to indi spindly that private Germany shore If ple Bave the farmers ana tneir vlduaLs thrown torefu£6fo7 ehildren who search and institutions here A Modern City and County — — gather1 up families foniers wlth sticks- But it is difficult to suggest any-- l Building fM tmvllttle enouto I un Mnda A Direct Highway to Great Salt off hat Theysort through the castodd-At that time the west was AEil?9N are TO HEALTH AND GROWTH nations c": when ifruits riously Lake and enough other vegetables l Now cutting each other’s throats it is ONLY RECENTLY ai?d 1005: ments to refurbish and S it ca“? The Monte Crfsto Road to Rich to take care of itself REVEALED of the Paris slums! there are bumper crops where ®asy to send over ten billions of doidele county ihim glad !m'rhafi52£iwi¥fS to lars Next and helP ln ln ProlonS L interest A High School Worthy of the hast warv among the local cI 1 year there was ruin but at But apparentiyf it is Impossible Importance of Mineral Substances EaI’ marts I think Js the Flea Market City so called because of its filth and and Vitamins Little Known Another North and South Ar- - present the west is having its to send even one billion to help a shells Twenty-fiv- e Years Ago twice weekly near one of the held severe experience with lack ofnation' struggling industrially terial Highway abut me6 y°n a lot of Eun how An Aggressive County Road moisture Over all the them belief has asso-- 1 aroimd g0lns to carry au a casuai glance the Flea Building Program Germany’s financial worries cause -More Street Improvements seems to be a field with France i&oneral European worries Market elated with its rituals various clfic coast drouth prevails and Plans concessions and assistance to rules regard in diet and fnnn of abandoned junk and neav7 as can Ogden 4aJr to piles wm nao??e1Job is such as It the nol brtog appfal If rain does not fall within mostly that for one indeS Jewish religion forbids with your atMOfyoumay actually thetlons on the continent closer barter there for next ten days the loss to crops gether with France at their head (eating of pork or meat of any of sunburned head” TPlond-han- d MANY CANDIDATES tooth brushes Yet out! y sald 1 guess you re right Qf its jinkle-jumbto offset what is called the Anglo-th- e will be calamitous treasure vnnfl animals with cloven hoofs It rd like FOR OFFICE to keen them but I’ll 0X013 ters have come bloc" United States r rare and! upon forbids west use to Is If the the have the ex of shellfish It has them on the sand instead” With the city election more Great Britain does not like the authenticated antiques — the loot of idea of a continent united against ras day3 and it forbids the mixing Just then they heard a merry crythieves than three months away The perience of the east then the her and Coppy shouted “Me oh my! Too ’ there is the Marche Tabacl with a great French submarine of meat and milk at any single meal iHfiTP to is drouth be a followed wet Standard-Examinnreby Sunday J mmn snmo nrotfu little crlrlo i anH airnlano Hoot oimaH o l established Isis JJ drift Ousriseifgive8! co-operat- ion Boh SflK 8 of Else restores SymBota loo 3931 Copyrirbt Two writer in Havana fought two hour neither touehiug tho other The referee became exhausted and stopped the duel They should fight ogau palms of tho hand at fifty paces f o I I J I 1 I I °y HEALTH TALKS I I r° sales-ffflworne- And let the winner take on Arno or Vanderbilt By the way Vanderbilt has gone to New York It Is reported that he will ring Arno's doorbell and then return to Reno and await the consequences 0 This la Dr Davidwho Ubcl-scr- ay I experimenting pot-au-f- eu testing 111 to ivr Sf gence of y places a beret ofon head the the I I I sented s for mayor 5“ ° same dishes for meats that have " offices and an aay- Dy alr Plane r the y°u Just give yours to t thpv WV hd in a p°si' a ft would be real nice to do1is not what you might call for early ln’rll00iC’ nir and vice versa F1 used for (tally bring the very" highest nricesl cheerful situation for any of thejg catholic “You’re terest