Show CHILDREN havi HATE LUNGS this fact is either not known to parents or very little regarded the first things a baby wants is fresh air and plenty lenty of it from the moment a child is born it 4 should have hir air and light and find neither be shut up in a dark room nor have its head covered tip up in a blan bian blankest litt the other morning making my first call on a lady after her confinement I 1 saw a heap of blankets lying in a rocking clifair beside the bed but there wai wat was no baby insight in sight when I 1 inquired for the newly arrived the nurse came and after taking orf off fold foid after fold there at last was the poor little half smothered baby gasping for breath mother and nurse got a lecture that time ime returning inan in an omnibus a pretty woman got in with her heb babe sibe comie completely ev enveloped in its blanket per perhaps it was none ngo of f in my jr business but I 1 think it was the babe has as good 9 a right to breathe and to have the purest air to be had as anybody and as there was nobody else to take its is part I 1 d d madam 5 said 1 you ar are lre mothering smothering that child shie e smiled and shook her head bead she did not believe a word of it you are making it breathe its own breath over and over ver again and no air is fit to breathe but once I 1 am a physician and cant let you make child sick your 41 A she uncovered the babas 1 head it took a long breath and if it had be enold enough to talk and been up in its manners it undoubtedly would have said sald sa id thank you doctor 1 I |