Show THE OGDEN STANDARD - EXAMINEE FINANCIAL AND INESS NEWS Salt Lake Mining Stock Sales PRICES CLOSE MONDAY EVENING JULY 27 1931 Classiest of Their Class —And Paris-Boun- FUNERALS d Services for Albert Bell were held New York Stocks LIVESTOCK Sunday afternoon in the Nineteenth ward chapel with Bishop frames Burton officiating The invocation was offered by Martinus Barton and the benediction by Ira Smith Music was furnished by a mixed quartet composed by Mrs Docktor Mrs Vlaanderen Mr Vanderhaui and Mr Mandfranz and the following soloists Jerry Klomp W S Wright Douglas Brian and Goldie Florence Speakers included Bishop James h! Riley Bishop D C Stuart John Neuteboom Anthony Van Dam Apostle David O McKay and Bish- op Burton Interment was made in city cemetery with Henry Bell dedicating the grave High priests of Weber stake attended the srvices in a body and furnished pallbearers Women of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers and Relief society cared for the flowers OGDEN July 27— CAP— U S D NEW YORK July 27— (AP- IA) —Hogs: 736 including 39 for Allied Chemical & 113 market steady to 10 cents higher Allis Chailmers MfgDye Quotations Furnished by 24 top 835 on 170 to 180 pounds 160 American Can J A Hogle & Co Brokers 98 to 225-- 6 210 Eccles Bldg pounds 775825 210 to American & For Power 28 butchers Smelt & Rfg 750775 American 33 Vi DULL LISTED STOCKS American Tel & Tel packing sows 4 00 5 00 175 Vi Cattle: 293 including 259 for mar- American Tobacco 118 I Bid Asked ket killing classes steady with last American Woolen 7 week’s decline common and medium Anaconda Copper Con 01 25 Changes Are Negligible In Alta Alta Michigan grass steers 3 00 5 25 good grade A T & s F 02 Vi 09 155 Vi Alta Merger up to 600 grass heifers 400500 Baldwin Loco pfd 03 Many of Principal 75 Vi cows 3 75 3 50 Alta Tiger cutters grass all Vi 00 Baltimore & 02 Vi Ohio 70 pfd Shares Alta Tunnel 00 Vi 100225 bulls 275325 vealers Barnsdall A ( 8 Vi Annie Laurie calves 300500 Bendix Aviation 500650 05 heavy 65 20 By CLAUDE A JAGGEIt Sheep: 36639 including 1573 for Beth Steel 18 Vi Big Hill 19Vi 42 (Associated Press Financial Editor Black Metals market late sales Saturday eighteen Calumet &Hecla 01 07 6 NEW YORK July 27— (AP)— loads 86 to Metals 01 range lambs Canadian Pacific 01 25 Vi Prices drifted uncertainly in one of Bingham Idahos 675 straight medium Case Threshing Bonanza mostly 00 Vi 00 68 the dullest sessions of the stock mar- Bullion Mining range lambs today 550 drive-in- s Cerro de 00 Pasco 17 ket isiiice the autumn of 1924 today Cardiff one load fat Chesa & Ohio 400450 02 05 34 Vi were ewes industrials H well sup Central Standard Leading 210 01 01 Vi 22 r? Chrysler ported and averaged a little higher Chief Con Coca Cola 42 141 Vi 45 FUNERAL DIRECTORS at the finish but rails were inclined Columbus Rexall SAN FRANCISCO July 27— (UP Columbia Gas & Elec 00 Vi 01 29 to Sag The day’s turnover was ap Combined Metals U S D A) — Hogs: 1000 including Conti Oil Dela 08 Vi 08 8 Vi 1180 proximately 600000 shares Changes Colorado Con 135 It Pays to Investigate I holdovers Strong to Corn Products direct 01 02 65 in many of the principal shares were Crescent 15 cents higher four cars good Vi 03 150coty Eagle Why pay $60 for negligible Traders were disinclined Crown Point 02 Vi A Burial Certificate? £°180carPounds 890 practical top Curtiss Wright 'a 7 7777’ 4 to take a position in the market un Croff 890 sorted Hnricnn 11a weights Dela 00 Vi Call at our