Show A IIOHDAY EVENING JULY 27 1931 THE OGDEN STANDARD ant Ads Are Bargain Ads it Makers— Time Savers to the Thrifty and WANTED —SITUATION OGDEN CITT BOARD OF EDUCATION ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT July ’ v 1930— June 30 1931 1 Ogden Utah JUn 3°’ Wl ! TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF OGDEN GENTLEMEN: FOE RENT— UNFURNISHED Phone anything — rnnm wUh I 7 1147 1 FOE RENT— FURNISHED one gwag?k home' ldcal UTAH MONEY TO LOAN -- 1 - FORECLOSURES E SMITH CO 2419 lse FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE Five -- room modem brick furnished garage new brick with HERBERT FURNITURE crating dish packing! One 5 room duplex fullygarage Best prices in town Call equipped Phone 1625 Bramwell gas Phone 170 drayage -' - FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HOUSES EXPERIENCED workman with full set of tools wants work as nicw 2914-Wman at - EXAMINER - Kiesel The following - properties have been taken over by foreclosure and will be sold far below their cost and actual value If you are inter' of Chapter 11 Section 4578 of the 3799 J or 329 for free estimate 780 ' 904 1028 Utah I submit herewith my annual report of the MAN wants lawn compiled DUPLEX work cleaning modem furnished house:! modem in every respect receipts and disbursements of the Board of Education of Ogden Utah for the school year beginning July 1 1930 and ending June 30 1931 yards basements anything phone and electric range Frigidaire break-1289- -J good yard garage: one small apartGENERAL FUND 923 fast nook fruit room full base ment furnished with yard Coal and ' RECEIPTS good location 2668 BrCnker gas range MAN Inquire 248 29th St and wife want employment I ment 7o Make Sure of 1846-3818-Ogden City District School Taxes Phone Phone $41709783 1152 494 house ReferencesAve Apt experience ®!tT Dlstrict Redemption Taxes 1377437 2K3n For Refinancing Ph 1289-- J 921 modem home well fur-- 1 ested inspect these properGood Pictures Special County Taxes (Forest Reserve etc) striotly modem Gas 38753 Etata District School Taxes Reasonable 2345-- J 774 20th St Bench location 24703104 or WOMAN reliable experienced house- Or pished ties and make us an offer: State Land Interest and Rental Taxes 2304728 1204 work by day or hour Phone State High Bchool Taxes 122 30th street 805466 Other 1550-Any Purpose modern 798 strictly modem electric ONE 4 room brick full basement I Special Federal and State Appropriations: brick with paved streets All assessNo Indorsers Americanization Fund $ 10000 KODAK FINISHING COMPETENT young colored woman St?8®' garage 3237 Childs Phone j fud garage Ideal location Phone! ments paid Vocational Educational Fund 151175 905 “THE BETTER WAY” 1 tri desires general housework 3120-- R 862 Washington avenue ll 73 No Red Tape THREE nice clean rooms modern! 