Show MONDAY EVENING JULY 27 1931 Dorothy Tix THE 0 ODEN ST AND ARD-E- y Talks A THIS CURIOUS WORLD ity “It’s all beyond me For days now you’ve been raging to be up “Smile and away You said it was unendurable to stay at Eva’s with that girl — lording it over you’ although ill nil tv jr I A I AC crazy notion I eT?u getAat HOW CAN WOMEN GET A THRILL OUT OF HOUSEWORK Shes the pleasantest HELD Years Ago' person imaginable” WHEN MEN DESPISE IT YET TAKE IT FOR GRANTED YJE&E'USED AS Don t start on that again ” From Our FilesAND WHEN THEY BEGRUDGE AN EXTRA NICKEL Tressa snapped LAHfe&ttSjTO LIGHT Real Purpose Needed To THE f5$T70F4N0Etfri was Persistent ROWE manager of tha OR A WORD OF APPRECIATION AS “I DR H MState shall If I like I’m frankly baffled Save Persons AZTECS Fair association From QL3NOEES PAY FOR it? Id almost got round to buying our inounces that he has scheduled an six OF YK&5E INSECTS ih tickets for the south” b°rse races for each day of the fair Debasing Views WERE Well WB don’t At least don’t buy An Interesting feature also tiedto't Sn ial1 aerial JlfEN are forever complaining that women are no longer domestic-- 1 one for me” “The person who loves a garden WRISTS OF THE MkSKT flights minded and that' the modem girl’s ambition Is to be anything ' the sight of the plant and bush She erased the frown for a TRAVELER else on earth rather than a home-makas Van and Muriel approached smile withering and dying under the beatColo —People In To a degree this is trad The table “Stop a minute Fanny their ing rays of the sun is far more than and JEtartIed last Satur-th- ? rfli3ilyWere I are boring each other stiff We discouraging for there is a tinge modem girl doesn’t dream of a sudden ' appearance the 1 v long for a bit of gossip to cheer of sadness in it that seems to Hnir f kitchen in which what appeared to be ain ball us life with of fire about the size of a full plant that of our own she will work magic with the pots up” said John Edward Carver Muriel sat down with a clatter of kind moon and pans Her idea is a kitchenette v yj in bracelets First and yesterday boxes “Don’t vanity Presbyterian 's apartment where she can shake know a thing Sorry! Every thing’s church Did you ever read the ' 'r '' At ' a cocktail or open a can of some-up Hry weather has caused numer-Jou- s of dead Give me story in a cigaret somebody the deathTolstoy’s which he links fires in the national forests of thing or other and from which she of a plant the death of a Van produced one and conversa western Oregon and southern and her husband will go out to £!? horse and the death of a tion halted as it was lighted j “What” Fanny Amberton In- He describes the three in a man? way quired maliciously “did girls say to that makes you see how akin we all ' A( F°rmer President Theodore RooseNor does the modem girl men before they learned to ask for are to the entire world of nature velt announces that he has stop-Pf- d we when "s lose identity in death cigarets?” regard her husband as a speech J making for the summer I “They pouted” Van told her “There is something akin to the Fairy Prince who came along states that he thinks he has said and rescued her from the ne-- ! promptly “Or they blushed and withering plant and bush In the to last through the lfn?4Ugk bridled” of the withering influence thought cessity of having to earn her season entire “Not a blush or a bridle in the of our environment own bread and butter She plant life Idt of ’em now more’s the pity” struggles on but unfedThe ' S’' ' Y by life moistmuch prefers a mahogany-- : 1 ' Prominent wholesalers and other ure remarked finds Fanny its doom briskly in its benefac' I y top desk to a gas range and en of Ogden rejoice over JoHti HUtfefZ tor THE sun the Most of the evils that the when she has to give up her order of the interstate commerce had slumped back in her oppress are Influences for our good GREAT ENGLISH ANATOMIST MURIEL out freight rate job when she gets married wiping and run wild The blessing looking extraordinarily TRANSPLANTED A ROOSTERS’ growth she considers that she has this region a like doll against was She that a had meant taste to painted be tonic and SPUR JO ITS