in city affairs which pion to balance their losses when natlons said Scouty right” church has its day® “I’U do that and then once more —a sou for about a hatful concerned ‘the wet period brings them boun- Ln I Il!0us welfare This nationl gratefu “ Koyale show3chatl of Travel Man said “Well I -I- hooks to be 3000 miles of salt water separate us a a1 huge shaped from Europe’s troubles It is to be shells that are diamond ring It Is marquis ha? you’re getting carried in Mi- Hindu nounced by the candidates them-jj- f will eat washed water United States will hoped by utaii “mta-orucow' we will ‘Sto? yom” fer?p5 55 selves or presented by friends (appreciate 'that separatlonand notls”® t are The ls government to wee be transportled hlm into f£lper ran the Up gbris ?ntl5t3 dangerous complicadives the voters an excellent op-- 1 inS h bebef5 Then Scouty held his hatfull Siing andSwdStog tions not even in the effort to get aa£s’ua£? machinery to the Salt val- - back also diets without out “Take them” said he “l hinclined mUlion the n® American porttimty to select capable men that structure near ThnTrinnri lb5X®n?d°ub-tba?iFb®e?A1 many- Champs Elysees has become some- f pite ? warnings After all our Many of the candidates areTToVi f - I Sh gathered them Ze my- what the Fleet street of Paris Along expansive and sweeping pathway girls replied Ing to manage the carry on any branch I I I—1 - ach settlement ' TODAY’S BULLETIN “Let no couple hesitate because they are poor will cost them less to live after marriage than before-- one light one etc anfire the purpose for boSh swering —Hill’s Manual of Social Business Forms " mm to-marr- mugg-Everyb- When woman used to veil y t-n- —Disillusioned An — Well wall Is that a fact? It's certainly one on me abxebay I thought it was some- - thing wrong with the gin Aunt (Hum Belial an-to-E- CHILDREN jgggfg aandfehiSprfoSpe substances Most 5 3 Judge Join hands K ' Eir£‘SHjS many's most valuable mineral worryto about the uWd Statist fe ' She looked like she was over twenty -- one to me ke hive rr) FAMOUS LAST WORDS - 1 ody literary atmosphere? YOUR V L auditor also Is are to bo elected resources 0f that in Spanish Sandburg Is a spin- ZJssen you was appalled at the perfectly outrageous way you behaved at the party last night Were you crude 1 What was the idea pf acting like you did anyway f Didn’t you realize you were in a four-pag- Dng andP‘‘ And I two dollar Q AND A DEPARTMENT TAKOMim her face 1 sio°nrermayor AJ More&ia thinks Dm F i rrivaii tudu xnc jduuic- To aspire to the Office ui may uz For Iiwu uays ago aie ms DreaKiast in years since tne elements ac tortl' yardler Incidentally United the States £todl?d years New Paris has a York his vitamins luncheon In to Havana irfh?net be worbegan Is a commissioner or that ol andl hnnto their relationship Mtal of 166 dally newspaper-sto depend on Germany for his dinner to New York hialth had the e thick slieets and often “traii2to“‘oVr“ 2856wth“‘irtabSt Tfew yeSrsTI mostly thy ambition and with only 100— JffteTo tne miies of to devoted fruits the of water to 1? deed voters 3 since of political h the actual necessary signatures importance of war the government encouraged minutes blackmail such mineral substances Revise— secure a nlace With sufficient fuel he could have iron iodine manganese and even cnmriciL tbe cement companies to make eone A switch in time saves ali- Ike Meltzer the Brooklyn Bridge i to calcium 24 within d hours Europe to phosphorus rnSf to a recover began as mony effort Inewsie still rushes up and down c5rdirf potash Pe ruiiy understood the Paris boulevards crying his n manufacture “produ various L people of the world jf one fner backed by a powerful OMIGOSRl American papers For eight years There need be little or no ex-l- T 0j cement oil company can fly the ocean in HP on diets that vary greatly in he has been a familiar figure among (Interrlew) what will prevent a great H?elr composition The Eskimo eats pense incurred in making a try tourists tensive of would in front de la the cafe Mrs added "Yes" H?