Show NO vanse third thard TI HIRD AND LAST NOTICE to JL those who are indebted to C A E 11 perry by note account are berea hereby notified that from fron eions by last maii mall I 1 shall be obliged to commence suit against all delinquents atta after alter the tiie day of october axt 1 please took to your inheres interests s and save costs 23 at A W BABBITT agent ase age i nt W I 1 JOLLY MERCHANT is s tilla uy alf ing lumber for he be pays the highest marlet mailet price prices ani ilai ilas constantly on hand band and ana for sale a large acdwell and well weil stock of good reasoned Li Lf umber amber lath bangles bickes Pic kes keis keks sec c ac 4 yb NB W L J to be found dally daily at Goddard God dards darda yi auction store East Ease Temple tempie street 28 am I 3 STRAYED 1 I 1 I 1 1 FROM ROM the yard of the undersigned undersigner under signed U nive five weeks aoa agoa small light rel red rex OX filet ale aae years old branded S C on the left horn seany IvAny person ya wh will return said orto ox to the owner or give information inform atlon where he hee may be lound found shall be liberally rewarded 28 at MILLEN ATWOOD NOTICE fihe rhe r HE BUSINESS heretofore ediwn existing i g B between the subscribers under the ther firm of THOMAS PUGH Is this day dissolved by mutual consent and all bu business iness connected with said firm alan will ba be settled by ELIJAH THOMAS to whom persons holding due bills will present them for settlement and all indebted to the late firm are earnestly requited ta tat pay up ELUAH ELIJAH THOMAS G S L city olty sept 9 1855 1835 28 at A T HERE INHERE is in my ir possession os session the following JL ln cattle one dark brown STAG line back white on hips brand on horns it B and E EC C one dark daruk brindled OX a little white on belly beily no brand a light brindled OX oly branded E right horn born also a black booley COW line back white belly brand B left shoulder also a red and white 3 year old HEIFER helfer the owners are ara requested to call prove property pay charges and take ake ate them away ALEXANDER HILL 28 at pound found keeper still creek YOU WILL eind FIND AT AT the VALLEY STORE a choice assortment of dry goods and groceries consist ins trig in part cart of prints domestic jeans ready beady made clothing bioff shoe shoes nato hats cutlery combs sugar coffee ceal teal lia iia tobacco ogi candles candies soap pepper spices acy ncy ac ac ca which I 1 will sell at the lowest prices m country merchant merchants sp tra traders dersy and families supplied at greatly reduced prices six sit dollars and allty of ty cents paid for floury nour and two dollars and twenty five tive cents to or r wheat caup oat butters butteri and other produce wanted u J il G S L city sept 17 IW 23 29 at niron SALE satte A corner lot near the school house hous e in the I 1 st ward of G S L cintr together with the ments thereon alz a good sized well finished story and a hair half adabie houe house a stable cattle cattie rard fard well ac c als ais also aiso q a five acre grass crass lot near the south line of G S L city C alty and FOB FOR rest BENT t A very valuable f farm arat containing about 35 acres of plowed land and a ek ol 01 meadow situated aw in dails davis ciuni county applications to purchase or rent the above named premises can be made to mrs jacob F residing in r the I 1 st ward or to bishop john IV lies hess in farmington 28 tf i I 1 ri OTICE NOTICE ALL A LL business pertaining to THOMAS LA L weilt of farmington navis davis county will alten atten atter alter this dates date be transacted with the undersigned undersigner under signed who la Is I 1 appointed ly by the probate court of davis codute for said purpose and I 1 hereby give notice that I 1 will acknowledge ack no cledge no transaction in any manner pertaining to th the e same done by any other party JOEI RIX sept 10 1855 1835 27 3 at j I 1 G D WATT HAS received a supply of the first vol of the journal ot of discourses those who wish to put themselves in possession of this valuable work had better apply toli to mr fin fir watt farst first house north of mui Mul milliners liners tannery immediate immediately lyp as the demand tur tor it la Is brisk and it will soon be out of print and cannot be had for tor money it pages pases the size of the mil ulf star and bound in lahale half halt calf pa price g rice 27 at C SMITH j EL HAVING f returned from his mission hission will contin continue no the business busine a ot of at the old shop nth wardy ward on north temple street a little west of temple block clocks an ana jewelry repaired I 1 have a good supply of best english watch glasses and materials I 1 will do any kind of 0 work la in my line for we public hands on tithing WAGONS WAGONS WiL wll GONS WE W E llave have for sale i a number of excel lent wagons suitable tir for for tor gener general aluse use also aiso ox yokes chains ac which we offer low for floury flow wheat oats and lumber Z ac 6 tf t T cwilliams CO N NOTICE 0 JT C rf MELONS FOR SALEE S A L E SAYERS begs leave to inform lils ills friend friends aru art antl anil d the public in general that he will have during duran g the 5 e season EP tiSon a good of choice canta I 1 iupe lupe and mountain sweet water MELONS which begill be wall tell sell at moderate prices fresh from the garden to those