ODM& laid a great sacrifice upon J°sePh Seowcroft for the faintly bizarre in clothes and vigor when unrestrained becomes a There’s a world of truth in the fcK)ttnci as beginning of a pethe altar of love and she ex- today she looked like the girl on the curse adage “Laugh and the world riod of great ShC does or prosperity to Christmas with be wore winShe a to posters laughs short you” STRUGGLE OF LIFE Pr°Perly appreciative andgrateful311 some Mary Irene according Jacket of white fur and close fitting “Thfere Adkins above of IS not an animal ear is on the front enough white fur hat In this frame her Goodman Mo who has the most Ralph E Bristol and Harold Day page bf any paper to reveal what I gladsome smile of 150 entrants from A PLANT THIS CHINESE frHiI?ioneer hoVse at the a——& V sharply etched highly colored little meanl FCOU??5’ lt1ls a sreat Pity that women take this attitude! FERN es north raVch' l0UT Prosperity and opportunity 37 communities In the fifth annual of face looked impudent and unreal HAS A "FLEECE" their traditional occupation and as Brigham City “This is the most poisonous and liberty Asuncontrolled mean de- Ozark Smile Girl contest sponsored RESEMBLING THAT OF struction we useTrto sayzulfc k°des no good to our future happiness read the and town!” press she drawled by the Ozark Playgrounds associa“Can’t think know life ve have to A SHEEP Speaker Clark of the United States “othlng can alter the fact that the home is fnn Jvfi1 einf ‘ literally strug- tion She enjoys outdoor sports “2uae lives here why anyone Van take of representatives i and Vice to ward off debasing views of and Is a senior at the University President gle me to Cannes won’t you?” stahTelnH01?11011 stclFe of the nation and theffe can be no J&QAOC Sherman for the senate life our Much of social contact “At once?” His tone held the of Arkansas woman In It who have signed the Canadian reciprocity © 1931 BY HE SERVICE INC a reveals of real manhood and phase amused bill and it has been forwarded to superciliousness of an adult womanhood that detracts from our EpeSeIbovenautteS:k ta: her tesk because “ ls the for a troublesome child the president for his considerabest idealism How we can retain “Well tomorrow anyway" tion conceptions of what we should be GANDHI No woman can make a real home if she looks “Sorry I have a board meeting and what people might be? I know upon tomorrow” housework as drudgery No woman can do it if she reBobby Leach 49 of Niagara Falla no better more effective way than Muriel forgot her drawl for an to renew or successfully passed over the Horsegards herself as a domestic slave and feels that she is our of what knowledge instant and became all sparkle and men and women shoe falls at Niagara in a barrel wasting her talents in preparing meals and sweeping are ©1931 if gayety as she bowed to a burly “‘What is man?’really GUIDE IN He was battered and yesterday floors and haggling with hucksters when she was IN SERVICE asked often man in a blue suit be bruised in the drop of 158 feet in the Bible Is he more than matwriting a book or painting a picture or selling amight “That’s bill oy MABEL big the o MCRLLIOTT Hinty Met fighter ter? Is he any better than a sheep? part-tim- e him at Adele’s Friday for tea or who rushes home Miss S Frye has gone on an exgold?’’ A man shall be a hiding Truth Love from the office to slap a housekeeper quick-lunc- h Rather fun And tended on order CHAPTER the table XXII such a Everybody Chastity his trip through the pulled It’s positively leg and he didn’t headpiece? from the wind and a covert and whose children roam the streets while mother is at section of the country northwest know it I adore place She will Restraint from In the as rivers of water tempest work can do it Elating don’t you?” visit Portland Astoria and other a in Fanny who had now consumed fighters as a shadow a of dry place Tressa appealed to said “I cities and attend the centennial Guide Posts She was molli- - don’t w uu osmij-cj- cu ixitui er soup giggled great rock in a weary land’ In know celebration at Astoria any” the g of ran read by TZ- MAKE a success of it £led his ridiculous other words man is not worth what