Show E correspondence i T LOS lq VEGAS from eidar john steele to elder geo A smith los lot V GAS territory of new kew mexico 1 July 5 there Is a desert or of 65 miles miles to crobsy crow after you leave the or muddy before arriving at thia thin place at the distance of ta miles there is I 1 some bunch eris grass gris and lo 10 all appearance therb ml might habo be water w ater found by digging wells mells melisand and waha joien talking of doing that for th the e coomo dation of travelers aut but it will be attended with expense tx pense as the workmen would have to haul their thein th ti r water nearly 30 emilei for their use while engaged in ln me operation lir leech leee the thi mall contractor froin troia california a told me Is li would give one hundred dollar dollars to help to open tiie tle well congar nope hope twenty dollars for lor the iha pape pate idanie purpose and ind aff net doubt there are many more who would brailly subscribe means meana io 0 help lo 10 bring tiring orth torta a spring pring ot of water on the desert I 1 would say that the hie road in frit anani many places Is greatly improved fluce sirce I 1 was vas on it in 1353 but I 1 assure you thera there Is yet room for improvement in i ent I 1 will now describe our location locatto nj we are situated about as a near in the centre of a valley or basin us its can be W is valley vailey iley CO 60 miles ion ton b 30 wide wid C 9 on a ix little stream which ilses about three miles above our ow camp the bead beed are about 25 yards ards long and about 10 wide 1 boll 1 leg lag up most beautifully tully fully there are two forks as you may bee eee on the latitude 35 36 longitude the astrea stream in Is about 3 feet wide and 15 inches deep having a io tolerable lerable alft swift current shewa the water ter Is not as heavy as the waters of creek in iron county but I 1 carfa calfa can ssuie you that it la is ft a refreshing beverage for those who may be traveling with slow ox trains for th the space ai of thirty iilo hours there la Is none can realize how bow good rood a thing a blessing Is those who are deprived of it after aft arrivI arriving lii iii here we surveyed purveyed some gardens carden and mir rna raa survey of fifteen five acre that it would bs ba enough lor for or us this year as there Is a great rail pati tIti of meri mett luite lutte brush on lj 11 ahls abis Js a bush bolh bol boi h with as s many brickles prickles pr ickles s on it tt as the kloct locust t tree and resembling the hawthorn mno plowed and watered made ditches dIt chebo cheso bridges and fencel about one hait halt of our field with this nis quite brush cutting ani and d hauling it to the lines leaving the tops topa wattward wt outward and it makes a good fence we herd berd our stock through the day and guard them thea and the camp at night i we weara wears a a very buby buly busy makin a corral eight rods wide vide and IM feet jeet alongside the t h a fort tort which ach 19 laid out feet biu blu tiu are lre on a beautiful spot on the california roady road on an eral enal cral eminence nence that 01 overlooks erlo erio oles oies the yali vall vally y to the south east and north but cannot be seen until you get within three thre hundred ai yards of it coming from the west wt we received considerable assi assistance tance tanca in our surveying frait from troa brother T DI D brown who was here at tit that time in company pany of cap capt rufus C callen alien allen mr peter shirts sir lir mr luddle tuddie tui yul lUl dle die andar and mr Haske hasten 13 on an exploring trip on the opio colorado we have hav e no instruments here for making survey surveys sJ ikiko and wo have to do the best list we can without them I 1 will now tell teli abu shout our exploring for timber ight of us started in company with president bringhurst Bring burst hurst and aid mr david ravage savage the mall carrier carri carrl erf ert and his company on tuesday of juls july started at 3 and arrived at the cottonwood springs about eleven at night 7 ia a distance of 25 nal ral mies iles lies found good gool feed but had traveled little afo tho far fkr tar far for water there Is cottonwood and ash bere heres here and we found next morning plenty of the best of water the country around here looks as it if the lord had forgotten I 1 US 14 the mountains are very ery cry high some as high as n no thou thousand and feet feit of sandstone standing up edgeways som 8 seem to lay tar in regular strata bot tait tyr fyr lir the most part they seem as ell ill disjointed fragments fragment ome some standing out in bold defiance of the parent rock herk here we found some of the scattered remnant irae trae I 1 tay they would upon the hig big bist mountains mounta ins and hullow bollow them sent us usa a present of aln nuts ly i a young indian that abat we ne hi hindalong hid dalon along for fora iora a guide next