Show THE OGDEN STANDARD ' 1 FTOE TFV ' MONDAY' EVENING JULY 27 1931 EXAMINEE - ' ' ' Tf Pf1U1 Xt- -- m Monkey Shines—in the Sunshine CENTRALIA LOCKS UP SHAVEN "TENDERFOOT" - ft X - L 'V & in 1 umiir 'V J if' I - K if ' V r W ' -- - v- x '-"-Si V 5 '' - s ' SEEKS 'CHAMPION FARM GIRL' TITLE Suspended It Vj- - 'Hyj ----- 'f 2 - '' 5 vy a 5 - - A -- r SV w - - Assoctatra Pteis t Fhof The young man in the center with only his head showing through the "stocks" refused to obey a city ordinance of Centralia Wash requiring all men to forego shaving for more than a month for the annua! pioneer picnic if - 4X - v COLONEL LINDBERGH'S HOME NEARS COMPLETION isssr::: ssoctoted Press Photo with Umpire Bob ' Monkey shines are in order when the sun shines And here you see Napoleon going to meet his water-tu- b — Napoleon being the prize chim panzee of Philadelphia's zoo A tub of cold water serves very nicely as a on tne neaa cneats Old Sol on tne hottest days peacn ana an ice-D- After a Clarke In St Louis and a tirade AND ROUTE OF FLIGHT TO against John I ag DO-- X ruh-l- n A Heydler National League head Manager John J Me Graw (above) of the New York Giants was suspended for three US 5 8 - -- days in ' ocIated Pre Photo When the "champion farm girl Is' selected at the LosAngelta county fair in Pomona CaU September 18 to 25 Emily Renard will ba ene entrant the Judges will have a difficult time overlooking Here aha is with a month-old-lam- b which she's feeding with a bottle j OCEAN FLIER AND PLANE On Vatican Council y' j? V -- -- f hit - 1 W W ? j£y S iff Associated Press Photo The above picture shows the progress made on the new home of Colonel and Mrs Charles A h which Is situated on Sourland mountain six miles from Princeton N J The house Is constructed of stone obtained In the Immediate vicinity The Colonel expects the house to be ready for occupancy 9 returns from his aerial tour of the Orient ie Llnd-ktrg- fe '"V t ' ' 1 SOUTH1' ' Didn't Watch His Overhead AMERICA -- kT? Column Figures 4 - v r Xs :V JANEIRO --- - yk 4 4 ! Aoc(ite4 Press Associated Press Photo l -- CL ' Russell Boardman (inset) Boston filer seeks to set a Father Fernando Gaudet of New from United States to Europe In the York was appointed a member of long distance flight record will be accompanied by John Poilando He above shown the general council of the holiest plane sacrament at the Vatican He Is thi first American member of the y--H 5 PAoto - non-sto- - p mono- council Leads State G O P Associated Press Photo The giant German seaplane DO-- will make a leisurely flight from Rio da Janeiro to New York afteria complete overhauling In drydock following Its recent American The Clarence Schlld-nautrip (above) will be one of Its three pilots The ship will follow route shown In map with stops at Para Brazil San Juan Porto Rico Havana Cuba and Miami Fla X trans-Atlanti- c Japanese Princess Visiting In U S 5 3 v — V A T ' I A' A sf" S 1 ' ft J : I 1 I ' V : X X ' 1 ' M BACK AWD POWM OVCQ OMC EYE SOMETIMGPR£VEALII06 HALF W X7 k? r RAILROAD ENTERS CALIFORNIA vS ' X Speaking of riding for a fall there are plenty of ups and downs in the life of a Calgary Alberta rancher The camera caught one broncho- buster in an off moment during the recent Calgary stampede fti? &UQ NEWEST HAT IP PUSHED v" V DERBY S'HAPE HA? A Bounded grown and A FEATHER POM-RO- V M X v- V X fT)y ! FELT WITH ATRMUM(S - FEATHER t r V Just what this writing on Dollv Cobern's back is all about we don't know but it has to do with her spinal column for she's entered in the "perfect back" contest in con- 1 ection with the National Progressive Aitoctattd Prett Pints cniropractors' association Judge Carl Dunifon of Sliver City in Los Angeles Dr Charles Hmeeting Wood been elected chairman of the president of the Los Angeles College has of Chiropractic is shown checking New Mexico Republican national committee 5 up on Dolly s Associated Press Photo Sieber Rudolph Here Is the first picture of Prln- - lene Dietrich film husband of Mar actress L Is shown CeSS YON fourth dauahter Of thmJa h arrive tn m- °f iaP3n- - The a Visit thVuilVed SUtel fiXrD°Mnacnedss motion picture director in Germany 7 fs Associntctl Press Photo w" THAT'S LIFE n Hl Atsoetatrd Prett Phots The Great Northern building a line through southern Oregon and northern California to connect with the Western Pacific moving lt construction equipment across the state line - By RUBE GOLDBERG X its DfMWER CAPOP 6t ACK VELVET WITH TVISTEO X ! X I V?TlK3Y PEAKED vV ' X J X TRICOME WITH A C0RUSJ6 FFLT j ' 'LACK FELT WITH A BUNCH OF 7MVQ0RDS EVTEWDWG ACROSS THE LOOPS AT OFTW&MEGK TOR EWPfJG JM THE- - BACK 7 X ! |