Mortuary til tomorrow’s quarterly United 925 extreme with ten out 875 Drug Inc Vi 03 71 And We Will States Steel meeting is out of the East Crown Point 3° Pounds 850 packing sows Du Pont iV Nemours 7 7 7 77 87 01 Vi Give You One Free way East 06 Coalition 12A Cattle: 600 ' including 145 direct While checking on the flow of gold East Tintic Our Prices Are Most Reasonable Standard from London to Paris and expecta Emma Silver nml190 holdovers quality plain slowFox Film mil LARKIN & SONS tion that German banks may re Empire Mines n”i£lab°ut steady two cars of medium fjPni u‘ 04 Vi 950 sume more normal functions this Eureka to 965 Ogden and Salt Lake raJSrlr Six pound grassers 670675 12 Lilly 819 common week were reassuring caution stil Eureka Bullion loeni horned 17 16 llg was the dominant attitude in Wall East Utah Mexicans Vrtt she stock weak 500 load Genl 02 s are directed at less lucky fellow students For these girls pictured above as they street Wall street was not unpre md of 825 pounds 400 with four out at onlrt IIil sailed ilinfT 00 Oil New Equity York are among 90 students from 35 American colleges and universities who will study for 300 cars on the around three of sale govemmen Gold Chain pared change 01 one at famous the Sorbonne year in Paris under the foreign study plan of the University of Delaware Left 125 Chile in and withheld judgment for Gold Mountain LCalves: Receipts SVaiW including 75 to right are Elizabeth Maddren Chevy Chase Md Beatrice 05 H Farr the time being Iots lots of good Rygpfd 01 Great Western Anna M Fluhrere York Pa and Marianne Moors Portsmouth OhioPhiladelphia Dorothy Brett ’Cleveland American Woolen preferred was a Howell 00 DESERET firm spot rising three points in re Iron V ARY sheep: 5600 including 275 direct lwfil?b?r5tn0W 10 King f--V ud 8°0 holdovers quality sponse to the more encouraging slow practically at standstill four uation in the woolen trade Ue I decks of medium to good 13 inti Nickel finish Ami Nevadas 575 Ogden Branch 7 29 mtl Tel & Tel can Can Anaconda 19 Kcnnscott Phone 2468 533 26th CHICAGO July 27 — (AP— U D A)—Cattle: 18000 calves 2000SJKrpp 810 on strictly grain fed fully steady & Myers B steers and yearlings yearlings pre- - wwi erally firm Auburn dropped KIRKENDALL - DARLING MortU-ax- y then regained part of its loss Pedestrian Dee To Taken run in i — and best Chief G Nou-nadominating George D Darling manager To e Wed v 8 Promotions Alonzo getting Skinner J rMontgomery Ward the rails Norfolk and Western 150 529 25th St action Phone and steers short fed £7? grassy 831 Idaho and Sadie E Lung-ber- g Motors ' she stock — lf!as-six points and issues off a poin Hospital After Being Two After Vacancies very slow wea Lake Salt a obtained A Cash 25 City two included Baltimore and O Reg jr but grain fed cows and Hit By Machine marriage license today from the 33 FLORISTS Accur New Haven and Atchison and Ui ers and other “”7? -classes — killing Weber county clerk fully Rr Pacific Nebraska fed dy yearlineC W Grey 58 Salt Lake City So far as is known here Ameri And' the Flowers Chief of Police A E Wilfong up to 910 heaviers 850 ( who was stopping at the Ogden Wanted: Furnished cottage Ogden has issued properties in Chile have not b steers 800 and medium an order Are Furnished promoting By hotel here is in the Dee hospi- canyon Phone room 928 Bigelow Chauffeur John C Hutchens to Jf by the cha cattle and vealers £articularly affected 36 These properties Klenke Floral 1240 Ph steers slaughter with