that a woman has to nut into Alirwociwicrivr sight apgrimy finger it “Oh but v should! — — — hat you ’— TiHnrr f It’s SIMLA India July 27 — (AP) — very he possesses but what possesses him It made her own seem bril chic this season Van Julia E Peterson daughter of don’t take It is liant love his Mahatma Gandhi though he balked Mr and Mrs patriotism purposes Sylvester Grow of “Oh but that’s Lady Devenant Want to Cannes until next week ideal3 aims convictions and relig- at Huntsville died at her home see Hinty at Madison ion world new a the giving decalogue in She can get away with clothes like that make character and give based on modem Square Garden on Friday” out- Huntsville Tuesday She was bom needs that” hiift today worth value and here hereand Van drooped his lids “I thbught Tressa shrugged “She looks like you lined the ten commandments which there August 24 1881 were going to the Garrisons’ after a horse” “It is this view that saves us from have guided his own conduct He Concrete work on the second secYes but doesn’t she? She’s a dinner?” views of life that we called them “so the tion of the passenger subway in the Muriel clasped her hands in mightdebasing many lamp posts union quaint old piece Frightfully rich mock dismay from the press and exglean depot is now in progress All “Heavens Van! me life’s pathway” excavation iShe asked Bill and me to stay at Don’t through Life can wither under the guiding perience me ask to do operations have been that! I’d die of oppression of environment and These are the rules he gave: her place in Surrey once years ago boredom at the she Garrisons’ said me Get but Bill had flu and we couldn’t out of it ating’ as the plant withers un1 Truth I must see Hinty in his temptation seen go I was terrifically vnntlcinrirwff'Ui!le nohaven sun der the life that disappointed” it More than 100 Los Angeles Elks In gave 2 little Ahimsa which may be transreason fori Tressa wasn’t listening Fannv green shorts They say he’s each soul there is the passed the cutest struggle through Ogden yesterday on me-thing!” rambled on “Look Tress' Til stop Vvinvg0tten their way to Yellowstone yielding It is what possesses lated Into English as love against Amberton Fanny park for listened at we having as her 1?1vmaiisinild table 3 Brahmacharya which may be a two weeks’ vacation She’s to go out quite enough of this began to us that steadies us Prceferred the— ah taken a marvelous place at Palm draw DEADLIEST ENEMY inadequately expressed as I paid Beach for January The biggest “No on her gloves !OIonti0v be you wanted H F Last manager of the firm 4 Restraint of the palatechastity don’t which of JLast Van our “It this view to of get I’m is — worth up that ihe elaborates as Just one there the one with the most apt1 and Thomas has gone east over to mere saves for us from our deadliest enemy the since- ght on the roof running eating speak to Lady Perhaps she’ll ask Devenant Hold the check for me and that deadly enemy is ourselves sustenance of the body abstaining on a buying trip Tress I’ll be back in a moment No disease of the body and no out- from intoxicating drinks and drugs VS?&t£&2? drawled “I want to put on ward influence ruins and wrecks life such as opium and tobacco haU be Ieavlng New York a Muriel new face Van See you on m fe-lBU2 molu?etLhfaVul5anfECrI1yPn°Se °U‘ °££he “tchen tato office It you “wanf'mone”6 Not the so quickly and completely as envy of 5 Abstaining from the possession Madison street side in a jiffy” things for themselves jealousy covetousness anger hate m1nube:aUS?Jthey have never even tried you” he whined in mock pathos 6 Adherence to life’s law that He started to make his farewells malice sloth and all that a hand’s turn for friendship’s t0 Women’ They haven’t brood of eve? dignified It was so horrified she put pANNY “Mine tyrants that live and thrive within one’s bread must be earned by the down her knife and fork which but Tressa' halted him Without Salves or Cutting jde or a Profession although H a man’fealth and of one’s brow a for minute Van? stopping Murie our own lives You can counsel sweat young wo" she took pains to handle in what is how depend upon skillful m4? his