Show by president YOUNG toung sept ISM reported REPORTED BT BY G D WATT concerning the tiie saints in these valleys and those who are abroad I 1 have a few remarks to make the promises referred to by the brethren who have addressed you yon oa this morning are very reasonably they are very judicious they have n promis d to remember the poor in their prayers and before their brethren in zion I 1 have made the saints some promises and I 1 am not aware that thae I 1 have mad inada 3 einy tiny promises to them that I 1 have not fulfilled at least so far ad a I 1 was per concerned I 1 have promised myself that I 1 would plead for the poor I 1 have done it I 1 have continued to do it and I 1 expect to continue ao to plead for the poor saints I 1 have preached in the united states in the british provinces and in the island of great britain and have invariably promised the one blessing viz hard bard labor tard eard hard fare and plenty of persecutions if they would only live th their air religion and I 1 believe they are generally well satisfied that this thia promise lias has been bern amply fulfilled if the saints cannot endure a und and ad endure 0 to o the end they have no reason to t 0 expect eternal salvation j while br brown was speaking of the saints ill lil n england that they would probably be good saints if they were nursed nourr nourished hed bed and cherished I 1 had certain reflections we gather the saints and gather those who are poor what for to bring rl 3 to 10 pass r righteousness i but many many of them turn an and d go to t the he devi devil I 1 will relate before we arrived in winter quarters we held obligations and accounts against the poor saints we had emigrated to america to the amount of about thirty five thousand dollars and that too out of our obrown own individual pockets it was not church money but bat while we were in winter quarters I 1 do not think there could have been tell ten persons persona counted old and young who were brought from england by our liberality Is this fact encouraging ordis or discouraging cou raging the honest poor are still suffering I 1 mean the lords poor but you may take the tile devils poor and the tho poor devils and they will plead a thousand times harder to lo 10 brought out of england to have their feet placed upon upon american soil than the lord lords s poor or the honest poor the devils poor and the poor devils devila will manage to get here while very many of the lords poor stay there and suffer and continue to summer suffer until they lay down their bodies and sleep in the tomb thousands and thousands efthem of them will do this while that portion who call so for help are those who will come here and then go to dle tho devil if there could be any rule by which the honest poor in england could be designated from the dishonest if the wealthy of that nation could draw the line between them allow me to tell you that but few of the honest inhabitants of that C country would summer suffer as they now do for want of the th common necessaries of life what is the cause of so much suffering there why the poor devils get license for begging and beg teg leg from house to house making a speculation of it they beg money bread and clothing clo lhing and then speculate upon apont it and thus abuse their friends and their gifts there are thousands of houses bouses in ensia EnglA kept by beggars as fine houses as there are a re in that country and their proprietors can ride in their coach and four that there are such characters is well known among the people some of the large boarding houses in england are kept by them and they hire men mell women add and children to beg they are licensed beggars the women borrow their neighbors children and carry them out to deceive the industrious and wealthy population and thus they excite the sympathies of and beg from e every v e ry pass passenger eng er going into or coming out of a conveyance 0 and ld perhaps go to their homes lomes twice or thre three times time aday a day loaded down dowa with money this is well known know n by the wealthy but they cannot draw the liae line of distinction between them and andee the hanest poor hence they are tigel to suffer e 1 r tiie tile consequences e W were er e 1 it t not for th this I 1 lc the h worthy poor would on 11 lg fed and clothed dollied in england Eu gland I 1 inthe wealthy or that nati nation on could know the truth they would feel feed the hungry and clothe the naked honest gustand ju stanl stand virtuous virt portions of the community but they do not liot know them and if they give a loaf of bread or a sixpence they tiley expect it Is given to a poor devil this makes them very careful how ho J they give i I 1 f has not a similar di y the alne s aine me effect upon us it has and that is what ibish I 1 wish aboul about for example a mahin manin man mah in england professing to be a latter day saint will go to his brother in the chulch and promise in t manner and call god and angels to wit witness bitne ne and hope he lie may die and not live to get to america if he is not as prompt to hil fil his is word as an angel him back at such a time if lie he will lend him ten enother sovereigns to help heip bim him away hway an ay to AR america k another ank ot kerwill will get five sovereigns ia in the same way another will beg