tal to side 600 to 9oolNortnern Pacific his choice left and good the injuries of detective to fill position 00 7 Packard elude some of the world’s most vj — Church Activities 900 and 818 First Friday the pounds 775925 possibly rib fractures the occasioned by a reable copper deposits American c W& result oi having been struck by devotions In St Joseph’s Catholic centvacancy 1100 to 1300 pounds 775910 dismissal ital is also well in Floral Co 1300 to 1500 e?na R R pound 775875 a truck belonging to the Brown church will be held on August 7 Chauffeur D E Shaw has been 277Ogden Cityave new government represented 28 sponsored niti not occommon and this week An error and 700850 Phone 2688 7"Jan Washington Ice Cream company in the hands curred in" announcements read at transferred to the motorcycle monopoly Chile is the only counmedium 600 to 1300 pounds 500 5 I 828 S cf 3150 J in world to 14 Hoggan Stephens Sunday’s services try the take the of having workable de squad Rink heifers good and choice 550 750 place avenue at noon today 00 8 850 pounds 700® 900 common and Remin&ton Rand posits of naturel nitrate of soda Smurth waite who recently re02 50 medium 4 00 7 25 cows good and Reynolds Tobacco B is that the truck was For Rent — Report apt Elmhurst signed 58 choice 4 00 6 25 common and me- - fa?way Stores back Patrolman B E Slagowskl is from line curb the moving Call 3746 Mr 1163 ® Upton 16 dium 325425 low cutter and cut- 7 to 3150 Washington avenue when at " fill the place of Mr HutchGRAIN 54 457 ter 225325 bulls (yearlings ex- - Sears Roebuck ens as chauffeur and Patrolman it Mr struck him — Grey knocking Recovers Max Curran 2102 Jef 01 10 eluded) good and choice 425500 Sinclair Con to H G the Officers pavement avenue ferson was 01 say So who Cal Edison 43 in Shaw’sAllred transferred to B E cutter to medium 3 25 4 75 vealers FENDERS AND BODIES By JOHN P BOUGHAN as chauffeur that Mr Grey was attempting an automobile accident injured place 78 in Associated Press Market Editor (milk fed) good and choice 725 So Pacific Ogden to avoid an automobile making canyon about a month ago has rePoliceman Cleve Barnes has OGDEN 17 850 medium 6 00 7 25 cull and Standard Brands CHICAGO 27 — CAP) — July FENDER SHOP a U on been turn covered avenue to 4 & and al the transferred to Slagowski’s AUTO returned his work Standard 62 Elec 6 at Gas 50 the 3 00 cents stocker a and corn bushel w to Jumping mid-bloFENDERS AND BODIES the Briscoe service Oil Cal Standard 36 feeder station steers ran and cattle Howard Keeter to and into position good and choice displayed nervousness regarding day 500 to 1050 pounds 5 75 7 00 com- - Standard Oil N J Repaired Straightened Welded the truck crossing month-en- d 37 the position held by H G Allred 2327 difficulties in settling Kiesel Ave mon and medium 425575 Phone 813 17 Standard Oil N Y The extent of Mr Grey’s injurFrank C Davis now with Asso July contracts and as to crop dan827 11 ies cannot be known until an ciated Investment Corp Agency Woman’s Sheep: 10000 fat lambs fairly ac- - Stewart Warner gers from heat and drouth More tive 25 to 50 cents higher no rang- - Studebaker Will 18 280 Phone than 7000000 bushels of July corn 487 Body has develbeen picture ers offered bulk moderately sorted Texas Corp 23 contracts awaited final adjustment RADIO oped but it is thought that his to packers 800 few loads Texas Gulf Sulphur 34 17natives Traders who are short of corn have Be — Air To Venture Mrs E are not hurts Buchanan a of J