Show IIONDAY EVENING JULY 27 1931 USE OF SPRINGS THE OGDEN STANDARD TiXAMTTJTm Gangster Convicted GENERAL QUITS URGED BY IIU1SI Bade To Broadway IS TROOPS HIDES W succeeded in their commun they had included the follownist revolution the other Is Topic from Bible the ing “He Is the Rock would follow fast in their footsteps his work is old "As an socialist” he said he perfect for all his ways of are Judgment & God of truth and saw on the faces of his audience “a new look which one does not find in without iniquity Just and right is the west but which I hope to see "Truth” was the subject of the he' (Deuteronomy 2:4) n n there” also Included read Sunday June theThe correlative following He said passage the to 26 be English ought in all branches of the mother Writer Praises Communists ashamed of themselves page 140 of the Christian for not hav- church the First Church of Christ from textbook and Health ing been the first to effect a com Sleeps At Horse in Boston Massachusetts With Key to “Science the munist revolution Referring to the Scientist Scriptures” Golden test: Zechariah 8: Thus Mary Baer Eddy: “That God is by Races fact that he was traveling with Lord saith the Lord I am returned unto c°rP?rea being nobody can trulya and Lady Astor whom he described Zion and will dwell in the midst MOSCOW July 27 — (AP)— When as "very rich and great landowners” of Jerusalem: and Jerusalem shall atoh The Bible represents Him as saying: Thou canst not see My George Bernard Shaw came here he said be called a city of truth and the face for there shall no man see Me to see how Russia was getting un“It is not their fault but the fault mountain of the Lord of hosts the and live Not materially but spirder the soviet he thought things of the English proletriat for not holy mountain itually we know Him as divine Tifind were so bad be d have to live in-- a having taken it away from them” The citations which comprised the as Life Truth and Love" tent SLEEPS AT RACES To be prepared he brought one r spent part of his birthday along with him Moreover he had at Shaw a race track on the outskirts of food bedding and pillows in his Moscow The races didn’t excite duffle him Instead he slept beard on Shaw told about it—as a Joke on chest while Lady Astor fanned himself— in a speech last night in away bothersome Clogged Pores Coarseness flies Pimples the concert hall of columns attendDryness Sluggishness Roughness How does on feel he 75? reaching ed by workers writers and edu- Here’s The Reslnol treatment will help you Daily use what he said: cators who were helping him to Reslnol Soap stimulates the skin relieves of “I don’t know observI stopped celebrate his seventyfifth birthday reduces coarseness Reslnol Ointment was when I 70” dogging ing birthdays THROWS FOOD AWAY heals pimples and smooths away roughness or “We were told there was no food dryness Begin this treatment today — see the or other necessities in Russia" said Australia has been termed the quick improvement it makes At all druzzists G B S “After we crossed the bor- land of pests mostly imported from f j Writs lot free sample to Reslnol Dept Si Baltimore MdU der we found our equipment un- other countries One of these is the necessary and we began throwing it prickly pear a plant of American origin which has spread over away” acres in Queensland and Shaw addressed his hearers as comrades” and told them that when New South Wales THROWS Truth pn-tlo- lesson-sermo- Church Sermon HIS TENT AWAY - lesson-sermo- lesson-sermo- Happy-Go-Luc- Should End Political Sci-en- ce Clashes Sweeping Chile Says Writer In Thirty Dcad System ky Editor Standard 'Examiner SANTIAGO Chile July 27 — (UP) I— General Carlos Ibanez del Just another word or two on the was hiding today shorn of his Camp water Question to supplement or ex- presi dential power my remarks in a letter' to you I Otend few Since A wild popular uprising forced him days ago I to that letter in which I statedwriting there relinquish his authority and turn was plenty of water right under our over the government to Pedro Opazo I Le feet information has come to 'me teller president of the senate I —that there are a number of wells Juan Esterban Montero assumed to different parts of the city furoffice as premier Aided by Opazo nishing a supply of water sufficient and the popular Pedro Blanquier he i ' ? to amply bear out my remarks former 'a new cabinet The new When the First National Bank ministers were sworn in and MonAssociated Praaa Photo tero announced they could guaranbuilding and the Bigelow hote Nichols Anno who made a for were under construction there was tee constitutional liberty and pub- tuno by writing and producing