to be allowed to take so much out of a contribution box prom promising rain sing tore to fund refund ii if and Ea saying ying when nhep I 1 get to the where there is liberty libert ilbert alid and get work and good I 1 will remember you my irly brethren and send for you and ind when they get here they forget trail grall this is the way with he the devils poor the lords poor do not forget theli their covenants ibe the devils peor pay no regard to their promises are you afraid the devils spoor will apostatize iam lam iam not afraid oe of it tho iho sooner or later they will wili they may bang on to the church for five fire ten or wr twenty years but by and by when they cannot endure what the lord will bring upon them the abe they Y will falter and fall and go by the board ft i now this Is discouraging g in g to every man who lias fins been punctual to his word and done just as ho hi e said he be would your yon will find men in england eggland i who have saved out of their hard earnings at ten shillings per week five pounds or ten pounds handing it out as freely to their brethren as water to drink saying 11 go to america now nowland ana nna and you will w ill lil help me cut bat but the these semen men forget their word words and when uben they have means they tie up their purse strings before they will bestow their charity upon those who have llave assisted isted them thelm do I 1 receive promises ye men will nill promise me saying 11 if vou you you will let me go out ont this year by the means of the P E fund I 1 will refund the means again that you ou may mayi mayl laga iara it to send back for more 91 and what will they do when they get here steal our go orf off with them to california and try to steal teal the bake kettles frying pans tents and wagon covers alid and will borrow the oxen and run away with witti them if you do not watch them closely do they ail all do this no but many of lof them will do I 1 it we checked a number this year who were trying to run away with the wagons instead of or paying their just debts to the fund they wil will hing hang n on and plead poverty and sickness and say t that a t they cannot live unless they have hav ethis this tent or that and when they get pet it into their possession they will never return it unless they are compelled to r this conduct is discouraging to ns us I 1 will tell lell you a little further it is 13 actually the faltering and misgiving and misdealing mis dealing of persons that prevent the gathering of the lords poor and that is gods truth were it not for that the saints would be gat gath gathered heed beed by scores of thousands it is the wicked the half hearted and whet I 1 call hickory liick ory mormons cormons that prevent a in extensive cre ere gathering of the saints i we have done pretty well this season and quite a number are coming out and I 1 will tell you yon how this is operating upon me and the people it is well known that we annually handle a large amount of means and that we turn it shift it about until it will answer the end for which items it was designed I 1 i I 1 now I 1 can ask the world this one question were we ever eier in your debt and refused to pay you and they will all answer no we can turn to the saints in Engl engi Engla englard abd had fad Fr france aiice alice america I 1 or anywhere upon the face of the whole earth and ask them have you lent us money or means of any kind and we were not on hand band to I 1 pay you and they will answer 11 no when br erastus snow arrived en on the of this month he came in the morning and informed me that he had run me in debt nearly sand dollars be he said sald 11 prest you youngs name is as good as the bank my aly name has been used without my consent convent or without my knowing anything any thing about it and our agents have llave run us in debt almost fifty thousand dollars to strangers mereha mercha merchants ints cattle dealers and 1 i our brethren who are coming here bere 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 will tell you a little about the brethren wy to show you the amount of confidence i 4 there is is I 1 i there are men who have lately arrived in town who have a draft on me and who han haw hunted me up for the cash before they could fi fim time to shave their beards or wash themselves saying I 1 I 1 have a draft on you at ten days fifty fiat days or six months sight ps s the case maybe be with please pay so and so brother young g can an not you let me have the money imir iti jo I 1 do not know how I 1 can live wit bouth boutU or gl along with my business at all this is the k kew hew of some men have in me I 1 wanted invented t na name methis this why because I 1 am hunted busted 4 I 1 am a like one that is their prey ready to b devou devoured reZ I 1 i mish wish ish to give yon one text to preach u upon freig this time henceforth do not fret iret thy gizzard m will pay you when I 1 can cari end not vot belore before byj hyl I 1 I 1 hope you will wili ill ili apostatise apostatize if ou on would ra r do it r it is the poor who have got your money moncy if you have any complaints to make make ws eln ein against the almighty for having so many manat P I 1 do not owe you anything you have myca i attached to the paper to help the poor wh egr they are the lords poor the tho devils poor 2 rpy r devils is not