very serious 704 Twenty-thir- d to outsiders 8 25 8 50 Ogden PROMPT efficient service on all 25 Timken Roller Brg 34 only until Friday to even their acstreet took a ride nature cents higher odd lots of sheep 7 ewes Transamerica fat counts or deliver makes of radios Phone 488 the grain m a Utah Pacific Airways plane au Miss 3 00 3 50 lambs 90 pounds down Union Carbidoe 49 Elizabeth forSullivan Mary Corn closed unsettled JONES MUSIC CO §2 Airport Ogden Sunday She had merly of Ogden died good and choice 7 50 8 50 medi- - Union Oil Cal 16 cents advanced wheat Exclusive Acremeter Tube Service at Saturday off to for UNLISTED STOCKS her son her flying 5 companion 7 um 50 her home in Los Angeles 50 all weights common Union Pacific 158 a shade up oats down and who is 61 years of age Bid Asked 425550 ewes 90 to 150 pounds U S Rubber She was the daughter of the late 141 provisions varying from 10 cents LEGAL NOTICE D E Sullivan who medium to choice 2 00 3 75 was master meall U S Steel Activities 92 setback to 10 cents gain Helpful Information regarding advertis chanic for the Union Pacific rail- IN THE DISTRICT COURT! OP THE weights cull and common 100 © Warner Pictures 6 rates in this column may be had road here and left Ogden in 1919 for SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN 225 feeding lambs 60 to 75 pounds Western Union Tel ng 114 KANSAS CITY July 27— (AP) Work with AND FOR WEBER COUNTY STATT 3 the Classified Department California 00 and 3 75 in by choice and boys calling girls good Elec 64 Wheat: 864 cars unchanged to Westinghoue at 252 addition to the She is survived by two sisters Miss OP UTAH 1702 4 Overland lower No 2 dark hard 42 Willys 48 the Matter of the Application oz OMAHA July 27 — (AP— U S DjWoolworth Hannah Sullivan and Mrs Henry InGlobe child has been set up by the in67 No 3 43 46 No 2 hard 42 Mills Incorporated a Utah — Williams 25 15000 of — lambs Los A) ternational License! board of Sheep: and Corporation F Vivian Brown o two trustees o fully 47 No 3 41 Angeles 45 No 2 red 44 Vi a decree of voluntary 1931 cents 27th 25 brothers Dan Sullivan San dissolution — for July the North Ogden and Venis Shaw of higher sheep strong to Kiwanis 44 as Notice a International 44 Close July No 3 43 OPENING SALES Francisco and H L Sullivan Ogcents higher feeders steady early Notice Is hereby given that O H Pleasant View obtained a marriage den 42 of Choir 44 major activity this year C H B license December September sales medium to choice range lambs Bonanza Mining 1000 at The WU1 E Keller A D Buckley latter left to Morgan this from 48 Vi Weber Sunday the morning of the Ogden Seybert president 6 50 7 50 some held higher 1 E 1000 R Alton naCrown to at East the Point and C H B Seybert as the Sulbring Miss body Ogden clerk county Corn: 99 cars unchanged to 1 New club said today Seeks Ogden livan was a member of the Cath- board of directors of Globe tives mostly 7 25 7 50 fed clipped Mills InQuincy 500 at 9 lower No 2 white 50 Vi No 3 48 olic church Funeral arrangements corporated a corporation of the state 100 at 130 more lambs ewe feedPark 500 Utah 750 325 than clubs Already top range 2 No yellow 51 No 3 5050Vi No Realistic Permanent $650 — are in charge of the Kirkendall-Darlin- g of Utah and a subsidiary of the parent are promoting programs which Creme Silver King Coalition 100 at 455ing lambs 500550 yearling breed 2 mixed 49 waves $350 Samuels Shop 50 No 3 nominal A corporation Globe Grain & Milling The O Rev manSoholm