wife Jh 7 will Swadess! take ages doing her mouth others but you most need to counsel cook and manager and buyer h The belief that Itching bleeding protruding piles lma? known as the continental manner hot tip “So early? What on earth do you with lip red” yourself You can only do it as you man’s primary duty is to serve his are caused by bad circulation of the He turied his dark curiously In- realize how really great God meant neighbor blood in the affected parts The mean? You know how desolate scrutable QnraneTtHo°tU'nv?VierwiSi Lstay 8 Belief in the to you to be of all parts become weak flabby upon her you its town is after Christmas Why you Tressa gaze equality almost a?f‘ smiled “Do sit down dead Only an internal remedy Is this view of life that makes mankind were saying only yesterday that “It T?ot tell4anyone 9 Belief in the equality of all remove the cause — that’s why salves Fanny will be back in a minute us to desire to do more than live hoped we could break away vfgo a hP n°w you the but there’s something I particularly and prosper It wiU you Jfaiths of the world great pay?” suppositories and cutting fail Dr fore us that!” the thought 10 Fearlessness gives -want to talon-lik- e to say Leonhardt’s HEM-ROI- D of you” to know I’ve ?U but make sPrefd others We living prescription prosper ?an my changed j Ma curiously expressive mind” (To Be Continued) succeeds because It removes are safe from the withering tendenhapds Tressa enigmati-gestur- e smiled He shrugged faintly f cies of forces about and within if It Is said that if one per cent of congestion restores circulation heals cally we are quivering with a real pur- the eggs laid by oysters came to and strengthens the diseased parts all “Of sniffed the insane Fanny s good said the girl quietly (notions! maturity the increase in oysters HEM-ROIhas such ‘a wonderful pose We are the salt of the earth would What have you got up be so rapid that within 50 record of quickly ending even Good for the sheet or good forlyour sleeve?’ Salt that has lost its saving chempiles-ANOTHER thing that gives housework a black eye with women they would fill the seas and of long standing that Schramm hTfrcketu!! istry is useless for anything We years “Nothing at all Oh yes perhaps all the countries Canyon of world the HEM-ROIJohnson says one bottle of 1 want to stay for the Beaux Arts D are the same uselessness if we are that it carries with no bTrJn Maybe now‘ envelope The wife wnrlr! fnr would be flooded by an overflow of one ball I haven’t board and clothes anditthesepay Tablets must end your pile to help those with whom water been since the year rL?rvL 3 impotent the poorest in the agony or money back °Ut' They My “'s a grand FORT COLLINS Colo— (UP)— A we live coral was snake In found thhusbandnVJhM1 Poudre we these In see tort the envirdays near here recently It was onment of the may be arrayed like Solomon in allrif’1® anreached Into aj?ocketP Fanny planted her elbows firmly canyon Christ his glory when he said 10 inches coat wrinkled and produced on the table and took a sip of long The coral’s bite is ‘I will give of the water of life freea greasy looking packet of cheap water from a glass of sapphire color almost as fatal as that of a rattle- ly Just what the TestoJ-Super-Stwithering nngth c There are plenty of women married to s‘ Laboratory o “Now Tressa Lord don’t dare to snake The reptile has a flat needed when it was helpless plant men and too who never have $5 of their own that head one? Have and about its me look body in the eye and talk such are in the consuming sun just they can do with as they please Their husbands make them The girls movement of with- - nonsense! I know rings of orange cream black and dying not ihat Christ no you’re promises to be to us going allowances white colors drawal was so faint that another to hang around New York for any —J either for the house or for themselves and for Think of that when you stand helpnot seen have it man The less by a plant for which you have might such reason What Is it all have to they spend like beggars to the? husl did and his lips curled back over about?silly bands You canthey cared all year Think of it when