657 house 472 24th 1125 modern brick house on paved streets Accrued Interest on Bonds — Stuart & Co 504 '59 12371 Adams shade Wood-xinap- h all assessments paid Lot Is 86x150 Reasonable You Retain Modem Garage Interest on Bank Deposits Halsey 17 BOY heat except wishes work of any 176075 r USED 2768-- J 4043-- J 11 89 ward’s 3511 -- W feet Rental of School Property 1126 ’75875 669 30th Phone 2391 -- R 1176 Use of Car 2764 Monroe avenue! High School Fees 1365 00 NATURAL GAS furnished house 2547 Duplex RELIABLE woman wants work bv!TW° 4'room houses combination I P01 Summer School Fees 3 rooms on each side with 49900 Orchard ave Inquire 2561 Orchard gas ranse’ Bara?e 2162-- J co5 Sale of High School Textbooks 7715!32 Phone good 740 day or hour 530 street17th RANGE HOME ACCEPTANCE house modern 1119! school locations Phone 1514-- J —: 1153 &ve- Miscellaneous Receipts — Fines Refunds Grade School with I MALE HELP FIVE-ROOfrontage Textbcoks etc 50872 orcelain brick enamel with So 5 CORPORATION modem 307 acres garage on gas range Garage north Washington ave30 Ph2213-- 1 $72711869 nue with 2375 Kiesel Ave house U£54 WANTED — Three men lor pennan- - nsf--R inquire 316J KleseL PbWa DISBURSEMENTS burners oven broiler and U50 4 ROOMS furnished $25 1658 Og- Overdraft July 1 1930 $ 20184 98 Mr Call lent 4415 this- eve-- r Tiller Phone 3941 -- Administration 1627940 11371 Very modem garage 307 32nd I den ave Inquire 548 24th price Terms if ning between 7 and 8:30 only 1213 Instruction 53294671 815 3162 KleMl- Phone i CLEAN cool moderaldesired Activities S6ood baseiim 124435 2421 Kiesel Ave newsboys Apply Phone 467 Standard-Examin- er 1151house garage 651 22nd St 1096 Auxiliary Agencies 514827 OGDEN 1185 GAS CO Provision and Care of Property 833 13 AND 5room houses also 414 24th St AUCTION Operation 21st St 174 $5389227 Book Phone j furnished 2554 Store Inquire Ogden REDUCED TO $2000 744 Quincy Maintenance 33192 58 1030 — -1 CLEAN 8708485 JACK BELL modem sleeping Fixed Charges 14 modern Neat heat 360144 modern bungalow 604 A FEW Phone 870 Garage Phone 3027-Debt Service (Excluding Sinking Fund) one who Is working E? softable Inquire 2224except Any 3875697 Monroe 2374-JHonly a few years old with east 3 3 OR rooms use and 1045542 Capital Outlay could BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES some extra 1102 REAL BUYS pleasant housekeeping frontage in excellent- - north loca-- x ‘in cottage 458 24th St cash to take advantage of Inquire 4- -r Sewer and sidewalk paid in Rem cash STRICTLY like new mod $40 choice register duplex $71570237 the present low prices of $400 Nat cash register Balance Cash on Hand June 30 1931 loti planted into lawn Large $150 1211 1141432 bSsSS? hem s”adyl0Catl0n- - 3'n “Pt' Ph- - 3053' merchandise: to pay bills trees FURNISHED APTS anti This will machine business fit any shrubbery Dandy large now owing or to take a vawo71were No competition sleeping porch I Earns Loans totaling $2000000 that were outstanding on June 30 to $300 7’ROOM525i®”1' garage and other desirable $45 Burroughs features Adding machine 2209 Adams-ria- l mo $200 cash required up cation 1216 which December 5 1930 6 Rebuilt bicycles for mate-llEeveryone This is paidLoans a $10 to $17J0 and can be really bargain would like to see do us See to appreciate Owner totaling $12500000 were received and paid during the year Real buys in fishing tackle bought on easy terms OGDEN PUBLIC SCHOOL SINKING FUND Cash will be advanced on 2664 Adams ave 2 to 4 p m Tues- - except heat 2766 Jefferson Ave 1158 sold traded and repaired Guns RECEIPTS short notice Ogden Real (Estate Co day- 1210 FIVE rooms 1930 BALANCE CASH ON HAND Furnished or unfur-- 1 brick garage $ 280391 July 11 