ewes 76 100 25 at Tintic Standard include health camps key clubs Phone 668 340 ing mortuary averages 425 pound have presented to the above 48 company 50 Close: July 51 276 a of choir of Mid ager Sep 1 cappella 335 300 at 330 500 at 325 Cattle: 14000 calves 200 slow on entitled court an court juvenile appUcatlon praying tember 46 genDecember 40 Vi Oats atWalker all classes fed yearlings and light Janti college Fremont Neb was eral athletics 950 at 115 for the dlslncorpo ration and dissolution — 12 cars down Vi activbrother No 2 white — big Theft Vern of of Globe Pleasant Mills in to 98 steers New 25 of good and choice at Tintic Lead for a ities educational endeavors anc View has advisedByler weight that Ogden today Incorporated and arrange nominal 25 26 No 3 nominal 24 the 3rd Monday the Ogden police 2000 at 3 Vi day of August 1931 at also concert here next spring of the boys’ and kinds Crescent quality Eagle steady plainer 25 2 34 35 Nominal o'clock m Rye: has been appointed as p girls’ weeks Seybert department that from his car SunBarley medium and heavyweights tending Midland college singers Park King 2000 at 36 the time and the courtroom of said Office court tower few light weight choice qual- - The choir he said is compos- - said day were stolen automobile tires Eureka Standard 100 at 175 In department one thereof In the motormeter and other The st°ck SALES CLOSING club A exIs things E£ner- ed of 60 voices and is now on a se Frank Smith Ogden manager! county courthouse at Ogden Weber OMAHA July 27— (AP)— Wheat ?Lhers ateayj lower spots on low of the Idaho Fallsformerly cellent work In the doing Bullion 500 at 17 Idaho office of county Utah has been appointed as the Up —Dark hard No 2 45 47 No 3 44 Eureka cutters and cutters steady bulls 25 Sn contact Ortons Park Utah 25 at 135 child activity he declarReport Made —Tom Glen of the the Postal Telegraph Cable company hplace at which said application will be 45 44 hard No 1 42 No and cents lower vealers and calves weak C1V1C 25 100 at iU?1Cal Helena at Tintic Standard hotel reported Sunday that has arrived in Ogden and taken over 325 ed Promotion 2 4245 No 3 4145 yellow hard club8 to see an ap- - cultural work of better agri- his watch to 50 cents lower stocker and feed- 27 a pocket book were the management of the office here named a No 1 42 Com: White No 1 50 f among the boys stolen from and ers steady to 25 cents lower early Pearance here 5 400 at Konold Park Howell the building The aas of tlona to the said application for the Weber County High school is yellow No 2 49 No 3 48 mixed choice for 885 4000 3 around been top at Nelson book Park to transferred contained San cash pocket in $375 of said a major goal of the club No 2 47 No 3 46 Oats: White steers most early sales good and cisco j he said Park Premier 1000 at 7 17 A— of said court with witness the clerk corporation — No 3 21 4choice light weights 7 508 50 1131- the seal thereto affixed this 30th day DUllCr lIKl EififfJS A- D 00 pound weights 800 heifers largely JUSTICE IS DONE CHICAGO July 27— (AP)— Wheat Postponed —The Live Oak club CRANSTON a van dyke Lawrence few light eights up to rourtfafinn 700825 Bids was R I— a witness has postponed its meeting for two —No 2 red 5151Vi No 2 hard Creamery cows largely 350 butcher 840 weeks Emma Fahey Deputy Clerk “ No 1 yellow hard 51 In5? ByDevine r?nnhefn? 