® potashfields He Lotion from five considconthousand afimals sending in the primary which is a OltieifabertsBarton Paix Harry’s Bar Weber’s and the "I believe AimeeKennedy oil a has friend mak® the United States hide- - bombing and pursuit planes across ®sas a special the contents His winters are spent who is of noble Austrian blood Bar Ritz --'01951 BYN£A S£RVIC£INC- c test of elimination Tne zeal p the stomachs of ocean animals one the in killed In pf day? Germany in the sunaround the Frank Gould casino at but I am sure he is not the How lon£ will it take to arrange Pbe huni He even eats bird drop- battle will come when the voters Nice where he is also well known ply in that? And kind of person who would cheat what would be left tropical ofpi?g®£®ople have expressed a choice for the The is married to an English girlj her tropical" foods that "are rarcYv 1 AM down here at Annapolis liv-Iour cities a fields of after such visit? big Quite the contrary” potash Germany available In temperate climated final struggle between the two were discovered in ing for the time being just across and is the oldest American for U ( thtid — B1U “ - She had a subtler furtive grace Today when veils are not thought chic She kalsomines a half inch ment k Wet i m nr-fii- I - It) ' i I just itself”— Harvey S - ‘He-nselv- I Good news of good times: "If we can get rid of unemployment the situation will ad- to - Acoording-wowsers i subject gives him & mirror and then notes the rise or lack of rise in the blood pressure I -- I t the human male Dr Cbel-ecra- Before me i There was cocktaa I would mix Yolsiead moopera Blade It nix Today we drees And act and drink ( is with a new for method the in- I er J - SCIENCE AND INVENTION - le There was m book That I would The Comstocks cut it To tho boneThere was a plaar j That X would pee Tho censors rot thors bs m p-- m his-wif- e th“ ablelBJJ16 B on tho path to matrimonial refinements DETROIT — Seeking a divorce Jan Smith charged that hung out a large sign In the window of their home reading: "My husband chews tobacco" Milestone a drink automat It is a crypt where John Paul Jones Paris jhasrue Fontaine vs a stately catafalque of black bistro in lles and white marble Not far away in piay shp a coin in a slot and lap Bancroft hall is the flag that made UP a choice of five drinks It is him immortal on which is inscribed n°t popular Parisians not only to dawdle over drinks they in lare’ rather crooked letters want beau-coup want conveisation along “Don’t Give one of the Up Ship”— small attack of one hundred planes tea constitute supply with them IN BOISE IDAHO y romances me greatest ma-r- e the diet (pardon of the was such MINES ged could HPHIS is the longest stretch of sus-l- y f°r calling courage by another of the TT allied and more closely united Senator Reed Smoot Is to A hatless young blade bowled up 1 tained heat th in There was apeople of our country Principal buildings ever before in defense of the name) ln the time oflthan IN DEMAND when memory vast the fer with Senator William Borah London and thousands upon thou- - majority of Americans were limited Outside history marches on and to an American flapper along the the weather bureau although def- - rights of nations especially those in their diets to meat potatoes cof- - yefc we mqst go back a bit to 1898 curb In Place Vendome this morn-Uniin Boise on a definite plan to For fifteen years past no one sands of isthe population information as to what com- - of the Balkan peninsula are de- knock-prisThere think“How and about worth cried: fee soup white bread and an occa-lanthe Spanish war for there alllnS the last long spell is not to render imposimprove the status of silver and has wanted a gold mine other ing about something Isional vegetable Today the Ameri- d- white and shining and looking mostjnS' over a few lamp posts before able with the records in Salt L&ke sible any return in the future of then present the plan to jPresi- than a property of high values can families of even the poor groun iunocent