Show M i secured t I 1 bistay HISTORY OF J OSEPH JOSEPH SMITH re f i j i i t APRIL 1 2 rr i 1 fp dayss A con piracy against the peace of my household w ws s lacta and it eave save rne rue orne oine to counteract comit erict the design of certain bas base aud aid ret rei storo restore pice the tile lord makes manifest to ma me many lings things ti which winch it i not wi doin dorn for lor mo tile to inke mike flub pubic a until others eana aana loess tiie tiem proof of li tiem iwin twin katurd saturday N aoi 30 1 received a visit from ludge jurige adams af f iiii pih fifi id nud and spent krsto 1111 st 0 dlly flit das day with will hittel mid my family signed deeds to james and charles ivin lvin mid wid anu ciany others sunday may 1 1842 2 i 1 I prec prel hedin chedia the he grove oil the Ks K s 8 of tim file liu kiu dodi carity Ciril Ci rity ac nie the hie lys iss I ess ys arus arts cert tin tiu lona lons igna and word M orda by winch which faige falge pint spirit mud nud 1114 personages may inay be defected delec ted ironi true which abich cannot 04 it not bo be reveal d to the tha elders till the temple in is completed the rich cun can only get them in fit the temple the pryor poor mav way get them thein on oil the tiie tin top hs us did alises tit tim rich cannot le ie saiyed ved without charity gi giving to feed the poor when aad and how god requires as well as building there thre are signs in ili heaven earth and anil hell liell the elders ciders niu fiut t know then them all to be endowed with power to fluch their work and prevent imposition thu tho devil knows many signs but does not know the tiie s agn of the lite son soa of man alibi or jeus jens no ona one cail call truly say he knows god until lie tie has handled something and this can only be inthe in the llo Ifo holiest hollest liest of holies nelies II olies mondy monday 2 editorial of the times and sea son aon 11 1 1 the tile temple this noble moble edifice is 13 hnz with great rapidity strenuous exertions are being mide on every hand haild to facilitate its erection iid ild and rid of or all kinds are in a great sta state stale teof of forwardness and by next lull lall we the tiie building enclosed it not the top op stoie stovern rinsed sed with shout ng of graue grace unto it there thema have been frequently ari during ug tile the otiler wwlter tt iter iler as many inny as ina jua ona iua hundred undred li handu andi quarrying irick rock at the barna alq varna time timo multitudes of offers hava have bea engaged ia in tig and in other kinds of labor A company was formed list fall to g ciup up to the pine pitie cou country it I 1 ry to purchase mills mill and p ebare and raw lumber for the tho temple and the nauvoo house and the reports from them tire are very favorable another company has started stir ted thil thu last luit week to take their place and anil to delire those iha hat are already there on their return they are arc to bring a very ar Z e rift of lumber for tile the use of the above halhed houses while ijo lh buy busy multitudes have thus thuy been en ell ili in LI their air s veri vera avocations avo uvo callous calious performing their daily jaily lamorand lab iab labor orand and marking one tenth of their timp limp not ileen peen less forward in bringing in lit their timings qs and consecrations cosec rations for the smie sume s great Abject rf never since the foundation found ilion of thi fhi in church was laid have we seen manifested a greater willi willingness I 1 leness igness it to comply with the requisitions or 1 hovah a more ardent deslie to do the will of god inore more strenuous exertions exertion ris its used or greater sacrifices made than there have leen since the lord said 11 lt let the T tempie temple mple bo be built by the tiie tithing of my people it seemed teemed as though the 11 cirit of enterprise philanthropy and obedience ested rested simultaneously upon 01 oil I 1 and young and brethren mid and ei aters bos buts boa and pirl