4 50 low cutters and cutters company) 515$1 auto 200l accident Wal- Howell & Stine & L To Be No 2 mixed 5’050Vi Corn: No 325 medium bullsr3 25 3 85 Soon Did you seu the auto coming down lace Attorneys for Applicants 27 NEW YORK 1 mixed 5757 — July fipi No 1 yellow 57 Meets tical toP vealers 650 few 750 Tuesday The L F club will he street?” the justice asked “No 58 No 1 white 57 Vi 58 Vi Oats: Raw sugar was quiet early meet at 7:30 p m Tuesday at the sir” sales stocked and feeders 500Bte larly Second SALT LAKE were and CITY replied the witness “Did youj prices 28 sheriff's sale No 2 (new) white 23 23 unchanged at 355i06 0 choirs print 7 nn July 27 — Dome of Mrs Percy E Jones 551 see the (old) for spots other auto coming?” Jus- - In the District The state Court of Weber Coun-tic- e (AP)— was EGGS road It commission 2 duty report24 paid No 26 white street Fifth Rye No ed that late last state of Utah Dunn inquired “No sir” re-t- y week about 125- - centeBlower 24 announced today it will advertise sales Barley 35 50 Timothy seed steadv vutVsat5 Eggs’ extra- - P°ultry arm doz Tl1® Federal Land Bank of Berkeley witness the ate are “Then this week plied for bids on Why construc21 Clover seed 1250 450475 Society Meeting — Regular session you here?” Justice Dunn demand-- I tion of about 10 miles of highway 1950 Lard 770 Ribs 750 BelCHrlstlna C S taker ills wife of women’s society of the B of Pf To coo IncjHrp r°nt’ woe Detween 21? cream Vernal 1 Futures opened unchanged to' 14 and Ashley creek L the Doe Second Doe and Third Doe triplets pound First lies 750 2722 & F will E be at held answer Who me? asked Justice! defendants m 15 jridge on highway No 40 This will ZnTbutLerff0b®74j? 280 8t°LOat g°utanhfe0: IS1Thi’1? aDdSOme eave but six miles of unimproved Gramercy avenue Tuesday July 28 Dunn “No sir” the witness re- - To be sold at sheriffs sale on tfc I was butchers 29th day of July 1931 at 12 o’clock SAN FRANCISCO July 27 (UP) lighway between this city and the at 8 p m not aggressive and prices later packing sows 4 25 5 35 5few 5' plied He was released noon of said day at the south front Whole Dinosaur sale off under increased sagged highway junction near liquida- pigS mostly 6 00 down stass 425® dairy market: door the Weber County courthouse of 92 Butter— score tion and commission house selling 5 00 ' 90 score Jensen 27 in Ogden City Weber County Utah 26 90 score 26 The federal government has made The volume of business was of the following described property small proportions and as a rule op- - LOS medi- survey for a lar8e 24 road from 27 (UP) ’rrFxras Julv U he junction to the Dinosaur naA part of the northeast quarter of smali 13 SALT LAKE CITY July 27— erators were incluined to limit ag- - Hoes ou’20: Ton Cheese-Trip- iets 13 flats section 28 township 6 north of range tional monument t0 Coitus lntoed (UP— U S D A) —Apricots toma2 west of the Salt Lake Base and MeThe road commission also antoes and squash in heavy supply and ripvnnrnprvf market Cattle receipts 2500 slow few general ridian U S Survey described as fol1 nounced will 2 call Wa it for bids on a moderate to liberal offerings in most points net sales steady Most bids lower lows Beginning at a point 140 nine-miPOTATOES gravel job between detour other lines Apricots draggy toma- kww rods west and 8822 feet north from the steers 650660 grass Imperial in Spanish Fork canyon and Soltoes weaker all other lines about WaS southeast corner of said quarter section Mexicans 520 ©5 25 Good Colo- fny on diers’ summit 50 No and running thence south SS22 feet to highway — — CHICAGO steady against oldrad° unsold Load