1930— KAMMEYER’S 2825 449 27th St 2439 KieselrREALTOR! Ph 378 NO MORTGAGES INCOME property building site sell Childs ave Ph 2594-- J June 30 1931 inclusive: Summer rates $2750 to 241 6 Kiesel July 1191 NO Phone 3524-- r 1141 or exchange $4250 Excellent condition Frigid-- 1 Ogden City District School Taxes 1639819 for business anywhere Just your personal note 62014 7- IERE A Ogden 1 City District Redemption Taxes ive-room IS BARGAIN— Address Bo s-- 2 Apartment You will like our easy repl“ 1523 Specie County Taxes (Forest Reserve Fund) modem brick at 814 road Interest on Bank Deposits payment plan 18764 East front living roomsCanyon built-i- n all FOR SALE— Small hotel Best loca rooms six Halsey Stuart & Co Premium on sale of $7500000 Canbe bought for $2000 47(f6’ baseme!jj NEW DOWNING APTS conveniences screened front porch 45000 tion in northern Utah A money Paved street Phone Refunding Bonds dated October 1 1930 Citizens Co Finance and convenient basement EXCEL-IIN- T 357 27th St $ 2047511 maker Will give terms Write Box?ROOMS $1000 lovely yard 653 purn unfurn 3 and 313 Eccles Bldg 3rd Floor LOT WITH WATER RIGHT DISBURSEMENTS UlC 332 Ogden Utah 27th 1116 March 30 1631 Central Trust Co for redemption of 17 Lawns shrubs fruit and garage kitchen frigidaire electric range Telephone 480 fir ROOMING house for sale Furnish-4-ROOhome at 571 4th St Phone decorate to suit reduced rate day!! ONLY $3250 Very easy terms Ogden City School District Bonds in the denomination of $100000 each of the issue of $12500000 2052 M00 l?di Hotel! or Nevada 1114jweek Newman-month Inquire I garage WM J BLACKBURN CO dated April 1 1921 interest at the rate of 5 per cent 1700000 217 25 tn 803 agement UNFURNISHED APTS Central Trust Co premium account refunding of 905 Phone Evening Ph 4090 bonds In amount of $10300000 of above Issue for BUILDING WRECKING Berthana 319 24th St Bldg Serial Bonds dated April 1 1931 interest at rate of 4 STRICTLY modern “ALWAYS AS apts REPRESENTED” annum 85212 per cent per BUILDING wrecking Cash paid for with electric range Adults Phone 1214 all 1207 802 25th Street buildings New and used build- - 2244-- R or 1153 28th $ 17 852 12 2!62299 EXTRA SPECIAL ing material of all kinds funs 30 1931 BALANCE CASH ON HAND ®trlctly modern—furnished and un ROSE Apts ' “ modern ground 2047511 Standard Lumber Co STRATFORD FURN CO BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF DISTRICT 1132 Phone 699 TS Bonds denomination $100000 each dated 3238 Wash 1 August 1921 due In 20 years optional after 10 years 835 5 -- ROOM fourplex UPTON APT Interest at rate of 5 per cent per annum $ 7500000 730 29th Inquire ooa 27tn Let us show you our new lines 8381QUICK SERVICE! Ion 9” Uir5f!LJLoCxatd 23rd and Jefferson CARPET CLEANING T3 Bonds denomination of $100000 each dated October One STRICT PRIVACY! 