You might as well tell me” Claim t blame that go kind of wife for looking back te bis eth yellowed are near a soul that ls Tressa frowned you in be annoyance she received before she was mar-banIf£FeHully ° haUsalary Too nice for these heh? overcome by the world Think being “You do make a fuss about nothing of it thC work that she des for her hus- “I smoke my own thanks” She at all” when you realize what you yourself Movie one on a black enameled tapped need most” Fanny brushed this away as ca?rrand bghted it irrelevant “I know you And Eva’s LONDON Well spill it wumeu preier to work outside of the V " (AP)—Achievement of To prevent Things have going to be relieved when we take a ToEm less To Kill — Surest Quickest Death to forgeries an English- s because perfect three-colprocess in the man has invented there Is no claque no glad £eeVuIe lately 1 can stand ajourselves off I shan’t dare to manufacture hnnr? gummed stamps of color motion picture broach the subject of any such of their skill and industry flies Mosquitoes Roaches Bed Bugs Ants Moths showing portraits of persons who films is claimed for a new process to speak and loyalty Most husbWdscognition Her girl began tended visit She’ll take be this wives busy checks their a sign everything dn signature being rose voice fell and for granted They raise rows when eagerly winter if her plans work out as she recently developedM- here written across a stamp At the end of her recital the man thinks” lng when wife has pared thein to the boneS fheviifeflt7 “What you got Lazily' Tressa announced “Oh dred good dinners In silence and iraise 3 shrewhy MUSTN’T LOCK DOORS couVuf Abe 2lupdred againsf thls doll? Sounds personal you needn’t ‘broach the subject’ at Michigan has a new law which and first when the a little And how to me” al! Trust me I’ll have Eva beg- - provides that the doors of motor can a woman put any Sep into work thS gets no commendation? ' Yon mind your own business!” ging me to stay You needn’t hang buses must not be locked when carHer voice had an unaccustomed around unless you want to Go rying passengers This is a safety south if you like and I—well may-H- e measure designed to enable passen of my be I’ll join shrugged again “None gers to escape in case of an accl you later” funeral We 11 hop to Fanny shook good Its dent In head her perplex — it What say we jump the young — He’ll pay plenty” gent right away? She stood up “You do it my way1 or it’s out I tell you it will work” ROASTING PROCESS “Oke baby You haven’t muffed anything in the past Why don’t you come in with me regular? We’d HAS ACCURACY OF make a team KSL—MONDAY 10:00 p m —Dick Forscutt orches-laughed 5:30 p m— NBC —Gold Medal Exl ‘‘Thanks traIt only interests me press 10:30 p m —Variety program as a side line And ANCIENT TIMEPIECE only when I’m 6:00 p m—NEC—Victor ’ 11:00 p m— Police bulletin Young’s hard if Remember ever up you orchestra 11:05 p m —Dancing feet try any funny business on me thati p m — NBC— Family party in Melodiesand Hills Bros svantage Hour-gla- ss another characteristic presenta- LOO fgS?widnlght you do to mine I can deny (than tion lever having seen you But your Method of Roasting Coffee 7:00 p m —Variety program of mu — 1” record KDYL— TUESDAY sic Operate a Little at a Time 12:00 noon— The World Book Man LHIs eyes glittered 7:30 p m— Program of melodies 'Forget It! 12:05 p m— Farm Flashes and pro- -' We’ve had this °ut before 8:00 p m— NBC— “Amos ’n’ I’m a It is fascinating to watch an Andy 815 p m — Western concert hour good guy if you treat me right” gram synopsis a was — on flowing evenly continu-- I She 12:15 8:30 P m —NBC —“Demi-tass- e her drawing gloves p m Noonday rhythm V Reknow I just wanted to remind °usly a little at a tfime But the 12:30 p m— CBS— The Three Docview” flavor of coffee that’s roasted con- tors 900 p m— “The Jewel Box you” She went down the dirty stairs tinuously o little at a time is even 12:45 p m —Melodies 10:00 p m —S L Federation of 1:00 p m— CBS— Italian Oyl The more fascinating! picking her way meticulously 1:30 p m — CBS—TheFour 11:00 p m— Dance music Controlled Roasting —Hills Bros’ Club-- 1 ran watched until the street door