j who may be pleased to purchase 11 E R SAYERS ward TU the che c pacific 13 exam express gess less co D besign running a regular monthly S r isan between een salt sall laue late city 1 via tia the southern foute route to california tile the kaitera sta staffs tsp tsy asp and ant and ard bhail start their next nest from this city on tho of october letters rad rae and ana parcels wiil will ie be forwarded to their destination without detention social canu caro will be taken ot of all Orders and ard nd In trusted to their care rare KINKEAD CO agent agena and delivery at our store etore 26 0 o D nags nags RAGS nags RAGS ravis TAVIS FAVIS J U W wanted anted immediately any ny quantity of 0 cc cotmon cotton to and z liay rags bags gs which will vill be received at ut the tithing office G S 1 city and the amount credited credit 0 on tithing L nollis HOLLIS GEPSON NOTICE T f AM calf 1 OW opecino OpE ning NINO AT THE JL JL talley store a general assortment of dry pry goods gooda antl anil a a it locales loc ries rles of all oil kinds which I 1 will sell ablow as low agany house honse in the city for cah cab oah wheat and flour 23 tf i johi JOHN jonn 11 clare CLARK NOTICE N 0 TI 71 big B ia c contono cottonwood cot tono d canal danal to be B dc do for the purpose of boating granite to build the thy temple tempie Is being survey surveyed edy edt completion or of all that portion north of little kanyon creek between it 11 and arid its terminus in great salt lake city br levid miltan has been appointed to superintend and to dispose 0 f the lands adjoining 7 tf brigham YOUNG SPI sri SPINNING N neving eving liing W tjalling Tj dyeing 0 ac done allor athor JL ian lan Wool wooi lerk fie Fit fittery tory wool wooi taken to make finto vlot jeans joaq s Pl Pla pia annel annei Sa or blankets on shares shared or otherwise her wise wool wooi grease wheaty wheat flour pork ac ac taken in exchange tor for or cloth cioth blankets lansey ac c at the jordan IV woollen ag factory Cardin idone on usual terms by 6 am i MATTHEW daunt GAUNT STOKE fihe T HE proprietors would respectfully JL inform lle ile lie citizens that the first martof part 01 their train b has as arrive arrived dj and they will exhibit tor for or sale a choice selection of STAPLE merchandize merchandise DIZE in a tew few days they endeavor t to merit the patro patronage nag of a discriminating public J cali call upon us and examine 26 tf WANTED EW I 1 A T T THE 11 DAVIS VIS COUNTY tan JL ner nery witheat flour butter batter aiso also nide and of all ali descriptions salted baited and cured jn jin the shade a also aiso iso oil and grease suitable for lor leather fowhl ch I 1 will exchange boots shoes harness and Saddle leather ieather c I 1 will warrant my leather as good as any manufactured in the Terri torry I 1 also want bark and sumac 23 at Farni higton ju and tind others lers joei icel JOSEPH H HORTON plain and alid orna opa f mental plasterer Plaste reri respect liy ily lly informs those engaged ga ed in building that hab hat he is prepared to take work worx in the iha above abon e line and anil execute the samo same in first rate and a at t very moderate terms orders frola froia the country at attended fe aided to once osce at ff cle tae clemento ments mentO brush kanuf manufactory east temple street open erom arom from 6 am to 7 pm NB ND ceilings whitened and rooms colored 19 SEE bry mry ahr abr ele ege irhe iche ephe I 1 subscriber wishes toenia to engage 9 e JL a good sawyer one that understands the ther business well A blacksmith and a good wood turner can cam also hate bate employment during the tho coming winter upon advantageous terms tenus if application Is alamad madd madg in fit season alcoa niso ilso also 1 I 1 have a house housa and nd lot for sale in the east part 0 of f great salt lake city olty ward for foy further particulars inquire of the subscriber living at thoele tooele or of E smith PM great salt lake city esaus esaias EDWARDS tooele thoele C city olty ity august S t alst sa 6 26 16 lt TANNERY RY fihe fahe subscribers wish to say to the JL public that they design desiga keeping constantly on hand a supply of 61 so sole and n upper leather of the tile best quail quality tys also ready mad made e boots and shoes and are prepared tomake to make to order boots shoes aci acl at the shortest notice from home manufactured or imported leather and will receive in exchange most kinds of produce barky bark bidesky hides bides cattle or cashi an assortment of on hand also a few first quality horse collars the it highest price paid for hides and bark 4 6 months GOLDING fc RALEIGH R fifthe THE subscriber has established the is above business on his premises in the ward vard ard one block north ot of temple block G S L city where he Is prepared to execute orders for such qualities and styles stylee as may be desired J L herwood 0 WANTED in exchange tor for bab bal q otter beaver beavery foxy roxy fox rox minu mint and rabbit pelt pelts ALSO firewood butter eggs pork lard wheat lumber etc 3 tf J aln L tr go gip to ii and winders lali levs MEAT PROVISION JL JL r store east temple tempie st and to their meat market union square where every ivery variety of meats la in their season can be obtained on the most satisfactory terms JENNINGS lennings WINDERS TANNERY Is now in ml full operation