1 1921 due in 20 years optional after 10 years $5500 to $4500 Used Lumber All Kinds Sizes modern furnished or un- strictly Eksy terms I Observed in all transactions — 4 rooms modem eiec-- J furnished 3739-Interest at rate of 5 per cent per annum FLOWERS Two Tubs Bath 3746 7500000 or Phone sink E HAMPTON FRED J T FLINDERS CO & CO trie ranges and COME 80 Refunding Bonds WRITE denomination $100000 each 3462-Et 2350 wfu A 1009 802 CaU1 dated July 1 1922 due in 20 years without op1st Natl Bank Carpet cleaning upholstering mat-- 1 2681 Madison refrigeration REAGAN 1105 W1£ BROS PH 2943 0ur?eFe?ent?' Nearby Towns tresses feathers renovated All work tion of prior payment interest at rate of 4 per BELLEVUE 7215 1103 r°8n5 cent per annum sleeping porch elec refrig 5000000 guaranteed Phone 2911 856 Best accommodations 165 Refunding Bonds denomination $100000 each dated in the BEAUTIFUL 3100 and 695 city for Wash liv range entire carpet Inquire VAN KAMPEN & SONS June 1 1927 due in 20 years optional after 10 tag and dining rooms perfect con 3 ROOM modem apartment unfurfundings 2708 years interest at rate of 4 per cent per annum 16500000 Carpet Phone Frigidaire Cleaning Originally sold at $4000 Owner will dition Maple bedroom suite wal Upholstering 3419 nished Riverdale road 263 Refunding Bonds denomination $100000 each dated Mattress Making De -- Mo thing 1167 nut chairs Make offfer 2880 Van June 1 1930 due in 20 years optional on any inm Phone 1320 1 008 ! COOL mod ground floor Buren D 1219 terest paying date upon 30 days noSUiN published 3060 electric 507 KAl $18 Porter range The Room 821 Eccles Bldg Canadian BARGAIN— EASY "terms tice interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum 263000 00 mounted royal pobox 100 holds MODERN Hot water Corner 23rdRgFjAIflN nedfee Five-rooTS Bonds denomination $100000 each dated October lice has an enrollment of about 1100 385 24th St Phone 1277 new modern t large lot HfBWTRgFh'A piro 6 1st apartment I men Kiesel Inquire and 4474 Ph 1143 1 1930 due in 20 years optional after 10 iKhview10' for garden irrigation UNDER STATE SUPERVISION years water This 1157 Interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum 7500000 587 riiI1C!!Jt?ur 1Ivin expenses in half SMALL apartment cool and com-- 1 BRIGHT APTS 33rd street and FARMERS’ tools and 108 Refunding Serial Bonds denomination $100000 each CARPENTER WORK Ave 4 rooms implements at radir FedFced Prices- 1174 fortable $18 2739 Madison 1168 dated April 1 1931 $1200000 to be redeemed 2536 Upstairs refrigerator 1783-— CARNEY KELLER — 1783-- R each year f a period of nine years Interest at Ave 1 COOL modern downstairs home 799 jngton apart-Ogden rate of 4 per cent per annum 10800000 — rr — Phone 1740 : New homes big sacrifice for quick sale Leaving ment 2535 Madison : Phone 4421 Lmodem POSITIVELY I town cash prices ONE 8iiooooo ROOM highest 1161 CapltoL Estimates KITCHENETTE cabinets Reliable 1051 free 1 1930 $7500000 bonds numbers 301-3On October 2 AND for used furniture Re- 765 cool clean modern Ph inclusive denomcloset large gas light ’ 817 ination $100000 each dated October 1 1920 due In 20 years optional after 2719-2404 645 Madison $12? 3570-- J Furniture Exchange 253 25th apt 10 years Interest at rate of 5 per cent per annum were refunded for $75 000 00 fOR SALE— AUTOMOBILES 830 LAVIN’S strictly modern apt cqoIIgeffas fnm nr imfum bonds denomination $100000 each dated October 1 1930 due in 20 y ears or 3944-r- m and cozy Close in 222 23rd optional after 10 years Interest at the rate of 4 cent per annum An pipe All sizes painted electric range Frigidaire 2675 Reconditioned amount of $99400 was paid for each of these bondsper A premium Ss METAL CO I MONSEY tlu IRON 00 