indeed compared to mod- - lunch? She hopped in and they City of criminal aggression such jacts ' as those for which the autocracy That was owing to the high costs One good feature of the Euro-us- e dent Hoover diets that are much more Va- - ern battleships lies the “Reina Mer- - roared away he central empires has been cedes” captured terror of the Span-- j °f pean American and other troubles ried 20 to From July Sunday ish fleet A few hundred yards The current hit tune of the cab- - juiy 26 Monday ° responsible” the thermometer registered that the administration recog- But today with the price of what heye1 We biowhafto ll stands anjarets is La Petite Tonkinolse a mean maximum temperature of way near the by the sepia Josephine hoi 8 points or almost 102 points nizes that some well defined everything dropping as measur- - squandering of money and blood in unimposing pole somewhat battered Popularized PAYING BUSINESS urgess near I saw Miss prom the amount of A small plate tells Baker of Harlem the top and move must be made in an effort fed by gold ' gold properties are wastefulness e?tfavagf?58 us that it is the mast of the Baker her nails a brilliant red and perspiration notedcomplaining Total gross revenue of common followed it are re mean that the to improve the silver market 'm demand “Maine” There are other remind- - and hair en brosse dining in one temperature was nowhere near as carrier bus lines in the United sponsible for our present condition the most fashionable restaurants mean as the mean temperament ers of other wars and other vie-States in 1930 was $400250000 the When you know what ls the mat-- 1 Iter with you a cure is not so diffl-- I American Automobile association tories but it was in the present I hi Paris with what looked like a was interested So seeing the grey monocled Egyptian cult P°hits out Monday July 20 the thermometer shm sjdes of a torpedo boat destroy-- ! the! 100 A colored person on the scaffold hit for the first day of from Brook- - Lgjgg er slide into dock and tie up I asked if he wished to say any last then Tuesday July 21 Fire walking a weird Head Mass me down to make her acquaint- - he DAYS OF HOPE AND FEAR "JP3® gd went up two points to 102 to set a of East Indian countries still Is per- words remarked: "Yes I want to ance Silad t0T3be1 goodnew record for 31 years formed by religious fanatics who say that I hope this will be a lesson! A MINIATURE EDUCATION 101 and thenjwalk with bare feet over large beds "Alternating hope and fear to me the rest of my life” to back Tvlday gr25fs'P®gg dropped Yes one was allowed on board dang women won t let FRANCE AND ITS FEELINGS Let’s hope that war will be a les- - Is drowning laughter in a tear” of burning charcoal in order to Thursday climbed to 102 on its way if there is a board on such a mass) atone even to Europe to 104 Friday which equalled the all-- 1 purge their souls of sin Of course we shall all call France short-sightand greedy son to the nations for the rest of for its attitude to the international German loan With Germany their parks in Ohio tottering on the brink of bankruptcy France lays down conditions United lounu mysen Dving escort debt of Mississip- bvl in oil 4v j® of the proposed loan which a nation can hardly -- buaJuess with (Sunday was a degree warmer with pi in 1930 was $1186 the bSstaess o£ rieulre5a'chani"e”oFGermnpol1cy”toward’A"usta Some-er-itmddlng hot — (102 and today was another s cribes an armament policy for the borrowing country en that great man-bir- d QUOTATIONS” a one to life to be nice busy jin terribly l1 lg like this alhappened in the famous case of one Antonio fore-e- d away de- - a middle-age- d I thank him of his ships of merchandise to appeal to al Girths California coast the hearts of Danny publicly here lady The last rain of any consequence I learned by the how the AFTER weeks of the scorching a United States Iforward crun was firpd T' certain Shylock for aid He could have it by agreeing in case of just two months ago today May glare of the snows it was pleas-fe- ll