and evo eve strangers who were not in the chorch church united with an unprecedented liberality in ili the tile accomplishment ment of th a great work nor could the lie adow widow lil ill kiy instances be out of or her lier scanty pitt nice from throwing in ili her tier two mites i we berlat this thi time to tender to all old and youn both hoth ili in the fhe he church and out ont of if it our mi un feigned deigned thanks for their unprecedented lilie iera lera ralio liti 9 1 lun Jun duess diligence and obedience which they iley iles have BO ad opportunely mani manifested rested on flie file iia lie i not that we are personally or individually bene berie fitted lil lit iiii a point of vi vie vir iv but when tiie ilia brethren na its in ii this ihn instance induce 1 shiaw ashow tf unity of purpose end and dem ga and nil till lint put their shoulder li to lie wheel mir care cire labor toil toh alid abol anxiety 14 i materially diminished 11 our yoke joke is made eds and our burden is lialis 11 alitt maise of god gd is one onel conn nott cause ili in which al all they saints are alike interested litterest td ye xo are kil miln ran man bers ibers of the one common bor body lyond and all partake of iha tha same spirit antt anil are ara r baptized unta tie tte ona lie baptism and aud possess alike abke the tho th same samo gorious hope the of tho iho cause canse of god ani aill the thet building up of zion Is on LuSi busi ness aa the only ia on n i called to fl iril one duty and rno an all hir oher her du y but il 11 ow oua hil bil s sli mil li ibe the ambers isaf tir with it and if one oue her ber it io ono nored hil til if ire iro lm lre rest rt rejoice with it and toe tue eye slay say to th emr I 1 have no ned ol f the th e nor mor tiie tile tie hafl hati to tim ilia foot foott I 1 baren barne no ijo ree i of or thee ya af a f ett eti wf it t interests exclusive designs 11 llotd bould be log lo 10 lii lil ili fief ofin of in the orla oria co ninion enuse ITI n iba ibe interest of that thit th whole the wilding ulof zi Z i iia jya ia ause cause aase that thattis aa in ili of G gociu ivery every 11 alp it ia a a th n winch which prop hoss hols 5 priests ond md kafi lith hh peculiar fey feb bw isy bita iw ed forward fac fat lithol liOTTe hoire jy foh fob pro pie pee pta lafi oaths andi gali tn di the sight we an art anthe the favored keople that tint god ilas lias made mada in ade aae ca choice oice olce of to bring abou tile the latter letter day glory i it is is left for or ul u to see in ili mid and help to roll forward the llie latter iatter 1 DV tv glory 11 tilt the dispensation of 0 the falness of times limes when god wilt will gath gallar r together uil ull th thines ints inos that tire fire i a hemen iid ild aud and lid nil things that lint fire are apon the tile earth veu ven even in lit one wh ii tile tiie S or god wil will he iw in onh one roin evev evey eve evev y v uld und and kindred undred and people and tongue vilen wilen lh jews jes v vill ill lil be gathered lo 10 boofter litto ore ote the tile liked naked nuked it ked will also be gathered tc gether together to be destroyed as spoken ol 01 hy by the lite prophets the spirit 0 god will mill also aiso aso dwell with hii hir m people and ha bo w froin from llie lite rest if f the llie nations andall andali arid arld all bil things whether r in it henvit it rr ur on willbe in fit one even in chrit christ the hea bea ea ve ves ly priesthood will unite with the tile earllie eari earl bly lil to bring about those gleat gelt purposes pur poss ai at d hilt hift we e are thus united in in the lle ile lie one cimmon cabe to t rolt rolli the kingdom of god the tiie II 11 evenly mv enly eniy k t l 1 hood are not nol idle the sahit ol 01 god G wil be showered down from above it will dve dwell dwelt ell eil in it our the tile bie ble blessings sings ol 01 tile the most high will rest upon onn one tabernacles and our ilana will lie handed down do n ta to future vs begs our children