where all kinds of LEATHER BOOTS bootsy AD AND SHOES of the best quality can be obtained reasonable I 1 I 1 SADDLERS SAD fiLERS HARNESS MAKERS doot BOOT AND shob SHOE makers yes all who want leather leathery call and see gee our stock stoc we ive want good hydes and skins f fon for or which kt we will give sire a good price ys N B A F FM cDonald mcdonald Is oar our agent at springville persons in utah by applying to him can obtain boot boom shops leather lines ac fcc which be he will always have on hand GOODS OUR UR girst first train of forty six wagons aj loaded with a very full and general of NEW GOODS will arrive here about the dinst when we e shall be prepared to open and offer for inspection and sale a complete assortment of all the various good iq in our line and at present in demand we vve woun take this occasion to toe return turn thanks thank to our ow friends and customers and the citizens in general through out the territory for the very tery liberal patronage extended 4 to lo v during daring the past season fason sf while we shall shail endeavor to merit a cc of their favors by selling good goods at and as its low rates as can le be afforded in this market our onn second and third trains are expected to arrive next manth KINKEAD CO HERDING rahe HE undersigned undersigner under signed 1 take talc this medhod of A to the citizens of great salt lake davis and weber countis counties s that we are making exten extensive lre ire arrangement for herding berding STOCK on the west side of hear bear rives rive in weber county near the mouth month of the file malad malady here here hero the rae ranse Is 23 unsurpassed ty by any in this territory we ire win will take stock to herd at the rate of a cent and a half per day dai reach each head heart and pay all damages accruing to owners through our and for the benefit of those thome residing in this county and the settlements north we propose to recel stock at tin tid stray pound in G S L city olty on the finst first mondor of evera month commencing the ath of An arnt arut nt at sessions menton t i east weber an wednesday swi awl nl at city oil on tim tugs addy following without any extra hark hart for driving to th herd ground KB sheep taken on ghares thares as bay may maybe be agreed upon by the parties IV T F nil ell cogin togia 20 gin gla E H K hanks RANKS ak 40 NOTICE ii L a 3 WANTED faithe forthe for the foundry atthe at the tho public works old dasti Castl ron for which a liberal pry tee V will 19 tt tf r D H wells E E A D S 0 F EVE RY description for FOS sale saleby KT M ta P DR 0 IV N I 1 isa pearl street streety new york tort 21 am N T r hand band and ad for sale at 9 in iny inS y rei rel residence dence 3 2 13 12 1 3 2 blocks brocks west of temple block lv k aich C ma cart arl art be had onlay between the hours of 6 am and anil apin 8 pati parl sitf sitt W 40 STAINES PU alic na notice acce grce IVINS county surveyor residence e sidena etli ath ward north of 0 temple tempie block am 4 am FOIL balle A T salt lake city post 0 O oice osce wice a large cf eyl amount of 3 and 12 cent stamps received by th last laa california mall E SMITH P PM 31 F nob rOB OR salu SAL sar SALE E 1 amules amulet A few good am american i horses and mules also P sew few w prime flat head read onies anses ponies for apply at the deseret storey store or to E TT vau vaa etten ward 7 tt tf WOOL CARDING MY M Y carding cardin 2 machine is now in in suc sue cess lui tot operation on at the sugar Works Bg kanyon cree creek k all those who have wool to card can be accommodated I 1 8 tf ifor FOIL sale SALIC AT T the salt lake city post office stamped envelopes at the following rates three cent letter size at per six sit do do six cent official size at do post Masters Merchants and others othera in n thia this territory terni Terri ton tor C can an be furnished I 1 with any of the above by remitting the r ash 1 E 1 SMITH P r M T ailers luin emigrants ii i and 11 r erel Frei glitters WARD at sandy point nta 1 7 miles west ol 01 rort fori larama La on ve t etma emma main maln in emigration road would ouid inform travelers to ana from the states state arld and the public generally general lr that they will constantly keep on hand at their station a good supply 04 ol 01 fresh animal groceries provisions and general gentral assented merchandise which they will furnish on reia reis onite terms they wai wal will also albo trade for cattle mules ancho and horn hory s sitf WARD GUERR guere guerrier lar iRr V U S maii mail to manti THE ephe subscriber beys begs bers 0 leave to inform L the citizens of utah that the united states mau 1111 coach for mantl manu will leave great salt lake city everi thursday at t 6 am and arrive at manid every sai sa at 6 rpm amy return returning ings ingy will leave mantl every molt ifon day at 6 am and arrive at Q G S L city every widnes day at 6 pm passengers or parcels for union Drapers lehl uhl american fork pleasa pleasant t grove grot e prova palmyra pirson pa n fort ephraim Eph rahn and mantl wiil will be carried on reasonable red rcA terms JOHN jonn DAILY daims apply to col ilose hose stout agent great salt silt lake city july 25 rott lott UNITED UNIT ED D STATES MAILS B BY Y the present arrangements made by the department the malls mails are ara to leave and wad nd arrive at t salt |