a lot of water in the basements lic order Rose1 la to return to I that had to be pumped out before The president’s action came as a “Ablo’a Irish the foundations could - be placed two weeks of political un- Broadway after an absence of two to climax And now the postoffice addition is rest and disorders during which at years Sha plana to produce a new ' I least SO furnishing the same experience nuto persons were killed and play thia fall Its builders There are also scores were badly hurt He relinmerous springs to different parts quished the authority which he had through the streets singing and of the city as cited by old resiwielded in dictatorial fashion for the shouting They sought to attack dents who know of their location past four years newspapers and organizations that and water content The people swarmed madly supported the Ibanez regime Atiociatad Preta Photo It would not cost a great deal for the city to obtain several such wells r’i0UR to four or five different parts of with which if equipped (the city to two years In prison on small automatic pumps would take Ihleago Uann act charges His wife the care of all of our ‘street sprinkling Louise Rolfe got a four) Mow I'm vOARmiMo VoU LOOK' Llk'E and flushing and water all of our former months Jail sentence on the same -r r parks A constant water supply FlRSVan oME vcUVe beem-iorme- d Charge :upon the parks with larger outlets r HA-inwould save some of the expense ‘SLAPS MY SUAA m cai a curred to the slow process of the line at the wells at a heavy ex- USILL BACK” of present method sprinkling pense Furthermore the pipe line -BE KNOCKED FoR AMPLE WATER would lie at the bottom of said T UiiMpaui 4 rioLE-llU-oMThe watering could be done quick- hneview reservoir E -'A rendering repairs er and better and there would be to TILL Vau ROLL m it admit-in and 1 time www A TTlSRV UJCMJUDAT impossible other water and fountains for -ample ThMieri-r uses making our parks look as parks tag seepage from the reservoir into! “Th(T EVEM LEAVE should look instead of being parched he pipe thereby producing conUM-TTLIKE and dry as at present This would tamination that could not be reme-"To ACQUIT" P water for culinary pur save a lot of j A a SMEARED ME OKi TJDSTTFl ABLE poses which I agree with Mr died To avoid this a pipe line use water to too wrfN is must be laid along the mountain! Thomas good mustArp Hqmi ClDE for irrigation ' purposes sides above the level of the dam SUM SLAVldCi You no doubt all recall that Evidently this will be extremely exthere was trouble with the Third pensive BURM SUPPERS I and require ‘some years to ward sewer (north of Ogden river complete In the meantime Ogden on -- bridge) and the outfall sewer growing and must have more and water filling up :s fjaccount of seepage more water It is imperative that the the pipes and preventing someone sense this critical condi-- 1 proper discharge of sewerage This on and act and act wisely Howwest of area is Immediately Ogden ever no decision ’ should be hastily canyon which on the geological made without concurrence of the was the gorge that canyon theory once much deeper than it now Is the Judgment of leading and outstanding citizens of the commu-- l and has been filled in with large nity eithon cliffs from the rock falling PROGRAM NEEDED er side leaving large underground Ogden will not get very far to its channels below the present roac improvements or get anylevel must of necessity be supplied public of substantial value until we thing with large bodies of water finding outline adopt a program to be Its way to lower levels toward the carried and out This program should lake There is perhaps as much be formulated by a committee of water going through these under and leading citizens as down outstanding channels Ogden ground composed of engineers architects river But with all due allowance bankers artists doctors for overestimation there is ample farmers merchants etc who should water with to be had plan for underground city's needs for some years a minimum expenditure of money the ahead In this way we would in GOLF COURSE WELL time build a city containing all the can course The municipal golf essentials that make the ideal city with be and supplied cheaply easily SlkR well tapping this underground from the standpoint of beauty health convenience busiin traffic "TAMS flow and It should by all means be etc Otherwise requirements done A well at tne golf course ness would not only supply all of the we shall always have as in the past UkE A of one administration necessary water for the course bu he spectacle CCVRfd what a former one had it will save replacing (politically speaking) done efoffiof or