JlfitTTwiL 3651-of $450 Grant J Ph strirtlv modern steam — was received on the total issue kindling they have been Lake City Salt Was 4763 2306 heat REL1 Harrison 50 On April 1 1931 $1700000 bonds were redeemed beino mimher Frigidaire 823 selling for Phone years 9 apartment bath 286 private 1 Inclusive ofthe issue of $12500000 dated Aprll V 1921 due in 20 years op- Service $20 and $25 sleeping porch 2813 Washington ELECTRICAL RESTAURANT InWORK tional after ten years Interest at rate of 5 per fixtures sale for 1314-cent annum Phone 653 843 These bonds per 27th ui±EE quire White Spot Cafe 374 25th 8t were purchased at par value TWO-ROO1ROOMS furnished ajpartmentJ 108000 00 bonds numbers furnished: 0 nicely 610 inclusive of above $125-0000 bonds were refunded for serial bonds dated 824 Private bath garage 120 West 30th11?TNB very reasonable 2583 Grant Durnom April 1 1931 Everyone visiting oiir stock’ sold Conn used Interest at rate of 4 per cent per annum $1200000 cornet H62 and case plated be redeemed each year kitchenette sleep- - St for a period of nine years An amount of $100789 to A snap Pantone $2750 was paid for each of the Wiring Motor Winding Phone 2019 MODERN 635 of used cars remarks about 613 ONE cool housekeeping apartment Music Co 2874 Kiesel 23rd 3428-bonds ing 518 812 ONE-ROO-porch gas week DETAILED STATEMENT and $325 light others 3030-40 kitchenette 2 rooms 1321 '27th st ’ splendid neat models Washington Ave ADMINISTRATION 1161 N£W Marsh stencil cutting FOR RENT 508 $10 gas Inquire 3060 Porter chine Fountain brush Salaries of Superintendent of Schools Superintendent’s $6500 we have on display Phone 607 modern cozy three-roo- m 405! BUSINESS LOCATIONS evenings Secretary Members of the Board of Education Clerk FURNISHED ROOMS apt garage reasonable 2237 Lin- BABY ’ new $12 coin s°u'pSnUSS“ tna c!"“ carriage practically 4iPt STORE room 2538 Washington ave FURNISHED room 1177 Board of Education Election every convennue by owner Sidney Stevens Im Audit of Board of Education Accounts QUICK SMALL 2 jfino Co upstairs 2536 Washnig plement Office Telephone Fuel Light Janitor etc Vice 1 12784 2532 Co Wash Ave 1175 j ton Ave Ogden 28th 900 Salaried Men and Women NEW store 2533 Ogden avenue by LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY 1mqDERN clean 2 -- room furnished! PAPERHANGING FAINTING $500 and up 2721 1827940 owner Sidney Stevens Grant Implement INSTRUCTION WILL call for and pay cash for In a few minutes on your sinCo upstairs 2536 Washington Ave : 1092 If AINTING paperhanging celan- - gle Salaries of Principals Teachers Substitutes 50447772 dead or useless horses and cows I No or signature 2160 Ogden go security Salaries of Principals’ Supervisors Clerks collect nearest factory C010-- 1 CLAREMONT front apt furnished Grade School Textbooks (furnished to 'dudIIs 2524R HAl?°work rea- - endorsers required n'imtti FOR RENT— Store with living Phone or unfurn Phone 2673-2027-- JI or Animal Liable So rado One to six months to pay in Educational Supplies 2619 Washington Avenue rooms and gas pump Phone 1114-- J 849 !— — — 1212 easy installments Sait Lake Logan I Ogden Commencement Exercises and Exhibits!!!’!!”!”! — 731 so A 1140 L p 122 MULLER 806 papernangmg- Local money with Mutual Profit P'PT-56- 3 Instruction ”! 