Show nee REE REESES SES NEW STORE J E REESE would inform the citizens of the valley and its vicinity that his trains of goods have all arrive arrived d and his FULL STOCK will be opened for sale on MONDAY OCT we would particularly invite the attention of our customers and the public generally to our large and select assortment of cloths claths Ve stings counterpanes Counter panes tablecloths table cloths room paper clocks boots shoes hardware and fancy goods of every description which we will sell at fair price prices to suit the times W we would be pleased lead to SEE ser our friends friendt and to let iet them see SIE our goods and if they chef feel disposed to purchase we shall be pleased to sell J E REESE oct 17 Y t f sheep for sale for sale sheep som sorna fu full blooded saxony term cash for further part particulars ic ulars call on the subscriber and look at the tile sheep BRIGHAM YOUNG GS L city oct 4 1850 17 t f the subscriber will run a carriage for tile the accommodation of visitors to tile tiie bath rath house and for tor other occasions when convenient i e n t J LYTLE aug 24 1850 1850 OCT 31 days flewm new al ath ah morn F n w a 0 02 C J first Q ah ism eve 0 2 full pull M eve q flast last 0 1 lih ah eve it I 1 signs s R n sets H R 1 tu heart 6 8 5 52 1 11 2 aw W 6 10 2 21 3 th bowels 6 11 5 49 5 2 33 4 fr 6 13 5 47 4 45 5 S reins 6 15 5 4 45 sets 6 F 6 gig 16 6 23 7 M loins 6 17 5 43 6 57 8 tu 6 19 5 41 7 33 9 W thighs 6 20 5 40 8 12 lo 10 th 6 22 5 38 8 54 11 fr knees 6 23 5 37 9 41 12 S 1031 13 F 6 26 5 34 1125 11 25 14 AT legs 6 28 5 32 mom morn 15 tu 6 29 5 31 0 21 16 W feet 6 31 5 29 1 19 17 th 6 32 5 28 2 17 18 fr pr 6 34 5 26 3 18 19 S head 6 35 5 25 4 18 20 P 6 37 5 23 5 20 21 M neck 6 38 5 22 6 22 22 T 6 40 5 20 rises 23 W 6 41 5 19 tb arms 6 43 5 17 8 07 25 fr 6 44 5 16 8 58 26 S breast 6 46 5 14 27 I 1 F 6 47 5 13 11 01 28 M heart 6 48 5 12 morn 6 50 5 10 oos 30 W bowels 6 51 5 9 ilg 31 th 6 52 5 8 2 29 TO THE proprietors of the big field west of JORDAN ORDAN abelow fc BELOW THE BRIDGE A A T a meeting of the proprietors a sept it was voted that each proprietor having ditch fence set off be required to complete the same by putting on two poles in a good and abid workmanlike manner by the first day of nov next and should any be in default the committee may cause the same to be completed and the land so fenced may be given in in payment A P clerk G S L city sept 30 1950 1850 17 NL t f C AT C kly kiy VICAR watchmaker JEWELLER all kinds of jewelry manufactured to order also all kinds of clocks watches and jewelry carefully repaired and warranted shop in ward at jesse Tur turp pins ma dwelling GOLD PENS A superior article fur aie ale sale by G S L city sept 13 no t f r livingston KINKEAD inform the citizens of this city W and vicinity that their first train of merchandise has arrived and will be open for inspection spec tion and sale as soon as possible at their NEW STORE STORK immediately south of the state house WE offer to the community a large and general assortment of GROCERIES HARDWARE GLASSWARE LEATHER BOOTS SHOES HATS CAPS PAINTS OILS dye STUFFS our stock of DRY GOODS com comprises pries all the styles of ladies dress goodsin goods in silks worsted and other fabrics lace goods shawls and all other fancy articles together with a complete assortment of the more staple goods we invite particular attention to our beautiful stock of BONNETS RiB RIBBONS noss boss and TRIMMINGS 9 also our large stock of INGRAIN THREE PLY and BRUSSELS CARPETING and augst hugg HUGS PAPER HANGING and wix SCREENS we do not care to make any public bubli protestations te 2 of our intentions other than t we will always endeavor to DO what we promise basing our claim for patronage upon the PRICE and QUALITY of our goods ALSO for SALE a first fint rate cai in good order IT E our second train will arrive in about ten days when we shall have for sale head of work cattle G S L city sept 1850 1830 JL motice notice the undersigned undersigner under signed have taken a herd 15 miles vrest west orthe city on a new and beautiful rince rinse therefore all persons persona having stock which they want herded this fall and winter would do well to bring their stock to the bath house as the proprietors are prepared to drive from that place on saturdays at 9 A M I 1 W al W F CHERRY sept 1850 lanta I 1 W AT ANDREWS AT D PHYSICIAN SURGEON iante of the U S armr ARMY 0 rF ERS ens his professional services to the citizens of this place in the practice i of f in all its ita v various ariot arlot s brandies office offic rin in the tiie west angle of the old yort fort F vt cyc cit cic T S williams Willia S at M blair S I 1 luce lure elers S M D G S L C city sept goth AW 1651 aw 4 |