Show BOARD FAVORS FORMER UTAHN EXHIBIT ACTION ILL IN PRISON 27— (AP)— SALT LAKE CITY July 27— SALT LAKE CITY July 27— Shoshone (AP) —Agricultural department ex- (AP) — Thirteen Utah riflemen have 11 tension workers from western been selected to and Bannock Indians of the Port states four-da- y Utah at Mining Figure Is Serving Hall met represent a here in today ‘reservation conclude their conference for their annual ap- the national rifle and revolver Term For Mail sundance a feast terminating praisal of agricultural conditions in matches at Camp Perry Ohio ” bethe festival which has attracted this area Fraud ginning August 25 record crowds Commodity committees among the Those who will make the trip are NEW YORK July 27 — (UP) — For 60 braves at Fort Hall and 50 workers present today digested Hansen Louis Os25 Ray Hansen creek and at Bannock the material feast assembled will George Graham Rice once a spec-taculby the federal figure in Wall street and end a period of fasting which start- bureau of agricultural economics car Hansen Goshen Murray WhitUtah mining circles is ill in the fed- ing with the opening chants of the and by regional committees and tier Roy Drabble Gilbert Hess Ogden C L Kampe Everett Atwood eral prison in Atlanta where the various states he is dance serving a four-yesentence for mail Visitors who flocked to the dance The result of the conference will and L B Weymouth Salt j Lake fraud in connection with the sale scenes today witnessed a rare spec be made public later from Washing- City Ralph Coombs and Alton Groneman Provo Dave Robinson of Idaho Copper corporation stock tacle when the Indians conducted a ton Salt Lake City and Fred! Waraccording to advices received here ceremony singing several songs in Dr C W Warburton director of of At the United States attorney’s native tongue while others beat extension work of the department' of ner of Ogden alternates Whittier led the riflemen in pracoffice it was said an income tax themselves with their hands as the agriculture said agricultural condi- tice the final round of which was tions western dancer called in states are better evasion charge upon the great is still pending leading concluded sun-rain than most yesterday with a score of the sections of other the Rice of spirit the power and through that he will be against 369 to disease drive and sickness country brought to New York to face trial on from 4 m their bodies it in September cen-eThe erected in r the sunpole Christ and the 12 aposH SHE DOESN’T MIND of the bowery will be removed representing tles The Indians-combine- d their TURNED AROUND as soon as the dance is completed own religious teachings with those Your Otto had a fight with my he sun never allowed to set of the white man to reach these Jack What are Smith’s daughters while the pole being is up except during conclusions “Oh well boys must be boys” ike?” ceremonies The pole was erecthe Until recently the sundance was “I’m glad you take it like that — “The elder is terribly simple and ed on the opening day prohibited the Indians hiding in the I’ll get the ambulance to bring your he younger is simply terrible” — Twelve smaller poles stand in the mountains to participate in their Otto home” — Das Kleine Witzblatt Massing Show bowery they with the larger one ceremonies Leipzig July 72-ho- Directors of the Ogden chamber of commerce today approved a by A R Dawson repor- t-submitted ur ar J Parker relative to a Weber county exhibit in the state Ocapitol building in Salt Lake City The directors asked the committee to get in touch with the county commissioners at the first opportunity and urge their early actoin toward trection of the exhibit P L Clawson also appeared before the directors and presented a plan for an exhibit at the world’s fair In Chicago Mr Clawson drew attention to the fact that Ogden is the natural gateway to the scenic ' wonders of the state and suggested ' that a relief map of Zion park some 500 feet long and 40 feet high be built at the fair as of Utah It could berepresentative colored and ' lighted he explained so that it would be a vivid reproduction of Utah’s show park Miss Dorothy Fitch of the community concert service of the Columbia Concert corporation was present at the meeting and outlined a plan adopted by a meeting of music lovers Thursday night to bring concert and opera singers to Ogden next year The