will nsf bli bi and call us blessed Ll bleed eed audger and yet et unborn will dwell with wilh peculiar pecullar night might upon the sens that we have hive p pissed th roukh routh the tiie pr ovations that we have llave endured the tile r that we have hive mani maui manifested manifest tested rested pd tite lite difficulties fic ullies ll 11 that at we 1 lave havi ave overcome in ilk laving the fo dounda on of a that til tt brought about tile file glory llory and winch ibey ibex will blit rea reh realize lize ilze a work tim lint god and angeli ba have ve A whir iti ill delight for generations past that fired tile llie souls of the tiia ancient patriarchs and aila prophets a work atiat tl at is destined to bring about the destruction deEt ruction of tile the power 4 of tte tiie ren renovation ilva ilya tion of thee theearta the earth arill the elory glory of god and rile tile of tile the fiuman fluman I 1 family 11 C tuesday 3 mostly with w etli iny toy amily s bedri odayl I 1 spent tha the dav eav da ii the of the store I 1 i e in lit my private office 0 so o called because in fit that tivit room I 1 kept my sacred writings translated tran sated ancient records and rec rep revived Ived revelations and in ili my general business bi winess Kiness kamice effice or blodget room ie e where the masonic masonic fraternity hiet ulet occa signally sio nally for want of fi better beltt r place placa in fit council ith general simes jimes adams of ld patri arch II 11 hyrum r S smith n ati bishops Bi bahi hops ps newel K whitney a and I 1 i of G george lr g e A milter II 11 er n and n d P r P s 1 d e r t Brig harn you young ag heber C kimball and wilford richaird Ric nic bird hird I 1 dutruc ting ling them rii fit the tiie principles principle sand and order oath of tile hood attending to ano anoint inlings ines ings endowments and the communication or keys pertaining to the aaronie priesthood and so 01 on to the tilt highest order of pr priesthood lest hood setting selling forth the order pertaining to the tho ancient of DA das dds s and all those plais and principles by any anyone angone one is is enabled to secure the fullness of or those bies bles blessings which laidve been prep prepa red ed for the church of tile llie first born vorn and ond come tip up and abide in he the presence of tile tiie lii iti tilee tha eternal worlds in this tins council wis was instituted the anci ancl lit itt order of things for lor tile tiie first time lime ln lle these last days da ana tile tiie communications I 1 made mada t to 01 tins this council ivere evere were of i things spiritual aay any to be a received only by the spiritual minded and there waa wha was wha nothing madei madel raade ki krown own to thes these men ill but what will ea be made madej known to all the sainta of the last davs days so son s on I 1 as they are prep prepared jred ired to receive unda anja anda Ir arper per ilice 13 prepared to communicate evell even to tile the weakest of tile tha saints therefore let the tile saints I 1 be dili diligent grent in fit building the Tern Teni and wid all hoil holl houses eq which they inva have been or shill shall sh ull ill hereafter he be commanded of god to build and wait their time with ith patience pi oat ont tience lelice in in all till meekness faith and still perseverance unto tha the end knowing assuredly that all these thin things s r referred to in this are always governed by ohp pr of revelation thursday 5 general adams started fer tor sp ingfield springfield and the rema rider lider of the council of yesterday esterday continued their meeting tit atthe the so sanit hll nil place lace and anol mys mt self eirand and brother brollier chrum received in in turn irom ti other the balne mine had hod catch bated to them the tiie day previous the tha city of Ham nam hamburg btag biag the commercial empoe i urn um of germany was destroyed by fue rile about this time priday friday GI the 1 arul in ill wesl the tho I 1 morning rooming