for me now to judge ht T brethren that they may understand what kind of sacred confidence have inthe leade pe ople opie tha th oi I 1 am F happy to say that casesi ahe ate few rl 4 would woul aibe albe be ashamed to join a people organized a as we are and be afraid to trust their leader it has just come into nto my mind how howl the brethren can be relieved of their present dilemma viz every soul of you come forward and make a donation of those drafts to the P E fund that will vill relieve you of the debt at once aud you can then sit down and enjoy yourselves and lay down and sleep contentedly this is is pleading for the poor again and ano I 1 am bound to dp that I 1 will tell you what J 1 have done for I 1 know that many of the brethren think that I 1 am building in myself up I 1 am but le let iet me metell tell teil you yon that if I 1 do 0 not build up the kingdom of god on earth I 1 never uever expect expect to bo be built uj up and I 1 would not gi the ashes of a rye ryo straw for any auy man manin in this thiis kingdom or for all hla hia substance who does not build it up and gather means for tha thal purple purpose it is true I 1 gather a great deal of substance around me I 1 am obliged to dd doit dolt it I 1 cannot shun it I 1 must feed the poor I 1 must clothe them and take care of them I 1 I 1 must see that they have house bouse and when they get so as to deserve them they must have a team tt watch a farm etc and must increase but they must work and pay for it all you know I 1 preached you a short charity sermon last sunday i 1 1 I am not now preaching for the poor in england but for utah poor and in utah no man is deserving or woman either of fifty or even twenty five cents worth of flour of a piece of meat a garment or the possession of any property without they pay for it with their labor libor if they are able that is for utah not for england france ireland etc it is plain to you that circumstances actually compel me to do as I 1 do do I 1 feed my hundreds yes I 1 have fed them ever since I 1 have been in these thesa valleys ever since I 1 could raise the grain to do it which I 1 have alwa always s done until this year and have ha e bad had a great de deai deal a to spare besides I 1 collect means around me the poor must have it and I 1 make them work and arid pay for it that makes anake d me wealthy and I 1 cannot help heip it I 1 have property for sate safe and say if any man in england or any where else wili will expand his fils heart and loosen his purse strings to buy sixty two thousand dollars worth of my individual proper property tr I 1 have it at for raie sate to heip helo hel hei the poor I 1 do not want it dis troyed or or to go into the pie hands of a mob but I 1 want it to go to tiie the building up of the kingdom of god I 1 would prefer to iet let it go into the hands of the saints and use it to td pay off those who have crafts drafts against me here ig Is bro duei duel he has a good house and lre there are many others other s go and buy their liro property perty and they will take your drafts abd hand them to me there here many voices were heard in a low tone saying 1 yes take my pro perty 11 I 1 hear such res responses t on every side because they know me and understand mormonism as they ought go and throw out your draft drafts it is better for you evou to do this than tn to have the money and let if go to destruction and perhaps you ou with it how many scores have this kingdom who have mourned themselves to death because joseph had bad five dollars of them and yet they would let their money go into the hands of the enemies of christ and sit lown iown calmly abil say siy 11 tho thol I 1 have lost that thai money I 1 am in the kingdom of god yet if it is absolutely necessary and circumstances cannot bs be controlled to keep the flie money poney from going into the hands of pur en enemies emles we ye v will ill not whine about it but let it go and then get more alt all cash means that are in the hands of this should be kept there for the benefit and convenience i of the kingdom of god what for to ro roll on the work of the last days gather the saints preach the thin gospel build up cities and tern temples send the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth V and dr revolution the whole world you vu who have got those braf drafts is wall walk up no like men of god dod and see here where you can PU purchase rebate property instead of taking the money to put in the handsol hands hand of some poor apostate ap os tate who wants abts to go to california dare ariy army any of you come and buy property I 1 can fi furnish finish as much as you can buy my housein house on the hill yonder I 1 have advertised it for sale and also idso my lands and barn I 1 what do you ask for W it sixteen thousand dollars it is worth that and a great del deal more inore for it actually costa more can any of you buy it walk up and buy my beautiful situation on the hill and I 1 will put the proceeds into the perpetual emigration fund if you will pay me meth the money and gather bather the saints the lords p poor lor bor and the devils poor and the poor devils and when we tee have got them here we will make saints of them if we carf can and if we cannot we will cast them out of the kingdom it the brethren ali nil felt as some do the perpetual |