California few JSt3?drawall July 27 (AP U S thence east 1150 chains thence north no new business The road to be APPLES — Utah bushel Astrachans was heifers 725 Cows 3460 ) — Potatoes: 104 cars on track cost about $90000 RA 2 degrees 30 minutes west to a point finished by fall will complete the were unchanged at Calves receipts 600 286 cars total United States best 175200 poorer 125150 to due east of the place of beginning steady highway from this city lugs Yellow Transparents and Asweak Top vealers 950 Two loads ments Saturday 442 cars Sunday 21 to west to the place of beginning thence 50 Price Futures closed cars trachans 100 California box 18 acres more or less about steady trading just fair steady unchanged calves 8 containing The commission opened bids tolower- - Approximated Gravensteins 325 with 18 shares of the Capsack?d- Per cwt Kansas and Mis- Together 3600 ten Sheep receipts steady three-spa- n a for of APRICOTS — Utah pound best 03 sales 11650 tons September 1 45 decks good California and Arizona If oaJic°bblers 110125 the Wilson Irrigation Comstock ital day mostly brideg over the Sevier reservoir to 04 few 05 poorer 01 02 iJGC 6211 1502 pany said shares being represented by Certificate No 488 cost about $40000 LETTUCE — Utah crates three to March Dated at Ogden City Weber County four dozen dry pack (local) 50 this 8th day of July 1931 Utah 100 few 125 (Gunnison) 175® Futures— Idaho Russets October A M HAMMON 200 canyon) 200 Washington 157 of Weber Sheriff County Utah ST JOSEPH July 27— (UP) New FUTURES crates (four to five dozen) 400 By J B Wallace Deputy Sheriff 822 —Sheep 4000 fat lambs 25 (USDA) 425 California (four to five dozen) SALT LAKE CITY July 27— 50 cents higher early top and bulk (AP-475500 NEW YORK July 27— (UP)— CHICAGO — PROBATE AND GUARDIAN SHIP — 27 July (AP) range offerings 765 top natives ments: S D A) — Potato ship : Potatoes ONIONS (dry)— California — Quiet Long Island 225 Grain NOTICES table: ' bulk desirable 750 natives 600 sacks Yellow Valencia type WHEAT: 25 — Total United States New Jersey I25 barrel 235 July 3 00 3 25 ewes mutton 725 best crates wax 200 150 Texas crystal Consult County Clerk or the Ee 200 bag southern 150225 barshipments 442 cars sacks 225 Washington — Kansas 33 cars rel states Principal spective Signers for Further Yellow Valencia type 200 Utah — Quiet Jersey 109 cars 23 Sweet Missouri Information Maryland potatoes yelpound White Wax 0404 cars Virginia 207 cars basket 175 southern basket 150 03 low 02 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Wool July 26— Total United States 375 PEACHES — Utah cases Elbert as In the District Court of Weber County —Steady 21 cars Flour shipments patents spring memedium 5075 Mayflowers State of Utah M425455 Active In Boston Estate of Ella B Lee deceased dium 2550 Red Birds few large mess Pork—Dull METALS 2225 Creditors will present claims with 125 medium 80 100 California NEW YORK July 27— (AP)— Lard— Easy midwest spot 079® vouchers to the undersigned at the law cases Elbertas 100 125 Hales BOSTON July 27— (UP)— The Copper — Quiet 08 offices of Stuart P Dobbs suits 812 spot electrolytic 10 pound 8 David Eccles building Ogden Utah on and future 7 Tallow — Steady special to extra POTATOES — Utah sacked or before September 28th 1931 Iron— 2 No o b f Eastern Quiet Irish cobblers 75 85 mostly JOHN A LEE original bags Values on the original Pennsylvania 15 50 16 50 Buffalo Dressed poultry steady turkeys 85 Bliss Triumphs 90 100 Administrator bag fine wools are showing a gradual 15001600 Alabama 11001300 25 50 chickens 22 40 broilers STUART P DOBBS TOMATOES — California lugs — 12 13 Tin 23 28 with fowls ? 