aud ami visited who wis sick sn k i t saturday 7 i no the mormon lson L war w ar oni girade bv virtue arder of thee thet rl vav tty 1642 oid old by li lieutenant geu gelt fl eral lopi copl Jo epli pl smith who coinman ded through the thep day one oil year since the ilia legion L gion zion consisted con coln sited of 6 comparille com paille to day dav if of 26 companies amoun boy vot 2000 tron tro n moo mie consolidated tilo illo levion legion with t teiei lades dades lad dad vs partook of a tiar liar anfu antu mg milner at the thet house of the commander in chleo between f I 1 aud and k nm the tras very fiu flu id lit II it P he lgon lson v an as uit rated into ari eri the first t chort uror die uie of genral gen ral rai wili s son soil lawt lived the sconie under mar emerit abas char leis llis C cj I 1 rich at teul oln oin bf Ui aVaro i 34 ti nal ral d af fiting 1 birli ajr it it i atar l t that aik tik ito nver dver dever devur B ver vur faar ou 1 il such eca era th furno anaf luteri inter er 1 tia tva aalt writ pt ghe the in fit i tl tirl dudo mud e o D ciul aaran v it ci ilat ja i i ori Gri bpi mrk ret net OLIV the tho swi soi aad fad A parade pi ride of tile tiie ile lle tic legion upon notice of wl ich ell bi bi I 1 g give given it to general smith sinith lie invitto them thim to partake of tile tiie repast rep sst I 1 prel pre nied as eis above b legion glon gion Ili alliton ll iton tor lu in addition tu t this I 1 would remark tilt tili tit tiie tile day bossed very without drunkenness avise ir ise lse or confusion there thero avda ads ail till immense con cou concourse course of spectator apfl apol inan nam di ottilge rs i abo wio express to fi inucci sa seit sett but one thing I 1 will A ili ill notice I 1 was soh goh clied cled by liy general Ile lie to take cu minand of the cirit cohort cahott dur ilar ng kig the lle tie ile shain sharn battler battier this I 1 declined general B huett next requester me to take triv iriv gation gatlon i i the llie rear of tho the til my dinv inv st ier ff dourng lle ile tile lie but iut lut th if was uis couii couil terie ted by capiali captain A P od of my ruy life G iii lii rd wiio wilo kept close to mv iny side and I 1 chose my my 0 own wn position and if general trite true k fe lingi tul lui wanis me are itro not loot ilia liia iliae e to the tile word woid in ili a vely vels short timp limp thi ulai it dav mal mai he pos possible ihle ible that flip the gen genio genie le brea breathings things of that spirit chih whispered ine on oil ande eliat thern thero 66 mischief co cealey in ili that chidi sli sll silim im bitile 6 ittle itile were vere file false oile a short khurt tinie milo wil mil I 1 tile polut point it let lift jolin johei C bennett answer at the llie day of 0 judgment why did 3 on r quest rile me to commit id one ont on of the tilo Q C borto horto and alno uno to take my almy coition without iny my stift durms the tiie sh sit in lot on oil tile tilo ath of hl majy jy 1642 1842 my liev lif might have llave been the forfeit and no ifland mail have llave knolyn who wiio did ditl tle lite tie det dedi dl tile the fol ful lofting design sit sli shows wa thee the position jn in which the algion lagi on was drawn lip up gen joseph jospph smithy smith staff stamm guarda guards gur aid adies ladies I on lt rs eback i p ft t v bands finds of music n f t MAJ gen J C bennett and S staff ta r B 1 I 1 vvs i f f V f r X f r fc i it f I 1 4 1 k t 1 f rf t t V 1 3 i n t i e S 0 23 0 4 1 T A r a 4 0 3 5 p i A t s e U s s 01 a ra idt n 1 r be I 1 1 4 r ka I 1 4 4 y i f X T v ir qa 1 1 i 0 r J 1 t V jf A af fsr 1 l a P V lo 10 0 f r ti A 1 1 r saul saml xay saz r 7 j f I 1 ka A violent of f an reported 0 flav hav b afen n h t we tik 41 of st ney nol at it 20 0 t tt jaitT anni arfi II 11 atvas also ett elt aist marc bouw Vo uW aal aau caos ini ind placeit from ari ce aa of tit docty oin apfl a aa 6 aiice lance oj of 1500 miles at t silt slit J do C cui thle thlu a ind trad ceoral |