202059 PLAZA APTS cleaning wallpapainting tinting Hlgb Schoo (for Bale to pupils) Plan 6 623 51 M FRUITS AND VEGETABLES SELL YOUR CAR gives 1281’W’ 822 ‘ Sharing $53294671 Washiiitom115116 $2° and up l— RAPOSO POULTRY7 EXCHANGE Cash paid for good cars or will sell ACTIVITIES 18 CHEAPEST RATES with WATERS expert paperhang- APRICOTS for sale 114-R- -l De Just north of city limits Ph 1280 -f for you on commission Medical Inspection and Nurse Eervire Auto loans NO PUBLICITY 40c bolt Cleaning $150 $100 124435 Lange AUXILIARY AGENCIES 832 MODERN 1 2 1209 apts spring ln& Dahl & Ellery 2471 refinancing 2225-- R ‘cleaned Pilone 729 Librarians and Library Books reduced 2566 rent Kiesel Wash 410777 APRICOTS for sale at 620 12th IF you have poultry or veal to sell Credit Assn Transportation of Pupils— Mound Port School!!!!!!!! 1069 J w PRICE Expert Decorator Pa- 2878-92000 see 185 THE VIADUCT 1190 MARKET Recreation Washington School Swimming Pool etc 227 P J Kiesel Bldg 193! CHEV DE LUXE 125 00 Ideal Pering 30c per bolt Ph 1020-- J 1093 J 846 NICELY furnished cool apt 24th Phone 412 ' Second Floor 514827 Sedan driven FLUFF RUGS PROVISION AND CARE OF PROPERTY 2200 miles per-82- 1 Ph 2926-PETS— DOGS RABBITS YOUNG Jersey and Holstein milch feet condition only Priced Operation cows ms 200 Washington right Easy ROMNEY Velvenap Rugs from your Utah Bruce L Fisher Clearfield 2 3 — BORROW WITHOUT 1165’! YFOR SALE— SECURITapts furn beautifully Irish terrier Pedigreed old material beautiful designs and men and women with steady income i?29 HUP Sedan like new also 1930 private bath $16 to $35 2785 Grant! Puppies 3800 Washington Ave Light and Power cow and heifer —ry 249 Healy Ph 2989-DURHAM ” workmanship can borrow here on their own namel£ord roadster at Mack Robinson TTccI Janitors’ Supplies !!!! 823 1010 1103 Young pigs Phone 29-J- -l lndoi-sen- r I without !!!!!’!! or Telephones 110T Get VJiKvr nice ground floor cool bed-- 1 the money now and security Expenses Automobiles— Board of Education! 1927 BUICK sedan like new bacb in pay $425 Miscellaneous small convenient payments as you Phone 3215-- R 2807 Fowler 1164 5389227 Maintenance : S C APTS cool publicity8 ( JS modSTANDARD hi Upkeep of Grounds Landscaping Walks Fences npwhnm ’ Phone CRBpiT CO 310 F J Kiesel em adults $25 and $30 231 27th TYPEWRITERS Bldg grounds ! 839 473j24th & Kiesel Ave (Third floor) Repair of Buildings NEW used machines all makes Ex837 pert men Woodstock: Type2523 3624-repairing Preferred Jefferson J 3319253 647 '23rd! ght-- heat1032--included writer Sales Co 1167 2377 Kie-s- el Ph 292 1322 R LOANS W or "! "84i Totals Operation and Maintenance 1080 FIXED CHARGES $10 to $300 "cleaned evervthiTior STRKTTLY modern room board if Rent 820 27 hslred- - P1Ion' Personal Finance Co Insurance VETERINARIAN I —— — — — 401 — Washington Room 821 Eccles Bldg i— on Assessments Stock—Weber Canal Water Co EXCELLENT room board 2560 and 385 24th St NICE clean cool modern apts SJU Contingencies and Contributions Phone 1277 DR E BUNDY 1192 orchard Ph 2199-- R and $35 1656 Adams" 2573 The Fern 360144 534 25th DEBT SERVICE fjhone 3418 room NICELY furnished 390 board if! 802 of Bonds Payment SEWING MACHINES 476 23rd St 1142 ONE nicely furnished Interest on Bonds WANTED — A dog