Iclosed after her He grinned s 12:00 midnight— Silent men patented process — is’Asthe only 2:00 p m — CBS — Frank he daiPes muttered such the Ross roasting method KSL— TUESDAY meaii as curacy of the hour-gladepends c°ngs‘ m-What s it to me? NBC — Packer program 21wP'fn — CBS — Adventures lnPeU Selling — Buying— or upon an even continuous flow a‘ m —Sketches of music just a friendly chat rnhave you been?" Fan- NBC — Edna Wallace 2 : 30°p in — CBS 'Jfif s c- Vf Gypsy UnION PACIFIC employees In Utah were paid Distance” is the Makers ny demanded petulantly from “Long Hopper period this patented process hef station at a corner table In the P°3uced by — NBC — Western 1:15 2:45 p answer So fast so low $7884503 in salaries and wages during 1930 Farm 3:00 parade ev®nly continuously and Home hour p m — CBS°— Winegar’s bam mtz- - “x’ve waittog Xor hours a cost you’ll be surprised Nearly three thousand families a total of 18056 a tme You said you’d be here at one" 5:30 p m — Program of lttle orchestra light There is a vast difference between Tressa smiled 3:45 p m— CBS— Bird and Vash people received their support from Union classics For example station to Pacific 4:00 p m—CBS—Kate Smith and"1 st°PPed at one or two places and Controlled Roasting and ordinary station day rates know how hard it is to get any methods There is a you KDYL — MONDAY iher Swanee music I vast difference in results too! Con- 6:30 p m— Album of Musical Fa- 4:15 p m — Jazz Skit place in this traffic” Think what that means to Utah's home ma 30 p m — Uncle Ben and the LannT held up two fingers and trolled Roasting flawlessly com--i vorites from ket—to to: the development of her growing) industOgden the rushed toward them 6:45 p m— “Newsreel of the Air” captain work that Nature began Kangaroo club pletes the I ®ee ries— a coffee-berrdethe consumption of her agricultural 7:00 p m — CBS— Guy Lombardo 5:30 p m — CBS—The Bon Bons to menu” she m y the Vf It develops the Helena — $170 6:00 p m—Dinner hour varieties I XrV starving” Canadians flavor Yoir never have perfectly! products 98c Lower Than Tressa refused to let her sister’s 6130 p m— Baseball scores 7:30 p m— CBS —Arabesque never 1926 in Hi?ls lunch-8:00 p m — CBS — Henderson or- 8:35 p m— Melody rule 1 testJ Bros'See Issness woOtt dclpus The preservation of thisx vast home market chestra vtvacFousentIler a Y thrt'h3 cofTea $3kT Kansas — Yernnar 8:15 p m— CBS— Cremo military City among Union Pacific employees is dependent yedanced Lower band $265 Than upon the continuing prosperity of the Railroad the treasury fresh! Air which de troys Spli'twoor'threp'copKS 8:30 p m — CBS — The Camel 1926 In c id in levying a department one-cethe flavor of coffee is removed and federal knew she waved to them Every shipment made by truck weakens the railter hour tax on motorists it willl “There’s road structure and affects railroad employment Van and Muriel” Tressa kept out of Hills Bros vacuum 8:45 p m—CBS — Bert Lown and £af°iine cans fl576!!’" announced ignoring Fanyy’s cold I cans Ordinary his Biltmore orchestria r AsHess trxfSxynkpcsfS faTA of the politeness Poor Fanny who was won’t keep coffee fresh Order Hills 9:00 p m — CBS— Ben Bemie and TTitSn?ot0 the (always abysmally out of sorts when! Bros Coffee today Ask for it by his orchestra from Chicago 9:30 p m — CBS— Nocturne — Ann I°wa Missouri IUinois trade' and Ohio ShVh?rer Leaf at the organ with Ben Alley tenor ' Girl” of Ozarks LIFE STRUGGLE Ogden 20 NECESSARY - 4 i ’ -- u er I i I ry blue-and-wh- ite ? S ’ I aey -- j ' : um L j -- old-fashlrm- Py as&&2i prf dal OFFERS wrt°fLidne o j LIFE pre-war- !” home-makin- 1 3 i fin-ish- ea j i fc -- ” - SK IpVouaWeMin1 o? bvrlnkii??6 Piles Go Quick y I j O - be-W- hat I Watch For These Snakes In I D I three-corner- well-to-d- ed Cheapest Insoct Spray You Can Uso 1 3-Co- lor d£ Process 5 ”1 Y7 L a or w br?” Most popular throughout tho world 1 - I I I O Union Pacifi1C I - Employees: I - - i GET THERE AfllAD hour-Slas- I La-box- v- G& I pm dollar -million ss -- BE - : good-humored- O -8- Market for UTAH fl j - - an I ly bulk-roasti- ng I 1 I I I I I suc-lsi- he 4 nt I “air-tigh- t” I TELEPHOME- - SHIP AND TRAVEL BY RAIL |