Show I 1 M r i X U bo REMARK ON tile TIIE C l i M 1 I 1 ars S L chiv set 1 r OF or DESERET DEARS deans krsta lIl iru bly aly engagements en casements of late 1 itte kte tte having been very numerous awl anit I 1 unusually T have not had t to 0 comte a it regular monthly deport as heretofore I 1 enclose how pow ever a condensed summary I 1 of the numbe cumbe r of case funder MY care since june bg and as the the great majority have hive been casel easel of the prevailing epidemic bowel cono coco ats and sore fore eyes with the usual casualties I 1 0 net think it necessary nece graty to occupy your space space apace with a detal detailed iid lid account of individual cases i yeti yd Ti i the death which haye have occur reri reil have bave been ifer indeed ind Ini etri considering the general prevalence of this sickness which I 1 am happy to sat say ed r ij Is now rapidly g and aid we have abundant cabie to rejoice and give glo gio glory lo 10 loi eipl af that the of the th de aroner Is chils la in a measure on behalf of this people whilst pet lence leace ledie leace hii war var and famine are desolating th tit nations of the eirthi tit liT i 1 with regard to cholera I 1 have halve long for the tb benefit of the saint faint journeying hither I 1 to 0 iupps tipsi I 1 their minis minds the important fact that this creade d dis dle aas ase age 0 Is not in any degree contagious nor Is it bauml by any of the laws which regulate other disease diseases i but I 1 that it at I 1 fears tears tear fear anxiety and distress of mind bind 1 digue digua and iosa loss loskot of r 41 11 which too frequent frequently li mad tn to the use of tend director direct ir io bring the boti anly under bis his dl d 9 t ense inse w when E n abro abroad aPin la any particular locillia an aj th other hand land a fann finn the power gour goun pod god strong alth and in the ordinances 0 ot the gospel with w ith a diligent dill gent observance of the counsel he has wen given vf in matters pertaining pertain ingo lo 10 our health he althy will ma most t till fill 1 assuredly ssu reuler renier us mi pro of against all the efforts of the aw y i d lestro est 1 roy toy yu us cr 50 ab nb I 1 1 As to the treatment of this disease nath ph more nore simple art first wash the bodyl aija clean cisan n and 1 the 14 1 ordinance f anointing and laying on of hand fiands az the patient perfectly still stil and Aud abstaining front fronk tali Aall bell i kinds of food or even drink hil ill ink and especially tho the lord dord has told ps jap arp are uch ucb as ashot bojied nd 6 1 drinks lianor we are told 11 cis ili ll not for the belly beliy e but for the tac washing of the body apply it then outwardly djou will wili and so also autard and cayenne drafts to I 1 theato mach magh cb the spine pine s and the bathing the I 1 be head bead and in it robbing the limbs with spirits will alsoc also aiso dt good ngod 11 n lai lal niese these simple means used jn faith toi toj the tha word of the lord y ul genially gen rally be oe successful without I 1 tb tho the aid of any medicine buchis the practice adric adv and filow and hundreds can to its tB cacy t 11 of or these have die dic 4 1 one a ail all sunk mair chronic dysentery one died in consequence ot of an at the ecat being youns young children tour r or vr r r FRANCE sur bonz 1 it |