that and the prospects In London experiments a fleet of plies are obtained ofin the food utan be enriched may greatly fice will have a number of aspirairplanes attacking the Great Brit- - the season’s catch of fish A baiXi the exploration for potash ish city from the coast and an-white flour for each adult' an ants py fin the southeastern part of the other fleet defending London it nually molasses salt pork salt beef waf shown that London is practi- - oleomargarine a few beans ktntp SILVER CONFERENCE cally defenseless A comparatively peas a good of codfish S3 I 111 ’ of J de-jorl- con-KOL- D - ty te es avail-Jtermin- ed I I I sea-wa- B EDTIME Pf Stories ! I ed self-respect- P hiedldteleam i ing ryooSNSfound w Dnsitt si Bht non-arriv- de-anaNa- U idilLC uUWn LIlcS6 tv opccu a Cicoocu COXIQITIOIIS i Oo Ji T3 AvA I (Jr6nn3nyf idjuig a weather man ?estro lhe th?r £' lately calling Uncle Sam tofor wanting to collect the money he hadth£ ?laPI5s destroyer Stoddert thS as assassin’s con-the knife spend was the when no 1 doubt that have escaping I loaned unconditionally Francp by tne name oi uncle bhy-- 1 r6 turned left as ordered trolled disc how radio Romans drove their magnificent f a rightor IT by turning lock!” to comfort her messages were sent and how gener- - roads across the country some aged As one of the boys said some he destroyer s speed to ten butajy anJ?ased Short-s- i vhted in this ns in itc inrictpnpp imm x knots-blewas just asany uncomfortable life on a steel druids heart he twenty-sithe it Is so dry they have to H16?? ’ complained of their oak trees places the moratorium France undoubtedly is aijd As whistle blinked the powerful jaach worried as she was radically modifying throw the andShiD Chalmers pigs in the slough so they cut P Sir beautiful down— being he d his best to hide it he summer to our fitness to pomt the finger of criticism at France we cannot searchlights And - in connection s® Mitchell the thermometer the great man-bir- d be 50 sure with the possible future war well to a hundred radio-Robot 1870 member France and Germany fought a war in which France that the “y again and a great hope Auputtle boy about 10 years old had I prefer to believe that the ma- - Sunday reached its 102 following a In with crew was doing the work of six- 67 Saturday night Last night it was worsted crushed Germany compelled France to pay fol- gotten on with his daddy We were Jority of people in the world in I was 67 A 84 at 7:30 or ten an thousand thouwith ty enc was war again bilciviiians then that a esteemed hurts fawarwhat these His the ab0ard a think that ordy lowing huge indemnity A days the"g®tfcootor barom-- 1 sand shins ’Hie mieht ftn tl bp 150111 was tourist— a hasty everybody benefits nobody except eter a lion dollars It divested France of an important part of its j ther morning ered f olkandlii were QCtroUed was low still a with 2992 e a of the and settles relief Alsace Lorraine dirStiori and and 44 France lived nothing sigh for profiteers’ gla— ar°pnd direction the ritory yeaTS under theh£! air Marshal Sir William Rob- - A that’sover !’’lwk-Fie- ci1 of that defeat and the exactions of the conqueror Then and" rmKonPv human life whto¥They ‘werrroIngSome'Vere1 1 ealen sting year ago today highest was 92 Itoe hb mlctoe ertson this 1914 another lnyastpn from Germany and finally victory TheLfkTa 'poverfto SSSmuS toS SSS swWly lowest 61 Ifc was clear and a thTee “WiUx In he!i T mi?' its" were "and Versailles treaty with its exaction of reparations it world will w taking moreiw 2thrs to the HAr trw paring f th bon Jiff HJ?e J30! of German territory was France's ‘revanche” ? zation when goveriunents take alfasily’ Eut 110116 were traveling as Franco-Germaman-birn d war of 1870 we had a war much trouble bout the happhiess fed NaiS5 lJPerat 27 before the 17 a h“ germ tchSil of cSmitfes Danny conference °n JSnd SatonfSf gra?est Shortly July than L alUed diplomats and military lead- i£on glad 01 that of our own There was a four-ye- ar Still tetocSdJ aS weight? struggle between opposing sec- - of the working masses as they do month med i own ' l?araing for the worldSorSgn ilinister hat 9ermai?y didabout new waysof destroying tocame a chaP 777:7 Etrda of ining the situation in the Balkan! 