Show daty crry ITEMS the county court house now heing built in the he lelh ward is rapidly progressing in under the efficient operations of the condrac t ris rif 1 andiew andrew cunningham and rob robert er t burton barton the tile stone ston e basement I 1 is finished and tile hie yr f t 1 workmen n are re rapidly laying buying up the tha rd obies oties it is 45 by 50 feet on the ground Js to b Q two storied above the tila basemen basement tand and the tiia dorme done will rise n lo 10 th e height of 73 feet this building will wim greatly facilitate th the fhe transaction of county lu tu sil sli iness inese less anord abord ample ampie and safe room for record records aud be an ornament to that part of our city the church recorder and historians offices office and dwelling will 41 soan soon be ready for the roof roon it 1 wilfa e a commodious handsome and well fur furi 1 ui shed building and is located on oil the south side of 49 4 shuh 9 1 9 Te nipe pipe street street a short dib dis distance tance S W from Gov Younos new mansion go goy youngs younge Youn You ribs rigs gd lare large dwellen dwelling house just east of an i dd d hi fu cd connection with lus his effice aud and mansion M k iud ind the ilia work workmen merl meri are busily busil engaged in hashing hns has shing hing it A stong stone wall ten eil eli ell fiet act higar hi gli bas baa been bean billt froin from the tha center of or the tile outi libey liber of ofte block norl noil hlo tie the je center cen e t r 01 the 3 d on ha tho cast and pt airia the tha centia cen til or the black ills 1418 otelga 1 I I 1 ed d to continua cont cout laua inua it round rauni until wib wab dahis hah 13 alcied r h 12 at IV r ar keelly feally y fand dand ft nd the lh fruit ia ii go und and undeine undeene fene eine fine floored in ili the we midst abgie bli vii viii I improve inel idel iti aid ald c chivens 1 a are re quietly y pursuing lu suing lile tile wello well weil o ordered virtuous virtuous tenor tenon of the their way hild constantly rt in ill thy tho rb ill li blessings i ol 01 heave li maren edven ii insomuch that wi we are arc arapp 1 ity tty freed from the task of IMs of tho those tio se ge 1 s and aud i which d illand AJ fi I 1 the tha collinns coln colu Q inns Is 91 our mure more civi civilize lizi d J ra cairies rairies iries wa we trust that tilro ih feth and oledie obedience nce uce to the command or the most high nigh such wip wio evir ver ever t ba be the cise aifong all hil tie tle luter day S |