833 engthening tendency Quiet price Long Island spot and nearby Utah Attorney for Administrator Stockton ripe 100125 ranges quoted last week as some 24 2Q future 2430 ducks 1318 lugs 100125 few 150 poorer 50 members of the wool trade hold ofLead— Steady spot New York Live poultry — Dull geese 1012 75 PURE BUT NOT PRETTY at 40 East St Louis 422 ferings The turfowls 1823 higher ducks prices asking 1221 BIRMINGHAM 4f Ala— With the receipts of domestic wool at Boston Zinc —Easy East St Louis spot keys 1225 roosters 1516 broilCURB of hot and the opweather coming f°r the week amount-25 ers 22 33 i and future 387 ending July NEW YORK July 27— (AP)— of the old 9 514550 ening pools swimming pounds as compared Antimony —675 Cheese— Fairly active and steady as Curb quotations: to is not whether question it with 31073000 — the pounds during state whole milk fancy to specials Quick silver 9500 10 American Super Power immoral sans for stockto go girls week previous ' 13 14 23 Young Americas 7 to Central States Electric street beaches in — ing bathing f EL 15 PASO BEATS RENO 10 Cities Service cars - anand at been clubs has FLOUR EL PASO Tex —Reno claims the Butter—Steady 7755 37 receipts BAR SILVER Electric Bond & Share swered and MINNEAPOLIS negatively affirmatively July 27— (AP)— record for quick divorces turning creamery extras 25 special market 103 Vi NEW YORK July 27— (AP)— Bar Flour— 15 lower In Electric Bond & Share pf by Mrs Willie H Tarpley president lots carload JS1 hem out 26 ten 25 in minutes — but 4 silver Investors National of the Business and Professional Steady and higher at family patents quoted 4 24 4 35 a Paso presents evidence to show Eggs —Receipts 9816 nearby white 27 : g National Power & Light 6 per Women’s club “A girl is just as 98 pound cotton sacks that Reno’s claim is barrel in Atsociatcd Press Photo state whites 20 invalid More fancy 27 30 100 cent pf pure 36061 legs as barrels 'William Powell and Carole Lombard motion picture players of the she isand sweet with bare divorce cases here are tried and con- 26 fresh firsts 19 20 Pacific 10 LONDON July 27 — (AP) — Bar! shipments —but not Niagara Hudson — 10501100 Pure bran stockings wearing Cal film cluded ten 31 in 24 westerns are shown on the beach at Waikiki Hono-lul- u Just as 27 Hollywood white colony 24 silver — 13 Standard Oil of Indiana per ounce Standard middlings— 10 00 10 50 in less than fiveminutes and some coasts pretty!” she sums up the where they are spending part of their honeymoon 30 nearby browns 2Q30 situation HIGHER WITH TRADING 250-pou- nd I the-Ogd- en 90-pou- nd 130-pou- nd i -- 160-pou- nd Dix-But- te !oite? pr 1040-poun- S S d g°od-bye- SSZ I dl J MOTOR TRUCK wideJ®1 64-pou- nd CO n d0m CAUSES INJURY I POLICE FORGE eferences St CHANGES MADE ns n I j --- ---- - I I v ’ Have Ir Repaired I om ck X-r- ay Brought — Kiwanians Expand i I ‘ under-privileg- ec ! -- -- Manager Date ion Manager At Telegraph mSi 975-pou- nd D11 ‘ under-privileg- FTan-(dissoluti- J on -f For Highway Opened -- 1 T 000-Un- ed ‘ j 'I'" even - -- Salt Lake Produce Market 350-pou- nd FILM STARS HONEYMOON IN HAWAII ’ -- Sts ’ontoJ I six-mi- -- to-w- it: le r - to-w- it: j le I ship-anaIa- ed all-weat- her -- - 128-fo- ot j ff York Produce U -- 50-pou- nd 100-pou- nd -- Market Found -- - -- 33 1 ' -- J 3-1- 6d ‘ - J |