plan she said is and and would require an association here with members to put over the plan The directors took no action non-pro- POCATELLO Today at sundown the Directors of Comm erce Chamber Take Up Three Proposals and W Indians To Finish Extension Workers Riflemen Selected Dance At Sundown Gather In Salt Lake To Represent Utah ar i ys oathTred Lonon to New York f£0m fmlan fit how statesmen1 of the seven’ 'powers aa°they non-guarantee- ing and Secretary Stlmson of United States Back row: Premier Jules ’ " M!nler Brlnd of Franee' Chancellor Bruenlng of German M ln t e r Gr a°n d f o f ’ta ly? 1 1 but he’s out of town for a week! so you needn’t be afraid” — ts A woman engaged a new maid who answered the door one after44 noon A man stood on the doorstep and asked If her mistress was GAVE HIM A PAIN at home but you’re looking “My “Yes sir” replied the maid starved old man!” “come right In” Yes the doctor has forbidden stammered the visitor my wife to cook” Is “But” she’s “perhaps engaged” “Why is she ill?” Oh she’s engaged all right “No but I am” — Answers i Attitude of Union Men TomProvement Program Ordered Drafted For Rate Increase One Blackburn was authorized a mffting of the special at all i0® organized railroad representing workers in the United bi?Ud¥lg committee of the Ogden States and Canada met in Washing- - camber ° commerce to draft a ton today for a three-da- y discussion PIan for &n extensive building and improvement program in Ogden for of mutual problems D B Robertson of Cleveland Presentation to the directors of the amber at their next meeting chairman of the meeting said among other things the attitude of M2£day’ August 3 PIan wlU carry suggestions organized railroad labor toward the The ai extensive building program request of the railroads for a 15 per for of artistic homes and the cent freight rate increase would be 111 considered remodeling and tearing down of old He said he did not consider theorVl3Si® buildings which have session here an emergency meeting outlived their usefulness explaining officials of the 21 labor organizations gather two or three times yearly to discuss questions of I 1 Ini I llu interest to all of them I 1flO A W W I 111 Other subjects on the Agenda in- - W I 6 I elude railroad consolidation and its effect on the workers old-aand y disability pensions and the week or working day as a permanent measure for the relief of railroad unemployment SPOKANE 27 — (AP) — Fanned by highJuly winds the Deer creek fire in the Pen d’Oreille and Kootenai forests of Idaho and Montana had swept over 16000 acres today destroying many buildings a band of sheep and possibly had claimed human life A C Cockrell assistant supervisor of the Pen d’Oreille forest said he had unconfirmed reports that 11 MEXICO CITY July 27— (UP)— Persons were near the sheep camp Mexico will go on a silver basis to- - and that only a woman had been brought out day The new monetary decree goes in- - The fire was shipped from 160 to effect placing the country on a acres last night Sockrell said a silver and gold 6000 acres early tfcis afternoon ‘and was raging out of control More than 500 men recruited throughout pe Panhandle of Idaho were fight- Saved The fire was started Sunday! rv morning Cockrell was advised by a l f Jt)V I OlSOn careIess canper or a smoker It covers merchantable timber and re-- 1 J forested growth First aid treatment rendered late Saturday by J C Olsen of the for- est service probably saved the life TT of the son of Mr and luailOanS IvlclV llcllt J Mrs Curtis Hislop of Huntsville Olsen with Deputy Sheriff Lee Killing of Game Clausse and Arthur Grow were investigating brush fire conditions on BOISE Magpie flat some 13 miles east and July 27 — (AP) —This is! bad season on fish and game south of Huntsville jabirds and the game department is The Hislop family in a sheep camp on Magpie flat discovered taking restrictive measures to pre-th- at the child ’’as drank sheep dip vent near extermination of the Olsen gave it salt water and other game M P Bailey state game war- first aid treatments and the child den said here today was then taken by automobile over Bailey has toured all southern the mountain to Devil’s Slide in Idaho recently examining canyon and later taken to tions of game and wound up the Huntsville where the Hislop fam- - triP at the conference of game ficials last week in Yellowstone