Show N new E W advertisements NOTICE apr aar A PETITION having baving been this oay day ilay an in buted anted ti to me calling caling for A pip pichal clai cial term of the U 6 district court to be hoidn huldin n in Grat agn at sait salt lake city osty tn in ni at and anil sald said s ild petition havins harina been signi signed by one hundred pin pim sobs sous themselves sein seln as voters and adil tax payers as provided bv by lawt law I 1 do therefore order onder a special 1 term senri of the first judicial district court to 10 be baden h alen lien I 1 atthe council laoue in the city or of great sait silt lake utah Torri torr on the tay day lay of octobie next at tim ti n ouock am a m of said sald day dat far the transaction of 0 all which would legally come be hore the gular regular term tinn ti tenn nn of P ald kid aid 0 ff ari ati nj I 1 do further order tha that t a copy c lyof of this his I 1 order in be pub lilb ikhel in the deseret Diser piser ct news neak tar two mica sive weeks J F KINNEY ch fittim Jit tim supreme coitt coi ool rt ad a id fira firt iwach th trici in nii and nil for the territory ol 01 utah G S L city 25 at r ton FOK SA SALE salk nil LIL N E HOU HOUSE HOUE E AND LOT situated i in 0 ONE the oth ward bd 60 the a good well of bf water ra of 0 29 at LORENZO D YOUNG toung NOTICE LL PERSONS to whom we WC owe ALL likenesses are requested to call rail and pet get tiie ilif than M as we design closing our room immediately ImmediAtE lym lyp atter after conference 29 at cn rm X a CANNOY TO BE oraid olby f rese yeke eke ese GOOD TWO STORY HOUSE hous E ONE oxe and aad LOT in the 17 th ward on vit wit emold street streety half hnit block north of 0 tabernacle location very verv deserable tesi lesi rable I 1 id of f A irne ward or the sud sub salso for lor sale saie 10 40 acres acm ta in the die big bl fl 11 1 wc wel 11 rend fend ren fen d 59 israel IVINS tv fok POK aib ail K il 1 N er FIRST RATE lot situated in in ONE 1 the C b vre vae want vant ou the mortill east cast corni trW irv the nm mid di dm block no n blo dlo griNn street cepo eppo sitf sitt lb tite ilif oll oil a koa rod aoa n lehl ii clif Cl cF 2 louuis in it it sa an ota t oat oal bula bulu tin tiu tor lor i I 1 sap SA pica piea pi m otsa cin can cir AIU AI U ir 00 IP ar r r pa rall rali nen 1 a orle orie 1111 tl to 1 l V i i i taft raft ra raw ran apptt ft of jul jui til ali viard r vt aniag i v r gnei dr arr Act arrew anrew CT 1 r I 1 jt W grm orm I 1 I 1 enfa c dam JAM howardm HOWARDS ARDS storo stor i i wal kiwit evet evev antt ln an fn fl IP fr for i i h an IT C rf iii lii lin toe wa d ivi farb fr imi rB k t bt an t 1 S itie tot tor V amp asp ar ids iga q 6 it ahn 1 0 r 0 ro Vo roay ay 1 yan noa nom atrid bid lid 4 ts tn i n jev jew 1 sW warken UP 41 LITTLE cottonwood aits airs bijj 0 ON teat yent ye aroll old oid r nd ste F 3 oni ni tili tilt innia in nih crop cap and ani andr bit tit in ear the own owa r rl 1 r roii gul stud sted to prove property par pay clarg pl arg and od tah tahe take him away sl 21 lt it J acob jarob d NOTICE TS GIVEN N to all concerned ji b hat at there th ere wil wll bean be an adjourn id ui urt art for grel gret sait silt lake uk conny h b id 11 in i n monday next the italy litfy or od oci at ibe this council hoube HoUse wG ML S L city commencing at 10 ot clock am aiu i j ir IV 2911 29 1 11 t clerk countr omit 0 S jj county J II ill 11 BA it FOW row G GOLD OLD AND SILVER smith smil lia lla Iia having ving r returned tron troia hf his nill iri irl iii to lle llie east eat wishes to t iii tit ii iii ah his hin Is old tirl firl wis mia antl anil cm roni toni rs r that aw iwi intends rr sp t nii nil u his lifs busina fa in nil its p sit itt te old oid stand stang farst first door east eart ol 01 the tho leir str stef uth tl pie streel street where he be w m ill be happy tu lu arve all wi visiting trl tri hlis blis h une and ami espeja especially the public Work Cp chara chars refa reat and cluade fiade cart ary 53 3 CALL AND sen SER 1 29 cm eni