Show sow wi WINTER tfx WHEAT th s intimation mav may I 1 not ba be feces ary for our are generally diligent a and iid ild wide awake sti stil as there IMS his been so great groat a failure in its crops tills tin s sea season it may not be aming to remind some sortie that any step for ma maturing grain grair fas as earty early as possible next season will be of greatt greaten vene Vent fit it is is quito quite possible sible sibie that thit th it many have already own thein their inter winter wheat and others may think thal thai it h 3 nowton late for such sow bow ili iii but bat the first settlers sowed bowed wheat during every in ili the fall fali and winter of 1847 8 and tile the on ola oia affer ence enca that we recollect policing I 1 ng or hearing of was in the time of maturity winter wheat requires less lass Wigi irrigation tion than spring and will often come off I 1 sooner sooner booner which is dow now now of much consequence consequence for 74 I 1 the best economy will ba required to comfortably feed all mouths months until another harvest h arvest |