nest day traveled trave traye ltd lid along the tase base of ot the mountain find found A plinty plenty ale ltv of f waher water in ln seeps tb that at no doubt desce ild iid from tle top ot of tho the mountain rocks la in the thel wel wet ct season and nd up through the san sar vand vadd d at length camb cams to a kanyon some ten miles north porth of the california road and found SO 83 or 00 90 trees varying from si ii inches to two and a hil hll hilfert halt half feek feet some efthem of them were yere bixl ill trees rees but lint most of them were ere not first rate our informed us that thal that was all ali the jimb timber ft in the ci vl cantry itri Atri we told him that e M wanted anted to go aid ald se see some more timber but bensaid it was a great and ad there was no near neaT ne T at hand band I 1 I 1 att atter after r looking at the shape shapo of the mount mountains atris airis and iud jud judging mang g tot ourselves our oun selves silves ives we found the nearest point for the next timber was to start home and at r ome some convenient eibon elbon eaon start start starl azain and mak mat forthe for the snow enow appa capped x lioun aoun woe in the north west pest of the valley vailey probably a distance of bl 50 mys myc after irrl arriving at att the helios los les geralt we hound round the di davice ta the timber tobe to be over 6 20 bailes f fifteen miles hard road gravel grav and rocks and an the rest rt gand rand good feed at the fi timber tuber alil bill enough water to water teams As to tle tl health oi of t the e camp it is Is tolerably good with tte tto exception of or a general Via eak rak kniss nesi the brethren not noi not be leu les abl 4 ty work halt half as hard as they us usa d to te reason st of this Is in ibe the first place the brethren hayz lars worked very hard to raise corn ac hearns learns the news that all the lat crop crops Is besth yd yeo at home honie and in ia the ws next place pl tee goo the weather Is very hot hoti and not nop having alph sul suitable sult suit table tabie airi alil clot ciot hiu blu nt fot for lor the season and the lat lau and a nd reison reason lith I 1 iq jbf 0 o have nothing mth oth arith A veny very jew att wit v alons tons ions tn to pit git eat cat but ery ert try rr bread idd ind fer fin drink and tir fir a 2 chan a they have waler macer and awl bread as are in an a 9 ly y dry nat H t still trill xun xum are a C dlf dif lurn lurl lura ad forwe hope for bel bet helter belter ter tini ajr jar rf I leati I eai eal an sul 1 if we dont dant I 1 ro v tu to 01 ol it nav naf be r mi orl cluid n wil wll win MII s a grig grit rt rate nin ift t mong mone the they have not rot stolen ven len fpm fam fr ms m ct tkebi tanio anio t rather dud bud aa ay thy blaye been achot drove away foft lii ili ihl 11 1 i 1 of tae the passing pas sli emigrants wit who 0 havie bavle jhel jmel ix en hintta tl bau ran au r vann kanj T ar they wah wap show TA Us the ike hunot 1 ai ingsby ian rd notel not noi wl oppi tte tte ide ite men 1 a and ia kh ft hns hus no tty ity a nd 11 baab t I 1 lii ili A A d I 1 q w linzs P a national nat lonar ionar capacity on the fourth h of july we a made pre pr atlon lops to tit celi cell brate and ip intend wadid li it justice accord ne to our situ situation lAtion I 1 waa wag appointed to take the chief military which I 1 did wn ittu I 1 at the dawn of day lay the avi a answered werd for pan gan cannon and many a volley of musketry gave gate the iid ilo natives to know that smet bing was wait ill tit ii next wis WAS wag to hoist holst the stars glara and ki tripo u idich by the bye tye we had to moann roann facture I 1 went to ti to tork k a piece of chah chab vir bia tj it itla in stripes striper end pot got conre ted fed flA fid rinel tinel I 1 acre ture ibre it in cripps Hr ipei I 1 took sonie brile anade stars start thi iland ihl ly by ib h ass loance of or Lr tills voster foster erard ezard ard rini nuli t I 1 hid lud a very viry very niom nice little flag flap ry rady tr fir flying bya lalock inthe lathe othro othi irs i wert weft preparing k A mast and as we had nu no good timber ve we got cut a mesquite tump stumpy a falite false wagon 11 and a I 1 tall willow an and d mad made a pole 30 10 eit fryt agli r kout out our I 1 va als at the chuml of ahe gubb rubb pave gave three heersi heerse I ld id d y 1 president Bring hunti hunts and rt r 9 red to the bowery and atter after I 1 rainy spIrItO tp eche song soup ani joao loas by prayer and anil as this is the day lay after afler th h hah of july juit jiin I 1 11 i I 1 a word ord about it lis lit it has lias been cl boated eb mated rated nm arding I 1 to our aw r 1 had a jearm learn of oxen and worked very hard bard all day in fencing to keep the fortock out or the C d id tit i i while white others were busily engaged in locating our corrar corral and doing other public work necea irr irv |