STRAYED T ON N the pt qt july iq i tilt b ward a 1 alf lif ki or of V iri tri ITT Y ike ite brindi brindle ant aal ant brie ne dut iua as a foll fol tol ft ril til I 1 it in tae tar itla a wart it pid fid tip ot 0 hirn borns pared ft ff ZO SS duin drin nh hat bad bis big kid down hirn alse also al brandel bran uran with alt ini K H rn on the iett left h rn wil to anyone antone an v ap giving pi ving information to li lop Iop saji center will very much oblige nc 29 at rI restive STIVE Q r rolt oft olt SA salka eim LIM rk g IV mc I 1 M 1 1 WE IIA ila A FARM RM ggs lyne tyne r wiring acres mider wider a fil pil fews with twe tw log tog camans donihe on the lii iii genaw menag a str am of dirrig water running the whole length of tl now I 1 leair eady tor lor a fence running di mine the p and plow land ini a ifa fw a antte 1 of l f good meo mea dovir land thew ahr wikle bole hole being in K v vi atsy atry SO miles north of G S 1 I city adf PO so h flour itle ing miu mill timber cimber r and tl tiny nr 1 44 ites fa pir T particulars inqui f e or jamos james jani 3 1 the th D seret sews office or of 01 the we ru I 1 r IT nus nuy UN r 29 I 1 9 at B iii ili lIi yOuNG youna ST mo 0 the thu OWNERS 0 of f all he 5 and LD 10 TA 8 A cre err lots in to school DI district I 1 CA no N 29 hl thia this R Js in maia pi ovoy tv ly the fasttime last time they 11 til ll ill be n dortht dortho IT kos taxes which ought to leave been bren p 1 jonir an at at h office ut bebop smoot superintendent of sugar works if it fhe she d 1 ies teg taxes be not n pan pam el october C the lots iou will be lie kii tit hns any ansal anS 5 sl edy EDT P THOMAS thomasm H 11 airle les LEP J V arnnon A B D grigni 29 at TAX ra r A VC d WILL wim BE SOLD on ock oct ir I r next at the council liou itou G 8 I 1 city UT the hours of if 10 anil n ack ef laibe therol I 1 j lowin described bed land claims and anil iio ito 1 3 in greata gret sat lake lave olly city or so much ain sit will rby ply the due iti til irgon to the territory 1 I tali tait aal of great salt silt lake laie together with cost of of no lat let black t aej arg to ifil Z duesse besst 4 0 3 john N 8 46 6 T J T 4 16 1 3 dinael 7 19 1 S it 4 1 1 2 i J A in s me 8 ilg 9 ab ifie trip 2 ilg cc robt plat B I 1 3 11 4 S willis 19 frew ab rry W 12 1 2 3 CS 14 alvill ins ini ible I 1 plat piat it i 19 1 jobst 7 63 6 2 40 15 cattus A C austin 1 PI 6 1 0 2 eds eos clabon S pa ang ards 9 at n deser DESEI ree BET T nghe mihe proprietors tors would call the be attena a 1 A JL J fiort or of the biedl hiedi and general gf tj IY y to the list of 0 dru DHU GS ar vt A hick from froni the n murual unusual U kinds ami arid extra kira quality y deserves deserres de serves berres the patronage patT nage el of wishing to buy ti OIL arm L in 41 sit sinas siras ds ext est sarha Sarsa parin fi peppe neppe ont out bulls do to mn adu abia 13 Anini gnia orange 4 i hiew E wintergreen 1 gum opium tw iw i cloves clove ul bergamot arable lr in british BrIll sh I 1 kui iti ti ultramarine bluda biu bin amber carmine anise anisa juniper marh marla P lemary i carml carol marasa tJ ii 1 I 1 renny penny pennyroyal royal noral IS drop drops ca batar oater don den Drop prop laie IA iare bif rif olive A noo nat 2 X 1 d hot fot lot deorin p G if ath AD atan spice Bitt bittar fr r s 1 tta ata d di T enic tonie nic do fitl rill 1 il ll 11 ill 14 1 4 1 wrights do llo mixture y t t 4 jayna do croup syr syrup i n 3 i rii lifT saive salve t 1 adis strul i i piatr plat r aji ele dp wolds words saive salye natt Batt foti loti 0 oh fa trient ent I 1 it tood lo cJ tar 1 a root 11 v jair y v n ltd ild genela i cotta m k f n ilu u Ms mas 1 rk k poter pener do r sugar of fad tad iea 4 kae kaa do dora dorf 1 G hoar noar howd hOTd t itally rry rrt ti catnip B buys buye P t r W f laimit n af b 9 4 lout S bowd rol lobell lobella t iu tartaric tart TaTt aric aed le i ab t P do 11 fl wp carh carb soda laong laeng s m fr 11 artt ry pi joan joao j 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