1870 was to France after slight compared to what the north) did understood a hundred times more Mexico bird did not to take air the peninsula to the south after 1865 The south was treated as a conquered ter- 5 (more than a week To Danny andji?a? did The father was looking j -l HUNESTI-Yimheel of set son an swas! Come the watch" under has ia and Advertising carpetbagger despoilers ritoTy along played Nanny those were the longest days I an The conference reached in raising our stand- - agreement which subsidized northportant part My my my my how long they its permanently exploited by tariff measures Greek ARE BACK the AGAIN wcrea world t ards of living in stimulating taven- ern industries at southern expense Moreover for the purpose of r£mtarv Each morning they aited “son” But tion He in and would SSdP imfvl man-bir- d competifor lingered the hopefully economic and to maintaining northern interests start and gAorSt£icease simultaneously! political politics encouraged were filled Ptobablneror be in anMnd of a tion— President Hoover hearts (agreed maintained an Intersectional hate which outdid anything of whichlmotiTePs to' S a story not been that as soon as possible the military oc-- J HiLdHa!fA Ha France has been guilty toward Germany No later than last year the style picture in thf mrvm to under- etAJas-h- e the political campaign of 1930 65 years after Appomattox we One of thelatest evening gowns them and7 mak a hadto eowhilst I rnnidrlble aSeicttheworldl3Eotocn pupton they were obUgeci 01(1 GreeceOW° te oyf C?mtSs Ff Se e SSi d p y votes the for its wide in despair bloody shirt by appealing to northern by waving yj plana tions of my gallant young host steadily horribly stupidly march- by little hoops on But as long as he kept coming roll off my stupid brain Besides tog to the next war singing the These three powers decided to rejudice against the south That senator is today the official pairp supported ead of one of the two major national parties Jea“ S1“e they had the hope that on the next being provoked at the indifference songs of peace and preparing for retain for the period of the war of the fro9k Is snug day war—David Lloyd George he would take the great man- - of this father there is one more When we criticised France for inability wisely to forget in the naval and military base at - i a endured from German the ££££ Slack the it £aiJ°w wrongs what years Corfu which wav to remain under J militarocracy ° we of allow is the leave to fair school flow?r to It all way the and do we imply as to ourselves and our ar typical of Greek Before sepaexploitation were filled With things of the utmost interest to pass books Don’t let the summer go by rating sovereignty i they members conference! of tional prejudice? All we can do is to hope that France can be Similar P°re the haV6 made their jexcited hope jby the children The world around One bird one tree one cloud is a passed the following resolution: made to asst more wisely and humanely than in the same circum- - appearance at several smart eventog them too see to understand is the book itself There is the real stance we ourselves have acted-- Dayton News ‘affairs Next story At Last! ’real education after aUL But we school "The allied powers more close- -( AVaS I LO U?3 SSfJS I the-smok- ten0® salt $ ih 1 e I I - w sea-whe- - re-T11- n 6? fhy I I prik J “ S? tonwthgreat'SS t I1 thlSoSTthe rj-rc- ‘ - rinraw!£alhilighth6lr - isconSl - I 1 sec-Lh- itf I 4 Rice T 1 dS 65-ye- I JCius-pi- are es so" crisp they actually pop in milk or cream And what a flavor I Crunchy rice grains — toasted golden crisp t t ! Rice Krispies are fine for any meal Give them to the children for supper Enjoy for a bedtime snack Easy to digest Order a package from your grocer Made Ly Kellogg in i Battle Creek red-and-gre- en 19 lower pilCO dice T rT 0 O' |