some improperly official duplication R of neck TRl-ffEthe fort and a half way doing of things cials besides And this water could that results in the grossest waste of have been supplied with perhaps less money public cost than the pipe line along IMPROVEMENTS LACKED avenue for the present no one should be It is easy it seems to me to In mytoopinion public office and given! envision a lot of water in this way elected Ml jurisdiction to spenj the BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES saved for culinary purposes I am U)8 ?ublic funds as his judgment or willing to venture the assertion that ack of obcan water Judgment might urge him more be for $50000 o do Through his haphazard tained from these sources I have tiappy-glucky policy In public afhere outlined than from both the fairs is a city of 45000 peovalley springs the city commission ple inOgden which there is not a single ers have Just had under considera that may be tion Fifty thousand dollars would public Improvement jointed to with pride Everything go a long way in giving us a num- ms half done or done ber of wells and a settling basin and been must in time be poorly done over the along our foothills southeast city where no expensive mains again You may think I am exwould be required as the city is treme in this view but I firmly building and must build in that di sertionthe facts will bear out my asrection If you had a friend visit you at HEAVY EXPENSE Now another thought on Pine-vie- your home in this city I ask you dam As before remarked a in all seriousness what would you dam at Pineview contemplates back-to- g show him that would give you the water over our present wells pleasure and a sense of pride? which must be abandoned for water After thinking it all over you from springs farther up in South would perhaps say the canyon but Fork canyon Admitting that the t so happens that we did not make the canyon gorge if we had you spring water is just as good it must can be assured it would have been be piped down to the existing pipe only half made We did make the road however and it was made without a tip in the turns so that only a speed can be made with safety instead of 30 or 40 or more This is a fast age and will get faster and we must prepare r it There is no other conclusion The haphazard half way iayi?oul(1 the past804 ' T f skindroublcs n aoonld yOtl Uke'to end? Of hichof these 1 - 50-000- boarding house T By Williams sprr a delicatessen BLl-RAiE- I By Ahern OUT OUR WAY -- tor sleep US-r ffo-T-- t&r - Har-jrls- vJF£ Wi LLi on sup-tjp- ly I WEQ V 8 FAT QfT g - 7-- T i?i er tmk gffvtcc ms Hmmm! By Martin - o- be-ie- ve w “" ssysy C M-- - F A 1 HTJISH Taylor Ward Will Creel Missionary! A welcome home party will be given at 8 o’clock Wednesday night in the Taylor ward hall for Miss Hazel Hadley daughter of Mr and Mrs Hyrum who has Just returned fromHadley the eastern states mission of the L D S church A dance win follow an entertainment! nrosrram Fighting like a tiger making love like a poet the star of '‘Call of the Flesh” will thrill you in his most romantic role — a dashing son of India JOHN m SEARCH F OZ OSCAR By Blossex X JUST HAPPENED ID REMEMBER ABOUT THOSE 6VPSIES CHASED OFF THE PLACE A COUPLE VJEErs ACO-THATS THE ANSWER L’ X BET-- r X CANT I THey OF SGUT IS MOPE than my his had a Hand in this j i £1 SAY ANYTHUA? T2 FRECKLES OR TASFCR FEAR THEY’LL BS SCARED TO death—yessir ITS BoV D1SAP7EARIK1 !! 'S’ CANT BELIEVE OSCARS Has fallen intdj THE HANDS OF GYPSIES ” OLD HEAD CAN UNDERSTAND VHIT14O0T EVEM4 A ? K LAD JUST UP AMD DROPS PLUMB OUT RETURNS H i I r V i ’ HIM—-- ' : TODAY Double Feature Program “Iron Man” and “A Rider of the Plains” “Son of Tomorrow and Wednesday William Powell in India” “Ladies’ Man” with Conrad Nagel “The Phantom of the West” oooooooooooo Laurel&Hardy Comedy "BE BIG” o o o Paramount News First Show at 1:30 Last Show at 9:30 25c to 2:30 35c ’till 6 CPammounfc PHONE 321 Office 432 25th V SALESMAN SAM scrA GLr2i f S'fL'r 'OS A Would Ybt'&e IV ova7 SfG-a?saas you bid oaj U slly WfTHouT fR£KrT?ffA&s KAOWfAJ’ VJH&T 'nGY — WaTs hfAT’ M&KSS J7Z tfc£Afctsw A AUCTION! BY KCA Start Guessing Now! rC rOSH'Yfr Dch'T T£cl Ms OKfrY OUT CFOAZVA WGLLj (! Pe£K tAi SSCOAD—BS B&CK TO TH SCCfea SODA rr $ 00000x Tfr&T- k 1 AUCT ION - Cv° t- mr LJ — IS NOW ow W6 BID sooAuzfz- tu&a ’ FREak FREAK Storage SLADE TRANSFER - 11 V A and Tom Tyler in Marjorie flambeau Madge Evans C Aubrey Smith Plus Spot inrTown"- 3f f OF NOVARRO 11 DO60HDEST TUI SlS 1 EVER HEARD OF -- How THAT INCLE Gypsies? Tiny trace Ramon Q freckles and his friends You 0 J — Sgffvice INC By Small NOW FOLKS WHO’LL ffiArs Ft CKAflcs Yrf(S Bto-- Wood ca OAJ |