home is situated park 27 — (AP) nni rr ge five-da- six-ho- ur mexicTuW —it9s good-by- e to every two piece suit in the house From n Ueatll I I condi-Web- huge Jewish olympiad to be Several of th TiTinAfnai CQfyo yfln abbistoJC Tel hunting counties have already athletes closed and others nMriJestITle later ini have completed a tour oflAugust will probablyopening be closed °n SSn1 Jewish min there would be no frnris for re- tike r£rt ninathi)VcflJiie World ’di stricting pheasant hunting! but he ‘plans to Investigate this I Close! y Woven ALL-VETIGI- Remember Cold Nights Are Coming! PAnT-VOO- L N W®®3 ISflanafedte SINGLE oky V (Q 1930 PRICE $149! i Don’t let this low price blind you to the quality of these blankets 1 A splendid mixture of selected cotton and wool insures warmth wear and value! Double bed size (70x80r) Also Solid Colors! 1 are cool porous wool or worsteds tailored by Hart Schaffner & Marx— they’ll give you a lot of relief during this hot spell and be good for a couple of summers to come Alto T3an Case MaumCsetfo WmLookinS Solid Colors- These blankets are warmer fluffier springier because they’re N W OOL and we know because they were woven specially for us during a manufacturer’s slack season which explains the thrillingly low price! Don’t expect others to duplicate this value such a low price is possible only at PENNEY’S ! Block plaids in beautiful colors sateen ribbon bound double bed size IMAGINE! - 5g) pi? ALL-VIRGI- 1930 Price $4981 Here’s a blanket that’s extra in every way! Extra size (80x90 inches) —extra weight (5 pounds) and extra fluffy value that’ll give extra wear! Part-wo- ol plaids and extra LAY-AWA- Y A Small Deposit Holds Your Selection Until Wanted! extra wide! size Our famous “Penco Pace-W- o N X BUY TODAY on straw hat sale EXTRA SIZE! EXTRA WEIGHT! PAIR 1930 PRICE 590 —these Double EXTRA SIZE bed : oil IPHaM IBUaiaEsettG Pali 0(2° 1930 Price $249! Xou can feel “quality” In these blankets 1 Specially made for Penney’s of selected Virgin wool for warmth and the best China cotton for wear Size suitable- - for double beds i EXTRA WEIGHT i l price entire stock Avhf d in6X Prices are Lower NOW! er QLOirollSfPbTod & i I of-i- ly In j piece Dixie weave suits that sold for $25 ‘ I IPDaim 2 SILVER BASIS I - i ? i IL&127 smtsli ctepoai& Izolcls jjozss aal&ctioiz v&crntedmmmiftriCZ3 care JVOW7 VUClD dulu I I I D MUW fflULARnmETTS Tit-Bi- I I - WASHINGTON July Officials f“qiI IDEAS DESIRED SESSION — and HE’S SAFE BUILDING WORK RAIL WORKERS HOLD 1 PltaCOy at tlio lowest price la years ! I Pai?t£-Woo- S rQ Now I Sateen Ribbon Bound o prntl Last year this sheet cost $149 At 5 it is at the lowest fine price in several years! Our standard high quality linen-likeven weave smooth e finish long enough to tuck In securely at the bottom and turn over at the top A tremendous value I (Size before bamming) $1-2- Oo DtNUTAH BUMMMfO FREE! $145 Pair of CHIFFON HOSE $445 Value for $100 Through the of advertising Hosiery Mills and Elaine Toiletries wecampaign have been allotted a limited numbep of pairs of ve chiffon Hose French Heels Super-Finis- h Fine Gauge Flawless No Seconds We want you to try Elaine Toiletries at this tre- !aY1?£’ fPr we Relieve this is a far better method advertising than thousands of dollars in National spending Publications 't dfelcd nns nn n n ion Colonial and Patchwork Designs 1930 PRICE t- snn®iES - Here’s a blanket to help you welcome cold weather I Sa fluffy so soft and warm as can be! Selected cotton mixed with a small amount of wool to insure wear Extra size it’ll pay to buy NOW blankets (72x8 4") extra weight of this quality 'are possible at this low price ONLY because PENNEY’S had them made specially during the slack season m — Therefore we are making this offer We must limit this offer two to each customer Positively no deals sold at this price after the sale $200 Bottle French dj- forv Tuesday Wednesday July 28th - A 29th--10 and this Advertisement a m to 4 p m Only and Imitation patchwork or colonial type in- the large double bed size Various - colors and designs loped most attractively scal- BUY TODAY on A Small Deposit Holds Your Selection Until Wanted LAY-AWA- Y LAST WEEK Wildman Millinery Store Washington Ave 2337 nanw Perfume $100 Box Elaine Face Powder $145 Pair Chiffon Hose FREE I All 3 JMH lOHomrfs (393 IMS D' Ogden Utah J)6PCNUTW E: P' A R T Mi G) M V v p v |