for children’s - desired apartment for rent for summer months NICELY furnished close in garage ANY make machine repaired Work playmate on farm A good home 331 Phone 825 Board if desired 2566 Orchard 976 fully guaranteed' Used’ machines for a good dog Phone CAPITAL OUTLAY POULTRY EGGS AND treadle or electric models $10 to $75 HI GUAM APT three rooms overNew Buildings tfin away with ladders He recentJ Needles stuffed G E refrigerator 586 28th applies and hemstitching ROOFS ly visited Clyde Orbome made off WANTED TO RENT WE PAY CASH Alteration of Old Bulldli MACHINE CO with his S1 ladder 652 and left him a note New 2884 for 2308 Wash Ave GOOD Equipment Buildings: saying that he borrowed the ladder THREE clean cool rooms and sleep- RE-ROfarm over 40 acres your home Roof POULTRY AND EGGS 847 required dairy for several But near Ogden Address Box Osborne Co days 2336-Phone hasn’t Ogden paired Roofing ing porch Gas garage COMMERCIAL Equipment old Buildings: POULTRY B- -l had his ladder returned yet and he Standard -- Examiner 457 1203 SCAVENGER Heating Lighting Plumbing and Electrical 1117 2156-- R EGG CO has warned the city to put padlocks 2466 GrantAND — 3 Ave WANTED Phone ROOMS cotModem furnished bath 2266 $12 on its aids to climbing private Instructional Apparatus and Miscellaneous! JOHN CHIPP All kinds of hauling tage Ogden Canyon Phone room902 'Washington Phone 4474 Read the Classified Ads Igarbage 704 Phone 828 8C5 928 Bigelow 1208 Board WASH of Education Equipment TUBBS and Superintendent’s Office Another One Married! to compliance with the provision Laws of 1917 J- Loans® QUICK CASH 1 W M fur-5"ROO- M M Amnstownii -- I om 03 1 i 1 J - 1 M Was&tela Agency - 1 L5'1’1" Co-ordin- ate om 80-fo- ot 1 --- 0NEY om M i om — J Klrtn 1 Hi 1 Western ApHs s CO-SIGNE- Standard-ExAmta-Phonxa- 1 -F- -j! I i om M " O H®ly Rn® Apte om 1 " : om “ 1 Ft om W IN-PHO- NE-OR W I PE1SOMAL IT Fmamus© C® -- 3-r- Arl 1 wSWSSfiis?gfe m 1- -4 I Rr om XSton Wash-verstun- ea 1 75 1 LOAN SN11 1 W 1- -4 REFINANCING' 1 1 O 1 37fi-?Q- W 393-50- SWARTZ Sales Seimee M -2 Elsdbrife 1-- rm W M ma-tSttpt- “'Call SI ‘I!" ”’ I loans OGDEN BUick SALES CO ? 1 -- W By-Produ- cts 1 1 TE om 1 1 M " Wj 1 M M O 1 1 om lthout1 pCCvp-rvCr)p- 1 i 1 1 1 -5 OF re-Ph0- ne W 1 1045542 Overdraft 1 July $69551741 1930 2018496 Grand Totals $71570237 STATE OP UTAH COUNTY OP WEBER ss Viola M Clancy being first duly sworn as 355 O deposes and says that she 1 receipts and disbursements of all moneys by the- during the school year beginning July 1930 and Subscribed and sworn to before me (Signed) — Commission expires Nov endinkton? this lOtfday Jwuly 14 1931 65 fllna 5KJRPK Educatio 30 RILEY JH Notary Public Ogden Utah — FLYING SKUNK KETCHIKAN Alaska — Stanley Adams and Mrs Agnes Atkinson report the discovery of a strange bird in Manzanita valley It was about four feet long had wicked yellow eyes a long flat beak and in color resembled a skunk Ornithologists are at a loss to explain the identity of the strange creature 193L 832 A CAREFUL SUITOR “Arthur dad is in the billiard rood) This is the moment to ask his consent to our marriage” “No I’ll wait until he is in library” “Why?" “Then he will have a book his hand instead of a billiard cue ” —Nebelspalter Zurich r By Crane - |